The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 21, 1897, Page 16, Image 16

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16 Royal mokes the food pure, f wholesome and delicious. wafa Mwder Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. u-L'-jall T‘ ryv. ■*■■■=■? TWONEW DIPLOMATS CHARLES PAGE BRYAN, UNITED STATES MINISTER TO CHINA. A New and Interesting Figure In Public Idle—Career of Dr. Hunter, the Ken tucky Republican Who Has Been Ap pointed Minister to Guatemala. That plum tree which js supposed to grow in front of the White House has been shaken during the last few months with much vigor, and very little fruit worth the plucking has been left upon its branches. About all the foreign mis sions have been taken care of, two of them having dropped into waiting and appreciative hands only the other day. The plumpest one, that of minister to China, was carried off by Charles Page Bryan of Chicago. Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter of Kentucky picked the other one and will go to Guatemala and Hon duras as minister. The Chinese post is a most important one, and that it should be given to Mr. Bryan was no little surprise to the poli ticians, for many veteran office hunters of imposing caliber have insisted upon their entire willingness to accept it. Mr. Bryan is a new figure in national politics. He was born in Chicago in 1855 and was educated at the University of Virginia and the Columbia Law school. He was admitted to the bar in 1878 and a year later went to Denver, where he engaged in mining and jour- CHARLES P* BRYAN. nalism, a curious but profitable combi nation. He had been a citizen of Colo rado but a year when he was elected to the state legislature. He became very popular aud had a brilliant prospect be fore him, but in 1885 he decided to re turn to Illinois. In Chicago he dropped naturally into politics and was elected to the legislature, in which he served several terms. As a legislator he was one of the en-, thusiastic workers for the World’s fair and in its behalf took an extended Euro pean tour, arousing the interest of for eign governments in the enterprise. Mr. Bryan is a good talker and an excellent story teller. Some of his anecdotes of the west are particularly good. In one of these he describes an incident in the Colorado legislature: “One day a somewhat .rough mem ber,’’ he says, “introduced a bill pro viding for a bounty on Indian scalps and the skins of skunks and coyotes. On my motion the bill was referred to a committee, and the speaker, with a fine appreciation of the humor of the situa tion, gravely said, ‘I appoint as a com mittee the Hon. Mr. Blank, who has proposed this measure; the Hon. Sitting Bull, the Hon. Rain-in-the-Faceand the Hon. Young-Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses. ’ There was a roar of laughter in the house at this, but the author of the bill was not feazed. He even had the nerve to report back the bill favGrablv. at Robt W. Graves & Co. a The Glorious Bird, . not the eagle, but the turkey—isn't worth much for your Thanksgiving dinner unless it’s well cooked; and. no matter how excellent your chef or - domestic, un’ess the fire is good the results will oe dire indeed. That’s where we come in—coal that f_)lin WiU-* will burn, make a hot fire and make a’ReSt 1 ENTS ‘ Use *° rtb the llViDg Yard, Southern Railway. ' 1 * v> u uuf.i’) i M u«» wsuaWi'' ’■ I which some one moved that the bill be | 'chucked under the table. ’ The motion was put in this form and carried. Then the speaker said: “.‘Mr. Clerk, it has been voted to chuck this bill under the table, and you will please do it. ’ Aud the clerk, ” says Mr. Bryan,“with due solemnity, chuck- Br. Hunter, who goes to Guatemala, haabeen prominent in Kentucky politics for inany years and was the central fig ure 4n the recent senatorial contest. Dr. Huflter was the choice of the Republic an caucus for United States senator to succeed Blackburn, but was defeated by Deboe after a long deadlock in the.legis ■ lature. Charges of bribery were made against Dr. Hunter in connection with this contest, and he was recently tried on the charges and acquitted. Dr. Hunter was born in Ireland on day, 1841. He came to this country when a youth and lived for a while with relatives in New Castle, Pa. £/ W DR. W. GODFREY HUNTER. He studied medicine and was graduated as a physician and surgeon. During the civil war he served as surgeon in a Pennsylvania regiment, and afterward settled in Burkesville, Cumberland county, Ky., where he has been prac ticing his profession ever since. How to Cure Bilious Colic. I suffered for J weeks with colic ani pains in my stomach, caused by bilious ness, had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs, F. Butler, Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are subject to bilious colio can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., Rome, Gt. TO THE CORRECT DRESSER, 8. M. Stark. The Artist Taylor, Has a Beauti ful Line of Goods. I have recently moved across the street from the Curry building to the Dougherty store, lam fully prepared for my gentlemen friends and custo mers with one of the newest and most fashionable stocks of goods ever displared in Rome. I have the choicest selections of suitings and trouserings from the for eign mills. You will find everything turned out from my establishment correct in style, finish and price. Give me a call and see for yourself. 8. M. Stark. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. That Was Clear Enough. "That’s one great fault about many of these picture exhibitions, exclaim ed Mrs Hooley as she glared first at the picture and then at the catalogue. “What is it. my dear?" asked her husband "I’m afraid you don t under stand" — "Nobody could understand this sort of thing, went on the predominant partner of the Hooley household, turn ing over several pages at once. "There's a picture and no title under it. You’ve got to look in this book for it. ’’ "You mean that one representing a boy lying on Ins mother's lap while she makes use of a caue? Well, you can guess the title of that easily enough "Oh, 1 know Im not so clever as you. What is it? “‘Whaling In Lapland, ot course. " And Mrs Hooley looked as if she wished the speaker were a little boy Strand Magazine. Catarrh, like scrofula, is a disease of the blood and may be cured by puri fying the blood with Hood's Sarsa a rilla. THE BOMB TRIBUTE. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1897. THE SULTAN OF TURKEY. Ex-Minuter Terrell Pay* Tribute to HU , Charm of Manner. Hon. A. W. Terrell, formerly United States minister at Coiistantinopte, con tributes “An Interview With the Sul tan" to The Century. Mr. Terrell says: The sultan is over 50 years old. of medium height, with clear olive com plexion, dark hair, high forehead and large dark brown eyes The habitual expression of his face is one of extreme sadness. Though the pashas who attend his palace when ministers or embassa dors are entertained are decorated with regal splendor, he always appears in plain garb, wearing a red fez, a frock coat and trousers of dark blue stuff and parent leather shoes A broad service sword with steel scabbard, which he holds sheathed in his hand, completes the costume. Sometimes a single decora tion is worn on bis breast. When he is seen thus plainly attired in the throne room of his palace, on the first day of the feast of Bairaui, seated on an otto man covered with cloth of gold, to re ceive the congratulations of his civil and military chiefs, who are all radiant in uniforms and decorations, the con trast is very striking No Christians but those of the diplomatic corps ever witness this impressive ceremony, which is conducted with the order that distin guishes a military review, but with an oriental servility that an American finds it difficult to understand On such occa sions Osman Pasha stands at the sul tan’s left, holding a cloth of gold scarf, which all reverently kiss after saluting their ruler No sovereign in Europe is more court ly or refined in entertaining bis guests, and few can be more agreeable in con versation. In bis personal intercourse with foreign representatives he is alike free from that stilted dignity which re pels confidence and from that absence of real dignity which invites familiarity When I first dined at the palace, the sultan sat at the bead of the table, with Mrs. Terrell at his right and myself at his left Osman Pasha. Ismael Pasha, the former khedive of Egypt, the grand vizier and other ministers ot state were the other guests Nothing could excel the excellence of the cuisine of which he partook with' his guests, the table service and decora tions. the magnificence of the dining room or the excellence of bis wines, which always remain untasted except by Christian guests. Each pasha wore the insignia of his rank, blazing with stars and decorations, while the plain costume of the sultan was alone tn bar mony with my own No armed men stood guard at the palace doors, and ex cept a detail from the imperial guard, who always salute a foreign representa