The weekly tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-1???, November 16, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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8 From Delmonico’s Kitchen. N»w York, February 11. In my use of the Royal Baking Powder I have found it superior to all others. I recommend it as of the first C. GORJU, •^7 f ******' I N. T. THE ROAD CONGRESS DoiGgatos Elaotod YMterday by the Oomml»alon@r«. MR. GLENN ON ECONOMY. «====« I Commissioner Wright Telia a! Story of Sufforlng—Dla cuaslon on Finances. Thft c. uuty •ommb*lmm» «•* !*•’«» diy in np<olitl atMlor. Vriy IllUfitff gt>B* end In’enfit wa» flow. Bfvrial bill* wefo pi<Bj«d, and th* tJharw* '• « ocutny e »nnni»f‘lt>n«jw tuft rrert to id Thu Tbiucnk worn fully It vnstlgvfd. Th.y could nut bn proven, end tiro chaf'iet warodiitniMHl. Tint mil o itinr» »» hi<«”» In Aiigmta on the Si4th ln»f>, and tlw f allowing dele* galea were 11 toted : J. 0, loster, W. A. Wtighl, I. I) fo»IL lalro, W. 8. Gibbon*, 8, J, WbMleyd W. L Ho Itn tn. The tolhtwlng nltfrnetpe wore «ho choMtil senbortt W'lght, Honntsl Funk’ houeer, A. B. Motttgomcry.W. M. Mott. y J F. Bm, 0. W. Fleet wood. Futyd'e made ere noted ell over the eUte, nod It le probable that a full dele gation of ala will at f ond Ibo congraM. The reel of th* Um • w»a taken up In a general dlamiaelonof county tluaimua AU tbe ootntnlaelottora wm dvairoua of out* Ung exomiaee, still thia waa the nature of tLirWfMUulon. Chimmiaaionar Glonn wont, a f lap further than the otheia and wanted toabolhh lbs county oh*lng«ng, the free forrlea, and cul down the p*u* per hat, in talking of ihln it develop* I that from the (Java Spring there in ii<hb ainglo pauper on the ILL Mr. Glenn put it in thia way: "Wo have paupera down there, but none of an are on the Hat.” Cotdidmblo comment was brought out on the aubjrCt of paupera, and it led to one of Mr, Wiight’a impfeaaivo llttlo to ha, He anld that last. K.iday ho went f iur mllea In th i cmufy to aeon Mr», Widaonant, tho widow of a former rail* rowl man well-known mid popular iieie, U . found her sink in bad, ILf you ig baby bad died without attontinn a few days ago. The obl)df‘*« aldverad iu their aonit c'o'hiugai d baio f'. *i*h dirt and wvi-afuiocd f iena. Tin y worn m ik ing a u.‘ >il«lf of raw turui| a, "And i’ll tell you gentlemen," etld Mr. Wright in ilia pleftaWt *»>• "*» loiisf aa 1 am cbaitmw of the relief oommiMee lam going to take ere of wait people, Snob auffating mak«a nrn aiek at lu uif. She*a a good woman, to good things, but the is willing and ai giona so go t1 the poor bouan," WITH TH! SPORTSMEN- Ciamafn Klrfcpatriok Hiliad fieewanOMr. a «ra*e Vard liahlOC. Oapt. J, D, Kirkpatrick ia iu the city, and telle of come li m eport down toe Coowe on one of hie aUMMnwre, He killed swvnw wild genwo the other night, ai d bee IhotAMOr* or so Mallard dtmke. He says the wild river fowl are just begin olog to arrive in soy quantity. Mr. J, T, Key took a walk on Myrtle Hdl Sunday aftsrsoou, end almost stepped on a rabbit in its bed, Aa it start, doff heatruok it with hie walking stl* k and broke it* neck. He is being White, Flaky Biscuit, Fine Pastry, Dainty Cake, Are I) ought to < h-ea K-r Perfection by using Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder. i'" 7/D on.e ?’qo<l is require I, only Dr. Price’s Baking Powder should be used. 1 twaviged fur the feet. The lout of a grave yard rabbit is the especial desire Os all I boa a who believe in luck. Kd Colclouah and Yancey Harris will ll mt down the O latauaula today aboot io* duck, Charlie Hunt will spend today down the Coosa ou a duck hunt. Fred Kividga in said to be one of the best abuts that ever oatu« to Rome. H took tint twenty-five shells the other day ami ratinnvd wi<h $4 quail. Ha its apotaium, and killed them oue ata time. baaburn Wright, Donald Harper and Maae Wiight, three of tho. b »' shots in the county, will luka a hunt today out at the foot of Ltvendar m aintain. riet'oe R>a»r, a Fifth ward boy vh> knows th» Can < f chasing rabbits with doge, caught a swamp rabbit yesteidty wloiae sisii leads the list, It Weighed cloven and a halt pounds. One of tbe hind legs, after being dressed, weighed twelve ounces, aud would make a good meal. Howard Hull hue recently had good luck ahoutiug duck on the Etowah. THE ROME BOYS Are Mtkkitig » Good Record at the Tech nuiugkidl School. Roma baa a half dtsm boya at the Technological school in Atlan'a, and they are making a splendid reoutd. In the pi eserine of tho entire faculty, they ounotii ring, one of lhe mathematic pio fesaora said to a Rome visitor the oth.r day: "You must hava a magnificent school system in Rome, or your boys are nat urally much brighter than the average. The boys are taking splendid stands, and, in fact. I never saw beliet students. They cannot be beaten.” Th i R ime b<>ys there are Charlie Hi i, Felton Gibbons. Norris S irh, Reuben rowel’s, Harry (lothran and Gill Johnson. It Hboulu Ha tn hlvci v House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Olay St., Sharpsburg Pa,, says he will not he without Dr, Kurg’a New Discovery for Con-umptiou, iloughs and Colds; that it cured his wite Who was tlireatniieil with pneumonia ~rt< r an nt'nok of "La Grippe," when v.uioiis other leun dies and several physi iiiniu, had done her no good, Robert bir b. i , of Gooksporr., Pa., el iinis Dr King N, w I) snovery has done bitn mor good tli in nnything be ever used for long trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at D. W. Curry’s ditto store. Largo bottles 50n mid SI.OO. Mr, W. P, Foster, of Lyerly, w.'s in the city yesterday. W. W, Hudson, who shot Jeff L tu rning Hatiiri'iiy, has not y< t been arrested, .nulling ng w«P. Deputy Sheriff McConnell figured in an extensive runaway in Eist Rome yester day, He was thrown to the ground, and for a time was thought to be seriously huit, but escaped wi;h a few bruises. His f.iri ds were glud to learn his loss of breath was tbo worst injury. Electric Hitters. This remedy is becoming so wellknowu and so popular ns to need no special men tion. AU who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.— A purer medicine does not exists and it is guar anteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bittern will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bi lls, Salt RUcum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent ns well ns cure all Malarial fevers.—For cure of Headache. Constipation aud Indigestion try Electric Bitters.—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. —Price 50 cts. and SI.OO per bottle at D. W. Cur ry's drugstore. THS WSEKLT TRIhUNK. HIURSIMLV, FOV«MBE3 16. 1893 A MILLION INCASH. The Report of the Joint Audit ing Committee ON THE STATE FINANCES- The Report Submitted By Senator Corput—A Mill ion in Cash. The j out committee appointed to <x iX tniu.i aud lupvi'v ou the bonks a d vouchersol tbo state tre suier and tne o. lupt r.'iiel'genet al have m.vie the f-i --vw.u,< icpoiv CovUsb Scuatur Coipu<, oliawiu .n, on beusif or the sen t.: c >u>initi*e met at tb« capital in Vi .uuioii the 19 o cay < f June la and leveled ihviusviV. s ><< ths sunk fr.Ui cat lune uuui Urn 2S h of June. Oui x.mii .iwjw s carolu , iborouih and aysieiuatio. In itio irr.»nu.<r’o vttloe wt> ■>X mu cartiu ly au i uiiuUO'l, ad ih >ooks kept by ibst . ffioer, showing the aiuouuts received, d sbnrseiueuis mad--, w ua> purpose made, aud by sb*' au (borily. Wo also up the Various rn -uula ou aaid books U .Iler tUe Val OUs ea la aud items, iu <od r to vei tty a-m<. N . . in: wan taken for granted and no o .inula iou Oi r® uit, as aia-ed ou buck oouMb, was a c pled by thia c rmmtciee aso .rieciuu'il tne same had been veri fied by us. Comm-noiiig with <tm fi st d>» ..I Ou obar, 1892 we h ve examiuno ev< ry voucher for every item of expend! turo anil uiobuiearnout made uy iba treasurer from 1 hat dace until the fiiar day of June, 1893 aud wo bavecompa eil such vououers with the books of the I.easurer aud wtm bis primed leporc, sub.uuted to tbla general a-aeinbiy fol tuo year ending September 30 1892. We alsoc milled the cash in the ueosuiei’B office OU the 19'11 day of June last. We first asoertaiuo i f - om ihe oumptrullei-gei - eiai the amount of ctsu, ihai, according to bis books, sh u d he m the treasury, which w a $1,1(0 333.17 This aiuouin we found to bo corr-c . We found in •he vault in out rency $l3OO0;iu sitvei, sl, 930 99; o.sti iu nil, $883.88; o mpon-, $30,- 928.7 ■; amount in ueposi ories, SI,OUB - advanced to Civil es< bosUiueu', 8 8 (>02.53; iuciilrntai expense account, 8313.82 'Vo also .Xiiuioed the bouda deposit’d iu said treasury by ihe foreign iusurance companies do ng business in i Ills state, as required by law, aud we tiud that the report ot the trea-u r er aS to ibe names of the various c mpanies, the amount ot bonds deposned, ant tbo cuaiucrerof tbe binds meuti<u <i in sue'' repoit, is correct. We also fi .d $500,( 00 Georgia 3)6 p r cent registered b nd depesi'eu by tbesiate road lessees, as ie quirt dby law. We also examined the assets ot the state ns nieiitioneu iu said report. We find 186 shares of Georgia Railload aud Banking Company stock, aud 440 shaies of Southern aud Atlantic Telegraphing Company’s stuck. We have examined the comptroller’s books, the of the treaeurei given him, for the amount paid his files, as required by law, aud have otieck.'d every cerntic .tn and voucher fr >m tbe Ist d .y of October,lß9l. up io tbe n n teeuth day ot Juuo, 1893, and we tiud that the b oks of tbe comptroller general and the certificates when oh. eked together, corte-pond in every instance We examine tbe reports of he various tax o .Ureters of tbe state, hod their dt gvats showing the amount of tax paid bv the various counties iu the state, aud the lecoid of tpecial taxes mTde by each county in the stat-., nod tiud these cor rect in every particular. In the tx mi auoe of the treasurer’s office, wo wrote to the various deposito ries and had the various amounts re ported by the treasurer to be deposited iu said b inhs veriti d. In our examination of these offices we hwe been affmded every faoloy bv the officers ind their assistant, each ami eve y one f whom manifested skill, abil ity and i flicii ncy in the dischatge of then dii’iev. i’ue books are not only neat, but ih.-y ara systematic, comprehensible a oompl to. D is our duty and our pleasure to cay tb >t the tretteurcr and e, mpt.rollei-vei oral of tlm state are < fficers whose >ffi- Oieucy, f'aitl t'ulir sc, mo. tol adin nistrn tiou and d von n to the beet; intere’s of Dp. stito entitle them so the indorsrmnnt and approval of ibis comm'"ee, tbe leg s'aturn and the people; as < fflonrs faith ful in the discharge of every lawful duty. We believe the stve fortu nate iu h iving iu her service these ex cebent geiitlnmen. RiSp'Ctfnlly submitted, Felix C’orput, , A. P. Persons, Committee of tbe Senate. Robert D. Render, Geo. Staplkt n, II; U. 