The weekly tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-1???, October 18, 1894, Image 6

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READY FOR A MOYE. The Japs Seem to be Still Masters of the Situation. THEIR ARMY IS IN GOOD POSITION. The Emperor’s Father-In-Law Has Taken Comiuan'i of the Chinese Forces. Foreigners Must Leave. New York, Oct. 17.—The Herald’s special cable dispatch from Shanghai says: Fifteen thousand Japanese troops, under Field Marshal Oyama, are en camped across Regents Sword promon tory, to the north of Port Arthur and within sight of the naval stronghold. They are waiting for a favorable mo ment to move forward, and, while out side of the port, the Japanese cruisers are ready to intercept all retreat sea ward. Sung Kwei, the emperor’s father-in law, has reached Shanghai-Kwan, a place on the gulf Liao Tung, where the high road from the coast to Pekin be gins. He takes chief command, and will try to prevent the landing of the Japanese at this point, which possesses great strategic importance. A serious split has occurred at Pekin between O’Conor, the British minister, and Count Cassinia, the Russian minis ter. All foreigners still remaining in the capital have received peremptory orders to leave. A FLORIDA COMBINE. Phosphate Miners Trying to Get Better Prices for Their Stuff. Ocala, Oct. 17.—For some time there have been efforts made to get the phosphate industry on a basis that will insure better prices to those who do the mining. The principals in this move, so far as it affected the organization of a combine, consists of President Graham, of the Gainesville National bank, and principal owner of the Piedmont phos phate mine, Ed. Holder, of the Harts horn, and Captain Trimble of the Stan dard. Mr. Joseph T. Jones of the Nether land mine, at Pemberton, has just re turned from England and the continent and during his absence has gained val uable information that will greatly as sist the combine. If the large miners can get the small ones to come with them and stick to prices, so that there shall be uniformity in selling prices, and hold off the hun gry brokers, the agreement will be a go and do vast good to the phosphate in dustry of Florida. BATTLE FOR FREEDOM. Officers Have a Close Call and Nearly Lose Their Prisoners. Cripple Creek, Colo., Oct. 17.—A sheriff’s posse ran down two desperate characters who had intimidated the town of Victor, and with mask and gun held up a dozen men and robbed the gambling department of the Victor hotel. They showed resistance, but were fi nally landed in jail here. Word was re ceived here late at night that a mob was en route to break in the jail and liberate the robbers, and an officer and two assistants took the men and drove them to Divide, the ultimate destina tion being the county jail. The train was missed, and while two of the guards unhitched the team the prisoners seized two Winchesters and attacked the officer, striking him on the head. They were handcuffed and could not readily discharge the guns. A fearful struggle followed, the other men joining in the affray. The des peradoes, however, made a break for liberty, and were immediately shot down. O’BRIEN’S CASE AGAIN. The Tennessee Supreme Court Says the Ex-Treasurer Must Stand Trial. Washington, Oct. 17. —A Chattan- special says: Last spring the | county circuit court quashed the indict ment against M. J. O’Brien, ex-supreme chancellor of the Catholic Knights of America, for the embezzlement of $75,- 000 frdfh that order. The decision of tl’9 court was based on the Teiillesseo statute, which denies legal redress to corporations not having fin abstract of the charter granted in the state. The Tennessee supreme court sitting at Knoxville has just reversed this de cision and made O’Brien liable to crim inal prosecution, pending examination of authorities cited by O’Brien’s coun sel. Hing Was Justified. DeLand, Fla., Oct. 17. —The coroner’s jury in the case of the shooting of Jesse McAbee by C. L. King, at Glennwood, rendered a verdict of “justifiable homi cide.” McAbee was advancing on Mr. King with his pistol leveled. The ball that entered McAbee’s brain cut off two of the fingers on the hand in which he held the pistol. In addition to this, he had treatencd King’s life, all of which v, as known to King. Cutting Down HxpenSeS. Rome, Oct. 17.