The weekly tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-1???, December 07, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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8 3 I N EVERY Receipt that calls for &: 4> . * baking powder use the “Royal.” It &- will make the food lighter, ip I sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome. k *7 <P “ We recommend the Royal Baking Powder as superior 1 zp to all others.”— United Cooks and Pastry Cooks' Associa- )' k/J I Vjs \\ \ f* tion of the United States. \ SxZ <<♦- ROME’S INCREASE In Population Leads to More . Money FOR THE CITY SCHOOLS. The County Board of Edcation Met Tuesday—The Com missioners’ Report. The city of Romo gets $1,700 more for her Schoo's from the statu than las’ year. This is one to iucrea»ed population. All the county guts $2,000 more than last year, all < xcep - S3OO i f which stops in Rome. L 'st y.-ar the city <>f Ron e re ceived about $2,900 from the state foi school put poses. 'I his year the amount ig something over $4,600 This developed I uesday at a meeting of the county school board, which mei in Commissioner Bridges office at the new couit house yestetday afternoon. Those present at. the meeting, bsid.s Mr Bridges, were A. B. 8. Moseley, R. B. Simms and C. P. Morton. The only matter of importance was the apportionment of the money for the coming year. The in eresting part was the relative apportionment, R me proper getting a little over $4,6 X), and the rest, of the Rome district getting about $3,5( 0. Here is a coud< nsed statement of the commissioner’s report, as adopted: The Itepo t. To amount of balance In® 1892$ 403.85 Toaiuoi ntof es'r j money.. 7.61 To aim.unt ot poll tax l.r 1893 3,056.11 To am .uni «,f b'a’e school Comniis-i > ers Warrant.. 16 877.25—529 St 1.83 By amount of < x r endituro tor 1;93 ... Commissioners Mmii Paid u note or char’s 3.M0 Paid for enuu e atlon 319 8 Paid f. f regi tern 6U.OJ Paid for postage, stationery and print- ing bl» k- 33,55 Pain on institv-ework.... , 5560 Paid cotuu issiomr for commissi ner. Convention 900 of 1892 .... 44(0 By for Total.. $19,968 B'4 Balaicu on $ 3d 02 Ou motion agreed to pay $25 to the Silver Creek school for seats on the con dition that the comm unity raise $25 ad ditional for the same purpose. Ou motipn ordered the commissioner to prepare an itemized statement of the amounts paid each teacher in the country at as early a day as po Bible and the same published in The Tsibune and Bustier, -Ou mod in adj mined. A B. 8. Moseley, Chairman. W. M. Bridges, Sec’y and Com. CHARGES. One Case Being Tiled in a Mixed up Affair. Justice Court was held Tuesday in the city court room. The entire afternoon was taken up with the case of John Smith vs. C. H. Harts horne, a suit for $26.50 claimed to be due on logs furnished Hartshorne by Smith. Max Meyerhardt represented Smith, and Dean & Smith are for Haitshorne. Some very peculiar and interesting side issues have been the result of this suit. z It seems that Hartshorne bought the the logs from Smith and that night they wore stolen. Hartshorne claimed that Smith was the guilty party, and not only refused to pay for the logs but took out a warrant against Smith for larceny. The case was tried by a justice of the peace up about Armuchee, and the warrant dismissed. The next step was made by Smith who entered suit for the amount he claimed due on the logs, and also a suit for $lO,- 000 defamation of character. The fiist one of these suits is the one being tried, and will probably be finished today. But this is not all. Hartshorne went before the last grand jury, and had an indictment found against Smith for larceny, and this, too, is to come up. It’s a tangled web they are weaving. Big Sale Day. Yesterday was a big sales day at the caurt house, and Sheriff Moore had ail ho could do. There were, sheriff’s sales for tax, marshall's sales for city tax, r< - ceiver’s and administrator’s salet —all conducted by the sheriff. Among the items was the receirei’r. sale of the Cundeil Furniture Factory the building at d ground—which was bouglitiu by the First National bank tor $6 000 The Rome Foundry and Machine Woilis vas B‘>d uod .r mortgiga ti fas and was bought in by the creditors. P.operty of <hu late Dr. li. V. Mitchel, was sold for administration, and was bought in by the heirs for $8 090 Aroun'l the Court House. Deputy Sheriff Dills* Turner says the first man fined $1 tor spitting on tin floor sh-ll give the money to uncle Felix, the j oritor. As a result Uncle Feiix is keep ing a close watch. Tax Collector B'ack had a busy day yesterday. Collecrpms were gm d. School Commissioner Bridges has fi t 9 t office at the head of the stairs to the tear. THE APPOINTMENTS. R v J. T. Gibsen «* u » to ilie First Metho dist Church. Special to tbe Tribute: GAiNhsVHE, G.i., Dee. s.—The appoint ments for the North Georgia Conference were read our tonight. Bev, J. T. Gibstn, now presiding elder of she Rome' district, goes as pastor to the First ebuteb, at Rome, waile Dr. Bays goes to Cenersv lie. R v. G. W. Duval is returned to the SrOiind church. The next conference will meet in Rome. Here are the appointments of most in terest to Rome and vicinity: J. F. Pierce, Presiding Elder. First cbuich, J. T. Gibson. Second chu ch, G. W. Duval. Third chutth. A. 8. Stevens. North R .me, J. A. t e well. West. Rome, S A. Harris. Erst R ime, Wm. Murdock. Dallas, W. F. Irvine. Cave Bp ing, W. A. Fanis. Cai tersvule, W. F. Q rilliau; W. W. Bar s. Ri'Ckroart, Walter B. DeHard. Cedar town, J. R King; Cedartown cir cuit, J. Lane Ware. AH Those who have used Dr. King’s New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity Verify it free. Call on the Advertised Druggist and get a Trial Free. Send your name and address toH. E. Bucklen, & Co., iiicsgOi'and get a sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health acd Household In structor Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and costs you nothing. Wanted—l o trade a good bouse and lot iu Rome, centrally located,for a .mall improved farm of 40 or 50acres Nothing bat good land vyautod. Address A, T. T., Tribune office, * PSYCHE AT THE SEA SHORE A Beautiful Painting by a Talented Young Lady of Rome. The art, exhibit of Shorter College last commencement contained many beautiful creations, and among them were several charming pieces by Miss Celeste Ayer, the young but highly endowed daughter of Maj. W. F. Ayer. One of these was placed on exhibition yesterday at the store of M. R. Emmons & Co., and att racted great attention. The representation is “Psyche at the Sea Shore,” a lovely scene near perfect in ever detail of color ata technique. It is an exquisite piece of work, and causes admiration in all who see it. The fair young artist possesses a wonderful amount of talent, and is sure to take a high rank in the world of art. Plasters. If yon are thinking about buying a plaster, remember that you wi 1 place it upon your body and cannot get a plaster that will be too good for you. Adcock’s Porous Plaster is the best plaster made. Your druggist may have some other plaster on bis shelves which he is anxious to get rid of, or else some worthless imitation purchased at a low price for the purpose of substitution. Do not acc pt ins “Just as good” plea, insist upon having the genuine.* Allcock’s Porous Plaster has no equal. Braudretn’s Pills can always be relied upon. 600 Xmas Chairs at Mc- Donald Furniture Co, SHOT, CUtTnD MASHED. The Horrible Death of a Prominent Ten nessee Farmer. Knoxville, Tenn., Deo. s.—James Cunningham, a bachelor farmer, who was living alone on his farm, near Tazewell was found dead Monday morning, lying ou the fl >or of his house. The u.u der was one of the most brutal nature. His body contained several wounds ap puently iff c ed by a pistol and he had been cut iu twenty different places with knives, and bis hear! was mnsbeci as if it i bad been Bti:in;>ed after he was killed. I There is n > clue to the murderers' alth iugh the officers are scouring the < ountry f jt them. Karl’s Closer Root will purify youi blood, clear your complexion, regulate you- bowels and make your bead clear aa as a bell. 25't. and 50c. For aala by D. W. Curry. THK WpERLY I KIKUJNK. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7. ibJ-3. A Rocky Mountain Tunnel. A notable engineering feat was ac ■ complished recently in the completion of the boring of the Busk-Ivanhoe railway tunnel under the continental divide of the Rocky mountains at Hagerman pass, , Colorado. The tunnel is almost two miles 10ng—9,393 feet—and is through solid J gray granite. It took 3 years and 20 days, of 20 hours’ work each day, to bore the big hole. It is 10,800 feat above sea level through the top ridge of the conti nent. The water draining from the one side of the mountain under which it is driven runs to the Atlantic ocean, and from the other to the Pacific. Its con struction has cost $1,000,000 and 20 hu man lives. The tuunel, which is on the line of the Colorado Midland railway, the Santa Fe’s central route to Califor nia, substitutes two miles of track for 1 ten and does away with one of the most expensive railway climbs in the world. —Chicago Herald. Terrapin £573 a Dozen. Terrapin, the now greatest delicacy known to the epicure, are a little lower in price this year than they -were last, although their comparative scarcity makes them one of the most precious luxuries. “Counts”—that is, terrapins that measure six inches or over—which brought $55 per dozen last year, are now selling for SSO. The largest specimens are highly prized for their flesh, and have brought even this year as high as $72 per dozen. The more common varieties, which have not changed materially in price, sell for sls to S2O. Terrapin farm ing has proved a lucrative business. Os late years many have entered into it and have earned a good living.—Baltimore American. Get the Genuine. If you suffer with lame bank, rspecially in morning, Allcock's Plasters arc a sure relief. If you cannot sleep, try an Allcock Pla-ter, well up between the shoulder biati- shorten relieves —sometimes cures. Try th's before you resort to opiates. If any of your muscles are lame —joints stiff—feel ah if they wanted oi-ing—or if you snff-r with any local pains or aches, these plasters will cure you. If you use them once you will realiz« whv so mwv plaster have been made in imitation < f them. Like all good things, they sre copied ns closely as the law al lows. Don’t be duped by taking an imi tation when it is as easy to get the genuine. U yon al ways insist upon having All cock’s Porous Plasters and never accept a substitute, you will not be disap pointed, Georg"—You would marry the biggest fool in the world if he asked you, would you not? Ethel—Ob, George, this is so sudden. Good Looks, Good looks are more than skin deep, de pei ding upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs, If the Liver be inactive, you have a Billions Look, if your stomach be disordered you have a yspeptic Look and your if Kidneys he affected you have a Pinched Look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alternative and Tonic acts di rectly on these vital organs. Cures Pim ples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good com plexion. Sold at Mr. D. W. Curry & Co., Whoisale and Retail Druggists, 50c per bottle. At Swainsboro, Ga., Rev. Charles Johnson preached his own suneral ser mon on the gallows, and was hanged for the murder of Rev. William Lilds. Itching, burning, scaly and crusty scalps infants cleansed and healed and quiet eep restored by Johnson’s Oriental Soap, old at D. W. Curry’s drug store, Rome, Ga. In the presence of many pedestrians two thugs sanbagged Commission Mer chant H. C. Nonb, in Denver, Col., and robbed him of SBSO and a gold watch. Shiloh’s Cure, the great cough d croup cut e, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty five Joses, only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by drug gists. For sale by I). W. Curry. Having been mourned as dead and the vic’itn of an alleged lynching in Western Pennsylvania, Jack Galbraith, a Cole’s circus performer, surprised his paren s at Mu cie, Ind., and turned up all right. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga Tenn., says: “Shiloh’s Vitalize!” saved my life.’ I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system 1 ever used.” For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. For sale by D. W, Curry. A dishonored check for S3OO for a board hill at the Browner House, New York, Jed to the arrest of Joel Hayden, a broker end mill ewuer ruined by the Johnstown flood. Llf > la Misery . To tnanv people who hive the taint of scrofula in their blood. Tbo ago iea caused by the , dr.iadful running sores and other manifesta tions of this disease ate beyond description. ’ There ts no remedy 4quM to Ifood’a Sarsapa ril'H for scro'uH salt rheum and every form of blood ditte-ase. It is reasonably sure to bentflt all who vve It a fair trial. i Hood's Pills cure all Uvo» Illa, THE WRIGHTS’ WOES Are all Layed at the Door of Henry Daniels. FATHER KILLED HIMSELF And When Cliff Wright Shot at Daniels He Killed His Brother. Josh Wrieht, the negro shot by his brother, Cliff Wright, an account of w )>><. h appeared iu bunaay’s Tiubune, died Sun day afternoon. A coi oner’s inquest was held yesterday morning, and as a result Cuff Wright is iu j til charged with involuntary man al lighter. It developed that when Cliff fir.drhe shot, he fired it on purpose and was tom in" it an uu welcome visiror, bur, missed end shot his brother. The visitor was Henry Daniels, who, it is charged is re sponsible f.-r much miefurtune in ihe vlright family. Josh Wright, who was killed, was 11 years old, ard Cliff is J 6 The have bi et> living with their mo'her on Second av-- uue near the river. The father Caleb Wrigbr, a preacher, was sent to the cliaiu gaug for wife beating, and while a mem ber of the gang jumped from the F fth avenue bridge over the OostanauU and commuted suic de. B fore th she ban deciaied Henry Daniels, a negro abou> town, to be the cause of his troub e, and said his wife and Daniels bad sworn him into the chatngang to get him out ot the way. He told his eldest boy of this, and the b'ty warsed Daniels to stay away from the house. Saturday morning about 4 o’clock, be hea'd some one in the next room w ith bis mother, and opining ihe door found, who, the Wright woman sa'd, had come to ger, some blankets he left, there. 1 his did not satisfy hoy who fired ar. Daniels. I’he bullet struck > ouug Josh Wright, who was in bt d He cot - ti u d trying to fire, but the pistol snap ped While Datdels escaped. Dr. Cox and D r . Hamilton were sum moned to attend ihe Wounded b<>y, bu> cou'd do n .thing to save him, the bullet having pierced the abdomen. The coroner’s jury held Cliff Wright guilty or involuntray manslaughter, and had him sent to jril. Public Safe cf Valuable City / Property. WHERgaS. JAMES F. DUPRKK. t'lD ON A| »tl rhe fliet 1893. execute anl« eliv ’ r -1v rhe S -cu.ity Invertn ent Company, ot Bridgeport U'.tm.. a uted io certain n opertv hrinnattrr describ'd, f. r tl:8 purpose of ee curlue ti t pajm -nt of t»oc>tan notes, . ach I r he emu of one tin n a d do fare p, incipal each dated ou the eal i tbstdiy of , pn1,>893 and each due five ye-re after uate. and also twe i» iu'erest coup-rn no'ee eac lorti.e suniof $37. o, and also ten rntx-iesi c. upon rotes for the sum of five dollars each, a11..f said interest coupon notes beaiing date on Baid fir-t day of Apiil 1893, ana two of • aid ioierest coupon mfs for the sum of s3l 50, and ' lie of sai l intere-t C ’ll pon note? tor the ,-nm of $5 OObeC mung d»eand payable on tne first days ot October and April in each rear respeo Ively afier saH first da. of April, 1893. includiue toe first day of ectober 189:, b B'des interest atter u a ur iy at the 'ate of eight percent p r annum; and also to s cure the payment of ten percen-. as at’ornsye’leee on the whole amount should said notes nod deed be pl-.c*d in the hands ot an attorney ar. law for collection as will more tuliv > ppear bv refer ence to Said reel, recorded in Kook ; VV” of De ds, page 203, Cleik’a office, Fioyd Superior Court And whe r eas, the Said James r. Dupree agretd in Baid deed that if default be mai e in the prompt payment of either of said interest Coupon notes as stipulated, then the p'incioal of said obligation, in the diacredon of the hold er. should become du- aud pays be at the date of Buch default, aed that the said Srcnri y In vestment Company should bi au'horiz d, at its option, to sell p < petty at public outcry in order to pay said debt, brfore the comt houee d'H.r in the countv of Floyd to the bigbe-t bid der for casb, after adve.thing the time, place and terms of sale in a newspai er of genera) cir culation in Said county of Floyd once a week for I'vu* weeks. And whereas, the said James F. Dupree did default on the fi st day of October 1893, in the paym. nt >f the interest coupon notes that day du«, and by reason of said deiaull the prin pal ai d inteie tof said . bligatiou has become due, and remains unpaid. No x. therefor-*, by virtue of the p over grante in said deed. «o will sell at put lie outc>y, be tore the court bouse «oor in Floyd county, Geo gl», on the flret Tuesday in Deceu-ber, 1893 within the legal hours < f sale to the highest bid der for rad), lb , follow ng desc ibed property, te-vvit: Oue ce. tain city lot with all improve ments thereon, in the filth Ward of tbe city of Rome, Floyd county, Georgia, fronting on Main street one hundred and forty five (14 ) feet and running back two hundred and eight (208) feet; b und«d nor.b and east by Cantrell's proper'y, south by Blanche street and west by Main street. Said sale will be had and titles made and pro ceed. distributed as provided in said deed (Book “VV,” page 203.) first to the payment ot sard debt, with interest and attornevs* fees and. X peuses of this proceeding, and the remainder, if any, to said James F. Dupree. The amount due is $2080.00, besides intere-t on said sum since Oct Ist, 1893, and attorneys' fees and expenses. Terms c*»h. THW SECURITY INVESTMENT COMPANY, By Host-inson & Harris, their Attorneys at law. 11-7-law-30d Year’s Support. GEORGIA, Floyd County. T'O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NO tice 14 hereby given, that the appraisers ap pointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Elizabeth Camp, the widow of Hosea M. Camp, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the name will bv made the judgmeat of the court at the December term, 1893, of tbe court of or dinary. This Nov. 6th, 1893. JOHN P. DAVIS, Ordinary. 11 -8 law -39 d Application For Letters of Dis mission. GEORGIA, Floyd County. Whereas Chile M. Harper, Administrator of J-bn T. Dowell, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed, that tehas administered Jno. T. D twoll’s estate. This Is to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, t > snow cause, if any they can. why said atlministrator should not be discharged from hie administia tion and leceive letters of dismDeion on tbe first Monday iu Februarv, 1894. This Novem ber 6. 1893 JOHNF. DAVIB, Ordinary. 11-9-I«w9Cd “ NOTICE. GEORGIA, Ft OTD COUNTY. Notice is hereby given that a petition tigned by fifteen or more freeholders of the 924th (Baiker’s) district G. M of said county, has b *en tiled in my office, asking that the benefits f<*r the provisions of sections 1449, l4‘o, 1451, 1482 14 3, 1454, of the Code of Georgia, of 1882, and tne amendments thereto, shall apply to said 924th distric , G. M.. of said county. I further give notice that an election will bs or dered on tbe 4th day of December next. (1893), (sa'd election to occur on the 27th <1 vy of De cember, 1893). to decide ths question of ’ Fence" or “Stock Law," accord ng to the statutes in such ca’o, made and provided. Given under my hand and official signature T I. ’ha IBfb day of Noveinbsr. ltWa JOH« P. DAVIS, Ordinary. What is I wp rCi ll] Ji f l l Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infauts and Children. It contain! neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substanco. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. Cagtoria. “Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chll- “Castoria is so well adapted to children that dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its y recommend it as superior to auy prescription good effect upon their children.” known to me.” Da. G. C. Osoood, H. A. AncnKit, M. D., Lowell, Mass. 11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Castoria is the remedy for children of “ Our physicians in the children's depart- which lam acquainted. I hope the day is not meat have spoken highly of their expert far distant when mothers will consider the real ence in their outside practice with Costoiia, interest of their children, and use Castoria in- and although we only have among our stead of the various quack nostrums which are medical supplies what is known as regular destroying their loved ones, by forcingopium, products, yet we are free to confess that the morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to look wiU agents down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it.” them to premature graves.” United Hospital and Dispensary, Dr. J. F. Kinchelob, Boston, Mass. Conway, Ark. Allen C. Smith, Pres., The Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City. JN otice of Sale. Whereas on the 20th day of * pril 1891. Henry L Earpe. of Floyu ( ouury, Georgia, was the owner of six eha es ot stock in the National Mutual Building and Lo n Afsocidtion of Now York, ami un said day obtained a loan • f SIOO fro... eaid association and © ecuted and deiiv eied to it ab nd condi(i<>iHd to >ay said euin wit.ii inteie tatt he rate of s>x er cmt per ai nnm until p.fiid, log© her with a ntou’h* iy premium ot $/.<() io eipht yean*, <,r un il me e.rlicr m.i.miiy of said snares, sln uld they mature bet’ r« ihe expiiaVou « t eight yaia, nd iu addition thereto ihe suni of three dollar.-* ai d six-y cents tor the inontb>y ones ot s;.id b ix eha’es wbi> h interest, premium and dues a»e <n or bes. re the labt bu-ims* day of every mi nto at the office ot Bai i associati n in New Y ik; together wi h flues, according to th* b -laws of said association. And uh rva-» s .id bond provides, that should anv detail tbe made in the payment f sad in terest, premium, dues or Um s. < r any > art thereof, and the same shall remain unpaid, and in arrears for three mouths, the aforesaid prill cipal sum, and any and all sums tor interest, premium ana ones or flues sh-tii, at the option oi said Association become due aud payab e im m< diatt ly. Au<i whereas, said Henry L Earps has made default lor m *re than th«u three months in he payment of said interest,piemium and diu s and tints securing thereon, said association now de c ares sxid pii» cipalen not iou- buudr*d oo - lars hi d the sum 1 one hundred and one debars and fiuy-four cent* for mteiest pre«> mm, dues a* d linns due and pa able iinin eo lately. And wheieas sad Henry L Ear e on said 20th day of April 1891 executed a> d deliveied t» said association a deed t »s cure the pa\mnr, of the obligations mentioned in said bund, in which he conveyed to said association the property here inafter described and in >aid deed author zei said hSrociutb n, u. on default ot psy.i cuts a* her inbef. r- stated, to sell ar public out cry io th« highest bidder f »i cash ail oi said pr< pe» ty, trasufli ie. c thereof to pa all mo >eya which snail ttieu be due on said bon’s, together with all eeptnses incident to sale, including ten i er <eut up<») theainmn* din lor a toineys’ lies in effecting s -id sale. *f he time, plac* and ’erm 4 4 are, to be advertised ones a week tor four weeks in some pu»»lcg:iz tteof saidcuuuty of Fl yd oetore said bale takes p'hcs. Now in ex cation of said authority there wb be so dat pubic outcry before th court house door in Home, Floyd count.v, Geo gia between the leg-d h >urs oi sale, to the highest I for cash, the following described propeity to-w t: All that lot. piece or paic 1 of land with the improvements hereon,lyin and b» ingin Flo d county, state of Georgia, being lot nil uoer two hundred and <-i hty-iwo (28.') in plat of yVegr, Komr by the Rome u.and co npany,and bounded as f U w?: On the wrtu by an alley on »he east by lot number two hundred and r’ighty-five (.85;; bn the s uth by lot number two hundr* d and eight}- hree (284) and on the west by Aim str ng avenue, according to sai l plat, bold as the property of paid Henry L Earpe. This December 4th 1893 National Building and Loan Association, of New Yihk. By DE AN & SMITH, 12- r -law4w Petitioners’ Attorn ye. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—FIoyd County: Agreeably to an order of th« court of ordina ry of eaid county, »ill bes id at the court b< use door of said county on the first Tuesday in Jan uary, 1894 between the legal hours ot sale, tbe following described property to-wlc: All that tract or parcel of land, situated lying and being in Flo d county, Georgia, moi e particularly oe scribed as follows: All ot land lots numbers 304, 308 and 309, in the 6th disti ict and 4th sec tion; and tne west half cf land lot number 40, in the 23rd district and 3rd section, containing a together 560 acres, more or less. Sold ae the proi erty of Jesee P. Ayers, deceased, for the purpose of paying cebts and distribution amor g the heirs Terms cash This sth day of December. 1893 C. W, Ukdebwood, Administrator estate of Jesse P. Ayers ueo'se’d <lecslaw4w. Notice of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that a bill will be in trodneed at the next sessb n cf tne Georgi a Legislature to establish voting places in the several wards of the city ot Rome for municipal, county, state and national elections, and to pro videnanagers for bo ding elections at such voting places, Also a bill to require the tax collector c f Flovd county to keep an insolvent tlx digest ’in which shall be entered the name* of all persons who fall to pay their taxes as required byiaw, and to require said tax collector to furnish cor rectlistsof such tax defaults, s to tin mana ger, of all election precincts and voting places n. said county. 10-law-30d. - Year’s Support. GEORGIA, Floyd County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given that tbe api raisers appointed to set apart and assign a y> ar’s support to Mrs. Jane Landrum, »lre widow of Benj. Landrum, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause be shown, the same will bo made the judgment of the court at the December term, 1893, of the court of ordin ur. This Nov. 6th. 1893. JOHN P. DAVIS, 11-8-law 30J Ordinary. WE WANT Y >U TOWORK FOR US. tbu. making •!« to ®35 00 PER WEEK Parties preferred who Can lurnlrh a horse and travel through the countr*, a vam thongh. Is not nec ssary a few vacancies in town, and •Kies. Spare home may be used te «ood ad Vantage B F J iHNS >X A 13 M-wla Md Mala Bta. Rich mo nd V . Letters of Gdirdiausliip. GEORGIA—FIoyd County: To all wlmm it may concern-Mrs G. W. Har ris, bavmg in proper lorm aipl.ed u> me i.i lettois ol guardin' ship oi the per-ous ami prop eity Os Gr.ver C. Haris. B-uli'iE, Harris, Geo. B. Harris and J.. 0, M Harris, of said county, this is t-. cite sll and sir gul r th- creoi tor* aud next f kin of ra <1 ninors to be and appearat y office within tbe tue all. wed by law nd s'u w cause i. any they can why let t* rs of guaieiansiilp snould not be granted to M s. G. W Harris as bi ch gnaidiinlor said minors. Wit e-smv banri at.rl official signa ture U is 4th day ot Dece über ini 3 12-6 w4w JOHN P DA Vid, Ordinary, j Appraisers Appointed, GEt BGI v—Flojd county : i o all waoiu i may c muern—Notice is hereby civen, tha the. ap r istre apuoiuted f<> appraise Uie p’opvrty ol Ilham ri. P< nu deceast-a, have filea th-ur leturns. hd(l unlcbs pud ana tbfll c em cause is shown, tta eaniH will be nu»de the judginen- of the court acth-* January leim. 1894. of tile cou» tof t r<iiiid,ry. *j bi” December 4ta. IN9J JOHN L*. DaVI Ordinary. 12-6 w4w Letters of Administration. GEORG I k—Floyd county: To all whom it may concern—Henry M. Penn, having in proper f *rm applied to me for per uiaueuc eitersuf adoJni.-triuion on the estate oi Hiram 8. Ftnn, late <>t said count}, this ia to cite all and bingulai the cr«.uitor* .nd rnxeof km f Hiram &. Penn tube aud appear mmy office within the nine allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why inauent udiain i tra'iou bbould not bo graut* d io Hmry M. Penn on Hiram S. Penn’s estate. Witu ss my n u ud ai d official teignature, thia 4th ony of De cember, lr9B. JOHN P. DAV IS, I*2-6 w4w ordinary. Year’s Support. GEO BGI A—Floyd County: To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to becanart aud assign a year's supp ort t, Mrs. K. it Vai < mine, ihe uiu w ana minor child of A. R Vai exAiine, deceas’d havo filed llitir awaid, aud uu i<*Ba tooli and sufliuiunt c«u&e is bhuwn the same will be made th judgment of the Court at the January teim, 1&h <>f the court of oiuinary. Ibis Dec* inter 4,1893. 12 6w4w Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GLOR’sI A—Floyd County To all wnom it may concern—Henry Lamar having iu pr per form applied to me fur perma nent letteis oi administration on the estate of orange Moseley, Ute ot taid county. This is to cite all snd dngular the creditors and next of kin of Orange Mo ely tu be an a appear at my office within th time allowed by law and show Cause, it any they can, why permanent admin istraiion should not be granted to Henry Laiuar on Ur»nge Alof-eiey’a estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 4th day ot December, 1883. john p davis, 12-6-w4w Ordinary, Citation—Leave to Sell Land - GEOR'■>I A—Floyd County: Tu all whom it may Concern—Samuel Funk bouser, a'.ministiatorof Mrs 8. a. Daily, de ceased. has in aue form applied to the under aigne 1 fur leave to sell the lands belonging to tbe esta'e oi said deceased, aud said application will be beard on tue .uouday iu January next. This 4th day of December, 1893. 12-4-w4w J JHN P. DAVIS, ordinary. Application for Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—FIoy 1 County: Whereas, Samuel Funkhouser administrator debouis nun, with will annexed of G. W. F. Lum\ln’s estaie, represents to tbe court In his petition, duly filed, that he has administered G.W.F. Lsmkiu’s Sr. estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and cr< diton, to show cause, if any they can t why said admin istrator should not be discharged fiom his ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on tne first Monday in March 189> This Decern her 4 18 3. JOHN P. DAVIS, 12-6w3m Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA Floyd County: Agreeably to an order of the c* urt o' (rdinary of «aid c unty, gran led ut the Decem ber term, 1893, of eaid court. wiL be told at the court honce door of said coun>y,«»n the first Tuesday in January. 1894, netwe’u the legal hours of hale, the fu lowing describe ‘ property to-wjf. Being one parcel oi i <r.d iu tie <2nd district and 3ro section < f P<dk coun y, Ga , and being a pirt of lot cf land No. 'sß, de scribed as foiiuw*: Being oue-feur h of miacie oi land, bwnded by John I \ Ham’s lardon a 11 bid Cb. Mui being a tqtifie, and belier known ae he nor ger place and where Tom Bridges uowie-idh.*; 1 .r No 3, irontingon rightot war of the h C V A Ga radio 4 compiuy's rieht nf-why 40 :eet anil running bsck Same width to th..’ Huuiv nr.d l.'oikiiiai i road, a dis tance of 170 ieei on the east Bide and 147 feetou the w ?r y|«le; ooi.iidi on th' north by the right. c»f way of .he F. T. V A * Ry Co , oh the east by d.»* i»ar , »ei.qbop lor, on the south by the Rom- and Buctm iH irl road, and on the W 63 Alfcr.iß gjaitof Und b»>. n inker 163, in ths 22d dirt ict and 3rd section of Fiord ci duty, G . Soblwrt t c property of George W, Harris decras*d, for the purpose of paying deotr aud distribution am* ng the heirs. Th’s day of Ihjoember, 1893. Gao. J. BRIANT. Admtaifrlra'or esUts «f NT. lUr>i , Jsr' dss-B-Uwlw