'I HOM ASON, Committee <>f the House. ttdf - BU ACK-DhAUtiHF u u cures Constipation. HORSE RACES. Horn? Noon to Have a Stock raiser* Con vention. Rome is going to have a stock raisers’ convention. And at tbe s'lino time a display of pretty colts, splendid horses and tome rattling races. And this not later than the Hist week iu next month. The idea bus boon rapidly foimulated and will be arranged jest as speedily. The entire State of Georgia, No: th Ala bama and East TenneHse will be included. About it Captain Lytle said to a Tri bune man yesterday: "We uro going to hav> tho convention and have it by tbo Ist of December, but we have not arranged the details yet so I can tell tl em to you. This country is just as good us Kentucky for raising stock, and I oin show you colis that the blue grass state can hardly rival, much less excel. Interest has diminished some what to what it used to be, aud we want a convention to wnke the people up. "At very little expense wo can fix up the exposition grouada, and arra'ieefor some ran. e. Tho show of : tock will Im most interovtlng, and will help .long .tbo lunvement iu iui>« i»‘ . tbisSsCTJtlon. • The convention is sure to coino off, and we will give you the details in a few (luys. ** The races will be by home raised stock, bnd‘owned I y homo people and handled ay themselves, v bicb wjR nnk>; ibetß tbo most interesting ever held in the county. Hcrofula eradicated rnd nil kindrod <llh«»b< b cured by Hood's Sarsaiiarllln, which liv ItAVil'i'- Utng and alt -ra fro cltec’*, uvikoa pure blood. What is WiKiW ■ ■ I * J V A w 11F m y Casteria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children, it contain: neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. Castoria. Castorti la an excellent medicine for chll- “Castoriaisßowella<lnptcdtochlldrenthat dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its j recommend it assupcAwtonuy prescription good effect upon their chi Idren." known to me." Du. G. C. Osgood, H. A. Ancirsn, M. D., Lowell, Mass. 11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of “ Our physicians in the children's depart- which lum acquainted. I hope the day is not ment have spoken highly of their experi far distant whenmothers willconsldorthereal ence in their outside practice with Castoria, Interest of their children, nnd use Castoria in- and although we only have among our stead of the variousquacknostrumswhichare medical supplies what is known as regular destroying their loved ones, byforcingopinm, products, yet we are free to confess that the morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to look with agents down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it.” them to premature graves.” United Hospital and Dispensary, Dr. J. F. Kinchklob, Boston, Mass. Conway, Ark. Allen C. Smith, Pres., The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. HUDSON SHOT HiM. A Fight Yesterday Between Two Farmers. THEY USED THEIR FISTS Until Hudson Got His Hands on a Pistol—The Wound Not Serious. W. W. Hudson, a well known Vann’s Valley farmer, shot J. fi Lemming in the leg Saturday out near Mobley springs. Lemming is a'so a farmer, ana lives near Mob'ey springs. A. warrant was issued yesterday against Hudson for assault wiih intent to mur der. It seems that Lemming was walking towards tbo city when he met a buggy containing Hudson and a negro. Ac cording to tbe story, as it reached Rome, Hudson stopped and said to Lemming: “I understand you said I was ad—d liar.” “I didn’t say so,” was Lemming’s an swer. ‘•Well, didn’t you say I had told alie?” "No, I didn’t say that, either.” Tbe reportis that Hudson then de clared his intention of whipping L«m miug, anyhow, and got out of his buggy tn aowmplish this. -Lemming kn ek’d him jowtt, an ) was on tap of him Witn tbe negro j imped from the buggy with a p-stol iu his band. He pointed it at L< m ming, aud told him he would get killed if be didn’t ger. up. Leaiming got up. As be did so Hudscn grabbed the pis tol ai'd with an oath said he would fluish tho work, Bis opponent saw he was in for it, and made some very rapid strides iu the o - posite direction. As he did so Hud son fired. Lemming was shot, but did not. stop. He received a painful wound in the leg, but it is not considered dangerous. Hudson went on to his home. He was not seen by The Tribune, and his side O' rhe story cannot