The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 16, 1897, Image 3

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SOME FINE SERMONS Scholarly Presbyterian Divines Delight Large congregations. IDEAL NOVEMBER. WEATHER SUNDAY Each Church Thought It Had the Best ■Preacher -All the Ministers Departed Yesterday Morning. Sunday was an ideal November- day. The air was redolent with the fragrance of the fall time, and as balmy as u May day. All nature invited mankind out of doors. With the knowledge that the pulpits were to be filled with the scholarly and eloquent Presbyterian divines it is scarcely to be wondered at that Romans filled the churches to overflowing, All were pleased with the sermons they heard and it is utterly impossiole to say where the best sermon was preached. By a rather remarkable co incidence the preachers at the three First churches chose their texts from the eighth chap ter of Romans. The pulpit of the First Presbyterian church was occupied by Rev. J. H. Pat ton ,of Marietta, who was the modera tor of the Synod. The church was well filled and he delivered a splendid dis course which was higtaiy complimented by all who beard it. His text was from Romans vin, 38. Dr. Patton is a very learned young man and a brilliant fu ture is predicted for him. In the afternoon the church was filled to overflowing at the Sunday school mass meeting. Owing to the large at tendance it was held in the main audi torium instead of the Eosalie Clark Memorial ehapel. Addresses were made by Dr. Marion Hull, Dr. R. R White and others. It was a very interest ing meeting. At night Dr. E. H. Barnett, of At lanta, preached a very able sermon. At the First Methodist church Dr. J. W. Walden, of Athens, preached a sermon which highly pleased the large congregation. The church was crowded with many ladies and prominent citi zens. Dr. Walden who went from New Orleans to Athens preached a very mas terly sermon from Romans viu. 18-28. His general topic was regeneration. He brought out indisputable proof of im mortality. The pulpit at the night service was oc cupied by Dr. F. H. Gaines, of Decatur, president of the Agnes Scott Institute. At the First Baptist church it was claimed by the large congregations present that they heard the two best sermons of the day. Dr. Plunket. of Augusta, preached at the morning ser vice from Romans vni, 28. Rev. Theron Riee, the brilliant young Atlanta divine, preached at night. The Baptists say that they were two of the best sermons they ever heard. At the other churches excellent ser mons were heard as follows: Rev. Chalmer’s Frazer preached at the Second Presbyterian church. Methodist* Second church.—ll a. m., Dr. J. B. Mack; 7 p. m., Rev, A. J. Smith. Third church.—ll a. m., Rev, C. H. Hyde. East Rome.—ll a. m., Rev. C. C. Carson; 7 p. m , Dr. James Stacey. North Rome. —ll a. m., Rev. J. H. Alexander. Baptist. Second church. —ll a. m., Dr. S. L. Morris; 7 p. m.. Rev. N. B. Mathis. All the visiting ministers and dele gates left on yesterday’s trains. They expressed themselves as highly pleased with Rome and the hospitality extended to them. ROME CLUB’S GOOD WORK. A Tribute From the Dalton Argus to Our Woman’s Club. Miss Sylla Thomas writing in the Dalton Argus says: Like a chorus of happy voices comes back the echo of the many meetings in that sunny court room in Rome. The voices of women who have wielded the Good Ib essential to ffißfe ■ • health. Every nook I AAfl and corner of the BiV I system is reached by the blood, and on its quality the condition of every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. n:il~ cure Llver Uls; easy to lIOOU S rlllS take, easy to operate. 25c. Mother’s Allay»N«v mUI HUI 9 ousness, re- Friend Nausea, and so prepares the system that the time of recov ery is shortened and many say “stronger after than before con finement.” It insures safety to life of both mother and child. All who have used “Mother Friend” say they will never be without it again. No other rem edy robs confinement of its pain Book “TO EXPECTANT MOTHERS” mailed free, containing valuable informatien and vol untary testimonials. Th« BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO, ATLANTA ,G A. •OtO NT ALL ORUaaiST* AT SI.OC PER aOTTLb Influence of their lives in behalf of woman and her native stats, in the cause of education and humanity. And possi bly it may be apropos to say, just here, that the idea that has gone abroad in the land, to the effect that club women are tending towards suffrage is a mis take—a grievous mistake. Os the many representative women of Georgia, who were heard in the balls of justice, not one tended toward '‘new womanism’’— each and every ous was a type of the Southern womanly woman. The women of Georgia merely realise their equality in the mental scale with their brothers, and ask for recognition, not at the polls, but in scholastic halls. Then the vast work of humanity the women of the state are carrying on— hew it thrills one, like soft chords