The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 24, 1897, Image 5

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Farewell Profits Five cent cotton has kept the country merchants from investing in fireworks and as we ■missed the usual Xmas trade from that source, We are going to let our •entire stock of fireworks go at prices never heard of before in Rome. You ■can buy five cents worth at the same rate that a merchant would have to ■pay for 1100.00 worth. Roman Candles. Four balls 7 cents the dozen, six balls, 12 oentsthe dozen, e’ght balls, 15 c nts the dozen, ten balls 20 cents the dozen, twelve nails, 34 cents the dozen, fifteen balls, 44 <sents the dozen, twenty balls 65 cents the dozen, twenty-five balls, 41.04 the dozen. Sky Rockets. Three ounces 15 cents the dozen four ounces 25 cents the dozen, six ounces 35 cents the dozen, half p und 57 cents the dozen, 'Cannon Crackers and Up/to/date Salutes. 2 inch salutes, 10in a package, 4 cents the package, 3 1-2 inch salutes, 15 in a package, 8 cents the pack age, 4 inch cannon crackers, 40 in the package, 22 1-2 cents the pack age, 5 inch cannon crackers 20 in the package. 22 1-2 cents the pack age, 5 1-2 in. cannon crackers, 20 in Ihe package; 22 12 cents the pack age, 7 1-2 inch cannon crackers, 10 in the package, 221-2 cents the package, 8 1-2 inch cannon crack ■ers. 5 in the package, 22 1-2 cents the package, 10 inch Cannon crack ers, 5 in the package, 30 cents the package. Torpedoes, Boston Torpedoes 4 cents the box. Giant Torpedoes 3 cents the box. On Pin Wheels, Whoop-’ Em-Up, Verticle Wheels, Balloons and sdfall Fire Crackers, we guarantee our prices to be the very lowest. We have all Clean, Fresh, New Goods, none of which have been in our house 30 days. We want your or ders, and know we can save you money on your purchases. Yours Truly, HAND a CO, Opposite Armstrong Hotel. An Innocent Sufferer. How often you hear of a sweet in nocent child suffering from some terrible blood disease which is hereditary and which if not eradi cated from the system will be a source of misery during its entire life. If you are a parent and your child is suffering from any blood disease, don’t neglect getting a bot tle of African a the sure cure, Bead the Following! I had been troubled for years with rheumatism 1 took two bottles of 1 your most excellent medicine* Afri cans, which has about relieved me entirely, and I feel like a different man. My little daughter, 8 years old, was greatly afflicted with sore eyes all her life, and less than one bottle of Africans has affected ap parently a permanent cure. It af fords me great pleasure to recom mend your most excellent medicine, the “ Africans,’’ as a great relief to suffering humanity. Rev F. M, Jordan, Brevard. Transylvania Cq., N. C. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., and Taylor & Norton, druggists Rome, Ga. 1 Guitars AND Mandalines FOR Christmas. One-third Off for cash- I have on hand a consignment of fine grade Guitars and Mandolines that must be closed out by January Ist. I offer them at one-third off for cash. Buy one for Christmas, A $15.00 Guitar for SIO.OO A 12.00 Guitar for 800 JOE VEAL, 205 BROAD ST. MAKE A DOLLAR. By sending four cash sub'' scribers to the Weekly TRIBUNE, Local agents wanted throughout North Georgia and Alabama, All postmasters are authorized to receive subscriptions. FORNEY-DAU CETTE, A Very Fashionable Wedding In Jackson ville jWedneeday Krening. Jacksonville, Ala., Dec. 23.—Our lives are guided by a star of hope. Our imagination plows the mystic fu ture, drives back, dark possibilities, and pictures circumstances that when attained, life will be sweeter and hap pier. Many of the anticipations of life are disappointed, but the dreams, the hopes and the antioipa tions of Mr C W. Daugette and Miss Annie Rowan Forney came to a sweet realization last night at 8 o’clock at St, Luke’s Episcopal church, when the Rev. Mr. Mellichampe, in an impressive manner performed the ceremony that made them man and wife. Long before the appointed hour the church was filled with people. J. J. Arnold am? Walter Dean were ushers. Miss Exa Hames was organist, and as she softly played the Lohengrin march the bridal party began to enter. P. P. Daugette, brother of the groom, was best man. The attendants were Ed G. Caldwell and Miss Sallie Donaldson, of Easta boga; Geo. P. Ide and Miss Josephine Alexander, of Anniston;' Jacob For ney and Miss Annie Stevenson, and P. F. Williams and Miss Emily Good lett. When they had taken stand in front of the sanctuary the bride-to be entered on the arm of her father, Gen. I. H. Forney, and advancing upon the rostrum joined' the groom to-be and his best man where the cer emony was performed. The gentlemen wore evening dress suits, The bride was dressed in beau tiful white brocaded satin. The brides maids wore pink, green and blue or gandie. The flower girls, little Misses Louise Raymond and Fannie Graham, strewed the aisle with