The weekly tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-1???, January 03, 1895, Image 8

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1 ROYAL w x- I 1 Baking * <$s i ~ g I Powder *v S?S I I. Absolutely pure, ° (£> official re- W port shows Royal Baking g • Powder chemical- .*> CL P ure » yielding 160 cubic inches of leaven- W z ing gas per ounce of pow- Sft der, which was greatly in 3> C> V \ y excess of all others and more * than 40 per cent, above the average. gfr Z Hence Royal Baking Powder makes the lightest, sweetest and most wholesome food. 'Jg ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. Ifjir ROME’S NEW CHIEF Os the Fire Department is Mr. T. L. 1 Cornelius, Elected Last Night. HE WAS UNANIMOUSLY CHOSEN. Something About This Rising Young Man. McLeod and Owens Made Assistants. The Rome Fire department met last night at tho city hall, and proceeded with the annual election officers. Chief Hanks signified his intention s ene time ago of declining re-election, and his successor was to be chosen. T ien a first assistant to succeed T. L. Cornelius, a second assistant to succeed E. E. Bawsel, and a secretary and treas urer to succeed Jack O’Rear. As soon as the meeting was called to order last night Mr. R. J. Gwaltney arose and in a neat little speech nomi nated Mr T. L. Cornelius for chief. He said he was glad to see such har mony in the department, and that Mr. Cornelius would be unanimously elected. Several enthusiastically seconded the nomination, and highly praised the nominee as one of the most efficient firemen in the land. Mr. Cornelius was unnimously elected, and responded to calls for a speech in a happy manner. W. P. McLeod was unanimously elected first assistant. Then Joe Owens was made second asissitant without a dissenting voice, and Jack O’Rear elected secretary and treasurer in the same way. The new chief is too well-known to Romans to need an introduction at the hands of The Tribune. He was born ■■ —® wop f \xZ] / $ { ■ i CHIEF T. L. CORNELIUS. and raised in Floyd county, and al though he has been a resident of Rome only a few years, he has come rapidly to the front. Today there is no better known or more popular man of his age in the city, and he has been singularly successful in all his undertakings. He A warded Highest Honors—World’s Fait. DR, Wi® * CREAM W HAMfiNO BW« MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fee' rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant -«f> TUB ‘-T'ANDARD. was elected councilman from the Fifth ward, and made a record for himself as a member of that body . He has been a member of Fire Company No. 4 for three years. He fought fire with the best of them and kept a cool head under all conditions. His capacity for know ing what to do and doing it made him first assistant chief last year, and these same vith his indomitable en ergy and pluck are responsible 'for his unanimous election to the office of chief, t-verybody is glad to see Tom Cornelius get it, and he will make a model officer. His assistants are first-class men, and they will make splendid officers. Ex- Chief Hanks should be proud of his record. He did tho work well, and the department has nothing but words of praise for him. NOTICE. I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the Opium and Whisky habits to have one of my books on these diseases. Address B. M. Wolley, Atlanta, Qa., Box 33, and one will be sent you fr • e. d-w6-ly- STOCKHOLDERB’ MEETING. At a meeting of the board of direc tors of the Rome Land Company, held on the 10th inst., a stockholders’ meet ing of the company was called to con vene at 12 o’clock m. January 10, 1895, at the First-National Bank of Rome, in Rome. Ga. The company has by decree recently recovered a large portion of its lands heretofore sold. The object of the meeting is to take suitable action for the continuance of the business of the company, to revoke the resolution di recting the board to wind up the busi ness of the company and to surrender its charter, and to take such other action as the interests of the company may require. D. B. Hamilton, Pres, J. Branham, Sec’y. AT THE ARMSTRONG. The folio wit,.g guests were registered yesterday at The Armstrong. E. A. Colclough, city; Maj. Geo. Poindexter. Atlanta; Geo. W. Howel, Howel’s Cross Roads. Ala.; J. T. Doster, city: Alex Bonnyman, Chattanooga; J, M. Richards, N. Y.; J. D. Riggs, Sel ma, Ala.; Capt. Geo. A. Stuck, Selma, Ala.; J. B, Groin, Selma, Ala.; J. W. Rielly, N. Y.; Dr. M. N. Mixon, city; E. McKinney, Chattanooga; Thos. C. Crenshaw, jr., Central railroad; F. T. King, N. Y.; B. A. Connally. Knox ville; Rev. Geo. E. Benedict. Cedar town, Ga.; Chas. N. Patterson, Balti more, Md.; T. C. Buchanan, N. Y.; J. I W Steinhardt, N. Y.; J. W. Rouusa; Samuel Funkhouser,wife and son, city; T. F. Howel, city. LEMON ELIXIR. A pleasant Lemon Tonic. For biliousness, constipation, malaria, colds and the grip. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness pnd heart disease. For fever, chills, debility and kidney disease, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. i Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir is pre pared from the fresh juiceMf Lemons, , combined with other vegetaole liver . tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c. and $.. bottles at druggists. “ Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga AS A GENERAL. Ambassador Runyon Calls on the German Emperor in Berlin. Berlin, Jan. I.—The emperor, with his family, received New Year’s con gratulations in the White chamber of the palace. Among those who called at the palace was Mr. Theodore Runyon, United States ambassador, who was at tired in the uniform of a general of the United States army. General Runyon also held a reception at his residence. X Dan Creedon Gets a Figbt. St. Louis, Jan. 1. —Dan Creedon has signed articles to fight Herman Bor r.iau 20 rounds at catch weights in Gal veston, Tex. Jan. 19 for a purse of $2,- 500 and 75 or 25 -per cent of the gate money. , Almost letting customers name the prices at Bass’ old store —25 Broad street —before moving. THE ROME TRIBUNE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1895. ARBITRATION AGREEMENT. An English M. K Coming Over to Urge Action in Its Fivor. London, Deo. 31.—William Randal Cremer, Radical number of parliament for Shoreditch, will sail fer New York, on the steamship Teutonic, on Jan. 2. As delegate o; the English advocates of international arbitration, he will take with him an address signed by 354 members of the British parliament in favor of the proposed treaty of arbitra tion between England and the United States. Mr. Cremer says that the signatures to the address were confined purposely to members of parliament not officially connected with the government. Among them are most of the Liberals, the Irish members and piany Conservatives and Unionists. Mr. Cremer will deliver a copy of the address to President Cleveland and every member of congress. The Daily News says editorially: “The example which the proposed treaty of arbitration would set can hardly be or restimated. If it lasted for a quarter of a century, it would last forever. We cannot conceive any reason against an equal interest on the part of both powers.” GET YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS While You Can Secure Artistic Work at a Cheap Price at Lancaster’s. Mr. J. W. Lancaster, »! e photographer reduced the price on hie cabinet Bze photos to $3 per ch z ci for the holidays, and has had a great rush; so great that he could not finish all the work, and so deeded yesterday that he would extend the time until next Saturday, up to which time you can get a d< zen of the finest cabinet size photographs that are made in the south at the extremely low price of $3. Colon him this week. We guarantee Johnson’s Magnetic Oil; it has no superior for all aches an I pains, internal or external, man or beast. $1 size 50c; 50c size 25. For sale by J. T. Crouch & Co. CHEAP RATES Western & Atlantic will sell round trip tickets ip all points within 300 miles at one and a third fare, tickets on sale Dec. 29, 30, bi and Jan 1, good returning until Jan. 3. ’95. C. K. AYER, Ticket Agent. oiuwm tvui a i.ncie xegro. Bay Minette, Ala., Dec. 31.—Tim Thompson, a little negro boy, was asked to dance for the amusement of some white toughs. He refused, saying he was a church member. Jim Jostling, one of the men, knocked him down with a club, a id then danced with ) ; s feet upon his prostrate form. He then shot the boy in the hips. The boy is dead and hi-' murderers is still at large Refused to Indict Powers. Chicago, Dec. 31.—The grand jury has refused to indict Aiderman John Powers, who was accused by the to. bacco trust agents with offering to kill the anticigarette ordinance for a bribe of $25,000. All the evidence was gone over, the trust witnesses were all ex amined, and then the grand jury* by a unanimous vote decided that the cbarg* es were unproved. Weak, nursing mothers gain strength and flesh using Johnson’s Compound Cod Liver Oil. Rich in fat food, pleas ant to take and easily digested, giving strength to mother and child. For sale by J. T. Crouch & Co. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorfa. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria. CHEAP RATES. Western & At.antic will sell round trip tickets to all points within 300 miles at one and a third fare, tickets on sale Dec. 29, 30, 31 and Jan. 1, good returning until Jan. 3,’95. C. K. AZER, Ticket Agent. they received bids Aad Made a Contract for the Year for the Sam of *4.50. The county board of education met Monday, those present being R. J. Gwaltney, A. B. S. Moseley and Seaborn Whatley. R. A. Denny and C. P. Mor ton, the other members of the boa'd, were absent. Upon motion of Capt. Moseley bids for the board’s printing for the year of 1895 were asked for from The Rome Tri bune, The Southern Argus and Hustler, Yesterday these bids were opened, and found as follows: The Daily and Weekly Tribune, SSO. The Southern Argus, S2O. The Daily Hustler and Weekly Courier: Nothing for first quarter; nothing for second quarter; $2.50 for third quarter; $2 for fourth quarter, making a total of $4.50 for the year. A contract was made with the Hustler and the Courier to do all the board’s printing for the year for that amount. A. Godden, druggist, Birmingham, writes: “Please publi-h some of the testimonials I have sent you for Japa nese Pile Cure.” For sale by J. T. Crouch & Co. A GREAT TIME Had the Colored People Celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation. The colored people of Rome celebrated yesterday as the anniversary of the Emancipation proclamation. A proces sion was formed containing uOO or more, which took its course down Broad street to Nevin’s opera bouse, where appro priate addresses were delivered. The colored people ah enjoyed the day, I and were highly pleased with the speeches KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABES. The state commander writes us from Lincoln, N-b., as follow-: “After try ing other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two children, we tried Dr. King’s New Dis c wery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without it hereafter, as our experi ence proves that it cures where all other remedies fail.” Signed F. W. Stevens, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free, Regular sizi 500 and SI.OO. D. vV. Curry’s drugstore. THE CHEROKEE CLUE Was Bought In Yesterday by Mr. E. E, Magill. The property of the Cherokee Club was sold at bailiff sale yesterday to sat isfy a claim of $95 due Henry Stoffre gen for rent. The property was bought iu by Mr. E. E. Magill for $l6O. Mr. Magill holds a mortgage for something over S3OO against the club. The club members have taken no steps in the way of re-organization, and it is not yet decided whether it will be disbanded or not. A GREAT BATTLE Is continually going on in the human sys tem. The demon of impure blood s’lives to gain victory over the consti ution, to ruin health, to drag victims to the grave. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the weapon with which to defend one’s self, drive the desperate enemy from the field, and re store bodily health for many years. HOOD’S PILLS cure nausea, sickness, indigestion and biliousness. A NEW LAW FIRM Consisting of Capt. Rowell, Mr. Clair Row ell and Mr. J. B. Nevin. Toe law firm of Rowell, Underwood & Rowell has dissolv- d, Mr. C. W. Under wood withdrawing. Mr. Underwood will practice law for ;the present alone. Messrs. C. and W. S. Rowell have asso ciated with themselves Mr. James B. JLvia, and will practica law under the firm name of Rowells & Nevin. Their office will be as at present room Nos 7 and Bin the Posti.ffice building, Third avenue. This is a strong firm, C-pt. Rowell’s high recoid being known to all. Mr. Clair Rowell is a rising young attor uey, and Mr. Nevin is one of the bright est and most promising of the young lawyers. IO T? FAD C get relief from M pvt"* sIT u* a most horrible blood® 191 11 Jll I disease, I bad spent® VliU hundreds of dollarsg TRYING various remedies and physicians,® none of which did me any good. Mv Anger® nails came off, and my hair came out, leaving g mo perfectly bald. 1 then went to © . HOT SPRINGS . | Hoping to be cured by this celebrated treat- ft ment, but very soon became disgusted, and ® decided to TRY The effect was ® truly wonderful. J commenced to g recover after tn k-ftrfttasjUdS! ing the flrstbot- © tie, and by the time I had taken twelve bot-Q ties I was entirely cured—cured by S. S. S. ft when the world-renowned Hot Springs had ft failed. WM. S. JsOOMIS, Shreveport, La. ft Our Book on the Disease nnd its Treatment mailed ft free to any address. ft SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. g DIAMONDS! Wesenthe “ Oil rrnWIDV ! The newest and best ML I uU H Aliil i assortment in the city. WATPIII’? I For ladies or gentlemen. H A lull Lu i Every one guaranteed. A large assortment. fl I AfllZQ f We have them world without vLUtliu i end. Suitable for library, of- 1 flee or home. ? YES! We carry a full line of goods suitable fori WEDDING PRESENTS! I HEADQUARTERS ON THAT. COME.I BouMs Jswdry hwl 55 Whitehall St., ® I - Gooraira-. ® M°l Do Yon IM Do Yon K Without labeling t Do Yon Kn unless you or your Do Yon Kn its ingredients is p Do Yon Ki That it has been ii of all other remed ! Do Yon X) other countries, 11 “ Castoria ” atl Do Yon KJ because Castorisfl cents, or one ce J Do Yon Ej be kept well, andH Well, theft The Chi nil sellinl But w< purii, and a®3|| cost sale inst A u ouiMShS of tlie latoW JI These I'.iid tor w Fancfl iiH 11 - v " 1 1