The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, December 30, 1897, Image 6

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doht forget the LONG DISTANCE T A WORLD OF TRADE I Ruling Prices of the Leading Articles of Commerce. THE ROME MARKETS FULL! QUOTED PrlcM Given From Daily Corrections Liverpool and New Yolk Cotton Market Fluctuation!. Ronae Cotton Market. By wagon Cotton. Naw Yons. Deo. 29. -The following are to « day's quotations: Cotton Futures. Opening Close Close today, todiv. yesterday January 5 73 5 74 5 ?1 February. t 6 79 5 77 8 15 March./ 6SI 881 579 Mw B 92 5 91 5 91 June B 96 6 96 6 98 lugust 605 605 603 September •••• •••■ October 6 07 6 0B .... Movember , .... •••• December..... B 74 6 74 5 71 LrvßapooL, Dec. 29.—The following were the quotations today: Sales, 12,000 bales. Tone steady. Middlings, 3 7-33 d. Opening Close. January and February 3 09 3 10 February and March •• 3 10 March and April 3 10 311 April and May 8 12 MayandJnne •••• 3 13 June and July 3 14 3 14 July and August.. . 315 315 August and September • 3 16 September and October 8 17 8 17 October and November 3 18 8 18 November and December 3 11 December and January 8 11 LOCAL MARKETS. [COBRBOTKD DAILY.] gbain and provisions. Bomb. Dec. 29. -The following are the whole- MMe prices; small lota to consumers are rela tively higher. Whbat—New wheat 90c. These are the prices paid by commission merchants. Corn—Dealers are paying 46c eacked for corn undare selling at 80@55c sacked, delivered on cars in carload lots. Smaller quantities, 2®3c higher. Bulk corn, 20 less than eacked. Ear corn. 55c per bbl., with or without shucks. Oats—ln car lots, No. 2, mixed. No. 2 white bulk, 29c; sacked, from store. No. 2. mixed, 30@32; No. 2, wulte 35c, Flocb-Fancy patents, $5.75@6.00; straight, ’ <8.40; extra fancy, $5.00; fancy, $4.85; choice family, $3.65. In selling consumers, grocers add 20c to 300 per bbl te these prices. Graham flour, $5.50; rye flour, $4. no; patent spring wheat flour, $6.00; whole wheat flour, $6.00, Hay—ln car lots, choice timoiuy, $14,00@16,00; No 1 timothy.sls.oo; No 2. $14.00; less than car lots, SI,OO per ton higher. Groceries and Provisions, Sugar—Clarified, white, yellow, 4>£@ 4 5-16 c; seconds. 3%@4c; standard A, 4.90; gran ulated 5.40 c; powdered 5.80 c; cubes, 5.25 c; con - lectioners A, 5.63 c; cut loaf, 5,10 c; open kettle, Coffbb—Per pound, Rio ordinary, 10® 11c, fair to good, 12@14c; choice to fancy, 15@16c; peaberry, 17c; Cordova. 17%® 18c. Roasted Coftbb—Equality plan, fob, New "York basis, 1-lb, packages, per case of 100 pack ages, Arbuckle’s 11.10 c; Leverings 11.10; Mocha and Java, 50-lb, tins. 28@32c. Westen Pobk Products—Bacon, sides, ex tra short, 7%c; regular, 7Xc: fancy. Sc; shoulders, choice, B@B%c; fancy shoulders, Yancy. 8c: hams, loy«®i2c; bellies, B@B>4c; breakfast bacon, choice, UKgjllc; fancy, 12@13c; bologna sausage. s^@6c; dry salt regulars, 5@ SKc; extras, SHC. Labd—Fancy leaf, 6@6%c; choice leaf, s’/ e @ s*4c; choice family, sc; refined, sc. Coal Oil—Georgia test 10c, headlight 12c, Are proof 12%c: Apex axle grease, per case, 1-lb boxes, $2.25; per case of 3 dos., 2% and 8-lb buckets, $4.00; Mecca axle grease, 1-lb tin boxes, per case, $2.25; 254-lb Hu boxes,per. case, $3.25; 854-lb tin boxes, per case, $3.85. Country Produce. Bbbbwax -Per pound, 22@23c. Bacon—From wagons; shoulders 7@Bc; sides, 6@7c; hams. 9@tic; country lard 6c%7K. Butter—Per pound, lo@2oc. FbatherS—Prime goose.' white, per pound, 30®31c; gray goose, 28c; mixed, 20©25c; old. 20c; mixed gray and white, 28@30c. Poultby—Spring chickens, each 125 > @17%c; . hens I6c;old