The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 03, 1897, Image 8

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Awarded Highest Honors—World's Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR tu© * CREAM BAKING POfflffl A Pore Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, THE NEWS OF A DAY Short Stories of Various Kind Grouped Cider One Head. ILL SORTS OF LITTLE LOCALS They Are None the Dess Intereating Short, and Their Importance, Should Not Be Underestimated. Busy With Motion Court. Judge W. M. Henry has been busy this week holding motion court. There has been a great deal of business trans acted. Prof. King’s School. The honor roll in Prof. P. J. King’s high school for the past month is as follows: Edward Peters, 97; Wilson Hardy, 97, Lindley McClure, 96, Bar ry Wright, 96; Hugh Battey, 95.’ The Place for Your Dinner. Go to the Bazaar today for your dinner. It is convenient for business men, and besides getting a most excellent meal your conscience will feel easier with ths knowledge of having helped a most worthy cause. North Borne Election. Tomorrow the city of North Rome will elect a mayor and four council man. The regular ticket is headed by Mr. R. B. Morrison, the present may or. The citizens of that enterprising little city are taking a great deal of interesting in the contest, and there will probably be a lively race for aldermanio honors. i Is Doing a Nice Business. Mr. C. B. Goetchius is doing a splendid fire and life insurance business now. Mr. Goetchius is a pleasant, progres sive gentleman, and his business has grown steadily since he located in Rome. He represents some of the best and most reliable houses in the country and any one wanting life or fire insurance would do well to see him. He has sn office in the Western Union office under the Armstrong. Arnold’s Bromo-Celery. The greatest remedy of the 19th century for headaches, lOcts. For sale by Curry-Arrington- Company. pxy I a ATWOODS. A Feast For the G-ods Can be prepared from our stock of choice and fancy groceriss. Mince Pie, Rich Cakes, Dates, Figs, Pure Spices, Malaga Raisins, Citron, New Nats, Currants and Cocanuts, and Bennett’s famous flavoring extracts. If you want the finest and best ham, call. Do not forget our fine line of Groceries, Fine Syrups and Country Produce. Money cheer fully returned if goods are not satis delivered promptly. E. C. Wood & Co. Telephone 44 202 BroadJStreet Rome, Ga, Water Commissioners Meet. The board of water commissioners met at the city hall last night, and the new commissioner, Mr. John D. Moore, met with them for the first time. It was not a regular meeting night, but the board elected Mr. E. L. Bosworth, chair man. The other members are I. F. Davis and J. D. Moore. At the meeting Monday night week a water-works sup* erintendent and a collector will be elected, Mr. James McGuire is the present sup erintendent and Capt. J. T. Moore, col lector. It is understood that there will be several candidates for both places. Nimble-Fingered Cotton Pickers. Mr. J. J. Thomas, Os East Armuchee has two children that are light in weight but can lead all the little ones in picking cotton. Pearlie Lee Thom as is 12 years of age and weighs be tween 70 and 80 pounds, says the 'Walker Connty Messenger. Her sis ter Amazell is ten and weighs 60 pounds. On the'Dobson place, a mile and a half south of Villanow, Pearlie picked one hundred and seventy-three pounds of cotton, while that picked by Amazell weighed one hundred and fifty-two pounds. It shows what wil ling hands with nimble fingers can do. Mrs. M. B, Ford, Ruddell’s, 111., suf sered eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles.—Curry- Arrington Co. Rubber goods at W. H. Coker & Co. WANTED —A first class Traveling Hardware man none but experienced men need apply. Address at once state experience and present employment J. B, Nicklin, Chattanooga, Tenn, All kinds of rubber good at W. H. Coker & Co. MAY COME HERB, A Prominent Party of Capitalists Tour ing the South Now. A party of prominent northern bankers, cotton mill men and capitalist* are mak ing a tour of the south examining cotton mills. The party will probably visit Rome, as they are expected in Chat tanooga today. In the party are: E. Naumberg, of Naumberg, Lauer & Co.; John P. Townsend, president Bowery Savings bank; S. M. Millikin, of Deering, Millikin & Co.; Wheeler Smith, archit ect; John Sinclair, contractor; A. W. Green and Edwin Green;’ W. B. Brews ter, Wm. V. Brokaw and C. H. Hackett, wholesale clothier, New York; W. F. Milliken, wholesale grocer, Portland, Me.; J. W. Danielson, treasurer of sev eral eastern cotton mills, Providence, and M. V. Richards, land agent of the South ern railway. Overdh oes at W. H. Coker & Co. WIDE BE XXCELLINT. Trio of Entertainer, JHeaded by Dialect, ArtietPoke Miller, Dec. Sth. J The popnlar favorite, Polk Miller, will appear at Nevins opera house Wednesday Dec. Bth in conjunction with Oscar Sisson and Ester Wallaoe. This combination is here to beat and there is little doubt that a large au dience will greet them. The program is a lengthy and varied one and is advertised of the bills to be oonstructed specially for * 'laughing pur poses. ’ ’ The third act will introduce Mr. Miller in a new role, that of an old plan tation negro, not only in dialect but in “make up” as well. Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers may be prevented by keeping the blood nure and the system toned up with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. STOLEN—A set of single harness Liberal reward will be paid for evidence to convict the guilty party. J. A. Ellison, West Rome. Smoke Watters’ Extra Good Cigars, If it isn't the best 5 cent cigar you ever smoked, we'll treat. It is made right here in Rome and for sale by all enter prising dealers. We expect you to come and get a pair of rubber boots, a pair of over shoes, a rubber coat, a rubber cap, a rubber hunting coat, a rubber lined working coat and a mackintosh all this you can get at W. H. Coker & Co. CHEAP BATES TO ATLANTA, Account Randagaer’s Concert and Atlanta Exchange for Woman Work. For above occasion the Western and Atlantic railroad will sell round trip tickets to Atlanta and return at $2,95, tickets on sale Dec. 9th, limited to return until Dec. 10th. Trains leave Rome 6a. m., 9 a. m., 4:25 p. m. For any other information call on or write C, K. Ayer. P. and T. A. ti!9 CA.STORIA.. //XT* ■. S’ ""* mrv THE ROME TRIBUNE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1897 ROME IS HEALTHY. Eltile Ilinas, of a Serious Character in City’. Limits Now. Perhaps in the history of Rome has so little sickness existed as at the present time. The doctors of the city are doing a starvation business. From one of the very best physicians in the city a Tribune reporter obtained the above information. Speaking of this the physician said: “From the best information I can get there is not more than thirty cases of sickness among the white residents of the city, and little or none among the colored residents. Most of all the illness in the city is now caused by the cold weather, colds, coughs, etc. “I don’t see how we doctors are to survive if business dosen’t pick up. Never in my medical experience of twen ty years has been so healthy.” In view of the prevailing yellow fever and other sicknesses in the south this year, the above statement is a most re markable one. Diligent inquiry among a dozen of the leading medical practi tioners revealed the fact that they are all taking a vacation, so to speak. Visitors from a distance seeking a place of recreation and health, could not find a more ideal place than Rome. O g. Misses Overshoes at W. H. Coker A Co. _____ POINTS ABOUT Some Who Go. Some Who Come and Some Who Stay at Home. Editor James Hall, of the Calhoun Times, wm in the city yesterday. Dr. Frank Wynn returned to Atlan ta yesterday afternoon, after a brief visit in the city. Messrs. R. S. Perry and Charles Mc- Allister, of Cave Spring, were in the city yesterday. Miss Mamie Hsadden has gone to Arkansas to spend the winter with friends. Howard Fisher, respresenting the Dobler & Mudge Paper Company of Bal timore, was m the city yesterday. Tom Logan, the little son of Officer Logan suffered a relapse yesterday, and his condition is considered