tive on his arrival, no soldiers have ever been seen by me within the palace walls on any of the occasions when 1 have dined there. The three year-old boy of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, during a se vere attack, saved his little boy’s life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place; and they handle a great many patent medicines for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to chose from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call, but selected thia remedy for use in his own family at a time when his child's life was in danger, because he knew it to be superior to any other, and famous the country over for its cures cf croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling cough ihedicine they handle and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cases. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., Rome, Ga. A Move) Hutton Bag. "If you want to look right, sew your buttons on tight" is the motto painted in water colors on a novel button bag i that is being finished for the holidays. The main part of this bag is one-half yard of two inch ribbon, and its con struction is quite simple. Fold the rib bon in half, and in the fold place a ’spool of patent shot thread. Above it on the silk lightly mark a line in order that when a row of machine stitching is run across the spool will •be held in place, but not so tightly that the thread cannot be unwound. Above the thread pocket make a similar pocket for the paper of needles, then one for the scis sors, and above this join the sides of the ribbon to form a small bag. Turn down the rough edges of the ribbon and make a narrow casing in which a small cord is to be run. This not only draws up the little ribbon bag, but serves to hang up the eutire article. To the back of the bag attach six buttonholed leaves of white flannel for the needlebook. The motto can first be outlined on the rib bon with a soft pencil and then embroid ered in with silk. Bright red and olive green make a dainty, pretty bag. Everybody Svys So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won jerful medical discovery of the age. pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please bay ami try a box if C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25. 50 cents. Hold and tears a teed to mire tn al' dni'c<rists. For RentvFive room house water and gas and all mod/ em conveniences on First avenue, opposite Mr. Coker's, now occupied by Mr, Roddy, Possession Dec, 1. Apply to J, Branham, LOST —Near Mr. Yancey’s residence a gray velvet cart cushion on Saturday evening. Leave at this office and get reward. Help Wanted—Hale. Agents get fifty cents on each dollar; no experience necessary. Write for agent’s outfit. Address The Catholic News, 5 Barclay St., New York. judge of arxwc ~' Charles Samner Johnson Has Jurisdiction Over a Large and Important District. Claries Sumner Johnso#, the newly appointed judge of the United States court for Alaska, has a district whose extent is better expressed in degrees of latitude ana longitude than by square miles. It ia vastly greater than that of any other federal judge in the Uuiou \ \ JUDGE CHARLES SUMNER JOHNSON, and its very extent makes the position one which is far from being a sinecure. Judge Johnson has been fora number of years a practicing attorney in Juneau and is thoroughly familiar with the legal needs cf the territory. He is a na tive of lowa, having been born in a prairie log cabin in Jones county 43 years ago. He was educated at the lowa Agricultural college and the State Uni versity of lowa, having been graduated from the law department of the latter institution in 1877. Soon after becoming a full fledged lawyer he removed to Nebraska, where he practiced his profession and took an active part in politics. In 1882 he was elected to the state legislature and three years later was chosen prosecuting at torney for fiist district, being re-elected in 1887. In 1889 Judge Johnson was appointed United States attorney for the district of Alaska. No one had been found up to that time who would serve out the full term, but Mr. Johnson went to Alaska with the determination to complete his term, and he did so. Then he settled in Juneau and began to build.up a private- practice; In the meantime he had identified himself With the politics of the territory and was elected a delegate to the Republican national convention at St. Louis in 1896, being chosen national committee man for Alaska. He is one of the bright and enterprising men of the territory and is deeply interested in its future; “Tte worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain’s Cbugh Remedy,’’ writes W. H. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with a cough and I was expectorating all the time. The Remedy cured me, and I want all my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it,, for it win do them good.” Sold by Curry- Arrington Co., Rome, Ga. Curran. Scoil £ Co. Are always in the lead. They have just received the first shipment of the Runnymede Club Whisky Bottled in bond by the die fil'ers, under the protection o. the U. 8. government. Protection to Consumers: Runnymede Club Whiskey Is bottled in the bonded warehouse of our distillery at full lega. standard (100*) proof, un der the direct supervision of the United States gov ernment, in accordance with an eCt of congress which took effect March 3, 1897. This will furnish to consumers the only ab solute guarantee of age, purity, stiength and natural condition, as is certified by by the government stamp on every oottie. .... The “Kunnyroede Club” Whiskey represents the very highest type of fine straight Ken tucky whiskey. It is es pecially suited for the tour ist, the club, the family, the case, and for medicinal purposes. ' • 1 Curran. Scott & Co. AGENTS. ‘Phone 148, 16 Broad Sl M- ■ • AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA,” AND “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” as our trade mark. Z, DR, SAMUEL PITCHER, qf Hyannis, ■Massachusetts, was the originator of “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” the same 'that has borne and does now * ~~ on every bear the facsimile signature of wrapper. This is the original “ PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of wrap- per. No one has authority from me to use ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. # . March 8,1897. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed. You. eCNTAVK eOMPAMV. TT MURRAY STRICT. NCW YORK ©JTV. Preparing the Boys For Thanksgiving. Y ou are g°i D g to take them out dinner, * s a pleasure when you have bought their ® clothin #’ overcoats and gents’ W IwWWHB furnishing goods from our handsome and perfect fitting °f boys’ and chi dren’s clothing We have an up-to r Adate stock of men’s and boys’ e^o tbing that we are selling at prices that will surprise you, J~. do Co. Drs. McCall & Wright, Rooms over the Rome Drug Co. Corner Broad St, and 4th. ave, ’Phone 157 Will practice in a 1 the different branches of medicine and Surgery, and make a specially of several branches. Both of these doctors, have had long exp<rience at home and in European hospitals, and will give Free Consultation and Free Prescriptions to all who will call at their effi e from 8 o’clock a. m, to 8 o’clock p. tr. daily,. Beating a good Horse, / - you h* ve one of your own, is easy /when yon have such a light running J g ear ’ weight buggy and one .. made str ng as st. el, such as you ' .jtont'gJ.S w *i’ i° y° ur superior stock. 'iTskaLightness, fine springs, superior i i woodwork and workmanship is ; combined with beaty and low price - r —» iL'io our buggies, runabouts, surreys, I spring and farm wagons. We carry | --— a large stock of lap robes and har ness, ZBozxxe S-CLg'g‘s7- Oozxipaixsz-. SATTERFIELD A WILLIAMS, as Agents, Telephonel73 509 and 5 I I Broad Street, Rome, Ga. MANHOOD RESTOREDSS « tlon of at»moM French phyaldan, will quickly cure you ol all ner- ■ ' U voua or dUeasee of the seneraUve orxane, such as Loot Manhood B'S mMZ V Insomnia. Pains in the Back, Seminal fimtations. Nervine 1 /rat T Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausttafi Drains, Varicocele and ■ XT r V -/ Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents quk-k- 'snZ ✓ nessof discharge, which If not checked leads to Spermatorrixna and ■ nrrnnr trrrn all the horrors of Impotency. CITPIDENE cleansea the liver, the ■ BEFORE AND AFTER kldn ey a and the urinary organ, of all Impurltlea ’ " CCPinBNE strengthens and restores small weak organs. The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are troubled with Prostatitis. CVPlDENßlstheonly known reaasdr to cure without an operation. SOTO testimoni als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a permanent cum. |LOO a box, six for |S.<», by matt. Send for mi circular and testimonials Addf«a»4 t y?X.ME»ICIJIBCO„P.O.Box3074.SanFrandaco.Cat, Jbr/UsM BY TAYLOR & NORTON AND C. A. TREVITT. —to Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach. HLxoughs, Heart-burn. ryGuaranteed. «> fi.L'v > i ? i