roosters 10c each; geese, full feath ered, 20c each. . Egos—Per dozen, first hands, open market, 12 TA?Low--Per pound, 3c Potatoes—New Irish potatoes, 85@95c per bushel; irom store per barrel, $2.50. Apples—Home-grown, 40@50c per bushel from wagons; 40@50c bushel from store. Tomatoes—New, six-basket carrier crate, 75; shipped, 20@4<c basket crate. cabbage—Florida or Tennessee $1.25. Bbans—NOw Green, $1 00 per bushel. Onions—From store, 75@90c per bushel; in bushel baskets SI.OO. Hide— Dry flints over 8 lbs., Nos land 2 9c; dry salted over 10 lbs, Nos. 1 and 2 7c; kip hides 7c; green salted numbers 1 and 2 5%c; green not salted, numbers 1 and 2,4%c; green glue 2c, dry glue 3c; skins 20@B0o. Wool—Choice unwashed. 13(a14c; slightly burry, 10@llc; moderate burry B@9c; hard burry Ss@6; choice tub-washed 22c: dingy tub-washed 30,221 c. Gbobgia SOBGHUMnFrom wagons, old, 85412 c EVERY FAMILY - WOULD KNOW THAT. * a very remarkable rem edr, both tor ITU TBRNAL and BXTEHNALusc, aad von. Verful Ln its quick action to rclicre distress. Pain-Killer Chills, Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cnuupa, Cholera, dnd allßowel ComplainU. Sekneae, Sick Headache, Pain In tho aok or Side, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Pain-Killer BIADB. It brings tpeedy and permanent relief la all cases of Bruioegt'Cuto, Sprains, Severe Burns, Ao. Pain-Killer trusted friend of tho Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and In feet all classes wanting a medicine always at hand.and ia/e to use internally or externally wltk certainty of relief. IS RECOMMENDED Bk JkpKcians, by Mtaionarta, by Mintetsn, Os Moohaniet, by Nuria in JlotpUals, BY EVERYBODY. Pain-Killer leave port without a supply of it. AT No family can afford to be without thio Invaluable remedy In the house. Its price brings K within the reach of all. and It will annually gave many times its coot in docton* bills. Beware of Imitations. Take BMSM MM «Maku “Faux Lavm." per gallon; new 22@26c; good Steck anu coop- - *^jeans— From store, New York navy bean. $1.60. Meal-Pearl, plain or bolted 48 lbs, te the bushel,46o; 46-lbe,bushel. 45c. Oystebs-Standard weight, l -lb cans, $1,6544 175 per case; 2-lb cans, $2 90@3,10. Canned Meats—Corn beef. 1 lb, cans $1,25: 2-lb, $2.10; chipped beef, H-lb cans. $1.50; 1-lb $2,40: potted and deviled nam, M-lb cane, 50c: %-lb SI,OO. Canned Vegetables--Tomatoes per case oi 2-lb Cans $1.500; 3-lb $1,75(22.00; corn, $1,25@2,W itring beans, $1,00; early June peas 2-lb $1,01X6 g,80; marrowfat, $1.60. Ombese Half cream 10c; full cream Hs4c. Young America, 1154 c; cheduar, 1154 c, Babdinbs—American quarters, per case $2,71 @3,00; ditto mustard, $2,«0@2,75; Imported $9 00*12.50. Salmon—Columbia Rivers, fancy flats pe: dosen,sl,9o; tails. $1,75; choice Columbia Rive flats, $1,35; tails $1,45; Alaska, tails, el,10; flat. |1,38; pink sl,oo® I,ls, Molasses— Straight choice, open kettle, new SB-40; prime 82c; good 28c; oommon centrifugal, 10@20o; cane syrup choice, new 35c; mixed goods B@4c per gallon less. Vinegar—Bo-gralns 10®12c; 40 grain. 12@15c; 50-grains, 16@18c: Mott’s pure apple 20c; ad. vance of 2c per gallon for half barrels. Crackers—XXX soda and picnic, 454@6*4° 1 XX soda, butter and picnic 4540. Pickles—Bulk, 1,200 in barrel, $4.00; 2,4001 b barrel $5.00; 1,200.ha1f barrel $3,25; 600 half barrel $2,75; plain mixed ha’f barrel $4,50@ $,00; sweet mixed tier barrelsll,so. Ammunition—Shot, buck, $1.50; drop $1.25@ 1,30; bar lead sc; powder, 25-lb kegs, rifle, $4 00; blasting $1.55; fuse 40@80c. Rope—Cotton, No 2,9@10c; No 1,1154@125£c; sisal, 754 c; manllla. 