The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 24, 1897, Image 5

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The Coffee and Tea House of Rome, The quantity of coffee and tea sold by us iilusirates the difference between our business and that of all other houses in Rome, We follow no beaten • rack; our methods are all original. and we strive to improve each d part men t eveiy day. Our teas come direct from Bond' d ware houses of Tetley and Co., and we know the goods reach us freehand with a flavor and strength that are un matchable. When we talk to yon about coffee we feel that you know we give you better value for the money invested than you can g«t from any house this side ot Baltnroie Our Q & Q Coffee put up in three pound tins is the best seller we ever bad which is a convincing evidence of its superiority. It has stood the test of the best judges and if you want the best Mocha and jav* 3 lbs. for $1 0 ) you a ill not get a better value for the money than you will find in Q. & Q. Levering’s Cotfee 9|- We have the be-t fruit cake ever offered ior sale in Rome. Every ounce of fruit the very best and clean as the driven snow. You cant make a fruit cake cheap as we will sell you one. They are in 1, 2 and 5 pound Doxes at 25 cents the pound. We have made a careful selection of fruits for making fruit cake and while they ar<» the very finest, the prices are same as you have to pay other dealers for goods with a much smaller value Shelled Almonds 35 cents the pound. • Fancy Figs fi'tten cents the ‘ pound. Fancy impor ed Citron 25 cents. We have some' bargains in canned goods for you. The price is far be low the quality but we bought them ab the right time and in the right quantity to get the best price and while we are not giving them away the price is next to no charge, 3 cans E. J, Peas for 25 cents. 3 cans string beans for 25 cents. 2 cans Desert Peaches for 25 cents. ' 1 can white cherries for 15 Cents. 1 can fine Columbia River Salmon for 12| cents. 1 Can Paris peas for 25 cents. Finer Peas were never placed in a' can .than our Paris peas. They are "the iery smallest growth and full no 2 cans, Nica small fat mackeral 5 for 10 cents. Gold Band Hams 12 1-2 cents the.pound, 20 lb bucket lard $1.32 Gelatine 10 cents the package, Rice 18 lbs for SI.OO. this is a genuine bargain. Money back for every item that does not please. HAND & CO. Opposite Armstrong Hotel. Rome, Ga., Nov. 6, 1897. 1 If your Watch Don't keep Time carry it to JOE VEAL, 205 BROAD ST. SEND FOR MY CZ-TALOGUE OF CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES in STERLING SILVER. If you are ennu nipluiing purchaßPH for tbe HOLIDAY SEASON. .Charles W. Crankshaw. SS WHITEHALL ST.. A*tA“N «*■ G'A*. THANKSGIVING TOMORROW. ’. ?J’* M f I I Tj Special Services U’ Presbyterian and Episcopal Churches. Tomorrow will be celebrated in Rome and over the United States as thanksgiv ing The banks, railroad offices and post, office will close and the employes will have holiday. There will be a union service at the First Presbyterian church at 11 o’clock, and Dr. Gpetchius will deliver the ser mon The Baptists and Presbyterians will unite in the service. The choir will render some beautiful music for the <c casiop. The collection will go to Emer gency hospital. There will be appropriate service and sermon at St. Peter’s Episcopal church at 11 o’clock, Thursday morning. Money of ferings will be for disabled and infit m clergy of Georgia. Any provisions, etc., sent to the church for the poor will be distributed after the service. The Armstrong and Central hotels and Chinnick’s restaurant will serve special thanksgiving dinners—turkey and all the dainties of the season. Many Romans will probably take a holiday by going out hunting. SKULL CRUSHED. Negro Track Hand on Southern Gets the Worst of a Fight. Mack Mullen is a negro track hand employed on the Silver Creek section of the Southern. He had a difficulty with one of his fellow laborers yesterday afternoon. Mullen got decidedly the worst of the scrap. Bis skull was crushed in by a .blow from a pick handle wielded by two powerful arms. Dr. Hamilton of this city went to see the negro, and found him in a critical condition. A portion of the fractured skull is resting against the brain, and today a surgical operation will be per formed to relieve this. To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. WARNING:—Persons rho suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warnings of danger and save themselves suffering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for eongha, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by Curry-Arring ton Co. Teny's California Peaches Apricots and White Cherries, put up in heavy syrup found only at L. G. Todd's. LOST —Near Mr. Yanqey’e residence a gray velvet cart cushion on Saturday evening. Leave at this office and get reward. We tapped a barrel of the best South Georgia Syrup L. G. Todd. Evaporated Apricots, Pears. Peaches and Apples at Todd’s. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. Three iron sates and one national cash register for sale cheap, apply to p. o. box, 126 Rome, Ga. If you feel weak, dull and discouraged you will find a bottle of Hood’s Sarssi - parilla will do you wonderful good. Todd has more bargains to the square inch than any merchant in Rome. LOST.—A day book containing some notes. A suitable reward will be paid to finder—Morison & Tram mel. ts RUDDER TROUBLES. The bladder was created for one pur pose. namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as euoh it is not liable to any form of disease except by one or two days. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other dis pnefifl ■* vtWvO.g SAKPLK SENT TREK. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid neys is the chief cause of bladder trou bles. It id comforting to know that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root fulfills every wish inqnickly caring bladder and urin nary troubles. It corrects inability to hold nriue and scalding or stinging pain in passing it, or bad effects follow ing nse of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is soon realized 1c stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most disti easing cases. If you need a medlcide you should have tbe best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Men tion The Rome Tribune and send yonr address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bmg hampton, N Y. The proprietors of the paper guarantee the genuineness of the offer. Insure with Goetchiu* Phone 169, TUB ItaMK TMKIiUMit. - WM.U»imtWLT I v ¥ftfW|Tb j Fifty Years Ago. This Is the way it was bound to look When grandfather bad his “picter took. 11 These were the shadows cast before The coming of Conjurer Daguerre And his art; like a girl in a pinafore Borne day to bloom to a goddess fair. Men certainly w ere not as black, we know Ar they pictured them, go years ago. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla began to make new men, Just as the new pictures of men began to be made. Thousands of people fronted the camera with skins made clean from blotch and blemish, because they had purified the blood with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It is as powerful now as then. Its record proves it. Others Imitate the remedy ; they oaa’t imitate the record: BO Years of Cures. DEATH OF MRS. SPENCE. Aged and Highly Respected Eady Passed Away Yesterday Morning. Mrs. William Spence passed away at her residence in North Rome yes terday morning. She was in her 72nd year, and her death resulted from pneumonia. Mrs. Spence was a most estimable lady, and was a faithful member of the Methodist church. She leaves a husband and several children to tnonrn her demise. Mr. Jack Spence and Mrs J. C. Lewis, of this city, were two of her children. Tbe funeral services took place at the North Rome Methodist ehurch yesterday afternoon and were con ducted by Dr. R. B. Headden. A large number of friends of the family wert present. The pallbearers were: C. W. Morris, R. B. Morrison, J. B, Hill, B. D. Hill, Fletcher Smith and A. Rawlins. The burial took place on Myrtle Hilt cemetery. , *‘Tu-. worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy;” writes W. H. Norton, of Sutler Creek, Cal. “This cold left me with a cough and I was expectorating , all me time. The Remedy cured me, and I want all my friends when troubled With a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good.” Sold by Curry Arrington Co., Rome, Ga. I Dr, Tigner will here at Dr, Ivey's office over Rome Pharmacy store, The coming week and will be glad to see his friends, WILLIAMS BOUND OVER. In Preliminary Hearing In Carteraville Yesterday Admitted Guilt, Capt. Wright of the Secret Service, Deputy Sheriff McLeod, Officer Tom Logan and Mose Towers a colored wit ness went to Cartersville yesterday, carrying William Williams, Rome’s slick negro counterfeiter. Williams bad a preliminary hearing there, and admitted his guilt. Said that be did all the work alone and learned the art from two white tramps some three years ago. He stated that he bad made only about half a dozen coins, but the of ficers have directly traced more than that number to him. Williams was bound over in the sum of SI,OOO, and was carried to Atlanta and placed in jail. Tbe officers returned from Carters ville last night. Cascarots stimulate hver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c. Fresh stock of dates, Figs, Currants, Raisins, Citron and Cocoanuts at Todd's, ADAIR RELEASED. Prosecution Not Ready For Trial and Case Nol Prossed. James Adair, who was charged by the Messrs. Salmon with having set fire to their store in East Rome on tbe night of Nov. 11th, bad a preliminary beariLg before Justice Treadawe.y yesterday afternoon. The prosecution announced not ready, but as the case had been set for that time Judge Treadaway ruled that it should be nol prossed, and Adair was released. Arnold’s Brorno-Celery. The greatest remedy of the 19th century for headaches. lOcts. For sale by Curry-Arrington? Company. ‘ ww Official Proceedings of the Session Mon day Lyeniog. STATEMENT OF THE CITI'S FIMAMCEi 1 ■ I Sanitary Inspector Made His Report" Resolutions Upon Death of J. M. ' Quinn—Bills Passed. Present: Hon. 8. 