Newspaper Page Text
The ADVANCE, March 24,2021 /Page 4B
Owens Leading
Indians In Goals
Handy Andy Stud - Ahmelion Jones is this week's Handy
Andy “Stud” of the week. The Handy Andy Stud award
is given each week for outstanding effort, attitude and
leadership in the VHS weight room,
Iron Indian - Bailey Holland is this week's Chick-fil-A
“Iron Indian” of the week. The "Iron Indian" award is
given each week for outstanding effort, attitude and
leadership in the VHS weight room.
Sweet Onion Pickleball Association
By Mike Branch
Sports Editor
sports 7 advance@gmaii. com
The Vidalia High
School soccer teams split
their games with Swains-
boro and swept Woodville-
Tompkins, but the girls
played a solo match with
Jeff Davis that went to dou
ble overtime before the Yel
low Jackets took the win.
Girls vs. Swainsboro
On Tuesday on the
road the Indians took on
the Tigers of Swainsboro.
The VHS girls played well
as the game was tied at 1-1
heading into halftime. In
the second half, though,
Swainsboro added one goal
while keeping VHS off the
board. That gave the Lady
Tigers the 2-1 Region win.
Boys vs. Swainsboro
In the boys game Kon-
ner Owens kept up his solid
play as he added four more
goals to his totals for the
season. VHS scored five
times in the first half, and
four more in the second
half to secure a 9-0 win.
Also adding one goal
each for VHS were Timo
thy Corbin, James Collins,
Clayton Cox, Will Hamil
ton, and Andrew Davis.
Girls vs. Jeff Davis
It was a good game be
tween these Region foes,
but the Lady Jackets came
out on top in the second
overtime. Vidalia held the
lead in the first half with a
goal, but in the second JD
tied the game and that sent
it to overtime.
In the first period nei
ther team scored, but the
Jackets found the net in the
second OT period to take a
2-1 win over VHS.
Girls vs. Woodville
The VHS girls flipped
that score in their game
with the Lady Wolverines
ofWoodville-Tompkins on
Friday in Savannah. VHS
posted one goal in each
half, while holding the
Wolverines to one goal in
the second. That gave VHS
the 2-1 Region win.
Boys vs. Woodville
VHS Junior, Owens,
posted four more goals in
the Indians game with
Woodville on Friday to
briefly move into the #1
spot in the state for most
goals scored across all clas
sifications with 23. Over
the weekend he was over
come by senior Kadeem
Agard of South Gwinnett,
who now sits at #1 with 26
But Owens' four goals
led VHS over the Wolver
ines. VHS scored just one
time in the first half of the
game, but led 1-0 going to
halftime. In the second half
the Indians exploded for six
goals on their way to a 7-2
win over the Wolverines.
Hodges added two
goals for VHS with Corbin
also scoring once.
Both the Lady Indians
and Indians are 5-6 on the
year and are 4-4 in the Re
gion. This week VHS
hosted rival Toombs
County on Tuesday after
presstime. They will be in
Hazlehurst on Friday to
take on the Yellow Jackets
with the first game starting
at 5:00 p.m.
By Rebekah Arnold
Contributing Writer
Organizers of the
Sweet Onion Pickleball
Association (SOPA) want
to “cultivate an atmo
sphere that makes all pick
leball players at all skill lev
els feel welcome and com
fortable to participate.”
The Association met
recently to establish Offi
cers and a Board, and to
plan the first public clinic.
The Officers are: Presi
dent - Vickie Mixon; Vice-
President - Richard Mar
tin; Treasurer - Dwight
Stout; Secretary - Maria
Sasser. Three additional
Board members will be se
lected to represent various
age groups.
The first beginners
pickleball clinic is sched
uled for Saturday, April 17
at the courts at the Vidalia
Recreation Department
on Stockyard Road. There
is no cost for the clinic.
Participants may join one
of two sessions, from 10
a.m. to 11 a.m., or from 2
p.m. to 3 p.m. Bring your
own equipment, or Asso
ciation members will share
buckets of balls and pad
dles, instruction and en
couragement in learning
the game.
Forms to join the
SOPA are available at the
VRD. The cost to join is
$25. Contact the VRD at
912-537-7913, or SOPA
President Vickie Mixon at
There are re
sources for learning more
about the game and for
planning your play time.
Local players use the
TeamReach app, with
code VidaliaGA, (team- to communi
cate plans for meeting at
the VRD to play.