serious. He has been ill several weeks. Mr. W. W. Berry has returned from Shelbyville, Tenn., where he was called by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. W. W. Berry. He reports her as im proving. Insure with Goetchius Phone 169 Children’s Overshoes at W. H. Co ker & Co. ELECT OFFICERS. Royal Arcanum Held Annual Election Last Night. An interesting and largely attend ed meeting of Hill City Council No. 535 Reyal Arcanum met last night at 7:30 o’clock to elect officers for the en suing year. The election resulted as follows: Regent—Max Meyerhardt. Vice-Regent—A. C, Weems. Representative to Grand Council — Max Meyerhardt. Alternate—W. S. Simmons. Orator—J. T, Burgess. Secretary—J. E. Mullen. Collector—W. H. Coker. Treasurer—W. H. Edmondson. Chaplain—H. J. McKenzie. Warden—Walter Hume. Sentry—Albert Lumpkin. Trustee —W. R. Wyatt. After the election Mr. W.H. Coker, who has been collector for some years, invited the 43 members present to Chinnick’s restaurant where a de lightful repast was enjoyed. All kind of rubber goods at W. H. Coker & Co. FOR RENT CHEAP, The building we are now occupying between Rome eery Co,, and Kelly McWib Hams store on Broad Street. H, D, Cothran & Co, A special drive in rubber goods at W. H. Coker & Co. WANT TO BE SEXTON. Council to Elect One at Meeting Monday Night Week. Ou Monday night week the’city council will elect a sexton for Myrtle Hill cemetery to take the place of P. D. Roser, deceased. It is said that there are more than a score of aspirants for the place. It is an important post,and should be filled by a capable man. Mackintoshes at W. H. Coker & Co. “WARNING:—Persons rho suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warnings of danger and save themselves suffering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. For Bale by Curry-Arring ton 00. . What Colonel Bill Swftslor Says. The impression is general that Mis souri river water is dirty-—that the big river flows about two parts of dirt and one of mud—but the impression is erro neous, for the Missouri river’s water is purer than the water of any great river in the country, the Platte alone except ed. It is true that when a bucketful of it is dipped up it appears to be dirty, but if the water is left until it settles it will be found that the sediment at the bottom is fine, dark colored sand and not mud. The Missouri river’s water is never muddy, save during the spring high water. Colonel Bill Switzler of Boonville,\ Mo., declares that the general idea that Missouri means “big muddy’’or '‘mud dy water” is wrong. He says, and Col onel Bill Switzler is an authority, that it means “wooden canoe.’’ The name, he says, belongs to the Illinois dialect of the Algonquin Indians. The name Missuris or Missouri was applied by the Indians of the upper lake region to the tribe of Indians living west of the Mis sissippi river, because the latter used wooden canoes instead of birch bark canoes. Wooden canoes had to be used on the Missouri river because it was too turbu lent for the frail birch bark canoes, and in this way the big river secured its name. But no matter whether Missouri means “muddy water” or “wooden canoe, ” the fact remains that Missouri river water is not muddy. It does not flow through mud, but through fine sand. The Mississippi river water is 100 per cent dirtier than the Missouri, but poets have raved about the beautiful blue of the Father of Waters.—Omaha World-Herald. Tennyson’* Slip. Lord Tennyson is in his “Life” (vol ume 2, page 14) reported to have said: “I never put two s’s together in any verse of mine. My line is not, as often quoted: ‘ ‘And freedom broadens slowly down, but: “And freedom slowly broadens down.” On reading this I opened my Tennyson casually, and the first piece I saw was “Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere,” which contains four instances of the double s—namely: Sometimes the linnet piped his song. She seemed a part of joyous spring. Ab ehe fled. As she swayed. The next piece is “The Farewell,” which has the line: No more by thee my steps shall be. The next piece is “The Beggar Maid,” which has the consecutive linesj. As shines the moon in clouded skies, She in her poor attire was seen. Thinking that perhaps Lord Tennyson referred to his blank verse, I turned to the “Dedication of the Idylls,” in which I find these two lines: Or how should England, dreaming of his sons, and Till God’s love set thee at his side again. Lord Tennyson must, I think, have been misreported.