flow ers before the retreating bridal party. The party were then driven to the home of the bride’s parents where a reception was given from 9 till 11 o’clock. Many beautiful and costly presents were given. The wedding was the prettiest ever witnessed in Jackson ville, and from the prominence of the wedded parties, the most notable event in society circles. Their hun dreds of friends proffer congratula tions and warm wishes for their hap piness. How to Prevent Pneumonia. At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to run its course without the aid of some reliable cough medicine is liable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaction. —Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy that is known to be a certain preventive of pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have . used it for colds and la grippe, we have never yet learned of a single case having' resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep the remedy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry-Arrington Co. ’You cannot afford to miss the cost sale of the E, C, Wood & Co/s, stocK of fancy and staple groceries. Call today, AiiH.aU Im Dead. London, Dec. 23.—Lady Millais, the widow of Sir John Miliais, late presi dent of the Royal academy, is dead Lady Millais is the divorced wife of John Ruskin, who voluntarily gave her up when it was evident that she love. Millais. Ruskin stood by in the church while, in 1855, she was married tc Millais. After hearing some friends contin ually praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, pur chased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonder ful work as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Curry-Arring ton Co. Niue Mess Are r U. London, Dec. 23. —A boat containiu. nine stevedores, while proceeding to steamer in the Thames, was capsize, and all the men were drowned. Mrs. Wallington Booth 111. New York, Dec. 22. Mrs. Ballingtou Booth, who is suffering from aneurism, passed a quiet night, but her condition U still very serious. Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Ridge, 0., a ys: “After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using. One Minute plough Cure.*’ It is the quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and Inng troubles.—Curry-Arrington Co. - FOR RENT. > A nice comfortable 8 room house with 10 acres land, good spring on place, Apply to J. D. THOMAS, Post Office, BOARDERS WANTED.—One or two couples. Comfortable and con venient apartments. Address or call on Mrs. Inez Moore, 704 Broad street. I THE ROME. TRIBUNE. FRIDAY. PKCEMBBB 24. 1897. A O O) a nA °"Wh OF THE 111 B'l MERITS M j AYER’S ® Cherry Pectoral would include the cure oi every form of disease which affects the throat and lungs. Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and other similar complaints have (when other medicines failed) yielded to Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. PANSY CHAPELjTREE TODAY. Every One Who Has or Will Contribute Requested to Send Offerings In By 8:30. Today at the court bouse the chil dren of Pansy chapel will have a big Christmas tree, loaded down with a store of good things. Those who have or will contribute are requested to send their offerings to the superior court room this morning by 8:30 o’clock. It will be a happy occasion for these earnest, hard working little folks. Don't be persuaded into buying lini ments without reputation or merit— Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costs no more, and its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the following, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being received: ‘ ’The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and I say so after having used it in my family for several years.” It cures rheu matism, lame back, sprains and swell ings. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co, Books Dolls and Xmas tricks. Go to H A Smith's store before you buy your Christmas tricks, Books &c Tax Notice* My office will remain open until the first Monday in January, excepting Christmas day, when I will accept payment of all taxes without cost, destroying the execution against the party paying. I hope everybody will take advantage of this opportunity that I will not be forced to post their names in front of the court house door, and place executions in the hands of officers. Come one come all, and take advantage of your last op portunity. V. T. Sanford Tax Collector. Arnold’s Bromo-Celery cures head ache, causes sleep, claims presidenoe. lOcts. Sleeping Car Rome to St. Louis, ;via Southern Railway, W ithout Chang**. The Southern railway will on De cember 26th inaugurate a through sleeping car line between Jackson ville and St. Louis, via Louisville. This sleeper will pass Rome daily at 7:15 a. m., and arrive St. Louis 6:55 the next morning. This wrill afford excellent accommo dations to parties enroute to all points northwest. For further