12c. SoDA-In 112-lb kegs loose. boxes, 1 lb, packages $3,45:1-lb, and 54-lb, pack ages $3,30@3,60,54 lb, packages, $3,45@8,75; 5c Size, $3.30@3,60. Salt-Table salt in barrels of 280 pounds ea- h —Bulk $1.65; 28 10-lb bags $1.90; 60 5-lb bags $1.90; 1008-lb bigs $2.10; 140 2-lbbags S2.S»; salt in bags 80@70c. Candy—Small stick, in boxes and baskets 654c@;c; buckets half cent higher. Nurs—Pecans, 9@l2c; walnuts (California) 12@15o; filberts9@llc; almonds 12@15c; Brasil nuts 18c. .. ■ AXA A.— Gralu and Provisions. Chicago, Dec 29 opbn 01,0 s a Wheat—December ... 96M Wheat—January ... 93 W he at—May 94@>4 ... Wheat—July ... 835 s Corn -Decamber ... 2754 Cohn-May Oats—December ... 2 u Oats—May 23& ... 23« Pork—Deoemuer ... 7,89 Pobk—January ... 8.80 Pobk—May 8 8’54 ... 9 011 Lard—December ... 4.55 Labd—January ... 4.C Lard—May 4 6754 ••• 4.77 Ribs—December ... 4.40 Ribs-January ... 4.4$ Bibs—May 4.50® 4.52... 4.55 NSerea. Savannah, Dec. 29.—Turpentine firns at 31; sales in casks: receipts 1,0'2. Rosin Arm; sales 3.5'H bbls: receipts *,H'B A. B, C, D, $1,2i.; E. F, $1.3 ; G, $1.3 ; H $1.60; I, sl. 0; K. $1.80; M. $1.95; N. $2.20; windowglasl $2 65; waterwhite $3 00. Wilmi-gion, N. J , do.- 30.—Rosin, strained $1.15; good strained $1.20; receipts barrels. Spirits turpentine r n at l '54®3.; receipts—-casks. T»r ,r i at $1,051 I e eelpts barrels. Crude turpentine urm 4; $1 .«>®si.9u: reojtuts barrels. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failng to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional care on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75. Alaskan Stammer Gats Away. Portland, Or., Dec 28.—The steam ship George W. Elder sailed for Dyea and Skaguay with 125 passengers and 500 tons of freight. Fifty horses and 400,000 feet of lumber was offered, but the Eider was unable to make room for them. Among the passengers was Ma jor L. H. Rucker, Fourth United States cavalry, who goes to Skaguay and Dyea to make an investigation of the passes for the purpose of selecting the most feasible route for the government Yu kon relief expedition. Everybody Buys So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won ierful medicai discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box if C. O. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50cents. Holdand guaranteed to cure oy all druggists. JAPAN BOWS TO AMERICA. She Will Panish the Murderer of a Uuited states Sailor —Now 1 <> Jail. New York, Dec. 28.—A dispatch to the Herald fre.n Washington says: Japan has taken measures to comply with the demand of the United States that the murderer of Frank Epps, an apprentice attached to the cruiser Olympia, be punished for his crime. A cablegram received at the navy de partment from Rear Admiral McNair,, commander-in-chief of the Asiatic sta tion, states that the murderer of Epps has been lodged in jail in Nagasaki and will be prosecuted in accordance with Japanese criminal m-ocedure. M-uister Huck ,u.s oeeu iusuucted to watch tne proceedings, so that there shall be no miscarriage of justice. The action of the Japanese in prosecuting the murdere will end the incident un less Epps’ mother should submit a claim for indemnity. <’o«si OpnrAtord lu Pitt-burg. Pittsburg, Dec. 28 —The meeting of Pittsburg and Cincinnati river coal operators to form the Citizens’ Coal company, which began here Monday, is still in session. After the noon recess it was stated that the details had not yet been arranged, but that the pro ceedings were harmonious and that the organization would probably be com pleted in time to begin operations on the first of the year. The company will have a capital of $4 000,000. . r— — ■** - r-■ a-—— Jusl try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the ] finest livOT and bowel regulator ever) made, TBJC BOME TRIBUNE THURSDAY. DECEMBEB 30. 