—London Spectator. Marriage In England. Englishmen now, it is said, are emu lating the French in the absolute disin clination to marry. When they do de cide to take this important step, they now frequently insist upon that dot which is part of the French idea of a successful and convenable marriage. The real fact of the matter is that the or dinary modern Englishman has no desire to disturb his bachelor estate. If he has no title, no special wealth, no great his toric name to hand down to posterity, single blessedness is good enough for him. This state of mind is attributed by many to the growing independence of women. Possibly this is true, prob ably it is not. Mercenary spirits boldly assert that marriages in England will, on the whole, never be successful until women bring dots to their husbands, since gold inspires respect if not love. Marriage on a strictly business basis is evidently the future for all English wo men to look forward to.—San Francisco Argonaut For Sale. 12 Sewing Machines, sl6 to $25. 20 Pistols, $1 to $lO. 40 Watches, $1.50 to S6O. Three of these cost more SIOO each. One cost us $2lO, One very pretty diamond ring cost $l5O, at $75. We rent machines, or sell watches or machines on installments. We have divided our second story and can take a limited .amount of furniture for storage. M. N. West & Co. Z > AN7Vxi'lox*c»lK.erw« No, 24, Broad Street Go to Roark, the Jeweler, FOR U p-to-date BRIDAL AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 317 Broad St, Rome, Ga, nTffiirffmuiiuihiiili; B I that the I Vll* St I sac-simile I AVegetablePreparaticnforAs- fl SIGNATURE fl slmilatinglhefoodandßegula- ■ > J the Stomachs and Dowels of ■ —OF Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ■ ■ ness and Rest. Contains neither ■ fl Opnim.Morphine nor Mineral. ■ tg ON TUT! Not Narcotic. ■ fl I WRAPPER 1 /knytEm Jimi* H ■ I I OF EVERY 1 I BOTTLE OF 1 A perfect Remedy for Constipa- Ift ■ AVA I ■ tion. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, MflH Sn BE 1 || ■■ B n Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- MB ■■ B BBBK 818 IWwI unift NEW “YORK. fl Owtorla is put up in ons-sire bottles only. It BrfVjßiMMgMfinrSißS flis not * 1“ *dow anyone to sell fl yOll e ' se on th* plea or promise that it fl “i D,t aa snd “will answer every pur- I pose.” Bee that you get 0-A-S-T-0-E-I-A. ■ ThtfW- (APT COPYOF WRAPPER. ■ XT* . V/IttZZZ. hon The Celebrated Jellico Coal. 1 By analysis is shown to be the J O' highest in Carbon, lowest in Ash 1 and the hardert Bituminous Coal known. It is as nearly smokeless as • I possible to get I . leaves no clinkers and a very small ’ proportion of ashes. With this combination of characteristics it has been proven and is generally ' recognized as the best coal in the United States. j Robt. W. Graves & Co. Yard, Southern Railway. TelephonßSjgEsKlLo FRESH VACCINE VIRUS I AT Curry-Arrington Company’s. AN ASSERTION THAT CANNOT BE REFUTED! THAT THE OLD RELIABLE R. H. Jones Manufacturing Co. —make — As Good if not the Best Buggies and Wagons that can be , manufactured in the United States. It is true they cost yoa a trifle more than some other makes, bat they last you five times as long, and your repair bill is ten times less. We have just finished some of the best and handsomest Buggies ever turned out of our lactory. Our facilities for building are better than they have ever been. Our farm wagon is the best on the market. Every vehicle run out of our factory is run tinder a positive guarantee, Our Repair Department is the best in this country, All out work is guaranteed. We can afford to guarantee it. R. H, Jones & Sons Manufacturing Company, < ROME, GEORGIA. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy cures indigestion, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn?