The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 04, 1897, Image 2

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CONVICT BILL MADE Spsclal Committee of Eleven Complete Their Labors at Last. PROVIDES FOR THREE COMMISSIONERS Farm of S,OOO Acre* Will Be Bought in y Ceater of theJState For Aged, Inflrm, Female and;Jurenlle Convicts. MBA. At midnight Thanday the commit tee of eleven completed and adopted the convict bill, whichjthe house will pass. It embodies all the provisions thejhouse, and| ’some formulated by the which were not planned by the house. The first six sections relates to the commission of three, and is as follows: Section 1. Within thirty days after the passage of this act the governor shall appoint three intelligent and up right citizens from differen parts of the state who shall be known as the prison commission of the state of Georgia, and who shall bold office until the next general election and until their successors are elected and qualified, at which general election, in October, 1898, their successors shall be elected by the qualified voters .of the state. Sec. 2. The terms of office of the commissioners so elected shall be as follows: One for two years, one for four years and one for six years, each beginning on January 1, 1899. The commissioners so elected shall, among themselves, determine by lot which of the three terms each shall have, and they shall be commissioned according ly, After the first election all terms {except unexpired terms) shall be for six years each. In case of any vacan cy the same shall be filled by execu tive appointment, and the commis sioners so appointed shall hold their office nntil their successors for the re mainder of their unexpired terms shall have been elected and qualified. The commissioners shall elect one of their number chairman. Commissioners to Get *2,000 Each. Sec. 3. Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of their office each commissioner shall take the oaths required by all public officers, and shall execute a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, ($5,000), paya ble to the governor of Georgia and his successors in office, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties devolving upon him, which bond shall be approved by the governor and filed and recorded as other bonds. Sec. 4, The commissioners so ap pointed shall receive as salaries the sum of $2,000 each per annum, and in addition thereto actual traveling ex penses while in the discharge of their duties, which salaries shall bs paid as other statehouse officers are now paid and their traveling expenses by war rant upon itemized bills, certified by the board and approved by the comp troller general. Sec. 5. The commission shall have have an office in the capitol, and such books, stationery, stamps, and other office supplies as may be needed shall be provided as such supplies are now furnished to the other statehouse offi cers. They shall select a clerk, whose duties shall be determined by the board, whose compensation shall not exceed SI,OOO per annum, and who shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. I Yon some- j) times hear men telling with foolish conceit how hard overwork and that they Ilfv&trK neglect their I 11 v> ” Kjt X 'kA hea ' th * n the * JSj rs pursuit of mon- ' jf/ '*' ey. There are x—x '/ thousands o f men who admit the se things with a sort of pride, and slap themselves on the chest and laugh at the idea they will some-day regret their reck lessness and neglect. They laugh at Death, but in a short while, a very short while, the laugh is on the other side. Death waits while they laugh. He who laughs last, laughs best, ana in due time Death dances on the prostrate body of the laugher. There are many funny things in this world but death is not one of them. Neither is ill health for it is one of Death’s weapons and the most effective. When a hard-working man feels out of sorts, and has a poor appetite, and doesn’t sleep well, and goes to work in the morning tired-out and heavy headed, he should take Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It is the best health-bringer and health-keeper known. It corrects all disorders of the di gestion, invigorates the liver, restores the appetite and keeps it hearty and keen. It drives impurities from the blood and dis ease - germs from the body. It builds healthy flesh, firm muscles, steady nerves arfd active brain cells. It brings restful sleep and restores ambition. It cures nerv ous irritation, nervous exhaustion and nerv ous prostration. It cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption. It is the discovery of an eminent and skillful specialist, Dr. R. V. Pierce, now and for thirty years past, chief consulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. DR.PTERCE’S <.&*•.= v terofgood health, and good health is largely a matter of healthy activity of the bowels. Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. They are safe, sure and speedy, and once taken do not have to be taken always. One little “Pellet” is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. They never gripe. DC I I CTC Druggists sell them. 11 Oo See. 6. The commission shall have complete management and control of the state convicts, shall regulate the hours of their labor, the manner and extent of their punishment, the varie ty and quantity of their food, the kind and character of their clothing, and shall make such other rules and regulations as will ensure their safe keeping and proper health; and to appoint such officers and physicians as may be necessary. The commission shall likewise have general supervision of the misdemean or convicts of the state. It shall be the duty of one of the commissioners or an officer designated bv them, to visit from time to time, at least quar terly, the various camps where misde meanor convicts are at work, and shall advise with the county or municipal authorities working them, in making and altering the rules for the govern ment, control and management of said convicts; and in case county or municipal authorities and such com mission fail to agree upon the man agement, government or control of the same, the governors shall pre scribe such rules; and if the county or municipal authorities fail to comply with such rules, . then the governor, with the commission, shall take such convicts from the said county or mu nicipal authorities and deliver them to some other county or municipal authority complying with the rules and regulations prescribed by the gov ernor; and in the event no county or municipal authorities shall desire them, then they shall be worked upon such public works as the commission may designate. Sections 7 to 12 inclusive define the duties of the commission, and the reg ulations regarding the disposition ot females, infirm convicts and boys. They also touch and define the work ing of short term convicts on the road. Th>n the farm of 5,000 acres in the center of the state and suitable build ings, etc., shall be advertised for. Sections 13 to 16 read: To Ba Placed oa a Farm. Sec. 13, Upon the expiration of the present lease contract, the com mission shall place upon the property purchased, the females who shall be put at such labor as is best suited to their sex and strength. They shall also place upon said farm or farms all boys under sixteen years of age, who shall be put at such work as is best suited to their strength and age, mak ing provision for such moral and manual training as will be conducive to their reformation and restoration to good citizenship. The aged, infirm and diseased convicts, and such others as may be needed or reserved by said commission, shall be put to labor as the commission may direct. The convicts required by the conn ty or municipal athorities for public works therein shall be delivered to said county or municipal authorities, and the residue shall be put at labor on the contract of hiring, made as herein provided. Sec. 14. Qn the assembling of the general assembly of 1898, said commis sion shall lay before that body 'a de tailed report, showing what property has been purchased or leased by them; what contracts have been made for the hire of convicts, and an itemized report ot all expenditures made by them, and shall thereafter make an nual reports. They shall also formu late such rules and regulations as may be deemed best for the government of the penitentiary, and recommend such legislation as may be needed to carry out their plans. Present Penitentiary Department Has Been Abolished. Sec. 15. Tbe duties of the principal keeper of the penitentiary and the as sistant keeper of the penitentiary as now provided by law shall devolve upon the commission hereby created and immediately upon the appoint ment and qualification of the members of the said commission, the office of principal keeper of the penitentiary and the office of assistant keeper of the penitentiary and the office of phy sician of tbe penitentiary shall be abol ished. Sec. 16. To carry out the pro visions of this act the sum of SIOO,OOO or so much thereof as may be neces sary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not other wise appropriated, provided, however, that all money arising from the hire of convicts, whether under the pres ent lease or any lease to be made hereunder, shall be placed in the treas ury until tbe amount expended under tbe provisions of this act has been so replaced in the treasury, after which the net income derive from the hire of convicts shall go into the common school fund, and the governor is here by authorized to draw his warrant on tbe treasury for tbe same. Don't be persuaded into buying lini ments without reputation or merit — Chamberlain’s Pain Balmcostsno more, and its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the following, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being received: ‘ ‘The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and I say so after having used it in my family for several years.” It cures rheu matism, lame back, sprains and swell ings. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co, THE HOME, TRIBUNE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1897. IT WAS DISGRACEFUL Election Methods in Augusta Commented On By Correspondent. WHAT HE HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT Card Printed in the Augusta Herald. Polltleal Corruption Al It Was Seen By One Who Was There. The Jtagusta Herald publises the following about the methode which prevailed in the election in that city. The Herald's correspondent says: To the editor of the Herald —Sir:— The mayoralty of the city of Augusta for three years from this date was un doubtedly bought. Mr. Walsh or any one of his supporters with an equal regard for the truth and a knowledge of the facts will not deny this asser tion. A sufficient number of negro voters to decide tbe election was pur chased confessedly, avowedly and openly, singly or in blocks, at so much per bead. In