8 King, Mayor, and Cruncilmen, R. A. Denny, Thompson Hiles, J. D. Hanks, W. T, Jones, Lind say Johnson, J. D. Turner, C. W. Morris, F. J. Kane and W. J. Gordon. The minutes of the meeting pf Oct. 25th were read and confirmed. Upon application,’ the assessment upon tbe Armstrong hotel was fixed at the sum of $53,000.00 for the present year. The communication of Mr, W. J. Neel as attorney for the board of commission ers of roads and revenue of Floyd county, with reference to the lot upon which the city stable and pound are situtated was referred to a committee composed of councilmen, Denny. Munis and Turner, for investigation and report. Au election being held, Mr. J. D. Moore was elected as water commission er of the city of Rome, for the ensuing terms of three years, beginning Dec. Ist, 1897. ' The petition of Mr. J. C. Printup, with reference to insurance license, was refer red to the finance committee with power to act. Mr. J. H. Lumpkin was continued as' sanitary inspector until the first day of January, at the same salary that he has been receiving. The following report and statement, of the sureties on tbe bond of the late J. M. Quinn, treasurer of the city of Rome, was presented and received by the coun cil, to-wit, final statement of L D. Ford and G J. Briant sureties on bond of J. M. Quinn, city treasurer oi Rome. Balance on hand* October Ist, per re port of treasurer, in Exchange bank $5,524.71, in New York $490.00, receiv ed of city clerk $2,000.00. Balance on hand Oct Ist, in Exchange Batik J 5524 71 Balance on hand Oct. Ist, in New York 490 00 Received of city clerk. .. 2,000 00 $8,014 71 Paid on coupons. ....$ 94S .Paid on school drafts 1,443 58. Paid on city council 4.899 21 In Exchange Bank 1,172 47 In New York 490 00-fB,’OU 71 And., the amounts in Exchange Bank, and in National Bank of North America; New York, are subject to drafts of the city of Rotye. Examined and' Approved, ir -Thompson Hiles. Chalnnan of committee. Ordered that Hon. 8. 8. King, u ay or of the city of Rome, be requested and authorized to draw a draft on the National Bank of North America of New York for $490.00 and on the Ex change Bank of Rome, for $1,172 47, being the balance in said banks in favor of John M. Quinn, city treasur er of Rome, lately deceased. Said drafts to be drawn in favor of J. Bailey Gordon, present treasurer of the city of Rome. , Tbe report of the sanitary inspector showing that be bad inspected the streets and the premises of a number of citizens, and during the summer months bad removed a numoer of bogs from tbe city limits, and bad in spected various plumbing work, and had otherwise mvde successful efforts to improve tbe sanitary condition of tbe city, was read and received. The committee appointed at th* ■ast meeting of the council, to draft suitable resolutions upon the death of J. M. Quinn, late city treasurer, made tbe following report: To the Honorable Mayor and Conn ell of the City of Rome—Gentlemen: Yonr committee appointed to draft suitable resolntion upon tbe death of J. M. Quinn, our late city treasurer, begs leave to report as follows: Whereas, it has pleased the good God to call heuce the spirit of our late city treasurer, John M. Quinn, therefore be it resolved, Ist. That in the death of Mr, Quinn, we and each of us, have lost a good friend, true and tried, modest and re tiring, constant and reliable; tbe city government has lost an officer, zealous and faithful, prudent and careful, trustworthy and efficient, and the city basdost a citizen public spirited and active, old in servte.* and watch fulness, honored and respected. 2nd. In his death we have all, both in our public and private capacity. Settu-d hr those XIIFNK- wt>o eliminate -ifi- Dueueeot . i The Liver ■ - ißrcWy" Wi,l > the Bitter., STOMACH- a boayant step, s dear het. , and a FITTER* membered and felt. | Brd. We tender onr hearties sympa . thy to the family of our friend, and commend to them that solace from , above that wecan not give, but which at till times 1s sure. I 4cb. Resolved, that thepe resolutions Ibe spread upon the minutes of tbe . oonncli, that a blank page be left on | the minute book to mark our loss, I and that a copy as these resolutions ]be transmitted to the family of Mr. Quinn. J D. Hanks, Ch’m’n. 1 R. A. Denny. ’- Committee Lindsay Johnson, ) Following resolution were adopted to wit—Resolved, that the cleaning of streets and sidewall a, and obi true tionsthereon, together with enforce mentof ordinance appertaing thereto be referred to the chairman ofthe police committee unttF next inhering of council, the mayor and council in dividually and collectively, agreeing not to Interfere with the matter for said time. The report of P. D. Roeer, sexton for the month of Oct., showed that during said month there were thir teen interments fa Myrtle Hill ceme tery; nine whiteandfour colored. Os tbe white two were ncn-reddents, and of the colored three were paupers. The financial statement of the clerk was read, and the following accounts were ordered paid H J Kissing, cemetery dept $ 270 Fletcher Smith, cemetery dept I/O J. Sam Veal, contingent dept 2 25 Fletcher Smith, contingent dept..., 7 25 Home Tribune, contingent dept #.0 n Home Gas Light Co., fire dept 8.75 Gleason Purchasing Agency, firedept.... 72(0 Rome Lighting Co., gas light ... 552 82 WesternUnion Telegraph Co'healthdept 1 6 Fletcher rmith, health det t 2,<0 S. S. King * Co , health dept 50 J. W. Co; eland, health dept 3.80 J A. Balo, health dept, , 60 Fletcher Smith, police dept 5 60 »ntanda Persons, police dept 2 .60 Patton Sash Door &B. C'„ public bldg’s, 4.60 Halxted Smith, public Dldg's 1,65 S 8. King A Co., public bldg’s 400 J. A. Bale, public bldg’s.... 60 Hanks Furniture Co., public bldg’s 20.85 L. G. Todd, relief dept 1 60 Southern Railway Co., relief dept 3.48 Southern Rai way Co,. relief Uept 1.16 8. 8. King A Co., relief Cent f. 50 W. J. Gordon, relief dept .. 3.00 H. M. McKeldin A Co , street dept 275,00 Council adjourned. Halsted Smith, Clerk of Council. The three year old boy of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use of Cham berlain’s Congh Remedy, during a se vere attack, saved his little boy’s life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place; 4hd they handle a great many patent medicines for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to chose from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call, but selected this remedy for nee in hie own family at a time when his child’s life v?as in danger, because he knew it to be.superior to'any other, and famous the conn try over for its Cures of croup. Mr. Johnson, says, this is the best selling cough medicine they handle and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cases. Sold by Curry-A rrlngtoh Co., Rome, Ga. OYSTER SUPPER By Juvenile Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church. * Friday night, in the vacant store room under the Armstrong hotel, the Juvenile Mission Society of the First Methodist church will give an oyster supper, which promises to be an un usually pleasant affair. The little folks will be assisted by some of tbe best house wives of Rome, and the juicy bi valves will be served in its perfection. Be sure to come out and enjoy your self, and at tbe same time help in a good cause. These little people are doing effective work both in Rome and foreign missions and deserve encourage ment. Besides you will have a good time. How to Core Bilious Colic. I suffered for i weeks with colic and pains in my stomach, caused by bilious ness, bad to lake medicine al! tbe while until I used Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs, F. Bu’ler, Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are subject to bilious colic can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon all the first symptoms appear. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., Rome, G>. SCHOOL CENSUS. On Tuesday. Not. 30 th. the Board of Education will meet at the School Commissioner's office in the court house. At this meeting the Board will probably select gentlemen to take the census of the school popula' tion of the county. Work will begin on or about December 3d. All par/ ties desiring to engage in this work are requested to make application. be<* fore that date, to the undersigned. Ap" plication must be in applicants own hand-writing. Pay will be about two dollars per day. J. D. GWALTNEY. School Commissioner. Morrison & Trammell make the beet brick po sible aud sell them all over-the country. 1 r Crnn. Scott Ho. Are always fa the lead. They have just received the first shipment of xhe Runnymede Club Whisty Bottled in bond by the dis t illeis, under the protection ' oa the, I). S. poverauaeut. Protection to Consumers! Runnymede Club Whiskey Is bottled in the bonded Warehouse of our distillery at full legal standard (100») proof, un der the direct supervision of the United States gov ernment, in accordance with an set of congress which took effect March 1897, This will furnish to consumers the only atN solute guarantee of age, purity, sLieugth and natural condition, as is certified by by tbe government stamp on every bottle. .... The “Runnymede Club” Whiskey represents the very highest type of fine straight Ken tucky whiskey. It is es pecially suited for the tour ist, the club, the family, the case, and for medicinal purposes. Curran. Scott & Co. AGENTS. 'Phone 146. 16 Broad St Water- Ground Meal and Flour. •vo ir '" • We have made arrangements to h ndle the output of Seab Wright’s wafer mills at Armuchfe This flour is the best and purest sold in Rome; made of nothing but selected wheat. ‘ The flour our mother’s used.” For the meal we claim the same; made from selected white corn, shelled by hand and faulty grains from the end of the ear thrown away. All of this flour and meal is put up in sacks, branded “Wright’s.” Use no other and you get the purest and best sold in Rome. S. S. KING & 00. IQ.Ud&WA These tiny Capsules are uperlod 1 to Balsam of Ccpaiba, ✓'''''Si f A I CubebsorlniectlonsandiMlDf li IM 1 CURE iN 48 : he (amc diseases without inconvenience. Sold bj all