1897. LABOR DELEGATE TALKS. English Lander Says American Federation should G<> Intis Pol tele*. Now York. Dec. 29.—Edward Har ford, who with Havelock Wilson. M. P., constituted the British tradesuuion del. egates rhe Nashville convention of the Americau Federation of Labor, Bailed for Southampton on the American liner St. Paul. Before sailing Mr. Har ford said: “The policy of the American trades unions in not engaging in politics as a body is stupid How can they expect to obtain any lasting reforms if they hold aloof ? By pursuing their present mummy plan of ignoring control of po litical machinery as a means of better ing their condition they s-e not only fatally ignoring their chances, but are. inviting the scorn of the politicians — the very class from whom they expect to get better laws for the masses. “Your American politician, as a rule, is moved to legislation for the masses only by a show of superior force: Ex alted feeling, he has none. Let the tradesunions force this style of puppet into retirement and send men to boards of aidermen. legislatures and congress who will not pretend to be the friends of the people in speeches and in secret sell out to the corporations and money povtfer. "Things in England used to be much as they are in the Uuited States, but they have changed. We tradesunion ists go right into politics. We have suc ceeded in making the political parties there defer to us. And why should we not? We are in the majority. In every country the workers are the majority.” BUOKLEN’B ARNICA BALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts or bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain corns and all skin eruptions and post tvely cures piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisiAOtion or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists, Rome Ga. Cunfed«9ria*Le V«ierata Murdereda Raleigh, Dec. 29.—Christopher Ox >ey of Newbern, a gallant confederate soldier, was murdered by Jack Jones, a man of very dark character. They had quarreled but had made up, and to show that all ill feeling had passed shook hands. Oxley walked away, took oui his tobacco from his pocket and filled his pipe. Jones was only waiting hh opportunity. He saw Oxley was de ceived by his show of friendship. Jones crept upon him and dealt Oxley s' murderons blow upon the back of the bead with a heavy handspike, crushinu the entire skulk Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va?, was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel salve, which healed the injury without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy.— Curry-Arrington Co. Sleeping Car Rome to St. Louis,' Via Southern Railway, Without Change, The Southern railway, in connection with tbe Queen and Crescent route, operates daily, a through sleeping car lint between Jacksonville and St. Louis, via Louisville. This sleeper passes Rome at 7:15 a. m., and arrive St. Louis 6:55 the next morning. This will afford excellent accommoda tions to parties en route to all points west and northwest; also to Florida. For further information call on J. N. Harrison, C. P. and T. A., Armstrong hotel. Telephone No. 39. Ruin lutertervs Xi illF’.tall WHY*. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 29.