The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 24, 1897, Image 2

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THE TEXTILE SCHOOL w Itf6 JHt Impoaani Step Toward that End WXTILE MPtRTKST BADLY NBBBM It Wm a- Great Victory For Meur«. Bar ris aadßoifeuillet-Ten Thousand Dol lars Will Be Appropriated For It. A special to the Macon Telegraph from Atlanta says; One of the impor tant events of the day about the legis tive halls was the appearance of Col N. E. Harris of Macon, before the finance committee of the honse to argue in be* half of the bill to appropriate SIO,OOO to enable the Technological School to es tablish a textile department. Col. Har ris, who is president of the board of trustees, was supplemented in his ef fort by Mr. Lyman Hall, president of the school, by State School Commis sioner Glenn and by Mr. G. C. Mat thews, of the Macon Telegraph, each of whom delivered five minute addresses and submitted specific reasons why the appropriation should be made. Col. Harris spoke with great force, dwelling especially upon the extraordinary achievements of Germany in cutting into the trade of Great Britain, showing from the official records that Germany's progress was due to her aya-. tern of technical education. He then proceeded to show what Massachusetts was doing to maintain the supremacy of New England in cotton manufactur ing by organizing textile schools. This brought him to a grand climax in his appeal for such a Georgia, not •only the Empire state of the South, bnt In the middle of the great cotton re tgion. He declared that such a school would be to the benefit of every cotton grower, because it would tend to de velop a better market for the Georgia farm right in Georgia, by bringing into the country new mills and improving the output of those already in opera tion. After Messrs. Harris, Hall, Glenn and Matthews had concluded, the dis cussion began among the members of the committee themselves. Those who spoke in favor of the appropriation were Messrs. Wight, Pope, Brown, Berry and Boifeuillet. Those who, while not dissenting from the proposition to es tablish a textile school, raised the ques tion of economy, were Messrs. Blalock and Swift. Mr. Swift stated that the proposed appropriation would only erect the building and there would be no funds with which to purchase the equip ment, and on this account he doubted the wisdom of the state making the ap propriation. To this Mr. Boifeuillet replied that outside parties were willing to appro priate an amount equal to that given by the state and with this an equipment would be obtained. Mr. Blalock said that if Mr. Boifeuil let would amend the bill so that it would read “provided this appropriation shall not be made available until SIO,OOO in cash is subscribed by indi viduals or others,’’ he would vote for it. Mr. Boifeuillet said he would so amend it if Mr. Blalock would consent to the additional amendment that the appropriation by individuals shonld be SIO,OOO in money or equipment. Mr. Bitdock consented to this and the bill as amended was unanimously agreed to by the committee. On motion of Mr. Hitch, of Brooks, the committee agreed to report the bill back to the house as amended with the recommendation that it do pa°s. It was an extraordidary victory for Col. Harris and Representative Boi feuillet who had introduced the bill in the house. Col. Harris is thoroughly confident that the outside contribution will be raised without the slightest difficulty, Mr. Boifeuillet is equally confident that with the unanimous re. port of the committee the house will pass the bill and the senate do like wise. This signifies the beginning of a new Lameness of the back or limbs, Stiffness of the joints, Congestion in the chest, are relieved and cured by Allcock’s Porous Plaster Do Not Be Deceived by any “Just aa food " pleas ; insist upon bsving the genuine. Allcock’s Corn Shields, Atlcock’s Bunion Shields, Have uo equal as a relief and cure for corns and bunions. Brandreth’s Pills are not merely purgative, but tonlo. Th«jrpurity and teueaptksnyrw Mrs. Pinkham Counsels Young 1 rives to Keeep Their Attraotiveaasa, ■ Seven-eighths of the men in this world marry a woman -Sragga because she is beautiful In their eyes. \ What a disappoint- w'X ment then to see the ,«mV '• ' fair young wife’s beauty Bh ’TFSb fading away before a year v passes over her head I /rBL 1 feel as if I would like ■ J to say to every young woman / who la about to be married— >' ]' “Strengthen yourself in ad- W* 7 j S' vance, so that you will not break down under the new ,7 * Jl. strain on your powers.” Keep your beauty, ' ‘s it is a precious possessicn I Your husband loves *7y f < your beauty, fee is proud to be seen in public n \ with you; try to keep it for his sake, and your !\ >i J V own* Il 1/ if y The pale cheeks, the dark shadows under If < the eyes, the general drooping of the young -" . wife’s form, what do they mean ? They mean that her nerves are failing, that her strength is going and that something must be done to help her through the earning trials of maternity. Build her up at once by a course of some tonic with specific powers. Such as Lydia E.' Rinkham’s Vegetable Compound. You can get it St any druggist’s. Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife—of her own ac cord she addresses it to her “suffering sisters,” and while from modesty she ‘ asks to withhold her name, she gives her initials and street number in Chambersburg, Pa., SO she can easily be found personally or by letter: To my Suffering Sisters:—Let me write this foi; your benefit, telling you What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done fat, me. lam hot nineteen and suffered with painful menstruation, leucqrrhqja, dizziness, burn sensation back of ears and on top of my bead, nervousness, pain and soreness of muscles, bearing-down pains, could not sleep well, was unable to stand without pdin, and oh! how I longed to be well! One day I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham telling her all, knowing I could do so ' (n perfect confidence. , • , She wrote me a lovely letter in reply, telling me exactly what to do. After taking nine bottles of the Compound, one box of Liver pills, and using one-half package of Sanative wash, I can say I am cured. I am so happy, and owe my happiness to none other than Mrs. Pinkham. Why will women suffer when help is near ? Let me, as one who has had some experience, urge all suffering women, especially young wives, to seek Mrs. Pinkham's advice.—Mrs. R. 8. 8., 113 E. Catherine St., Chambersburg, Pn, and grand epoch in southern industry and it is a glorious thing that Georgia, among the states of the South, should have been the first to open the door. HEART DISEASE. Some Facte Regarding the Rapid Increase Os Heart Tiooblee. Do Not Be Alarmed, But Look For the Cause. Heart troubles, at least among Americans, are certainly increasing and while this may be largely due to the excitement and worry of Ameri can business life, it is more often the result of weak stomachs, of poor di gestion. Real, organic heart disease is Incur able; but not one case in a hundred of heart trouble, is organic. The close relation between heart trouble and poor digestion is because both organs are controlled by branch es of the same great nerves, the Sym pathetic and Pneumogastric. In another way, also the heart it affected by that iorm of poor diges tion. which causes gas and fermenta tion from half digested food; there is a feeling of oppression and heaviness in the chest caused by pressure of the distended stomach on the heart and lungs, interfering with their action; hence aries palpitation and short breath. Poor digestion also poisons the blood makes it thin and watery, which ir ritates and weakens the heart. The most sensible treatment for heart troubles is to improve the di gestion and to insure the prompt as similation of food. ' 'This can beet be done by the regu lar use after meals, of 'some safe, pleas ant and effective digestive prepara tion, like Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets, which may be found at most drug stores and which contain valuable, harmless digestive elements, in a pleasant, convenient form. It is safe to say that the regular, persistent use of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets at meal time will cure any form of stomach trouble, except can cer of stomach. Full size packages of the tablets sold by druggists at 50 cents. ~ Little book on stomach troubles mailed free. Address Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. LYNCHING HIS PLATFORM. Editor Blackburn to Oppose Livingstone For Congress on That Platform. The announcement of Benjamin M. Blackburn, editor of the Atlanta Com mercial, of his candidacy for the dem ocratic nomination for congress to succeed Co). Livingstone, from the Atlanta district brings out a new plat form. After declaring himself in favor of the interpretation of the Chicago platform, he adds to it this: “I believe in a democrat having some ideas of bis own, and I favor a great many things that I believe to be fruitful of good results to my peo ple that are not to be found in any platform. lam in favor of lynching brutes for the usual crime, because I believe that it is our religious duty to keep Southern homes pure and uude filed. I believe the south was right in tbe sixties, and that the sentiment of her people will sustain me today. I am opposed to any system that gives brutal and cowardly sycophants the right to shoot down innocent labor as was lately done in Pennsylvania.” You can't cure consumption, but you can avoid it and cure every other form ot threat or lung trouble by the use of One Mmute Cough Cure. For sale by Curry- Affingtou Co., Home, Ga. THE HOM£!< TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1897. Signor Randegger in Rome. Signer Randegger returned from Rome yesterday, where he gave a concert at the opera house Friday night, says Sunday’s Constitution. A large and fashionable audience was present and the brilliant young nianist scored one of the artistic successes of the season. Every number was rendered with remarkable technique and was enthusiastically received. Signor Randegger is fast gaining tbe reputation of being one of the foremost pianists of the country. To Cure A Cold ,in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 25c, The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. Two Presbyterian Pastors. Romans will be interested in the fol lowing items about two Presbyterian preachers: Rev. J. T. Plunkett, D. D.» of Augusta, Ga., has received a unanim ous. call to become the pastor of the Cen tral church, St. Louis, which has been vacant since tbe removal of Rev. Edward Mack to Norfolk, Va., last May. Incontinence of water during sleep stopped immediately by Dr. E. Anti Diueretic, Cures children and adults alike. Price sl. Sold by D. W. Curry, drugg 5 -" ’ "me. Ga. NORTH GEORGIA CONFERENCE. First Business Session Will Be Held This Mornins'. Rome’s Methodist preachers left yester day for Athens. They were joined here by several ministers from surrounding towns. An Athens dispatch says: The first business session will be held Wednesday morning. Thursday night in the conference will be educational night. One special feature of interest in this session will be the election of delegates to the general coaference, which meets in Baltimore next May. This conference is composed of an equal number of minis ters and Jaymen, and meets once every four years! It is the legislative body of the church and the coming session promises to be one of unusual interest as I many grave questions, will be before the body. One of these is the evangelist question. For some years past this has been a cause of contention. Some of tbe evangelists in holding protracted meetings in certain sections have collided with the pastors and thus dissensions and in some localities schisms have resulted. This will be one of the questions needing regulation and doubt less other changes will be called for in the book of discipline. On next Sunday morning, the 27tb, Bishop Galloway will ordain the class of deacons who have passed the neceasary examination and at night the ordination of the elders will take place. These services will be very soLmn and interest ing. We learn that some of the preach ers have died during the past year and no doubt the usual memorial services will be held, in which tributes to the memory of these faithful men will be read. Notice. I want everyman and woman In the United States interested in the opium and whisky habits to have one of my books of these diseases. Address B. M. Woolly, Atlanta, Box 843, undone wfll be sent yon free. TheMMHHßMlutArar, M. $. ffj&rker, 4Nb #ew>.i„ s . to HBhm Hili Mn:—ln Ute of the arrest of one William Williams/ you say that he is "far” above the average in intelligence. To this state ment we object. We do not take ex ception to the statement that' “ far vabove the average Tn intelli gence,” which you make i» several connections, because we envy his re cord, and hoaor. But because we want the real intelligent white and colored people of this city and vicinity and indeed, in other sections of the state and county where year paper goes, to know that the better class of the colored people of Rome resent the statement that Williams is an intelli gent man. He may know how to read and write, and, too, he may have been a teacher in Floyd’s county schools, bnt that is not a good and sufficient reason why he stands so high or far above his "race in Intelli gence. You don’t really mean to say, in fact, that William Williams is above the average in intelligence, of the intelligent colored people of Rome? Don’t compare and measure, the real and true intelligent, colored people, with hardened criminals, arid those whose records are generally checker ed because they may be able to read and write. We don’t always call such intelli gence. Sfitfi intelligence, go quite a nupber of other things, which are uncompromisingly-opposed to many bf the things which you mention in connection with our “friend*’ Wil f Ham Williams. We ask that these few lines appear, not with indifference to’the opinion and wishes of the real and intelligent colored citizenry of our proud little Rome. M. C. Parker. The Coming Woman Who goes to the club while, hpr husband tends the baby, as well as the good old fashioned woman who looks after her borne, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with lose of appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most won derful remedy for these women is Elec tric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and Nervous troubles of all kinds* are soon relieved by the use of Electric bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only 500 per bottle. For sale by Curry-Ar rington. Fewer Rapidly Dying Onto New Orleans, Nov. 22. —The weather is still warm. The board of health con tinues to report cases, but it will not have So do so much longer, because the fever is rapidly dying out. There were reported to the board four new cases and one death. Business is looking up and all the trunk lines have put on extra sleepers to bring refugees back to the city. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using casilj and forever, beniade well, strong, magnetic, lull of new life and fence No-To-Bnc, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Buc of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 50e or SI.OO. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. Sort 111 ‘ MF<»l lliiltll Kertigll<«. Washington, Nov. 23. Elbert M. Rucker, Jr., of South Carolina, an as sistant attorney in the interior depart ment, has resigned to practice law in this City. MONTHLY SUFFERING. *T*housands of * women are troubled at i monthly inter vals with pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders,sides SyaKaaH : hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after mouth when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs sr.oo at the drug store, f Why don’t you get a bottle to-day?, , For advice, in cases requiring l: special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advisory Department,” The > Chattanooga Medicine Co., i Chattanooga, Tenn. t Mrs. ROZENA LEWIS, Os Oonavllle, Texas. aayat ”1 was troubled at monthly Interval* with terrible pains In my head and back, but have been entirely relieved by Win* of Cardui.’’ *"*>• The spectre of hoqsecleaning needn’t trouble you a moment. The person that d'cids house- - CT&anirig kndws notljiqg 9 DI T ’e v i xie - <?f . its easy work, its quickness and corhforr. fifr/ * ts sav * n £ °f puint and of rub bing. Go over everything v. ;th Pcaf line—floors, doots, win- Sy* I dows, woodwork, paint, fnar- Wsss/ ble, stone, glass, carpets, bric a-brac —and you'll get through any cleaning job in the shortest time, and with the least labor and ( .'s. i’ ».t don’t need any other help. Pearline is meant o wash everything that water won’.t hurt, 53s rduuiers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell yon. T4*AX “this is as good as" or "the same as Pearline.” IT'S W CL& FALSE—Pearline is never peddled: if your grocer send* you an imitation, be honest— senj it back. JAMBS PYLE, New York. IHSTOC H SS Attract™ Prices! Rome China and Stove Co. Have just opened and are receiving the most beautifnl stock of imported China, Glassware, Lamps and general Hpusefurnishing Goods ever brought to Rome. Everything elegant, useful and cheap! exaZlPk* wZVk •-'EK TEA SETS • COTTAGE DINNER SETS of 56 pieces, dainty decoration « just the thing for small families, border pattern, fine porcelain body, * In blue, green and brown; lovely real China finish, cjbok« of three * border decoration, new shapes, color?. $2 48 per set. These sets jg China finish, porcelain body; real are new and real elegant goods. $ elegant goods. Only $3,74 per set. Our dainty open stock pattern is the newest and prettiest thing out this season in porcelain; real China finish, border decoration, in three colors, green, blue and brown. In these goedsyou can get anything you want and make up your own sets at small cost. Tea plates 24 cents per set; breakfast plates 33 cents per set; dinner plates 44 cents per set; soup plates 44 cents per set. Fruit saucers 24 cents per set; individual butters 15 cents per set; Cups and saucers, Haviland’s latest shapes 45 cents per set. Meat dishes, all sizes, deep vegetable dishes, cake ) lates, sauce tureens, oatnieal bowls, Oyster bowls, tea pots, sugar dishes, cream pitchers, etc. We have a most complete assortment of Harviland’s China in plain white and decorated—by the single piece or i i full sets Dinner sets, game sets, fish sets, nerry sets, ice cream sets, tet a tet sets, dainty little odd sets and bric-a-brac in the newest and prettiest things known to the ceramic art Charter Oa Stoves | New Enterprise Stoves with wire gauze oven doors, the most jjj have been sold in this market 20 perfect ccoking stoves in the world * .¥ ears , an< i never fail to give satis- We have them in all sizes, for wood $ have them to all sizes. , ’ £ Heating stoves of size, shape and coal; they never scorch, never « an(J variftty . Stoveg f , r par l O r ß , burn the food, but ccok everything dining rooms, offices, stores, lodges nice. * and churches. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Our new line of table glassware surpasses anything eVer produced before, every piece is a perfect crystal and can only be told from real cut glass by experts. Examine our immense stock, learn our prices and save money on every purchase. Rome China and Stove Co., No. 213 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. The leading tourist and commercial hotel of the city. American and European plan. Free ’bus meets all trains. Prompt baggage delivery. Most desirable location. Corner Peachtree and Ellis streets, adjoining Grand Opera House. Jas. E. Hickey, Manager. manhood restored;™?™ xS?O tlou of a f*mou.Fre»oh pbyrtcUn, will quickly cure you of *ll n«r- ‘ ■ V7 V. *7 ssfr tessiysi ■ ■ nCMOf dlscbarte, which If not checked lead* to Bperm»torrba» and ■ nrrnnr irrrn all the horrors of ImpoUney. CUPIDraz cleanse* the liver, the ■ BEFORE ANO AFTER kidneysand the urinary orcans of all imparities ), ■ CVPIMWB Streurtbem and restores small weak Orrana. The reaeon sufferer, are not cured by Doctors is became ninety per eent are troubled with Proatatitle. CUPIDKNEIs theonly knownremedr to cure without an operation, nooteetlmonl r ala A written kuarantee given and money returned If six boxee doee not emet a perauuwnteura SI.OO a box, six for (5.90, by malL Send for ran circular and testimonial*, Addreral»AVOl.Mßl»lClMßC®„P.O.BoxaTO,Sanm«>cleco.C*l. JbrMstaf FOR SALE BY TAYLOR & NORTON AND-C. A. TREVITT.