The USA Pickleball
org website is a search tool
to find court locations
across the country. Rules
and tips about pickle
ball can be found atu-
Don't throw your
trash away...
A message
to you by
Notice of Public Hearing
The City of Lyons City Council will hold a public hearing on April 6 th 2021 at 5:30 p.m. at 161 N.E. Broad street Lyon:
Ga, in the City Council chamber to consider the adoption of changes in water rates and wastewater rates. The
Council will also consider all written protest to these changes. (Further details at the end of this notice).
Background and general information
To honor its commitment to long-term planning and appropriate infrastructure investment, the City annually
evaluates its water and wastewater rates. This evaluation considers many factors that impact the cost of
providing these services. Among these factors are: the cost of water collection and purification of potable water
requirements to maintain sufficient revenue to cover the City’s water and wastewater costs; the cost of
operations, including employee and materials costs; the cost of future projects to maintain service reliability; the
fair distribution of cost across users; and the cost of planned infrastructure maintenance and expansion. The
proposed changes to water rates in this notice apply to all customers who receive these services from the City of
The water and sewer services provided by the City are funded by money collected from ratepayers for those
services. The City has not seen a water/wastewater increase since 2015. The constant demands of infrastructure
maintenance, State and Federal unfunded mandates, increasing demands on treatment of wastewater, State
and Federal requirements for conservation, and system expansion has caused the rate for service to fail to meet
the cost of providing the service. The City Council was presented with a proposal to adjust the above
mentioned rates over the course of 3 years. This gradual increase will allow us to meet the required cost of
Qualifications O.C.G.A § 48-5-311
1. Must be in the judgment of the appointing Grand Jury, qualified and
competent to serve as a Grand Juror;
2. Must own real property;
3. Be a high school graduate;
4. Not be a member of county or municipality governing authority, board of
education, or board of assessors, or employee of the county board of tax
assessors, or county tax appraiser;
5. Members must complete a 40-hour course of training within the first year
of appointment;
6. An 8-hour recertification training course per year is required thereafter.
Zoning Classification: C-l
Map/Parcel #:L11-074
The City of Lyons Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on
March 29, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. Ronnie L. Stewart submitted an application
requesting to construct a multi-family dwelling on a parcel of land
located at LI 1-074. The property consists of .17 acres.
The Planning and Zoning Commission will make a recommendation on
the request. The City Council will then hold a Public Hearing and make
a final decision on the request on April 6, 2021, at 6:00 P.M.
The Public Hearing will be held in the Council Room at 161 NE Broad
Street, Lyons, Georgia. Persons with special needs relating to handicapped
accessibility or foreign language shall contact City Hall at (912) 526-3626
before the date above.
service and mediate the increase over the course of time.
The activates and investment of the City in regards to the above mentioned services are designed to increase
the reliability of water and wastewater services, meet and exceed public health standards and goals, address
new regulations, and further improve financial health.
Public Hearing
Written Protests will be accepted prior to the Public Hearing. Protests must be submitted in writing to the City
Clerk's office by 4:30 p.m. on April 6th, 2021, and will also be accepted at the Council Chambers at the public
hearing prior to calling the meeting to order. All written protests must be signed by the owner and contain a
description of the property (address and/or Assessor Parcel Number).
Important note: Please do not send protests by e-mail. They will not be accepted.
At the time of the public hearing, the City Council will receive a final tabulation of all written protests received by
the City Clerk. The Council will then carefully consider the public input.
Water Rates
Effective 05/01/2021 2021 and consecutive years.
Water Rates Inside City Limits
Tier #1
0-3000 Gal
Tier #2
3001-10,000 Gal
Tier #3
10,001 + Gal
Effective 5/1/2021
Water Sewer
Tier #1
Tier #1
Tier #2
Per 1000 gal
Tier #2
Per 1000 gal
Tier #3
Per 1000 gal
Tier #3
Per 1000 gal
Effective 5/1/2022
Water Sewer
Tier #1
Tier #1
Tier #2
Per 1000 gal
Tier #2
Per 1000 gal
Tier #3
Per 1000 gal
Tier #3
Per 1000 gal
Effective 05/01/223
Water Sewer
Tier #1
Tier #1
Tier #2
Per 1000 gal
Tier #2
Per 1000 gal
Tier #3
Per 1000 gal
Tier #3
Per 1000 gal