The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 19, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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CHRISTMAS SENTIMENTS ❖ * ❖ * # AS EXPRESSED BY PROMINENT ROMANS. r ’ ■ *■« * \ : £1 w- ■ MAYOR S. S, KING, Christmas will dawn on Rome with every saloon closed tight. No city in the country will observe the day more becominly, and to every one I ex tend heartiest greeting for good cheer and prosperity. * &<• '" i CAPT. THOMPSON HILES. Everybody should be merry, jolly and good humored in the holidays. Remember the poor and needy. Square up with the world, live for the future and let each year grow bright er as it passes by. R. B. McARVER. So you want a sentiment from 4 ‘Mac” on the holiday season? Why, who wonld not say as did Rip Yan Winkle,' ‘Here’s to yonr family. May you live long and prosper.” ————————— -————-——— \ ■ v ■ . ■ ' ■ JUDGE W. M. HENRY. Tis not hard to wish eve r y Hying creature a yule tide heart some and happy, and for every poor and hum ble home remembrance and the glad ness that shall come therefrom. T’l W f J. B. OWENS, If I can sell all the shoes, andgoloches and get all the pretty girls in North Georgia to love me, get the hair to grow back on my head and eat turkey that’s Christmas enough for me! THE BOMB TIfIBUNE. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 19, ib«7. r?- ] t tv’-'-'" : '. -W O" kW ’ /gr *■ .' i MSiWa . *• • - CAPT, J. L. BASS. While the birds bring us no melody, and lambs are not gav, neither the daisy nor the lily employ their regal livery, nevertheless, withal, there is a glad, sweet itfluence of the hour. Each heart gets a special joy in Christmas —each for itself and suited to its want. The mysterious down-the-chimney visit of grizzly Santa Claus is a cheerful delight to the little ones. Through gift-giving the language of the hearts of friends is tenderly uttered,and peace greeting goes out to meet its echo—good will, while the recurring thought of the Manger Bed must bring its treasure to every believing soul. Christmas is a success long-tried and true. R. A. DENNY. Christmas Day, day of feasting, day of rejoicing, day of gladness. When we think of our enemies only to forgive them; and remember our friends only to wish that we had loved them more. V il W Bh.k,, ■ ivW 1A 'k 9 I ■Ek WMF-' •* TAX COLLECTOR V. T. SANFORD. lam too busy taking in taxes to say anything, more than that I wish for every one the best of Christmas cheer. I SOLICITOR MOSE WRIGHT. This yeir is my first experience as Santa Claus, and I've come to the con clusion that there is more solid joy in fixing a Christmas tree for a two year old little one than being elected to every office in Georgia. ‘ • ? •• • HON. J C. MOORE. Why, I’m so delighted with the opportunity to spend a few days daring Christmas with my family and get acquainted with them again that Ido not know what to say. Bat to everybody I send kindiest greeting for the season of Joy and che».-. MO\X 7 ■ - ■XX 7' • ■ Mgr " ■*» w&l W ..Tjg • * '• PC > ■ > ,v rnMQEWOk sIR’L ORDINARY JOHN P. DAVIS, I wish everybody a merry Christmas, and to the young people not yet so fortunate as to know the joys of married life, I hope to furnish the necessary documents. •f ' . -y j. SHERIFF J. P. M’CONNELL. A Christmas sentiment! Why, I wish every soul in Rome, Floyd county and the country all the happiness they are entitled to. That’s all.any one should have. HON. HALStED SMITH. The Tribune asks for an impromptu thought about Christmas: the immediate answer suggested is peace, good will and joy. Each one knows what would bring to him or her most restful peace; each, from whom would be wished the most good will, and each recognize, among all the chords of life, the one whose music will awaken the most joy. w -> / |K POSTMASTER J. M. VANDIVER. In this season of cheer and good wishes 1 have greeting Jo all the peo ple of Rome, and wish for them one and all a merry Christmas, and the dawning of a happy Yew Year. I; RECORDER M. B. EUBANKS. Here’s hoping that all of the “regulars’* and none of the novices will come into my court Christmas week, or any other waek if it might so be ordered. 3