be given. He is a brother to the Hudson killed here on tho streets. The Nurse's Delight. Every experienced nurse knows the value of a remedy which, vyitbout being an anodyne, will relieve soreness of the limbs or stiffness of the joints, and ena ble a patient to sleep quietly and natur ally. Just such remedy is Allcock’s Porus Plasters. Placed on the chest or on the back, if necessary cut into strips and placsd over tbe muscles of tho limbs, they work marvels in the way of sooth ing and quieting restlessness. Being per fectly simple aud harmless in their com position, they can bo used freely, and many a sufferer has thanked them for a night of quiet rest, gra'eful both to him and those who care for him. Braudreth’s pills do not weaken the bowels. Prevention Is Better Than cure, and those who are subject to rheu matism can prevent attacks by keeping the blood pure and free from tho acid which causes tho disease. You can roly upon Hood’s Sarsa parilla as a remedy f< r rheumatism and citarrh, also fur <>'■ ■■ ■ r..,,u . ’ - urofula, salt rheum, bII i usd q;-- ... < tsod l>y impure blood, it tones and vitalizes tho whale system. Hood’s Pill's are eisy and gentle in effect. MONEY, TEETH AND HE/iLTH. If if on wish to save your Money, Health and Teeth don't fail to call on Dr. J. A 1 Tinner r .n the Ma sonic Teni [7de, febis ts BUGGIES! Buggies! Buggies I If yon want a Jones’ Bugry, we have got them Xfyouwanta Columbus Buggy, we have got them. if you want a Cincinnati Buggy, we have got them. In fact we have got anything jou want tn the Carriage Buggy, Wagon and Road Cart line, al) styles and prices, from a $55 Top Buggy to s SSOO Carriage. We have marked our work down to rock bottom prices, lower than they have ever been sold before. If you contemplate buying t Carriage, Buggy, Wagon or Road Curt this fall, give us a call, and we will guarantee that we will sell you as cheap, if not cheaper, than you can buy anywhere else of same quality. We guaran tee a ;ery piece of work we sell. Besides our own make of one and two-horse wagons we sell the Jackson wagon, which has a national reputation L E. Jose: & Sou MY! Co. 406, 4OB.and 410 Broad Street, OME, - - • GEORGIA. jan3l-tf. Citation For Administration. Notice i h reby given that on the Mun (!a* in !)»‘cemb-r next. I ph dl app int a* Ad ministrator cm Uic CB‘a*e i f Jot n Lhhzci* lute of KI y*i couhia , d, C. ' v . Under ood, the ('oui)ty Administrator o’* nome o her tit and coinpeient | eiaon. TnisN<»v.B 1-93 oa\v4.v JOHN P D Wl’, Ordinary Eloju COunty. NOTICE. &EORCIA, Floyd County. Charles E. Huffman has applied for exemp tion of vereonahy ai d setting apart and valuu >l<in ot home tend, and I will pass upon tie same a' 10 o’cb ck, on iheSMb day of Aovember, 189.3. at mv office. JOHN P. D WIS. 11-U-aw Ordinary, NOTICE. GEORGIA, Fi ovd County. Notice is hereby given that a petition signed by fift-en or more freeholders of the 9v’4ih (Baiket-'s) dt-trict G. M of said county, has b en tiled in mv office, t aking that the benefits f r the provt'lons of sections 419, 1410, 1451, I t 2. 14 3, 1454, of the Code of Ge rgia of 1882, and t e amendments thereto, ehall apply to said 924th di-trlc , G. M. of said county. I further give imtice that an election will be or dsivdonth' 4th day of December next. (1893), (sa d election to occur on the 24th day < f De cember. 