—The Italian ministers are under instructions to report on all possible means of curtailing expenses in their departments. The deficit, which must be covered, is estimated at 00,000,- 000 to 65,000,00'J lires. Purify your blooi, toue up the system and regulate the digestive organs by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists. REGISTRATION NOTICE. The registration books for state and congresssional elections in October and November arc now open and will re main so until 10 days before each elec tion.—Law requires payments of all taxes up to year of election Those having recently attained their majority and those over 60 years having no property must register in person, John J. Black, Register, 9-l-d-2w-w-2m WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW. Cotton. There ia little difference in the condi tions surrouuding the cotton market from those which apparently surround every product t.f the soil in every country in the world. Namely, that Nature this year seems to have devoted berself to producing a bountiful crop of eveiy arti cle needed by man, with the exception cf corn and flex, atd the result is that mer chants ot the oldest standing in trade are aghast at the prices which are being ac cepted by the producers for their prod ucts. Naturally this condition of uffaiis has driven speculation entirely away from all maikets, and the trade looks with envious eyes on the spiunei’s posi tion, who is enabled to dispose of his yarns at such a price that ail his opera nous are being conducted at a profit, as the raw material is daily falling below the point which his most sangune expec tations led him t> believe would be touched before tbe end of the ciop year. White cotton slowly declines, and is now at the lowest point touched, it is curious that no reports of carnage to tbe crop, I either by storm or frost, cause any anx ety as they would in other years, but are passed over as simple incidents of cli matic ii-fiuetices, which are if anything for the benefit of tbe crop rather than injury, and the idea has now become al most a positive conviction that this crop will exceed 9 0110,000 Tbe question which is piesented to the trade is, what will become of the surplus above tbe r< quiremeuts of tbe spinners, which is variously estimated from 8.250,- 000 to 8,500,0i10 bales. Even Mr. Ellison has finally been converted and sees no nope lor the market if the anticipated crop of 9,000,000 bales is realized, and expects that tbe addition of 750,000 bales of cotton to the visible supply would have i be effect of dragging tbe market to a very K w basis. Certainly there stems at the moment nothing to interfere with this conviction, and it is found in the ind of every man connected with the business that there can be no prospect of any advance in cotton unless some deci ded accident should occur to tbe cottou crop. At the present time there is a li.- tle. hesitancy as to pursuing the decline further, because of tbe knowledge that this is the critical moment when a fr- st may make or mar the cotton crop. Up to the present time the cold waves have each of them been passing to a lower point in the South, and this last one, which reached its lowest on the morning of Tuesday and Wednesday of this week made the following records as given by thelJnited States Signal Service Bureau: In the Little Rock district, Brinkly, 36; Forest City 32; Fort Smith, 34; Helena, 38, Malvern. 38; Newport, 36; Russell - 34: Pine Bluff, 40; L’ttle Rock, 42; P ris, Texas, 40; Oklahoma 40 In the Memphis district, Milan, Dyersburg, Ar lington, Tenn., Corinth, Miss., all report 32 degrees; B-'hvar, Tenn , 30; Bates ville, Miss., 34; Decatur, Ala., 34; Brownsville, Tenn., 34; Hernando, Miss., 36; Greenville. Miss., 39; Tuscumbia, Ala., 36 We furnish these records with out comment, as it is evident that at the present time no reports of damage to the cotton crop by frost will be credited unless the temperature should fall to freezing point and extend far through out tbe South. Therefore the market remains simply one between the consum er and tbe producer, with tbe producer striving to sell three times as much cot ton to the consumer as is necessary for his immediate requirements, and without thought of any reports of curtailment of rhe current estimate of the yield, or of any speculative buying, the price natu rally falls in the efforts of the producer to dispose of his cotton —Hubbard, Price & Co.’s Weekly Rev ew. COMMERCIAL MARKETS. ROME COTTON MARKET. Rome, Ga , October 17. 