—Tberecent rainstorm has seriously interrupted rail road traffic for the past 48 hours, an< the Chinook wind, which is converting the snow in the mountains into water, threatened considerable damage. I.x Skagit river is reported to have risen 1( feet. Eleven bents of the Seattle ami International trestle over the Stillagua mish have been washed away at Ar lington. , . There is no need of little children being tortued by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently. For sale by Cur ry-Arrington Co. Christinas Holiday Excursion Rates. On December 22 , 23, 24, 25; also December 30 31.1897, and January 1, 1898, the Southern railway will sell holiday excursion tickets at very low rates, with extreme limit returning January 4,1898. For Students of Schools and Colleges. Upon presentation of certificates signed by the superintendents, prin cipals or presidents thereof, tickets will be sdld December 16 to 25, 1897’ with extreme limit returning January 4,1898. For tickets and full informa tion, call on or write to J. N. Harrison C. T. A. No. 14 Armstrong building. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, 0., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicians for the cure of eczema. He was quickly cured by using De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve the famous healing salve for piles and skin dis eases.—Cnrry-Arrington Co. PERFECT MANHOOD iThe world admires the perfect Man! Not courage, dignity, or muE'JUlar development alone, but that subtle and wonderful force known at SEXUAL VITALITY which Is the ftlory us wuinhAd-the pride oi both o id and yoting, but there arwthoutands of men suffering the mental tortores of a weakened manhood, thattereu nerves, and falUiig sexual power who can be cured ty our Magical T reatment which may be taken at home under our directions or we will pay R. B. fare and hotel bills for those 1 who wish to come here, if we fail to cure. We have no free prescriptions, free cure or C.O.D. fake. We have *250,000 capita', and guarantee to cure every case we treat or refund every dollar you pay us, or fee may be deposited in any bank to be paid ua When a cure Is effected. Write for full partlcu’Ara OXA'Ufi MJCmCAId CO.. OmnlUH TENNESSEE’S BEAUTY SPEAKS FOR HER SEX. t Doyle’s Station, Tenn., Writes: Dr. Ms. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine needs no commendation. It speaks for itself. It cutes Liver Disorders and breaks up Blliousnese and BiHous Colic. I think it Is far bet ter than “Thedford’s Black Draught." Menstrual Suppression. This occurs in earW womanhood, espec ially when the conswtution is not strong. It may result from sadden exposure to cold, immersion of the hands ana feet in cola water, sitting on the cold ground or damp grass, sedentary habits, confining occupa tions, continued standing on the feet, irreg ular hours and forcing the development of the mind at school. Rest Is essential and moderate exercise in the open air most bene ficial. The bowels should be moved at least once a day by small doses of Dr. M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine, and the restorative effects of Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine should be secured by taking regularly a dose three times a day for several weeks. Celina, Tenn., writes: Have used Dr. M. A. Simmons f ’■ Liver Medicine 10 years tor ■ Sick Stomach, Loss of sWIRS-'’ M, Flesh, Low Spirits. It 11 w a ' so cures Liver Disease, \ JHL jw Biliousness, Constipated f Bowels. It does not gripe, V ™ 1 and takes less to operate on Jkbup;: JV me than either "Black IL Draught" or “Zeilin’s." and it has a more thorough and MP gentle effect, and leaves my system In better condition than either “Black Draught" or “Zeilin’s." General Lassitude. We are provided with five organs tor