what has just been writ ten there is no charge, suggestion or intimation that only Mr. Walsh and his supporters resorted to this illegal, criminal and disgraceful method. Mr. Walsh’s mayoralty is the resul tant of these illegal, criminal and dis graceful acts; but so would have been, to a greater or less extent, the may oralty of either of his competitors, if either had succeeded. Neither bad money enough. Nor is anything here written in a Pharisaical spirit. The writer is not thanking God that he is better than other men. This whole community is guilty either by act or connivance. A more corrupt political constituency is not to be found. Unfortunately the strong hand of power has imposed upon us an element of voters, holding the balance in most elections, and venal, purchaseable and faithless to a revolt ing and disgusting degree. The vir tue and integrity of the white have not been strong enough to resist the temptation to compass their purposes by buying negro voters like sheep in the shambles. It is difficult to determine which is the greater, the criminality or the folly of our acts. It is idle and unprofitable to try to decide this question. The crim inality is shamelessly apparent; the folly of lavishing tens of thousands of dollars on tbe most worthless members of the community, while worthy and useful en terprises languish, and just debts remain unpaid, is simply unspeakable. More over, all our interests are thus put at the mercy of a selfish and absentee plutocracy. How easy for a Wall street syndicate, with one thousand dollars for every dol lar which we poor conquered people can raise, to hire their emissaries in our midst and purchase our corrupt consistuency for any act of conquest and appropriation they desired! Indeed, it is said in some quarters that that very thing was done in the disgraced city of Augusta December let, 1897. The writer pens these lines in the hope that now, while the hideous evil is fresh in our memories and before it is effaced by the exactions of our busy lives, good people may get together and devise some rescue. Else, let us expeet to see our fair city perish, as it ought, Citizen. To Cure A Cold ilo One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. A Friar** Prediction. A certain Spanish friar, who was an almanac maker, predicted with accuracy and in distinct and precise terms the death of Henry IV of France. The friar in question was arrested and brought before the king, who treated the predic tion with contempt, while he thanked the friar for his anxiety upon bis (the king’s) behalf. Tbe event, however, happened as the prediction had foretold. In this case it is, of course, quite pos sible that the friar may have had some secret knowledge of the existence of a conspiracy against the king’s life and desired in this way t 6 warn his majesty of the impending danger. - The three-year-old boy of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, during a se vere attack, saved his little boy’s life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place; and they handle a great many patent medicines for throat and lung diseases. He bad all these to chose from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call, but selected this remedy for use in his own family at a time when his child’s life was in danger, because he knew it to be superior to any other, and famous the country over for its cures cf cronp. Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling cough medicine they handle and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cases. Sold by Curry-A rrington Co., Rome, Ga. Nonce. I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the opium end whisky habits to have one of my books of these diseases. Address B. M Woolly, Atlanta, Ga., Box 362, andone will be sent you free. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE- Southern Will Inaugurate Some Changes on Next Sunday Sih. On tomorrow the new scbeduld of the Southern goes into effect. There are no marked changes, except the new Cincinnati and Florida vestibule is put on. Tbe trains going south leave Rome as follows: No. 7, 1:56 a, m.; No. JO, 10:40 a. m. These two trains are the same as tbe old schedule. Going north the trains leave Rome as follows: No. 7, 10:19 a. m ; No. 9, 4:55 p. m. Both of these trains are changed a few minutes. Train for Selma leaves 10:45 a. m., and arrives 4:45 p. m. The trains to Gadsden and Attalla (daily except Sunday) leaves Rome at 2:15 p. m , and arrives from those points at 10 a. m. The Sunday train leaves at 5 p. m. and arrives 9:30 a. m. The fast vestibule train for Florida from Cincinnati makes tbe initial trip of the season Sunday night. It passes Rome going south at 8:20 p. m, and north 7:15 a. m. This train is one of tbe fastest and handsomest in the south. It makes stops after leaving Chatta nooga only at Dalton, Rome, Atlanta and Macon, and is scheduled to run 43 miles per hour. It has six beautiful new vestibuled cars, furnished in the most sumptuous manner. It is especially for the tour ist travel to Florida and points south. Dig down to the cause of your sick ness, if you want to get a ell and stay well. Most likely it’s indigestion. The irritating poisons of fermenting, putrid food, left in the stomach by indigestion, cause headache, neuralgia, nervousness, dizziness, stomach ache, nausea, irrita bility, and all tbe other well-known symptoms of indigestion. They also cause many pains and dis orders which are often laid to other causes and hence are not easily cured. But as soon as the poisons are removed, all these symptoms and disorders disap pear, because there is nothing left to cause them. Nothing succeeds in this like Shaker Digestive Cordial, because it prevents the undigested food from fermenting in tbe stomach and helps the stomach to digest its food. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to SI.OO per bottle. £ Glued Seams. A correspondent who signs himself V. 0., evidently meaning Victoria Cross, sends the following reminiscence to the London Telegraph: “Your ac count of the tailor who has invented gummed seams for sewed ones reminds me of the experience of a gallant French officer who was a friend of mine, then a young man, in the Crimea—General Pelissier. He was rather careless about his dress except when in uniform, and one day he surprised all his friends by appearing in a magnificent shepherd tartan suit. They were all envious of his splendid turnout. At night he join ed in the conviviality which was tak ing place in one of the huts, warmed by a cheerful, blazing fire. The place got intolerably warm, and when Pe lissier rose to go the company were amazed to find the shepherd tartan ‘complet 1 fall to pieces in an extraordi nary manner. The sleeves of the coat dropped to the floor, then the back, and the trousers also fell off in detachments. An examination showed that the seams, instead of being sawed, were glued to gether, and the heat of the hut had completely melted the composition. Pe lissier had bought them from a Greek peddler and paid a high price for them. If that enterprising merchant had fall en into the general’s hands within the next few days, I am afraid he would have had short shrift. Unless the new system is capable of better things than that most of us will be quite content to stick to the stitches. ” J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O , was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicians for tbe cure of eczema. He was quickly cured by using De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve the famous healing salve for piles and skin dis eases. —Curry-Arrington Co. Deui 2»uailu’s Victory. At the battle of San Jacinto, when Banta Anna’s forces had routed Hous ton’s left wing, a deaf colonel by the name of Smith did not hear the order to fall back and kept on fighting until his example and success on the right wing caused a general rally, which re sulted in the total defeat and capture of the Mexican army. There is a county in Texas named Deaf Smith in honor of the hero. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., savs. “My child is worth millions to me; yet I would have lost herby croup had I not invested 25 cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure.” It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles, —Curry-Arrington Co. Frozen Butterflies. It is a common experience among mountain climbers to find butterflies frozen on the snow, and so brittle that they break unless they are very careful ly handled. Such frozen butterflies on being taken to a warmer climate recover themselves and fly away.—Philadelphia Record. /DoittYoufakei ißrowns'lronj Tbe Uses of Demons. The uses of lemons are manifold, and the more we employ them the better we shall find ourselvea For all people, in sickness or in health, lemonade is not only a safe but a remarkably pleasant drink. It is a specific against worms and skin complaints. The pippins crushed may also be mixed with water and used as a drink. Lemon juice is the best antiscorbutio remedy known.' It not only cures the disease; but, what is better than a cure, it is a preventive. Sailors make a daily use of it for that purpose. It is a good thing to rub the gums daily with lemon juioe to keep them in a healthy condition. It prevents chilblains. Lemon used in intermittent fevers is mixed with strong hot black tea or coffee without sugar. Neuralgia may be cured by rubbing the part affected with a lemon. It is valuable also to cure warts and to destroy dandruff on the head by rubbing the roots of the hair with it. The Face. Most girls are pleased to be thought beautiful, nor is it displeasing to a young man to find he is spoken of as handsome. But if we recall the faces that are most pleasing to us we shall commonly find it is not fairness of com plexion or evenness of feature that we admire, but a merry smile, a kindly expression, a frank, honest look—it is really the character of the person ex pressed in the face which attracts us. But a face does not respond to the effort of the moment. It is a revelation of the habitual attitude of the soul. Thoreau says, ‘ ‘ Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man’s features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them.” He’ll Be Heard From. “People said that young Lumley would squander the money he inherited, but he’s gone and invested it in a sound business. ’ ’ “That so?” “Yes, he’s bought an' interest in a boiler factory.”—Chicago News. Misunderstood. Elderly Spinster—ls there anything worse than a baby? Sympathetic Old Bachelor (hard of hearing)—A baby, ma’am? God bless my soul, ma’am, I didn’t know you had ene I—Brooklyn Life. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 50c or JI.OO. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling RemedvCo.. Chicago or New York. An ICiecuofi at Athens. Athens, Ga., Dec. 2.—An election of mayor and aldermen occurred here. Everything passed off quietly and Ath ens has the same aidermen without an exception that she had last year. Mr. Ei L Smith was elected mayor. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys aid bowels, Never sicken, weaken or gripe. De. Help Wanted—Male. Agents get fifty cents on each dollar no experience necessary. Write for agent’s outfit. -Address The Catholic News, 5 Barclay St., New York. Morrison & Trammell make the best brick possible and sell them all over the country. WANTED—Trustworthy and active gentlemen or ladies to travel for re sponsible established house in Rome, Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Posi tion steady. Reference. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Do minion Company. Dept. R. Chicago. Buy a Smooth White 3L Skin For Your Face! It probab’7 need, renewing, for It 1b rough, red, freckled, blotched o. pimpled, until It baa become repulsive Instead of attractive Healthy skin is always b-wutiful. The sun and wind, impure soaps ana ooamotlcs injure the skin. Viola Cream cleanses, nourishes and restores the skin, making it soft, white and beauMful. It is not a cosmetic —does not cover up. but remote® blemishes. It 11 harmless and always nves lik. what we claim for it. The only prepumvon but wEI positively remove Freckles, Blackhead* Tan, Sunburn and Pimples. Hundreds cf testimonials from promU Dent ladies. P’ice .co €*»•*** ■? t r *at druggists* Q.C. AHIO. #•»»<*>««* BUT X POZZONI’S y X POWDER X •jft REMANS AEWAYS THE SAME, ajo XThe finest, purest and most beautt- V tying toilet powder ever made. His /L soothing healing, healthful and re, Ah harmless, and when rightly used to /h Invtoible. If you have never tried M A POZZONI’S A you do not know what an IDEAS. COMPLEXION POWDER is. A IT IS SOLD EVERYWHERE. A •aaOMOd s.lMoszod sjunba Snjqjoa uojxaid -moo oqi jo juameaogdui, joj pas ‘Xjprnd aoj <foßO||ea joj Why not gl Buy a PiancF" At Home Where you are in position to get one at tbe possible price, from one of the largest dealers in the South. The E, E. Forbes Music House is enjoying one of the most prosperous year’s in the history of its exis ence, and is better prepaired than ever to trade with you in away to save you money. Call on or wri e them for prices on CONOVER, KARNICK & BACH, BEHR BROS., KNABE, CCHBERT AND KINGSBERRY. PIANOS Found at 327 Broad St.. Rome, Ga. S. P. DAVIS. Manager. WEAK MAN CURE YOURSELF, Dr. Grady’s wonderful Irish fl \ Invigorator, the greatest •ft _ JL remedy foj Lost Manhood, /4xzt BjgKw overcomes prematureness V-IFIASA a° d stops all unnatural drains and loests. All small tsuweak organs enlarged and I JBstrevgthened. Sufferers, bv A ' ' lay remitting SI.OO a sealed 1 . * >ackage containing B 0 pills, , .*? Iltfj &refbl, y compounded, will sent by mail fre m our lab uno db. urady oratory, or we will furnish Success for 50 yrs. six packages for $5 with a 200,000 Cured. GUARANTEE to cure or money refunded. A' 1 letters confidential, and goods sent with full Inetruo ■ lions free from observation. Address, CRYSTAL MED. CO. Lowell, Mass. Chronic Diseases—— forms Successfully Treated. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Falplta tlon, Indigestion, etc. of the Nose, Throat and Lungs. , Diseases Peculiar to Women, Prolapsus, Ulcerations, Leucorrhea, etc, Write, giving history of your case and it will receive immediate attention An opinion, price of treatment, pamphlet and testimonials will be sent you tbex Dr, S, T. Whitaker, Specialist, 205 Norcross Building, Atlanta, G Stop When in Chattanooga, either on business or pleasure, at the most comfortable and convenvient hotel in the city. Stanton House, Near the Central Station and convenient to business center Rates, $2 a pay. M. M. Kline & Co. Proprietors. Pawtucket Fur Company, 294 lain St, Pawtucket, R. I. WANTS ALL KINDS OF Raw Furs, Skins, Ginseng, Senaca, etc Prices quoted for next 60 days are as fol lows: Silver Fox,> $15.00 to $150.00; Bear, $5.00 to $25.00; Otter, $4.00 to $9.00; Martin $2.00 to $9.00; Beaver, $3.00 to $3.50 per pound; Wolf, SI.OO to $2.00; Red Fox, SI,OO to $2,00; Mink, 75c to $1.00; Skunk, 25c to $1.00; Gray Fox, 50c to 75c; Rat, 20c to 25c Price list on all other furs and skins fur nished upon application. Full prices guar anteed, careful selection, courteous treat ment, and immediate remittance on all consignments. VIM, VIGOR. VITALITY RESTORED .30 DAYS. Good Effects at Once. CATON’S VITALIZES Cures general special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotenty, pare sis, etc. Corrects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prerailed Convenient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. The Cure is Quick and Thorough. Don't be deceived by imitations: insist on CATON’S Vitalizers. Sent sealed if your druggist does not have it. Price $1 per pkgp, 6 for $5, with .written guarantee of complete cure. Information, references, etc., free and confidential. Send ns statement of case and 25 cts. for a week’s trial treatment. One only sent to each person. CATON MED. CO., Boston, Mass. Kill toLive. That living germs oy millions infest the human system and produce dis eases of blood and nerves is no longer ~v a theory but a proven fact. Thatj J King's Royal Germeteur Cures these diseases in a speedy and pleasant way, is equally proven. SPRING Is here. Look to your health at the beginning of the hot season. Keep Germeteur on hand. Use it as atonic preventive and cure. Bold every where. SI.OO per bottle. Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, 6a. MANUFACTURERS.!