1894. Strict good middlings% Good middlings% Strict middlings% Middlings'4 Strict low middlings% L >w middlings% Market quiet. ROME PRODUCE MARKET. Butter 15 25 Eggs 12 © 14 Chicaens—hens 18 © 20 Chickens—trying 12'4@ 18 Cabbage I%@ 2 Turnips—per bushel 60 © 70 Onions 80 ©t 00 Table peas>l 00 @1 25 Stock peas .. 60 @ 75 Sweet potatoes 50 © Of l Irish potatoes, per barrel .... 225 ©2 50 Meats—dry salt 7'4@ 7% Shouldersnone in market hams 12%@ 13 Lard. B'4© 9'4 Oats 45 © 50 Wheat 60 © 65 Corn 60 @ 65 Flour, per barrel 2 50 @3 50 Meal 60 © 72 LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Yesterday’s Today's oi™, Cloee. Opening. cloße Jan. and Feb 3 13 15 3 15 14 3 14+ Feb. and March .. 3 14-15 3 17 3 15-16 Mareband April... 316 3 17-18 3 17+ Apr I and May..... 3 17-18 3 20-19 319 Mar and June 3 19 3 20-21 3 20-21 June and July 3 21* 3 22-23 322 July and August August and sept..’ Sept, and Oct 3 12* 3 14 3 13-14 Oct. and NOV 3 11-12 3 13 3 13+ Nov and Dec 3 11-12 3 13 3 13* Dec and Jan 3 12* 3 13 14 3 13+ Liverpool Spots 3 05. Sales 20,000. Tone quiet, steady. ♦Seller +Buyer. NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Yesterday's Today’s rin.« Close. Opening Liose January 5 79-80 5 84-85 5 76-77 February 5 85-86 5 91-92 5 82-83 March 5 91-92 596 97 5 88-89 April 5 91-98 6 03-04 5 94-95 May 6 03-04 6 09-10 6 01-02 June 6 09-10 617 6 07-08 July ..«•••••.•••• 6 12-14 August September October 5 63 65 5 61-62 November 567 68 5 73-74 565 6+ December 5 73-74 579 571 72 Sales 79,000. Tone steady, quiet. Port Receipts todays7 630 Port Receipts last year 47 310 CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Yesterday's Today's Close. Opening. v 088 Wheat- Cash 51 51'a October 51 51% December 52'4 52% 52% May 57% 57% 67% Corn- Cash .... 49% October, 49% 49% Decernoer 47% 4 % 47% May 49j ; , 49% 49% Pork- Cash 12 60 October 12 60 12 60 January... 12 40 12 45 12 44 May Lard— Cash... 7 4. October 7 60 . 7 47 January 7 20 7 22 7 20 May •••• Ribs— Cash 6 60 October 6 65 6 60 January 6 27 6 2130 May Ilog Receipts today < 24 000 Esumated for tomorrow 23 OW . THE ROME TRIBUNE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1894. The | electric | thrill of | health | is never felt by those who S are run down-out of sorts- EE poor in blood-badly nour- = ished dyspeptic. That == would be impossible, and EE so the delight of living EE is lost! Brown’s Iron Bitters brings weak people up to the stan- S dard of health—feeds the blood—acts SS on the nerves—strengthens the mus- EE cles. It brings the blush of youth to —- weary women’s cheeks—is a boon to = the invalid—refreshes and renews ss life in the aged—nourishes the weak, SSS puny child—briefly said, it gives strength, and strength cannot exist EE without perfect health. Itisaneces sity in every family. It does not SS injure the teeth or cause constipation. ~S It’S Brown’s == Iron == Bitters you need! The Genuine has the Crossed —— Red Lines on Wrapper. Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. ~ w. g. McKenzie, WITH Hotel Marion, ATLANTA, GA. One of the Finest and Best Conducted Hotels in the South. Rooms in Suit, with Baths. Baths on Each Floor. Free Transportation to and from Depot. Electric Cars pass the door for all parts of the city. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. Transient Patronage Solicited. Rates, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. GEO. D. HODGES, Manager. 8-25-3 mos. ■ » LOR rITIHR BKX. This remedy i K" fiKLIW directly to the seat of mi3m WBl’lfffll W those diseases of tho Gcnito-Urinary Or ■■l ■ gans, requires no change of uiet or B nauseous, mercurial or poisonous med- icinesto bo tiken internally. When U AS a PREVENTIVE WV by either afex it is impossible to contract any venereal disease; but in the case of -■■ ---T-. wosc already Uhfohtumaticlt Afflictxd ZZZ with Gonorrhma »nd Gleet, we goar<ui« O gri CMC tee h cure * br <nail, P ost *6 <? PAiu riAnf? 8 X box . or <i boxes for $ D. W. Curry, Rome, Ga. DR. S. C. PARSONS’ FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. a Regulate the menses, relieve pain and fullness, backache, headache, heaviness, flooding, displacements, dizziness, nei veusness, weakness and all dis charges. I llinois of the womb or .-varies relieved without use ot knife and dangerous opera tions PRICE st oo Office 7'■ N Broad St Hcu'sStol. For pamphlets, question lists, or private information, address with stamp, |>H. S. C. I-ARSOSS, Atlanta.«•- J. T. Crouch & Co-E ' WNCEWtf '3 |JA W Evansville To MNorth ROUTE OF Th E CHICAGO and l iiviiTCn NASHVILLE lI™TED THE ONLY PuUinan Vestlbuled Train Service wit’ Newest and Finest Day Coaches, Sleepers and Dining Cars _ fhom the SOUTH —«TO> — Terre Haute, Indianapolis. CHICAGO, Milwaukee, St. Paul, AND ALL POINTS IN THE NORTH ANO NORTHWEST. J. B. Cavanaugh. Gen. F. and P. Ag’t Evansville, Ind. S. L. Rogers. Southern Passenger Ag’t. Chattaroo Tenn. Engines G mnin g . Most economical and durable. Cheapest and bestinthe market for cash. VARIABLE FRIC TION FEED SAW MILLS AND STAND ARD IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. Send for Catalogue A. B. Farquhar & Co., Ltd. Pennsylvania Agrl.ultnral Works, York, Fa. UEAUTIFV voun HOMES. Week before last we talked with you about our d*ess goods depart ment; last week we called your at tention to our beautiful line of wraps, etc. This week we ask you to follow us as we speak briefly about beautifying your homes. This is a topic that will touch every household, for all want attractive homes. Half of life is a sweet home. First, in order for your home to be attractive you must have your floors tastefully carpeted, so we will dwell on CARPETS for a few moments. As we have said in our previous talks on this sub ject, we carry one of the best carpet stocks in North Georgia. No one will deny this. We carry anything from a pretty 20c cotton carpet to a handsome velvet and body brussels We haye a large line of two and three plys that are just selling them selves without our talking them up Without going into details we will say, anything at all you may need in the carpet or matting l ; ne we are prepared to furnish you. RUGS. This is something you want also. What adds more to the appearance of a room than a lug here and there tastefully arranged. We have the most beautiful line you ever saw, any kind you want. Lace Curtains. No one will deny that a lace cur tain does more to beautify a room than anything you can put in it. In other words it gives it a finishing touch. 11 makes it look cosy and sweet; and ladies, if you want some real pretty ones at the latest prices just see our stock. Just any price or style you want, we can show you. This is a line we never were beaten on. Window Shades Every one who knows us, know that we lead in window shades. We always have a nice line on hand. We have the shade cloth, and will make you any size shade you want. Re member this. Blankets. Now ibis is something that adds to comfort, and mark our words, you will need tl em ere long The cold spell we had is a foretaste of what this winter has in stoic. We would like every buyer to see our blankets, for we are confluent we can please every one. We have been very care ful in selecting this stvck, and aie prepared to meet the demands. Be ready for winter. Comforts and Counterpanes We are also well supp ied with these useful articl'-s and can suit you in them. When you come in, ask to see our stock We promise every one who deals with us a banquet or bargains. Call and we wi*l prove this statement. THOS. FAHY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Habpxb Hamilton. BKAB JBN WBIGHT. MOSKS W B'GHT. WRIGHT, HAMILTON & WRIGHT, ATTORNEYS IT LAW. Office, corner Broad St and Third Avenue. Halstkd Smith. Wm H. Smith HALSTED SMITH & §ON, ATTORNEYS-AT LAW. Office in City Hall. ROME, GEORGIA. MAX MEYERHARDT, ATTORNEY- AT-L AW, ROME, ... GEORGIA Office In Court Houee, Up Stairs. J. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rome, Georgia. D. o. Richmond & Danvillh Railroad. My employment by the above company will not interfere with my general practice, whlct will be attended to ae heretofore. mch4-dly WM. J. NEEL, A.TTO R TN KY AlT* LA W , RoME, GEORGIA. Office in New King Building. win nractfCß in all the Courts. Special atten tion given to <'ommercial Law and the exami nation of Land Titles F. G GOVAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, New King Building, with Reece & Denny. 9-l-3moß, B. W. Wrenn, Jl ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW Atlanta, Oa.. Commercial Law a Specialty. Drs. Marshall & Son, DENTISTS. Office in Medical Building, Rome, Georgia. M. N. MIXON, D. D. S„ 300% I’ROAD BTBEET, ROME, • • GEORGIA. Dr D. T. McCALL, Physician and Surgeon, ROME. GEORGIA. Office, 108 Broad Street; Residence,42 Main Sti eet. Office Telephone 13. Residence Telephone 132. C. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence, 406 Sec -nd avenue. Office No. 300 Broad Street, Medical build ing. Residence Telephone No. 109. 9-1-lyr. DR. L. P. HAMMOND, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence No 408 West First Street. Office Medical Building, F oom L, 8 ecot-d Floo Residence'telephone . . - Office .... 62 T. B. GABLINOTON. B. M. HABBIN. DRS. DARLINGTON & HARBIN,M.D. Offici and Residence Cor. Second Ave. and East Second Street, Telephone 28. DR. G. M CORPUT, Veterinary Surgeon. Office. Trevitt & Johnson’s, Residence, Arm strong Hotel, Rome, Ga. CEO. E. MURPHY, Contractor and Builder ROME, GEORGIA. 9-6-lvr. OSTRICH FEATHERS Cleaned, Curled and Dyed. Also Boas and Kid Gloves Cleaned. DHTITTDC 69% Whitehall St., A O. ATLANTA, GA We Have Money to Loan at 6 Per Cent On Farm or City Property in any section of country where properly has a fixed market value. Money readv for immediate loans where security and title Is good. No Commission. We solicit applications. Blanks furnished upon request. ALLEN & CO.. 40 & 42 Broadway, New York. 9 1 tu-th-sat-wk!3t We have the cheapest line of Superior Steel Wire Fences in existence, and make a special barbless Horse ind Cattle teuce; a special fence for Hogs and sn -ep.and the neat and cheapest Cemetery and Grave Lots. Yard and Lawn fence 1b the mar ket. For circulars and prices, address, K. L BHRLLAHERGER, .0 s. Forsyth Street, ATLANTA, GA. M -6- 26t New Hotel. Convenient Location. GARNER HOUSE, 715% W ALNUT Sr., CHATrANOOO A, Tbnß. WM. GARNER. Prop- er- Booms handsomely furnished andjtable first class. Board by the day or dkek. Batea reaa. n ‘ ’ W. L.D©y©LAS 1 $3 *5. CORDOVAN, rRENCH&ENAMELLEDCALE U-.T ♦ 3.sp POLICE. 3 Sous. $ 2-*I- 7 - s ßoysSchoolShoei • LAD IES • SEND FOR CATALOGUE * Vw' BROCKTON, MASS. You can save money by purchasing W. Dougin* Shoes, $> Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. iVe have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any Oilier make. Take no substitute. If your '’♦•alcr »on”ot supply vou we can. Sold bv CANTRELL & OWENS Rome Stove Works.., MANUFACTURERS Stoves, Grates, Hollow-ware.' KENNESAW HEATER. . . , SOLD BY . . . ; Tertae-Berry Hardware Co . 21 3 Broad Street, \ ctIOROME, GA. Wood Work, Blacksmithing AND GENERAL REPAIRING O BY o M. A. WIMPEE, JR., ROME, GEORGIA. I have recently removed my Wagon and Blacksmith shops from tbe J old stand in tbe Fourth ward to tho J building opposite the n, w court housed where I am prepared to do all kinds of \ work i:i my line. I do first-class work 1? and guarantee satisfaction. Repairing and horseshoeing a specialty. Give me j a trial. < W. A, Wimpe<), < 9-9-lmo. ROMK GA ( —.-.-..W——————| •4PII£iS DO i'OL liMOW | DE. FELIX LE BRUN’t, a JJHD PEHmaYgL PULE >7he original and only FRENCH, safe and re. Ze cure on the market. Price $1.00; sent b; , 11. Genuine sold only bv / D. W. Curry, Rome, Ga. \ ' SMOKE Warters hand Made Best sc. Cigar in the City- o MANUFACTURED BY THOMAS WARTERS, Rome, - . - . Georgia. * 9-1-Imo. Western & Atlantic —AND— N. C. & St. L. Railways —TO— Chicago, * XLaoxxlsxrll le, Cincinnati, 1 st. ;x>oxxi« Kansas I JVXoxxxplxxis n -AND- Tlxo Wet. Quick time and Vestibuled trains carryin. Pullman bleeping cars. For any infoimation call on or write to J. A. SMITH, General Agent, Rome, Ga. J. L. EDMONDSON, Traveling Pass. Agt , Chattanooga, Tenn 1 JOS. M. BROWN, 1 Traffic Manager, Atlanta, Ga. C. E. HAftMAN, G«neralPa»«.Agt. A)laata,Ga.