information, call on Mr. J. N. Harrison, city passenger and ticket agent, Armstrong hotel telephone No. 39. CASToniA. Christmas Holiday Excursion Rates. On December 22, 23, 24, 25; also December 30 31.1897, and January 1, 1898, the Southern railway will sell holiday excursion tickets at very low rates, with extreme limit returning January 4,1898. For Students of Schools and Colleges. Upon presentation of certificates signed by the superintendents, prin cipals or presidents thereof, tickets will be sold December 16 to 25, 1897* with extreme limit returning January 4,1898. For tickets and full informa tion, call on or write to J. N. Harrison C. T. A. No. 14 Aimstrong building. NOTICE We have ordered the secretary to collect water bills past due and for the present quarter and instructed him-to shut off all persons who fail to pay when bills are presented. E. L, Bosworth, chrm. J, D. Moore, L F, Davis. A BIRTHDAY PARTY. Little Mis* Ella May Satterfield to Enter tain On Christmas Day, Little Miss May Satterfield has issued levitations to forty-f6ur of her little friends to come and enjoy a birthday party with her on Saturday, (Christmas day) from 2 to 4 in the afternoon at her home on Eighth avenue. Miss Ella May is the sweet and pretty little five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Satterfield. The cunning little invitations read as follows: My birthday conies on Christmas day. I will be five years old, you see, And mother said if I’d be good I might have a Christmas Tree, Old Banta Claus will be there, too; He'll hand us down the toys; Oh! we will have jnst heaps of fun, Forty-'our girls and boys. My friends are numbered by the score, They live in Rome and love to plai, So I have invited forty-four To meet with me on Christmas day. My home is on Avenue Eight— You can easily find the way— So come along, won’t keep you late. We’ll have great fun, I dare say. LOTS OF WORK. Over Three Hundred Cases to be Acted Upon by Convict Commissioners. The new convict commissioners just appointed by the governor, will also act as a pardon board. They will have plenty to do, and the position will prove trying in its duties. The Constitution says: More than three hundred applications for executive clemency are now on file at Governor Atkinson’s office, and all of these will be turned over to the new prison commission within the next week. Among them are Mrs. Nobles’s prayer for life, sighed by hundrds of women; the petition of Tom Allen, the outlaw; the plea of Gus Fambles, the negro partner in crime of Mrs. Nobles, and a score of others of equal interest. One of the latest filed comes from the at torneys of Taylor Delk, who has just been sentenced for life, after three times convicted of murder in the first degree- To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. QUICK TIME. Through Sleeping Car Servic? to Jackson ville, Tampa and Florida Points. The Southern Railway has resumed its fast winter schedule between Rome, Ga., Jacksonville, Tampa and Florida Points, leaving Rome 8:20 p. m., arrive Jackson ville 8:40 a. m. and arriving Tampa 6:15 p. m., making the quickest time between these points. This is a solid train carry ing elegant day coaches and Pullman Sleeping Car, Rome to Jacksonville without change; also Pullman Sleeping Car, Rome to Tampa, Without change. Winter tourist tickets are now on sale to all principal winter resorts in Florida. For information, call on J. N. Harri son, City Ticket Agent, Armstrong Hotel, Teiphone No. 39. CA-SToma.. The fas- „ Mguture C f J-C&CCeLi/M vrapps# Churl;:* ll«4mboi.i Is Crazy. London, Dec. 23. —On the advice of the police surgeons, Charles Helm bold, son of the late Dr. Helmbold of New York, who was arrested here on Tuesday last charged with 'havinsr threatened to kill United States Consul General Osborne, was taken to an asy lum for the insane. It has been dis covered that Helmbold had already been confined for six weeks in an asylum un der the assumed name of F. 0. Evans. Smoke Watters’ Extra Good Cigars. If it isn’t the best 5 cent cigar you ever smoked, we’ll treat. It is made right here in Rome and for sale by all enter/ prising dealer TeuusylvaniaT'Alay Lose. Harrisburg, Dec. 23 —lt is announced by the state treasurer that the state has 1225,000 on deposit in Chestnut Street National bank of Philadelphia. Italian Warship* For China. London, Deo. 28.—A special dispatch from Rome says that at a meeting of cabinet it was decided to dispatch a squadron to Chinese waters. Silver Novelties —Ladies and Gents Umbrellas, beautiful line at J, K. Williamson's. City Registration List For Elec tion March Ist. 1898. Colored. D. Davis, Richard, S. Smith. Amos. CITY TAX NOTICE, Tax executions have been issued and are in the hands of the city mar/ shal, All persons owing city taxes, and desiring to save cost and ex/ penses are notified to call at once at the City Hall and pay the amounts due by them. Otherwise the mar/ shal will be compelled to procede with levies and sales. This Nov. 24. 