keep ing the blood pure; they are the skin, the kidneys, the liver, the lungs and the bowels. The blood becomes impure tor one or both of two reasons: First, something impure has been put Into It; Second, the five excretory organs have not been sufficiently active. Owing to its complicated formation, the blood is liable to many morbid changes. If any of the organs just mentioned are not in perfect working order, so that impurities are retained, tbe blood becomes disordered and even diseased. When corrupted, ita impurities are absorbed by the tissues,caus ing eruptions,fevers, lassitude and langour. For restoring the above organs to a health ful condition there is no medicine ao effec tive as Dr, M. A. Simmons Liver MetU- pA Handsome I is one of the greatest charms a woman can I I possess. Pozzoni’s Complexion Powder I Cushmans > MENTHOL INHALER 6 Cures all troubles of the Head aud Throat CATARRH, FicADACHL NEURALGIA, LaGRIPPE, WILL SURE Lafatlo meezing, suufilng, coughing HEADACHE. Con- Cfofc-x tinned use effects SURE CURE. gw ENDORSED htghect medical au thorite of Europe 'wAX and America for X COLDS,Sore Throat Hay Fever, Bron ohitiJ, La GRIPPE. The most Re reshing and Healthful aia tc HEADACHE Suffer ere. Bruigs Sleep to the Sleepless. Curm Insomnia and Nervous Prostration. Don’t be fooleo with worthless imitations. Take only CUSHMAN’S. Price, 6Oc %t ail Druggists, or mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL BALM ful cures of Salt Rheum. Old Sores, Cuts, Wounds, Bums, Frostbites. Excels all other remedies foi PILES. Price, 2fic. at Druggists. Book on Mentho? free. Address Cushman Drug Vin- cennes* Ind. or 524 DKA3BOHN BT-. Chicago* !ll< Always prompt and reliable. Avoid /tnitatioru. Get Caton’s Tansy Pills and save kkgkkts. At drug stores, or sent direct (sealed), price $L Caton B?>c. Co., Boston. Mass. Pamphlet 4o- This great remedy CURES all Nervous Diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Lost Hanhood, Nightly Emissions, Evil Dreams, Varicocele; and strengthens the Generative Organs of either sex, that may be impaired through youthful errors, which soon lead to Consumption and Insanity. Sold with a guaranty to cure, or money refunded. ?1 per box, six for $5. Easily I carried in vest pocket. Write us for free sample book and I testimonials. Ask your for them ; take no other, don’t let him sell you one of his own make under a for eign nama Address NERVE DROP CO., • Grand Rapids, Mieh., U. S. A. For sale by Rome Drag Co., and.C A. Trevitt, Rome, Ga. DEAD STUCK for BUGS Kill, Rotcbes, Flew, Moths and Bedbugs. Non poisonous; won’t stain. Large bottles, at drug gists and grocers, 25 cents. WONDERFUL MEDICINE FREE! PROMPTLY SENT TO EVERY MAN WHO NEEDS A GENERAL BRACING UP. IT BRINGS PERFECT MANHOOD TO ALL-. The S the^nKHrt** 17 PHYSICIANS' INSTITUTE, of Chicago, 111. GRATUITOUSLY, GLADLY SENT to all men who need It and who will write for It. O' matters not. however, what the cause may bare been, the .fact still remains that they ui require proper . 1 medical attention IMMEDIATELY. 1\ -J Write us at once, giving a description of your owe, and we "Bl o^kilo re w“ ranSevelop A r\\ ‘I \ 1 adapted for your condition, and sendlt to you AMOLITrELYraEE, In plain •TV t F. e il , nK , l! i im l^ d ibi r e 8 :?^ / oJ? hate [ hounds all over th. world. | VY>-X read WHAT THESE PATIENTS SAYs V IV A Blkousd, , M.r. 23, 18« l. Lnss, Ls.. June 19, 1B9». zJI I I I J «»->'«”«■ 7-“'.'“". ni.ieioa’ latilnt.. Chioso: -I wi,h U espms my S'?,';-/fi V-A*. 71 Dkar Sirs,—l have nearly finished rny IJt Diaa Frimds, - Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the result of my IN 111 V / > I course of treatment, and find myseW a thanks for the kindness you have done treatment. During the last two weeks ■ I If different man. I cannot find words me. Losses have entirely stopped and that I took your treatment the improve- IB hME HRM E EMS |H|I \l 1/ enough to praise and express the deep vigor has returned. lam »ll O. K. 1 ment was remarkable. I have had no ’ ’ ‘ ‘ I I X) // gratitude I feel towards you. Your am better than I have been for years, emissions or other symptoms since tak- wtyl < *;< -a / Ogg 7 f / treatment is simply wonderful, lam Ido not feel like the same man. All inJ your medicine. My friends are all 1/ // perfectly cured and thank you a hun- my friends when they meet me, say, surprised at the Improvement in my R■ > j . I flffl dred times and will help you all I pos- “Wha* have you been Never general appearance. Hoping that you ggBI /i I'll sibly can. May God bless you and your saw a man come out like you. may ever prosper, I remain, I til Ilf Yourstruly, C. E. P. , , Ever your friend, MPC. Yours sincerely, X B ' I //L. Hundreds of similar letters are nowon file in onr business office, and all are bona fide expressions of BMgmMB P I' /I? perment ly cured men. Do not delay writingto us. and remember ■ L r nHSHB? PHYSICIAHS’ INSTITUTE, 1876 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILL. elephohe* Are y° u ft l '|7 wholly satis- There s a deal of eatiefac- а. . tion when you know that TlAifl von are atr. ng and well. If XBxJaA you are not, yon ought to be We will make you so if pos sible. Onr distinctive • , , specialty is all diseases pe- YX7I r h cuiiar to men and women. W 1 LI.JI such as Blood Poison. Stric- ture, Nervous Debility, Kidney ana Bladder Trou bles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Xmilf*- et0 ’< ■’•o all dseases of J VJLBX women. Call on or write us. and if necessary we cm prove to you that we cure where some of the beet QAI f p physicians have failed. Otal 4 Mail treatment glved by sending for Symptom blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women : No. 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. Call on or address DR. HATHAWAY &. CO. South Broad Street. Atlanta, Ga. RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule in Effect December 5, 1897. stations. • No. 10 No. 14T~n67~8 I,v Chattanooga B.ooam 6.lopmjlo.odiHn Ar Dalton 9.20 am 7.20 pm 12.11 am Ar Koine 10.40 am 8.20 pm 1.50 am Ar Atlanta I.loam 10.40 pm 5 00am Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm 10.55 pm 5.20 am Ar Macon 7.00 pm 1.05 am B.loam Ar Jesup 5.46 am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 6.25 am 3.25 pm Ar Jacksonville 8.40 am 9.25 pm Lv Jesup 9.58 am Toopm Ar Jacksonville I.oopm 10.30 pm Lv Everett 6.30 am 3.30 pm Ar Brunswick 7.25 am 4.30 pm No. 8 carries Pullm an Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pull man Union Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullman Drawing Room Buffet -leeping Car Chattanooga to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick. stations. No. 7 No. 9 N07~13 Lv Atlanta 7.30 am 2.30 pm 5.00 am Ar Rome 10.19 am 4.55 pm 7.l.>am Ar Dalton 11.85 am 6.06 pm 8.19 am Ar Chattanooga I.oopm 7.30 pm 9.30 am Lv Chattanooga 7.50 pm 9.45 am Ar Burgin 4.03 pm Ar Lexington 4.30 am 4.55 pm Ar Louisville 7.27 am 7.30 pm Ar Cincinnati 7.20 am 7.20 am Lv Chattanooga 1.30 pm 1.30 pm Ar Nashville . . . 