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She Aiiuancg
The ADVANCE, May 5, 2021/Page 2A
“ Is
SWEET Addition To Downtown
The Downtown Vidalia Associa
tion unveiled a colorful addition to
the city street scape, a hand-painted
mural located on the side of Mary’s
Interiors at the corner of Meadows
and Church Streets. A donation from
Georgia Power in 2020 helped make
the project a reality The DVA Design
& Economic Development Commit
tee received 11 renderings from 6
different artists and selected the de
sign pictured here by Ruth Williams
English. Ruth is a local artist accom
plished in many mediums, including
welded sculptures and painting. The
young artist designed and hand-paint
ed the Meadows Street mural.
“Beautification of downtown is
top priority for DVA, and we love
this fun addition,” Downtown Vi
dalia Association Director Tonya
Parker told the crowd at the unveil
ing ceremonies. “We certainly live in
a picture-taking world, and if we can
provide a fun photo opportunity,
people will come, and that is what
we are all about, attracting people to
visit Downtown Vidalia. It’s another
reason for people to come downtown
and enjoy all it has to offer. We hope
locals and visitors alike will enjoy tak
ing pictures with the mural #besweet-
vidalia,” Parker said.
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L to R: Terry & Mary Edmonds, owners of the building; Ruth Williams English, artist; Tonya Parker, DVA Executive Director; and members
of the DVA Design & Economic Development Committee, Tish Holland, Greg Hudgins (and Greer), Valerie McLendon, and Jennifer
continued from page 1A
cilman Mitchell, but thun
derstorms redirected the
event to the Council’s
chambers. During the cere
mony Councilman Mitch
ell’s widow, Rose, and his
son, Quincy, accepted a
commemorative sign hon
oring the Councilman.
Signage on Ben Mitchell
Avenue had already been
Mayor Willis Ne-
Smith, who noted a resolu
tion honoring Mitchell that
was passed by the Council,
said, "Ben's influence in Ly
ons will be seen for years to
come. The small gesture to
rename the street is a way
to keep his memory alive.”
Faison Park, located
in the northeast corner of
Lyons between Highways
292 and 152, was given to
the City of Lyons in 1972.
The site was originally
known as Hallmark Park
and was later renamed to
honor Vincent Faison, Sr.
Faison, a longtime volun
teer coach for the Lyons
Recreation Department.
The park was initially used
for recreational softball and
baseball games but in May
2017, the City Council be
gan working on a renova
tion plan for the park that
would shape a new image.
In June of 2017, Coun
cilman Mitchell, who resid
ed within walking distance
of the park, supported a
master plan for the park
that focused on passive
activities such as walking
trails and playgrounds.
The plan included a pavil
ion, along with a walking
track, to promote healthy
lifestyle activities and fo
cused on development
closer to residential areas
so that residents would
have easier access to the
park. Resurfacing of the ex
isting basketball court and
roadway were also includ
ed in the plan, along with
new lighting. In October of
2017, former Councilman
Mitchell sponsored an item
to apply for a Land Water
Conservation Grant to
fund 50% of the proposed
$180,000 improvements
to the park. This grant was
awarded in December of
the following year.
Prior to his death,
Mitchell said, "Now the real
work begins. For this park
to become useful again, the
community surrounding it
must take ownership of it."
In March 2021, the final
touches of the park reno
vation were completed in
time for the spring weather.
“Since its completion,
the park basketball court,
new pavilion, and play
ground have seen youth
and family activities, fulfill
ing Mitchell’s vision for the
park. Unfortunately, he was
not able to see the fruits of
his vision as his untimely
death came before its com
pletion,” said City Manager
Jason Hall.
Got a complaint? Got a
compliment? Call Your
Mind On Line at 537-6397
and let us know what's
on your mind. Quotes are
printed exactly as they are
called in and are not nec
essarily factual, but rather,
callers' opinions. Libelous,
slanderous, personal at
tacks, and unfounded ac
cusatory or lengthy com
ments will not be printed.
Two calls per week per
caller, and calls should
not exceed 30 seconds,
“When is some
decision going to be
made about re
opening the Well
ness Center? Many
of us are quite put
out that our health
and well being are
being dismissed as
unimportant. The
Wellness swimming
pool that has warm
water, long swim
ming lanes, and no
dangerous deep
end has helped
many of us decrease
the use of medica
tions for problems
such as high blood
pressure and joint
and muscle prob
lems. Community
leaders, please
"With the state of
Georgia opening up
now, the Wellness Fit
ness Center should
be opened for its
members. With all
the other exercise
places just starting
up in Vidalia, the
market research
must demonstrate
that there is a cus
tomer base for the
Center. Only mis
management could
be the reason the
Center should not be
profitable. Will HCA
just leave it sitting va
“I saw the old man
in the little blue truck
last week with the
goats on the back
on Hwy. 280. He was
trucking along about
35 mph in the fast
lane with a smile on
his face. Everyone
should look and feel
that happy."
“There is a lot of
complaining about
the cameras giving
tickets in the school
zones, but I wish the
city would place
some on Hwy. 280
going through Vida
lia, or at least posi
tion some police of
ficers to stop all these
Dale Earnhardt
“Can someone tell
me why the Vidalia
Onion Festival does
not have a Plan B for
bad weather? Why
couldn't they go to
the Ag Center in Ly
ons, or even the
warehouse in Lyons?
Are they afraid that
Lyons is going get a
little bit of money?
We lost a whole lot
this past weekend
because we did not
have a Plan B."
“I wish to thank
whoever is putting
the cement block in
the Pinecrest Ceme
tery. Thank the Lord
for you."
"I’m a nurse and
live in a hospital with
COVID, and if I find
out that you have
not got your shot, I'm
not going through
hell anymore. You
just go on to the fu
neral home and wait
there to die. Thank
’’Listening to Joe
Biden that night giv
ing his speech for the
country, is it just me
or, it seems like Joe
Biden is Barack Hus
sein Obama's vice
We’re here for all your banking needs.