in a minor key. For evidence of this work, is the Emergency Hospital and Free Kindergarten carried on under the man agement of the Woman’s Club of Rome. I cannot help but recall the visit we paid these charities. “Into the wards of the whitewashed halls” we went, where cleanliness and order reigned supreme. One room of the hospital is kept up by the family of a Mr, Johnson, another is aided by the Baptist church, one helped by Rome's brave firemen, brave in charity as well as spirit, and a fourth room is supported in part by the Pres byterian chnroh. “What a noble work you are doing,’’ I said to a pretty little dark-eyed woman. and she replied: “Oh. it is my life!” and irom the bright smile given herby a small frail little patient in one of the wards, I knew her words to be true. The Free Kindergarten carried on in the Pansy Chapel, each Saturday after noon, is another “free-will offering” from the woman’s club. There the tiny mites, released at four o’clock from their factory work, are taught. There they first learn the tiny, infant steps in the great walk of life and knowledge, and many, too. first hear of a Saviour at “teacber’sknee,” While this great work is being carried on. no one could say: “Oh, the rarity of sweet Christian charity—God’s holy power of love!” If Rome is an index of the good deeds being done by the federated clubs of Georgia, I can only say: “May the Geor gia club women live long and well!” BUCKLEN’B ARNICA SALVE. she best salve in the world for outs or bruises, sores, nloers, salt rheum fever sores, tatter, chapped hands, chilblain corns and all skin eruptions and posi tvely cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisijctioE or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists, Rome Ga For the next sixty days the ladies of Rome can get their dresses made below any cash price, I will complete with any other dress-maker in style fit or price. I have thoroughly skilled help this season and Parisian designs, Mrs, E, H. Smith 409 E, First street. Rome, Ga, DURHAM Has i WO DEATHS. Mar<i«rer In le«i to Take a Done of In <>wt* 'leciicine. Durham N 0., Nov 15. —lu East Durham, a negro named Henry Green went to the home of Sa Hie Lassiter, a negro woman, who is a tenant of R. O. Scoggins, and for some reason shot and killed her 10-year-old son and fl-td. Scoggins got his rifle. au<i v. ith two companions went after the murderer. When they found him Green turned toward tnem ami reached for his pistol, whereupon bcoggins snot and ktl.ed him. Scoggins surrendered himself to an officer, was given a hearing before a. magistrate and released. Wifely Devotions. “Poor old Muuuynch! With one leg in the grave. " “Yes, but his young wife is pulling valiantly at the other one. ”—lndian apolis Journal. On June 12. 1755. upward of 2,400 salmon were taken above the bridge in the river Tyne and sold in Newcastle at Id and 1 L 4 d. per pound. Most of the canal barges in the south of England are worked by women. To Cura A Cold In Ono Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. r£l« ROME TRIBUNE. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16. 1891 SLAP AT OFFICE SEEKERS. A Hungry Horde Who Feed on Official .Pap. Atlanta, Nov. 15. —Quite a promin ent editor of the state was standing in the Kimball House lobby last night watching the throng of men and the ac- ; tivity of candidates for office. He grew reflective, and finally remarked that he wished it was so ordered that we ’“could ' get back to the Arcadian days of forty years ago when office sought the man and the man did not seek the office. “It’s lamentable,” he observed, “to witness all the scrambles, this slate mak ing and wire pulling and to see, and know and feel that the men engaged in it are seeking the high'.st offices in the gift of the people of Georgia. ■ Just think of how our judges and prosecuting officers of this day are elected and of the combines, trades, promises and the like they make, and are obligated to make, to be elected to their places. I remember some years ago—not quite forty years ago—some fifteen years ago an election for a judge of the supreme courts of the Gcmulgee circuit was pending before the Georgia legislature and all of tbe candi dates for the place were on the ground, in Atlanta, save one. That one was judge Augustus H. Reese of Madison. He was urged to come, but be declined and finally wrote a letter, which found its way into print, giving his reasons for not appearing at the eapitol. Ido not re call the exact phraseology of his let ter, but he stated that the office of a judge of the supreme eourt was one of dignity and importance, that be held it to be in sued high repute that he could not consent to go to Atlanta and engage in an unseemly struggle for it. It was, in his judgement, an office that no man could fill acceptably and conscientiously unless it was given to him by the people unsolicited and without bargain. '‘Judge Reese is now dead, but I do not believe, ” continued this editor, “that his noble sentiments are dead. They are sleeping,today, I admit, and are lost sight of,but the time will come and come soon, when the people—the good honest people of the state are going to arouse themselves and shake loose from the monstrous political ringsand cabals which for some years have controlled the politics of the commonwealth and which have par celled oat its office.. lam not an ex treme Arcadian, I do not believe that politics ean be made entirely clean, but I do believe that they cannot exist in Georgia much longer in their pre sent polluted state. ” I * It is uot a remedy put up by anv Tom, Dick or Harry; it is compounded by ; expert pharmacists. Ely Bros, offer alO I cent trial size. Ask your druggist. Full size Cream Balm 50 cents. We mail it. ELY BROS., 56 Warren st., N. Y., City. Since 1861 I have been a great sufferer from catarrh.' I tried Ely’s Cream Balm and to all appearances am cured. Ter rible headaches from which I had long suffered are gone. —W. J. Hitchcock, late Major U. 8. Vol. and A. A. Gen.. Buffalo, N. Y. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The fie- , A IN EDISON’S LABORATORY. Hie Wonderful Collections of Photographs and Substances. [Special Correspondence.] Orange, N. J., Nov. 16. —Several years ago Thomas A. i Edison gave it out that he had “gone out’’ of electricity and the taking out of patents. Mechan ics and metallurgy, he said, would thereafter receive his closest attention, though he should use electricity as a means whenever it seemed the best thing to do and should take out patents whenever that was necessary in order to give himself the legal right to use any one of his own inventions. And so it is that the visitor to his laboratory here, which must have orig inally cost $500,0(10 and is unquestion ably the finest in the world, sees as many or more thines not electrical to interest him as those which have to do with the mystic current and its various applications. Tho photograph gallery, for instm “e, is not excelled fojtsrn. PIMPLY FACES Pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, mothy skin, itching, scaly scalp, dry, thin, and falling hair, and baby blemishes prevented by Cuticura Soap, the most effective skin purify ing and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. (uticura BLOOD HUMORS pointments 'by any in tbe Country, ana the Edison collection of photographs is certainly unique. They include, besides the photographs that have been accumu lated in connection with the kineto scope, a great number of photographs ( of microscopic objects, and it was by . means of the silent testimony of one of i these photographs that the wizard won a suit brought for the protection of his most important invention. Even more interesting than the micro scopic photographs, which include some truly wonderful ones of the eyes of in sects, is the collection of substances al ready referred to. This is a really unique aggregation, and Mr. Edison de clares that it includes every known sub stance on earth —skins and bones and hair of animals, common and rare, scales of fishes, feathers of birds, shin ing crystals, gleaming metals, earths from all quarters of the globe, stones of every sort, salts, rosins, gums, chalks and chemicals. Besides, there is a won derful gathering of manufactured prod ucts—textile fabrics, metallic sheets and all sorts of fiber twisted into cords from the size of the finest silks to great cables. Every sort of paper ever made is included, too, as well as a perfect collection of rubber fabrics, and there are also specimens of all the seeds of the earth. In fact, the collection is practically what Mr. Edison claims for it, and the articles of which it is made up could not be listed even in much less space than that afforded by one en tire issue of a newspaper. To some the collection of mechanical and trade devices would be most inter esting of all. It is not universal, of course, but-it is undoubtedly the most comprehensive of its sort in the world. Pickaxes of many designs, saws, coffee mills, meat choppers, wheelbarrows, ladders, strange contrivances from strange lands, the very use of which is not apparent without careful inspection, are heaped together quite unclassified, and perhaps unclassifiable. A half day’s examination would not only bewilder the visitor, but add to his admiration for the versatile powers of the man who could get such a collection together and make good use thereof. James Morsale. J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeak,Texas says that when be has a spell of indi gestion. and feels sluggish be takes two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do tbe same thing. Do you? For sale by Curry-Arrington C . CA.STOH.IA.. //&< “ Novel Fishing;. It is said that the Dutch have an in genious way of attracting fish. They fill a bottle partly full of water and then add wiggling fish and bugs, and after that sink it near where the fishhook is floating When the fish in the stream see it, they gather around it to learn the meaning and are thus easily caught. When bilotis or costive, eat a Cascaret, ca idy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10, 25c. Puncheon Creek Colony. Hiram Walters, living on Puncheon creek, in Magoffin county, is 63 years of age. has reared 14 children, al) of whom are living, and has 74'grandchil dren and one great-grandchild.