The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 28, 1897, Image 8

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THE NEWS OF A DAY Start Stories of Various Kind Grouped Elder One Head. ILL SORTS OF LITTLE LOCALS They Are None the Lees intereeUng BeeaM* Shor', and Their Importance, Should Not Be Underestimated. Marri d Sunday. Oscar M. Bennett and Miss Darther Wills, of Cooeaville, were married Sunday at the home of ’Squire John H. Rice. 'Squire Rice performed the ceremony. Return Day for Superior Court. Today will be return day for the January termjof superior court. A number of important cases will prob ably be filed. Will Move Here. Rev. J. H. Bakes, the new presid ing elder of the Rome district, •’will move with his family to this <ity on Thursday. He has rented the Al. Burney house. No Council Meeting Last Night. Last night was the regular time for council meeting, but owing to the special meeting a week ago, there will be no more sessions until the second Monday in January. A College Fra ernity Pin, A college fraternity pin was lost on Second avenue, or some other part of the city on Christmas day. It was set with jewels. The finder will return it to the Tribune and receive reward. The Prize Winners. At the big raffle at J. K. William son’s last night Mr. B. T. Haynes won the first prize, a handsome SIOO gold watch. Mac Deal won second prize, Goldstein third, and Bill Drennon fourth. A very large crowd was pres ent. Many Hunting Partie:. Several Romans went out yesterday to shoot quail. The birds are quite plentiful and local sportsmen all hare good luck. It is said that 5,000 live birds have been shipped from one station on the C., R. & S. between Rcme and Chattanooga One man in the upper part of Floyd has shipped over 2,000. Popular Engineer Dead, Mr. Bailey Green, a popular engineer on the Southern railway, who is quite well known in Rome, died in Selma last Friday, and was buried there Sunday, Mr. Green used to run between Rome and Selma, and is known to many in this city. For some time he has been on the lower eud of the road. Gatewobd Out On Bond. Robert Gatewood, colored, who •was looked up Saturday for shooting a negro woman named Jessie Ware was released Sunday on a SIOO cash bond. The woman testified that the shooting was purely- accidental, as she did not see Gatewood when the gun was fired, and that he did not see her. i Past Master's Jewel, Oostanaula Masonic lodge met last night, and Mr. F. A. Johnson was pres* ented with a magnificent past master’s jewel. It was presented by Mr. John son’s successor, Worshipful Master C. W. Underwood in a very happy speech. The jewel was beau'iful engraved, and altogether a very handsome recognition of Mr. Johnson’s splendid service in the masonic work. NOW FOR CHRISTMAS TREES. Most of the City Churches Will Have Them This Week—Two Tonight. There were no Christmas trees scarce ly the week, but many of the city churches will have them this week. This afternoon at 5 o’clock St. Peter s Episcopal church will have a tree fer the benefit of the Sunday school, A very Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DRL VWCfj F CREAM BAKING POWDIR A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. pretty tree will be arranged in the church, and there will be presents for the little folks. I The First Baptist church will have its Christmas entertainment in the basement iof the church at 7:30 tonight. A very nice program has been arranged and Mrs. Santa Claus will distribute the presents. Mr. Santa Claus has found that he can be present, but will come in late. The Third Methodist church will have quite a unique thing tonight in the way es a Christmas celebration. There will be a postoffice and a bank. Every mem ber of the Sunday school will go to the postoffice, and receive a check on the bank, and upon presenting it there will receive a gift. There wa- a very happy event in the Arlington hotel in East Rome last night. It was the Christmas tree of and for the East Rome Baptist Mission Sunday school. The tree was beautiful with its many colored lights and burden of gifts. It was a very large and a very happy crowd on hand to enjoy the evening. POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Some