1893), to decide tbe question of • Fence” or "Stock Law.” according to the -statutes in such case, made and provided. Given under my hand and official signature. Tuis the 13th day of November, >893. JOHN P. DaVIS. Ordinary. GEORGIA. Floyd County. Joseph W. Woods has apnlied for exemption of personality and setting apart and valuation <.f h'lmeste-d. and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m on the stli day of December, 1093, at my offise. JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary Floyd Co.. Ga. ~ 1525 to SSO 'faBBMBMMLadI<*A OF Gentlemen* n»lnf or Milins “Old Reliable Plater.” Only practical way to replan* rusty aud ia*. worn knlvaa, fork*, *pc n% eU; jM quickly done by dippin m uelud metal. No experience, polishing b-Tp-, or machinery. Thick plate at one operation; iaata & to 10 year*: One finish when taken from the plater. '■•'JMit!" Every family ha* plating to do. 4T Plater *t*ll* readily. Profit* large. J ■■ ■ W. P. Harrtoon&Co^Columba*,O. Marshal’s Sales. VVILL BE tOLD BEFORE THE COURT it 110 i r o 'foot- iii the city of Rome, Ga., on tho flr-l Tuer.tnv in December. 18-3, l e'.wecu the le >- ■ . io tho following described prot>- orty, to-wi. ; Part of Io 1 , fronting 43 feet on Eighth avenue and running back fu 1 length ot lot, 100 fe-t more or levs. B mnded on the east by Eighth avenue,. n the north bj- property ot defendant on the we t l.y propo tv of Itouert. Graves and others, on tho South by the property of J. W. Davis and A. L Harold. Levied on as the prop erty of W. H. Edmundson by virtue of afi fa. In favor of tho mayor and 0 rancll of the city of Romfe vs-. -W H JiddifliwUoii lor taxet) tluo said city forth., year D 11.3. ... r , r | Also fct lbw pa ne tirnn a* u 40 rtf* frnn*. ing on Hr >ad Mreet and r« ih J g Hack 150 morn or b• a bounties <»n tbs w Ft bv »<r« ad b reet. on tbo south by th« property < f Jb iry Slaton, on the tafit by property of Jofcpliino Pearson's, on the north bv property ot defend kne i evied <>n a> the pr-.per y”f Gw>. Fr.t k lto.Rr .by virtue of a fl. fa in fav.r ot tu« m .yor and council of ihe < ity of Home ve Geo. Franklin, Sr., L>r tales due city for th* year IBH3. AI-« »t the *an>e ti e and place, one vacant lot iron inc 20 f eton Hoss serene and run. tag beck »■> fset U'ore ,T less, b .utdrd on the eart by Kops street, on tl,« H . pct, b, property ot H-nry iinrryhill e >st »nd north b tbe p'r>|'orty ot G. <>. T <> h«. 1 • vied on as the property of H.irir t Kick-by virim-ot .. tl fa. i.i t,v.r ot tn->'ayo> and rbun it of tb» city of K-me vs ils'Het Ilieks for taxes duo said city fur the year 1893 .tiro, at <he same tlino ami phen, one bou*e ano lot. unc rneref Sev-nth aver ne and ortb Boundary etre. t, uounrted on the ». uth by N rili Km ni'.ry stieet. <>n th- u< st by uiopoity rtf .Mis Lum Ki,gl",on the n. rth b> the property of he Hiirginbotn nn e-tato Le i-d on as the property <>i ibe Hig tnboihsui • state <o vn ne ofaflfain favor .tie newer nndciuictlof the city of the c't. of Home vs ihe I i« till Olli am eala e for luxes ouo raid city f. r tho year 1893 Al*o at the snme limo and plsco. onovnnspt lot fifty feet front i.ncl run. ina b. < k full b nath of b t Hie thine b 'itig |> <rt. < f lot on which ne lenannt no c rrrid h. Hound, don the north by B-oudureet. nn leeoet bv propetiy of John Kane >n the s. uth and west by pro erty oi de-, iendonr. Levtr.i oil as the property oi Jam aS. Mo re trustee, by virtue .-t ati la in t.vnrof tbe n ay r unrt council of the city of Rome vs Jaup s T Moore, tiustee, fur taxes due aa.d city fur 'he year 1893. Also at the a. ni- time and niece, one house and lot fr. liTiop. f,O I. et on K. T. V & G It K., and running ban* .50 feet more or 1 as bounded on tbe Both by pr> pi rty ol H I Ober, on he ca-t by prop, rty oi Mrs. -puiiock on thd north by iropertyo' Miss Anna Smith Levi don as the property of Major Mullins by virtue us a fi ta in favor of the ■ av< r and council ot the cLy oi It me vs "ij ir Mullins fur taxes due ea'd city for there r 1891. Also at. the same time and place, one vacant io' fr nttue on an alley 40 feet and running back SOe teet more or less Icunded earth- »n al ey, on the somh oy property ot the M. Dwinell eg. late, 'U tbe west by propertv of Jim Mi,kins, on tbe not tb by property of d. fendant. Le.led on an tbe property of Owen Goodlett by virtue of a fl fa in favor ot the mayor and c uncii us thee tv <>f Rome vs Own Goodietc for taxes due said city for the year 1893 Aho at the fa e time and place, one brick Bto-e house. No 5J4 ou Bro <1 -tre t. occupied by T. ”. Higglaho'hem. Levied mas 'he prop eny of P M. sheihley, trustee, by virtue of a fl fa io favor of the mayor and council of the city of Ron eve P. M. -h ibley. trustee, for taxes due raid city for tbe year 1833. Also at tuc sane time and place, part of v cant lot fro. tiug E. T. V. & G. K. K 3 leet and run nl' g back 190 feet more or less bounded on the w>s by tbe E. I' V. & G K.R.,oi, th I ortb by the property of Major Mullin-, on the east by p.ouer'y of Andy Kay. on the south by proper y of d fendsnt. Levied <m as the p.operiy oi H. J Ober by virtue of a tl fa in fav r of the mayor and council of the city of Koine vs If J über for t ixes oue said ci.y for the year Ir9l. Abo at tbe same time and place, one house end lot on llargtove HUI, front!, g the K. 'l'. V. & G. R. It 10 leet. more or less, bounded on the <astl>y proie'ty of James Douglas, on the north by property of K. T. V. & <+ It. K., ou tl e west by property of Anna Muith, on the south by pr. perty ot Geo. P.'ii tup. L< vied <n as the property of Lew.s Bal by virtue us a fl fa in lav rot the mavor and council of t-e Oily of Rimev Lewie Ball tor tuxes due said ciiy for the year .893. A'so at t'e same time and p'ace. one house and lot, No, >5 • n Gibson -treet, in the <it.y of Rome, Ga. Levied o • as th'- property of MtUoy Williams by virtue of a tl fa in favor of the mayor and coum il of the city ot Rome vs Milkey Wil iams for taxes duo said city fur tho year 1893 a iso at tbo same time and plare, one bouse and lot fronting on Boss street 50 le. t and run ning back lid fee' mote or less, bounded on the north by property of Lt’Zie Jenkins and on the east by Isom louos and on the south by Hester .Maddox and on the west by Uo-s street levied on as tue property of Mollio Johnson by vt tu» of a fi fa in toV r f tlie mayor and council pf tbe city of Homo vs Mollie Jchmun for taxes due* said city for tbo rear 1833. Als at. tlie-aiue tin.a and place, one bo'se and lot. No. 53. on Loss strict in the citytf Rome, Ga Levied on as the property of Sarah Payne by vlrt e ot a fi f v in favor ot tbe '• ayor and co it cil of tbe cit of Home vs Sa.ah Payne for taxes due si id citv f r rhe year 8 3. Also at the same time and place, one b. use and lot. No. 205 on second avenue in the city ot Ron e, (ia Levt don as the property of w 11- liam Ramey by vir uo ot a fi la la lavor of tbe mavor and council ot the city of Rome. Ga. vs. William Kamey 10l tuxes due said city fur the year 1893. Also at tho same time and p'ace, 50 feet of >ot on winch defendant now lesi'les; bounded on the sow hoy Wet hirst street, on the west by pr, p " ty of Dave Shelt n. on th- north and east oy property ot detent! nt. Levied on as the pr .peit. of .1. 11 L" stee by virtue of a fi fa in favor of tbe mayor aud council of tbe cltv of Rome ve J II Luu pkin trustee, lur taxes duo sain city fur tho year 1893. Abo at the ame lime and place, one vacant lot fronting 50 feet on 'third avenue; bounded on the west by Third avmre on the m rib hy prop, rty of Mrs Jonas, on the east by piopeity oi the E A. Roes estate, on t e south by prop erty of defendant, the sumo b> ing 60 feet, by 125 f >t.. Levied on as the property of Mrs. J. G. Yei er by vir u -of atlfa in favo- of the mavor and council of the city of Rome v.s Mrs J. G. Yeiaer for taxes due said citi for the year 1893. Als.attbe same ti . e and placone house and lot on Hargrove’s Hill, in the city of Home, Ga.; b <u. tied on ibe ear tby n'operry of 11. J. ober. on then oh ty E. T., V A' G. R. U, on the s uth and west, b* property of Allen K>y. L< vied on as the property of Bam Mentos by vir'-v.e of a fl fa in lavor of the mavor utid o uu cil of the city of lime v.- Sam Mcluteo for tax-f es due sail' city f. r the year 1893 A so a' the same time and place, one house and lot in the ward, fronting <•" River t'liice sireet 5> feet mor.’ or ass; bounded on the south bv the piop uty of Captain Feathers on and on the noith oy th" property of Mis. - re, ou the east by tit. Etowah river Levied on as the p'operiy of J, H. Aur.epaugb by virtue of a tax ti ia in favor of the mayor and com.cil of I Rome vs .1. H Atin-paUgh for taxes due said cii v so the year t 893 Also, at tho same time and place, one house and lot in the Fif'h war;', bom deu cn die vest by the p-operly of Adaline Fulls and on tho smith by the property of Cal. Walker, on the east by the prope'ty of "'ill Kei'.ti, on ihe north by tho property of John Black. L vied on as the prop, rty of Mis. lien Caperton, by virtue of a tax fl f» in . jav>r gs the mayor aud council of Rome vs Ben < ;a pet oii, Kt faxes dne said city for the year 1893. Also nt the tame time and place 6hb house and let tn tbe Fifth ward, fronting fl'ty feet on Bln if street, bounded on the eat by the prop erty of Notiy Green and Division street on tbe west. Li vied on as the property at Mose seat by virtue ot a tl fa in favor of the mayor end council of Roue ve. Mose West, forta.v duo the year 1893. also, at tho erne time and plsce one house and lot in Fifth ward, house No. 31. fr nting on Coosa street 3o ft et by »<> feet deep bom deu on the .ast by the property of Charles Harper, on then rth by the property of Maranda Daniel. Levied on a-tbe property of T. and W. Rich ardson by virtu-of a tax fi fa in favor of the mayor and counc 1 of Rome vs. T. i nd W. Rich ardson for tax due for the year 1893. Also, at the same time and place one liotiM and lot, No. 9. on Spullock street, in the city of Rome, Ga., bounded on the north by the prop erty of John McCombs, deceased, on the east by Spulmck street, on the south and west by the property of Charles Wood, colored. Levied on as tue property of Dave Mortis, by virtue ot a fl fa In favor of tbo mayor and council of the city of Rome vs. Dave Morris, for taxes due said < ity for the year 1893. Also, at the sameti.uo and place one vacant lot, fronting 50 leet and running back 100 feet, more or less, n Ross street, iu tbe city ot Rome, Ga bounded ou tho east by Ross street, on the south by property of J J. Black, on the west by Hesier Maddox and on tbe north by Green Bor de’S. Levied on as tbe property of Mrs Lewis B vrrett, bv virtue of a fl fa in favor or the mayor and council of the city of Rome vs. Mrs. Lewis Barrett, for tuxes due said city for the year 1893. Also, at th’ same time and place one house and lot No. 1210 on Broad st eel, in tbe city of Rome Ga Levied on as the property of the George W. Lamar estate by vlrtueof afl fa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Rome VS. th* Ge rgo W Lamar estate, tor taxes due Said city tor the year H 9.1. Also st Ute same time and place one house and lot'ln th- Fifth ward, Ituit'e No. 7, fronting on WillianiH street 75 feet more or less bounded on »hf south by the pr ip rty of Mrs. Tiupen, on ,1, it, 1 .-' I' tltc proper y.f Pepp..r and .Huron 1. Levied ..n as ihe prop* t> of Mrs. A fc Llliott, by virtue of ii ft ta in favor of tho mayor and council of Home vs Mrs. A. E. Elliott, for taxes due fur the year 1893. Also, at the fame time and place part of lot, hnutsßiO fronting 3b feet, on Broad street and running full length of lot iff) feel moreorloes, bounded on the north ity Broad street on tho e H bv ptouertypf defendant, on the south by nro'ierty of tho Duley or’ale and on ibe west by t . or voroft’ie tu v<»r uni ,c<» ncil of tbe city of Ro do vs. J H llajkell, fir f \ s due i.ttid city ■t.&iyttla,