1897. Halsted Smith, Clerk, NO FAITH CUBE. ABOUT BTUaRT’B DYSPEPSIA TAB LETS. They Cure 8tom«oh Trouble* and Indiges tion Anyway, Whether You Have Faith tn Them or Not. All physicians agree that the ele ment of faith has a great deal to do in the cure of disease Firm belief and confidence in a fam ily physician or the same confidence and faith in a patent medicine have produce remarkable cures in all ages. This is especially true in nervous troubles and no field offers so prolific a harvest for the quack and charlatan as the diseases arising from a weak or run iown nervous system. Nevertheless, the most common of all diseases, indigestion and stomach troubles, which in turn cause nervous diseases, heart troubles, consumption and loss of flesh, requires something besides faith to cure. Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will not give you an appetite, will not increase your flesh and strengthen your nerves and heart, but Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets will do these things, because they are com posed of the elements of digestion, they contain . the juices, acids and pepstones necessary to the digestion and assimilation of all wholesome food. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets will di gest food if placed in ajar or bottle in water heated to 98 degrees, and they will do it much more effectively when taken into the stomach after meals, whether you have faith that they will or not. They invigorate the stomach,'make pure blood and strong nerves, in the only way that nature can do it, and that is, from plenty of wholesome food well digested. It is not what we eat, but what we digest that does us good. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by druggists at 50 cents for full sized package. Little book on cause and cure of stomach troubles mailed free by ad dressing Stuart Co. Marshall, Mich. 8100.00 Id Gold Given Away, The Youth’s Advocate, Nashville, Tenn., a sixteen page illustrated journal —a paper that is read with interest and profit by people of all ages—offers one HUNDRED DOLLARS IN GOLD to the person who will form the greatest number of words from the letters in the name DRAUGHON. It t also offers, free, a bicycle, gold watch, scholarship in almost any business college or literary school, and other premiums. Every person who enters the contest will get a premium of same kind. Send at once for sample copy of the paper, which will explain all. Contest closes April 20, 1898. A central store 335 Broad street, large size, to rent cheap; and a suite of rooms with all conveniences, over 337. Suitable for gentleman or small family. J. Kincaid. 3t a w 2w. 3FS.X-A.. ae- xz A For Sale —Two bicycles' [suitable for Xmas presents for boys 5 and 7 years of age. Bicycles in good repair and can be had cheap, Apply to S, S- King £ Co, Morrison & Trammell make the best brick possible and sell them all over the country. Christmas Fruits. We have just received a car load of fancy northern apples. We are to have to arrive every few days irom now until the Christmas holidays car loads of oranges, apples and bananas We are recognized as headquarters for everything in the line of Fancy Fruits, and we are prepared to fill all of your wants. Buying in car lots we can give you benefit of the very closest prices and the choicest fruits. Not only in the line of fruits, but every kin.l of Fancy Groceries are we recognized as the leaders, Come to see us. S. S. KING & CO. Cura. Scutl & Co. THE LEADERS IN FINE PURE WHISKEYS. ■ ft RllllllDlltl’lll’ a*. Tilt*’ ' ! ' ’ ‘.ng. or '-i *6t PROOF. The “Runnymede Club” Whiskey represents the very highest type of fine straight Ken tucky whiskey. It is es pecially suited for the tour ist, the club, the family, the case, and for medicinal purposes. R. F. BALKE & CO., Distillers and Bottlers in Bond. Louisville, Ky. Curran. Scott & Co. SOLE AGENTS; nri This is one of our ieading jjl OLD KENTUCKY WHISKEYS, J* | t DISTILLED BY .1. L L Wdi " £ s °“- Louisville, Ky. qrfaasfcKnp Famous for its purity and ric': flavor. This tfSiHUM Whiskey is not only LMIAfILLt. KY. . , . , ramwwALinpure, but Bt&UdS &8 & ff- first and superior [ a Whiskey. | OUR TWO Roscdale O LEADING WHISKEYS FOR n H O ne Dollar A Quart ISBi For Your Xmas Nog Get Our St Croix and Jamaica Rum, This is the Purest Corn Whiskeyt FIRST RUN. SECOND RUN. Fannin and Pickens County, Georgia. We keep a full and well matured old Wine in w took from the very best vineyards in the' land Our Sherry, Maderia, Port and Blackberry are rich. We are head - quarters for Whiskeys and Wines. Our Two Dollar a gallon Old California Pale Sherry Wine cannot be surpassed for its elegant and rich flavor. A* a good cooking wine, for flavoring deserts, it ia par excellent. Nothing better. Send us an order for our favored wine for making syllabub. We have it. Telephone us—l4B, We Can Save You Money on Liquors and Wines. Curran, Scott & Co. 16 Broad St