—Atlan ta Constitution. A Howling Success. A food expedition in the Klondike about this time would be a howling suc cess. —Philadelphia Press. To Core A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure, 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Lapid Change. "My hair turned from raven black tn snowy white m a single night. ” “That ’s nothing I went into a pawn broker’s shop once and stayed only 15 minutes. When 1 came out, my watch had turned from gold to silver. ” —Lon- Tit-Bits. Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds may be avoided by using De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co. I can supply you with the best Jellico Coal Office No- 5 Broad street phone Nos, Ift2 and 183,—H. G, Smith, It It a Science. The Georgia female seminary that teaches its students how to get married should add a course instructing them in the art of selecting Lusbanda New York Journal. I can supply you with the best Jellico coal. Office No. 5 Broad street, Telephone Nos. 182 and 183, H, G. Smith, Au J run A (} •»*. New York, Nov. 13. —Fie in the 6-story iron building at 394 Broadway, occupied by a number of firms engaged in the manufacture of men’s apparel, caused damage to the amount of $40,000 Arnold’s Bromo-Celery. The greatest remedy of the 19th century for headaches. lOcts. For sale by Curry Arrington- Company. Jellico coal has no superior makes a quicker and hotter firei less ashesi burns up cleaner and lasts longer than any other. A trial order will make you our customer, Office No, J 5 Broad street. Telephone Nos, 182 andlß3, H. G, Smith, GOLD DITST’ Ij^ooeoeceoeeeeoeooeoeeeeoeeeooecoceeoeeooeoooeec. J&wMasr 1 as the Old housekeepers will tell you that hot water “ rots ” > glass. You know it breaks glass. c I Gold Bust | Washing Powder Bmakes glassware brilliantly clean in warm water or cold. Q © Delightful to use for glass or silver, tin or wood or paint J j g Saves your hands —saves your time, your strength, your $ [ g temper. Sold everywhere. Made only by © THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, R Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, a > ■fc——— ———— Are You Near Sighted. a Are You Far Sighted, Are You Weak Eyed.- If so. why suffer when we can give you relief. We have put in a complete stock of the very finest glasses, and our Mr. Taylor, who is an expert op tician, can fit any eye. We guarantee satisfactian. Give us a trial. TAYLOR & NORTON, T’HJE! DH.UGGISTS. 1 KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I I DY CATHARTIC * 25* 50* DRUGGISTS 2 A tablet now and then will prevent dfarrlicpa. dysentery, all summer complaints, causlnu'easy, natural I result*. Sample and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO.,Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York. 270 ( I have used Piso’s Cure for Consumption, and can recommend it above all others for Coughs and Colds. It is selling like hot cakes. QIR£ August 31, 1897. W. P. SIMPSON. Pres. I. D. FORD. Vice-Pres. T. J. SIMPSON, Cashie. EXCHANGE BANK OF ROME. HOME. GEORGIA.. STOCK, SIOO,OOO Accounts of firms, corporations and individuals solicited. Special aUentica given to collections. Money loaned on real estate or other (rood securities.; Pr jmpt and courteous attention to customer?. Board of jDlrectora. A.R. SULLIVan, J. A. GLOVER!, O. A. HIQuT, J D. I'OKD. W. r». SIMPSON.. MANHOODRESTOREDSS Ori tionof a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ncr ■ zWvT Vi yous or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, ■ W V Z«J| Insomnia, Pains In the Back, Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debility. I I l Pimples, to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and ■ \y r k -/ Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents qulck- ncssof discharge, which if not checked leads to Spermatorrhoea and ■ nrrnor irrro all tbe horrors of Impotency. CUPIhENE cleanses theUver, ths a HLI-UHt ano Al I tH kidneysand the urinary organs ot all Impurities. " CITPIDENE strengthens and restores small weak organa Tbe reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with Prostatitis. CUPIDENE is the only known remedy to cure without an operation. SOOO lestlmonL als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a permanent cure, ,1.00 a box.stx for *5.00, by mall Bond for ml Circular and testimonials. - Address DA VOX, MEDICINE CO.. P. O. Box 207«, Ban Francisco. Cat Jbr.<tot«bv . FOR SALE BY TAYLOR & NORTON AND C. A. TREVITT. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures Indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn.