Newspaper Page Text
MCHS vs. Telfair Co,
Wed. 6:00 p.m., (A, Girls);
Sat. 4:00 p.m. (A, Boys)
TCHS vs. E. Laurens, Metter
Fri. 6:00 p.m. (H); Sat. 6:00 p.m. (H)
VHS vs. Bacon Co., E. Laurens
Fri. 6:00 p.m. (A); Sat. 4:00 p.m. (H)
Wheeler vs. Wilcox Co., Treutlen
Thur. 6:00 p.m. (H); Fri. 6:00 p.m. (H)
Treutlen vs. Wheeler Co., Wilcox Co.
Fri. 6:00 p.m. (A); Sat. 6:00 p.m. (H)
January 27, 2021
®ljt Ainrante
Section B
By John Conner
State in
Thanks to the pandemic, a recently
frenetic work schedule, and sporadic day
trips to Athens looking at houses, I’ve
only been able to see a couple ofVidalia
basketball games.
When I did, I
can’t tell you how
impressed I was
with Vidalia’s Ty
Dailey So far, in
this pandemic
plagued basket
ball season, the
6’4” junior Indian
is leading the
GHSA in scoring
with an average of 27.4 points per game.
That is despite a sporadic schedule
with canceled games and playing in what
is undoubtedly the toughest Class AA
region in Georgia. As an example, Fri
day’s game against Jeff Davis was post
poned because some of the Yellow Jack
ets’ personnel tested positive for Co-
I knew that Coach Tommy Dailey’s son
was an outstanding jump shooter. I did
not know that he had developed his in
side game as much as he has.
All of this is while he’s dealing with
handsey and physical defenses; sort of
like the handsey defense played on Jimmy
Chitwood, the star for Hickory in the
basketball movie Hoosiers. I expect that
Coach Dailey occasionally feels like
Coach Norman Dale (played by Gene
Hackman) in the movie.
I can tell you this. Ty is confident. You
can hear him talking on the floor. “Give
me the ball, give me the ball.”
At 6’4” tall. I don’t think Ty will grow
much more than a couple of inches
though. He has the same body type and
shooting form as Billy Cunningham, who
became a great NBA player, even though
Cunningham was left handed.
A long time ago, Hal Parsons and I ac
companied his dad, Coach Ralph Par
sons, to a couple of weeks of basketball
camp at Florida Presbyterian College in
The coach at the school, now known as
Eckerd College, was Jim Harley, a former
player at Georgia Southern with Coach
Parsons and a former coach at Brewton
Harley obviously had some connec
tion with Billy Cunningham, because he
had the former North Carolina All-
American and All-Pro forward with the
Philadelphia 76ers come show us how he
shot the ball.
Cunningham entered the gym with
Larry Conley, a former All-American at
the University of Kentucky, who played
in the famous game against Texas West
ern in the 1966 NCAA Final.
Cunningham was wearing a coat and
tie, and he carried a small bag with him.
The bag contained his basketball shoes.
After donning the shoes and doing away
with the coat and tie, Cunningham asked
if we wanted to know about shooting the
After a short speech about elbow posi
tion and putting a gentle backspin on the
ball when it comes off your fingers, he
started to shoot.
He never left the top of the key as he
nailed shot-after-shot. In fact, Hal and I
counted 24 shots before he missed.
Please see Scouting page 3B
By Mike Branch
Sports Editor
sports 1 advance@gmail. com
Both of the Eagles basketball
teams of Montgomery County
High School took on Telfair
County on Tuesday, splitting
those games. The boys played two
more games later in the week as
they won over Jenkins County on
Friday and then defeated the Vi
kings of Truetlen on Saturday
Girls vs. Telfair
The Lady Eagles lost a close
game on Tuesday to the Lady
Trojans. MCHS took an early 8-2
lead at the end of the first period,
but in the second the Trojans
came storming back. Telfair out-
scored MCHS 16-8 to take an 18-
16 lead at the half.
MCHS bounced back in the
third to lead 27-26, but in the fi
nal period the Trojans did just
enough as they came out with the
39-37 win over MCHS. The Ea
gles were led by Makyla Bell with
19 points and Marley Bell added
11 in the loss.
Boys vs. Telfair
The boys got a win over the
Trojans. They took the lead and
went on to win the game 68-56.
Boys vs. Jenkins
The boys went to Jenkins
County on Friday and took the
easy win. They won the game 58-
36 over the War Eagles.
Boys vs. Treutlen
MCHS was at Treutlen on
Saturday and defeated the Vikings
The Eagles Xavier Brantley gets one to fall as they host Telfair County last week.
Please see Eagles page 10B
2-3 For The Crusaders
Robert Toombs Christian Acad
emy's basketball teams traveled to
Savannah to take on the St. Andrew's
Lions on Monday, January 18.
Girls vs. St. Andrew's
The Lady Crusaders lost to the
Lady Lions 44-17. Top scorers for the
Lady Crusaders were eighth graders
Meredith Durden, with 7 points, and
Kylie Acosta with 4 points.
"That was a tough loss for us
while on the road. It was a holiday,
so the girls were not on their normal
routine and they came out flat. Junior
Elbe Graham was not able to make
the trip with us and that hurt us a little
bit but I also have to give credit to St.
Andrew's, as they have improved a lot
since last year and shot well from the
outside. A positive from Monday's
game is that our two leading scorers
were eighth graders, which shows me
that my young players are beginning
to step up to the plate and fill in the
holes left by the seniors last year," stat-
Please see Crusaders page 3B
Amily Mixon put shot up and in for the Lady Crusaders last week in their game against
Twiggs Academy.
VRD Spring Sports Signups
By Mike Branch
Sports Editor
sports 1 advance@gmail. com
The Vidalia Recreation Depart
ment is excited to announce registration
for our teeball, baseball, and softball
leagues. Registration began Monday,
January 25, and ends on Friday, Febru
ary 5. VRD cannot guarantee your child
placement on a team or a jersey that will
fit properly if you do not register during
this two-week period. The fee is $45 and
includes a jersey and cap. Baseball pants
are not provided.
Our leagues are for both boys and
girls ages 4-14. Your child must be four
by September 1, 2021, and no older
than 14 by September 1,2021, to partic
ipate. The age control date determines
the league your child will play in.
For everyone’s safety there will be
no registration in the VRD office. All
registration will be via the telephone or
online due to the rising number of CO-
VID cases. The link for online registra
tion is: http: / / secure.rec 1 .com/ GA/
vidalia-ga/catalog or if you need assis
tance registering, please give us a call
VRD at 537-7913.
Volunteer coaches are needed for
Please see Signups page 2B