Who Go, Some Who* Come and Some Who Stay at Home, Mr. Frank Irvine went down to Car rollton yesterday. Mr. W. J. Neel will go to Cedaitown today on business. Julian Bell, of Atlanta, is the guest of Ollie Ledbetter. Mr. Harper Hamilton has gone to Car rollton on a short visit. Mr. Ed. Neeley is up from Atlanta to spend a few days. Will Ledbetter will return to Mer cer university Friday. Prof. Olin S. Dean, of Cave Spring, was in the city last evening. Mr. Charles Porter spent Christmas in Jacksonville with his parents. Mr. Hamilton Yaneey, Jr., went down to Cloverdale, yesterday after noon. Mr. R. D. Colyar returned yester day afternoon from a trip to New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Franks, of Alabama, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L Cornelius. John Ledbetter has gone east on a trip to Baltimore, Washington and New York. Miss Cora Clark left yesterday for a short visit to friends and relatives in South Carolina, Misses Scruggs from Cedar Bluff, are the guests of the , Misses William son in this city. Mr. E. W. Sturdivant, of Summerville, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city with friends and relatives. Messrs, W. J. and C. W. Trout spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks in Cave Spring. Mr, B, I. Hughes went to Nashville Sunday night to attend the bedside of his uncle, who is critically ill. Miss Sallie Walker leaves today for Atlanta where she will be the guest of Mrs. Donovan for several days. Dr. Frank A, Wynn returned to Atlanta Sunday after a few days pleasantly spent with his parents here. Miss Sarah Yancey and Mr. Ben Yancey left Saturday for Savannah to visit Mayor Meldrim’s family for the week. Mr, A. G. Reynand and Dr, J. J. Broyles of Chattanooga, are visiting their sister Mrs, B, F. Clark on West Second street. Mr. E. G. Walker, of Atlanta spent Sunday in the city the guest of his sis - teis, Mrs. T. C. Smith and Miss Sallie Walker. Prof, and Mrs. E. E. West arrived from A* l anta yesterday, and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. West in East Rome. Miss Ellen Hillyer to the delight of her many friends has remained over in Rome during the Christmas holi days with Miss Bayard. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arrington, of Atlanta, who have been spending the holidays with Capt. and Mrs. A. W. Ledbetter will return home today. Mr. C. Bayard Seay has returned from a very pleasant visit to Macon. He attended a swell german, and many other social functions while absent. Wiley Harbin, an old railroad man, for many years with the Rome rail road, is down from Tunnell Hill for a few days, shaking hands with his friends. Mr. Claude C. Jones, formerly a popular railroad man of this city, but now advertising manager of tbe Knoxville Journal spent Sunday in the city. He left Sunday night for Atlanta on business for bis paper. Insure with Goctchius Phone 169, THS HOME TRIBUNE. TUESDAY DECEMBER 28. 1897 ORDERLY CHRISTMAS Rome Bai Fever Arrests Thau Any V Hie Large Georgia Cities, VERY MODERATE lhE OF FIREWORKS City Settled Down To I'* Normal Quiet Yesterday--Arreata Friday sad Sat urday Were Only 37 In All. Rome has quieted down to its nor mal condition after the rush and burry and noise of Christmas. Yesterday was a pretty day com pared with tbe conditions Saturday, and a great, many people were on the streets. The merchants had time to straighten up their stock and clean up after the big rush of last week. One feature of the present Christ mas is tbe very moderate use of fire works. Usually upper Broad street is as|dangerous as a Cbilkoot pass, only one is likely to be burned to death in stead of frozen. It is so for about two or three days before and after Christmas day, but Saturday the roar of cannon crack ers, tbe swish of skyrockets and the zip of Roman candles, was only like the skirmish line of a battle, not tbe real engagement, as of yore. Yester day not half a dozen fire crackers were exploded on Broad street, and very few last night. The arrests were very light cn Christmas day—only 15, while At lanta had 305, Macon 24 and Savan nah 93. This was due to tbe fact that the sa -loons were all closed tight, and the unfortunates who