6.55 pm 6.55 pm No. 9 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Louisville. No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati without change. stations. No. 6. No. 12 ■ No. 16. Lv Chattanooga 9.45 am .4.loam] 5.50 pm Ar Knoxville 1.05 pm 8.05 am: 9.50 pm Ar Morristown 2.35 pm 9.50 am 10.55 pm Ar Hot Springs 11.46 am 12.23 am Ar Asheville 1.15 pm 1.39 am Ar Salisbury 6.40 pm 6.00 am Ar Greensboro 9.52 pm 8.50 am Ar Raleigh . 7.10 am 11.45 am Ar Norfolk I 5.25 pm Ar Wa hington 6.42am|9.25pm Ar New York : 12.43 pm! 6.23 am No. 12 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to New York via Asheville and Sa’ isbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 6.00 a.r No. 16 is solid train Chattanooga to Norfolk, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Raleigh without change. Close connections made at Norfolk wdh steamers for Baltimore New York and Bostou. Pullman Sleeping Car Salisbury to New York via Washington. STATIONS. No. 16 ; No. 6~ Lv Chattanooga 6.2opm] 9.46ain Ar Knoxville 9.50 pm: 1.05 am Ar Morristown. 12.01 am: 2.33 pm Ar Bristol 5.00 am: 5.05 pm Ar Washington. 11.20 pm: 7.10 am Ar New York 6.25am 1 1.20 pm No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Washington and Chattanooga to New York without change. No. 16 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Knoxville and Knoxville toßri tol. STATIONS. , No-ls" Lv Rome 10.45 am Ar Anniston 1.04 pm Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selma 5.35 pm Ar Meridian 9.50 pm Ar New Orleans 8.30 am Ar Jackson ... 9.45 am Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport 7.20 pm tNoTfa SNo. 9 tNo7T6 gNo. 10 2.15 pm 5.00 pm Lv Rome ... ar 10.00 am 9.30 am б. 7.15 pm Ar Gad-den. ar 6.35 am 7.15 am 6.30 pm 7.30 pm Ar Atlanta iv 6.15 am, 7.00 am ♦ Dally except Sunday. § Sunday only. W. H. GREEN, Gen. Supt.. Washington, D. C. J. M. CULP, Traf. Mgr.. Wa-hington. D. C. W. A. TURK, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. C. A. BENSCOTER, A.G.P.A.,Cbattanooga,Tenn Year’s Support. GEORG! 4, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given tnat the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a >ear’s support to Mrs, Georgia M. George, tbe widow of Junius A George, de ceased, have filed their award, and unless good asd sufficient cause is shown, the same will be madetbe judgment of theejurt at thj January term, Ued, of the Court of Ordinary. This December Bth, 1897. JOHN P navi a. Ordldary Floyd County, Georgia, ■RMSSSSIFft. t Elegant '■ Meals Warner’s Nonesuch Lunch Rooms For Ladies and Gentlemen. ,I* i Bitting Room and Toilet , , Conveniences are provided. , , i Cor. Peachtree aad Marietta Bta. ( ■ercreaaßaMiaq. ATLANTA, CA. KTAKk ELEVATOR. 4 FIFTH FLOOR. >as—ssssss—ssssl Why not Buy a Piano At Home Where you are m position tc? get one at the lowest possible price, from ons of the largest dealers in the South. The E. E. Forties Music House i is enjoying one of the most prosperous year’s in the history of its exis'ence, and is betteij prepaired than ever to trade with you in away to save you. money. Call on or wri e them, for prices on CONOVER, KARNICK & BACH a BEHR BROS., KNABE, CCHBERT AND KINGSBERRY PIANOS Found at 327 Broad St., Rome, Ga. S. P. DAVIS, Manager, Stop > When in Chattanooga, either on business or pleasure, at tbe most comfortable and convenvient bote) in the city. Stanton House, Near tbe Central Station and convenient to business center Rates, $2 a pay. M. M. Kline & Co. Proprietor* J. F. Green & Co., Livery. Feed and Trade Stable Colclough’s old stand. Broad St., Rome, Ga., First class teams and Vehicles at reason ' able prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. J Patronage solieited. Special accom modations for wagons and stock deal ers. Good attention by careful and ' attentive help. .