deem it the right thing to get drunk on Christmas were unable to secure the liquor. There were 22 arrests Friday and 15 Saturday, a total of 37 for tbe holi days. AU of these were simply drunk and disorderly, as the police were in struced to be lenient. All of those arrested were released Saturday night. Altogether it has been a very quiet and orderly Christmas in Rome. To Cure A Cold In One Day Tike Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. DIED SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Royal Hale Holleyman Passed Away a Home of Sister, Mrs C. F Parish. Sunday afternoon Mr. Royal Hale Holleyman, the son of Capt. T, H. Hol leyman, died at the home of his pa rents near the city. The young man bad been ill about one year of an incurable disease, and though his death was not unexpected, it caused much sorrow. He was the brother of Mrs. C. F. Parish and 22 years of age. The funeral took place yesterday ass ternoon at 2 o’clock from the residence o Capt. Holleyman, Rev. S, R. Belk con ducting the services. Pall bearers were Messrs. Will and Ed Holleyman of At lanta, Dr. Tom Holleyman of Lovejoy, Ga., all brothers of the deceased; Frank Patillo, of Atlanta, C. F. Parish, of Rome, brothers in-law of the deceas ed, Tom Treadaway and Walter White head, of Rome. The remains were interred in Myrtle Hi!!. W hen bilous or costive, eat a Cascaret candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10, 25c VETERANS TODAY. An Important Meeting at the Court House Tais Morning. This morning at 10 o’clock there will be an interesting and important meeting at the court house. The Confederate veterans of Floyd will meet to discuss the big reunion in Atlanta next year. The daughters of the Confederacy and the sons of veterans are invited to Be present, and it is ex pected that a large crowd will be present. The reunion in Atlanta next July will probaby be the largest and best in the history of the organization, and it is ex pected that Floyd will send every veteran to the meeting. The daughters and sots will attend also. It is the purjiose of the Floyd camp to raise funds to send every veteran who is not able to bear his own expenses, Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Ridge, 0., says: "After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minute Cough Cure.’’ It is tbe quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and Jung troubles.—Curry-Arrington Co. _ ’ WALTER-ROBINSON. Marriage in Lindale—Cupid Makes a Con quest After Three Years Mr. William Walter and Miss .Ger trude Robinson were married last Thursday morning, December 23d, at the residence of tbe bride’s parents, at Lindale. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. 8. Wallace, ot Cedartown, The ceremony was performed with the "Ring Attachment,” and it is sup- posed it makes the contract more bind ing on the woman as she gets tbe ring and the groom has to foot the bill. The happy couple left over the Southern railway to spend several days in making a tour of the large cities of the South, and will return in few a days and start to housekeeping. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Social Reunion and Christmas Celebra tion Wednesday Evening, On Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock there will be a social reunion in the First Presbyterian church for the congregation and Sul day school. The object of the meeting is to make offerings for the benefit of the poor of money, fuel, clothing, food, etc. A committee will be appointed to receive and distribute through the winter such offerings as are made as necessity may require. During 'he evening there w.ll be music, singing, talks and a general good tim'-, All members of the church and Sunday school are urged to be present. There is no need of little children being tortued by rcald head, eczema und skin eruptions. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently. For sale by Cur ry-Arrington Co. ANNUAL REUNION. Cherokee Masonic Lodge Had a Delight" ful Evening. Cherokee Lodge No. 66, F. &A. M. bad tbe big reunion last night, and many distinguished masons from dif ferent portions of tbe state were present. There was work in tbe third degree, some splendid music, and several ad dresses by local and visiting masons. An elegant collation was enjoyed by those present, and altogether it was a very happy occasion. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. LAID TO REST. Georg* Turnley , Burled On Myrtle Hill C,'Cemetery Sunday. George Turnley, who met his death beneath the wheels of a train in ttye Southern yards in East Roms Christ mas morning, was laid to rest on Myr tie Hill Sunday afternoon. The funeral took place from the residence of the deceased’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Turnley on Eigth Avenue. Sunday morning many friends of the family called to express their sympathy to the bereaved par ents. The services were very impres sively conducted bv Rev. 8. R Belk. The pallbears were: Messrs. C. W. Underwood, F. G. Govan. Walter Fleming, H. J- Stewart, Ware, F. C. Baumgartner and Henry McCurry. The coronor’s jury has not yet reached a verdict in the inquest pro ceedings. There are several points they wish cleared up. They met Sunday and yesterday and will hold another meeting Friday. After serious illness, like typhoid fever, pneumonia, or the grip. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has wonderful strength giving power. Santa Claus Is With Us And Recommends Opera glasses worth $7.50, at $2,50. Solid gold rings at $1 and up. Sewing machines at $6 and up. An oak suit of furniture at $25. A bicycle atsls, cost?6o.' A rifle or two, a pistol or two. Bedsteads, at $2 and up. Chairs. A baby carriage at $2.50, and bo on. Come to see us. M. N. West & Co. Fawn'brolx.era, No. 24, Broad Street Office open to 7 p. m. YOU CAN FIND AT Trevitl’s Brag Stole A pretty line of NEW YEAR PRESENTS Consisting of mirrors, toilet seis. perfumery, atomizers, brush wares, jewel boxes, cut glass bottles, aluminum sets, Perfumery ot both imported and domestic makes: all of which will make appropriate holiday presents for young and old, and must be sold during the holiday season. My prices as low as the lowest. The p!ac<>, Trevitl’s Drug Store! Above Opera House, Om Display ol Fine Leather Ms I For New Year’s Gifts! 1 Pocket Books, Writing Tablets, J Card Cases, Complete These together Jvitlw Combination Card a Bt^eet '* ne W Small Cut Glass Puts and Pocket Books. V W ■ i Boxes, Jewel in all styles. Sets. Seal, Morocco, Alli- We offer a 1 ne that is bound to gator Skin, etc > , copyTght 1897 • pICaSO, CURRY-ARRINGTON COMPANY. I The Sputtering * Yuie Log ‘ is all right to look at, but it Ma ? takes good coal to warm the house. Do not buy ‘‘just any coal, but get tbe Celebra- ted Jellico from us. It will, make you warm and happy. Robt. W. Graves & Co. i Yard, Southern Railway, JOHN H. REYNOLDS, President. B. I. HUGHES, Cashier., P. H. HARDIN, Vice-President. < FIRST NATIONAL BANK ■ ROME. GEORGIA. • I Capital and Surplus $300,000. All Acconmodations Consistent With Sasa Banking Ex* tended to Our Customers. READY FOR NEW YEAR. J. B. DUNCAN & CO. New Meat Market. Best of everything in our line. Fish, Oysters and Game. No. 8, Fifth Ave ’Phone 171 2 calls. W. P. SIMPSON, Pres. I. D. FORD. Vice-Pres. T. J. BIMPPON, Cashie. EXCHANGE BANK OF ROME, JELONVITEJ. G-3UOZt.C3-XJk.. CAPITAL STOCK, SIOO,OOO Accounts of firms, corporations and individuals solicited. Special attantto* given to collections. Money loaned on real estate or other aood see mitiei. Prompt and courteous attention to customers. Board ot Dlreotora. A.R. SULLIVAN, J. A. GLOVER C. A.’HIGHT, I. D. FORD. W. P. SIMPSON. ! Kentucky Dew Whisky 1 STANDARD OF PU PITY. J I U/ ’ " ■r. Distilled of carefully selected grain and pure limestone spring fIA 1 W water; matured in wood and bottled under our own supervision, i J Kentucky Dew is the leader of fine old fashion sour mash whiskies, ■ i- and for mellowness and richness of flavor has no superior. Buy ■ W Kentucky Daw boctled by the distiller if you want an absolutely Pure i fl Whisky for the club or sick room. Ask your deals? for Kentucky "5 1 Dew, bottled by ourselves. If he hasn’t it write nt. ft OLD KENTUCKY DISTILLERY, D. Meschendorf, Proprietor. LOUISVILLE, KY 3| . - ml # For by A. R- Hudgins. Agent. I Tyner’s Dy spepsla Remedy cures indigestion,, Badl Breath, So ur Stomach, Hiccoughs, Heart-burn*. cgT’Guaranteed. J