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The ADVANCE, June 9,2021 /Page 2B
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one of over 5,000 nomi
nations in Georgia, and
according to a press re
lease from the organiza
tion, “The award is very
significant. Only about 7
percent of nominees are
recognized in any way by
our organization as a re
gional award winner.”
"I am very excited to
represent the southeast
region and Vidalia High
School!” said Dailey. “It's
a great honor to be se
lected as a regional win
ner of the positive athlete
award, knowing I was
chosen out of so many
quality student athlete
His dad, Vidalia Ath
letic Director and Head
Boys Basketball Coach
Tommy Dailey had this to
say about his son receiv
ing the prestigious award,
“This is definitely a proud
mom and dad moment.
Sometimes we only see
and recognize the accom
plishments on the field or
court, but to know that
Ty was selected from a
leadership perspective
means a lot to us. We are
proud of the way he car
ries himself, and it is our
hope that he continues to
grow in all areas.”
According to their
website, “Positive Athlete
is a celebration of young
Athletes who have over
come difficult circum
stances, given back to
their schools and com
munities in a significant
way, or just have an infec
tious positive attitude
that makes everyone
around them a better per
son. We celebrate them
with awards, corporately
sponsored scholarships,
unique opportunities.”
Seven definitions of a
positive athlete: optimis
tic attitude, encouraging
teammate, servant leader,
heart for others, admits
imperfections, always
gives 100%, puts team
first, www.positiveathlete.
(L to R, Front): EmmaKate Lindsey, Blakelee Stokes, Blythe Kirby, Ellie Grace Wall, Kenlee
Bryant, Bailey Brown, Emma Bell; (2nd Row): Kenley Hurley, Ella Grooms, Kinsley Park,
Natalie Harris, Cohen Johnson, Emma Grooms, HeidiGrace Miles, Laney Martin; (3rd
Row): Calleigh Bell, Gabby Betsill, Teagan Allen, KatieLee Brodnax, Maycee Guin, An-
sley Williams, Annison Hightower, (Back): Chloe Beck, Lynzie Dasher, Maggie Mitchell,
and Zoey Fields.
Team Vidalia At State
By Mike Branch
Sports Editor
sports 7
The local competitive
gymnasts of Vidalia Gym
nastics & Cheer’s Team
Vidalia brought HOME
GOLD at the 2021 State
Championship! With 13
individual State Champi
ons and two Team State
Champion titles, 2021
was a golden success for
the gymnasts of Team Vi
dalia! The 2021 AAU
State Championship was
held in Roswell, on May
2, and Team Vidalia com
peted all 26 of their gym
nasts. Gymnasts compete
on four events and in all-
around, the girls of Team
Vidalia brought home an
impressive 29 Individual
Gold Medals, 18 Silver
and 15 Bronze with two
Team State Banner Titles
with the Level 1 and Level
4 earning those titles.
Team Vidalia compet
ing gymnasts; results and
places on Vault / Bars /
Beam / Floor / All-
Around were:
Emma Bell (9.05-9 /
8.65-9 / 8.60-5 /
8.925- Bronze / 35.225-
5); Bailey Brown (8.65-7
/ 8.475-10 / 8.35-6 /
8.70- 7 / 34.175-9); Ken
lee Bryant (9.125-Bronze
/ 9.15-Bronze /
8.80- Bronze-8.80-6 /
35.875-4); Ella Grooms
(9.20-4/8.10-6/ 8.925-7
/ 8.55-7 / 34.775-7);
Emma Grooms (9.20-4 /
9.00-Bronze / 9.15-5 /
9.125-4 / 36.475-Silver;
Natalie Harris (9.425-
GOLD / 8.95-Bronze /
8.10-6 / 9.325-GOLD /
35.80- 4); Kenley Hurley
(8.95-6 / 9.10-Bronze /
8.15- 10 / 8.75-6 / 34.95-
7); Cohen Johnson
(9.15-Bronze / 9.20-8 /
9.15- 6 / 9.425-Silver /
36.925- Bronze); Blythe
Kirby (8.40-9 / 6.25-11 /
7.75-11 /7.90-10/30.30-
11); EmmaKate Lindsey
(9.40-GOLD / 9.10-4 /
8.70- 4 / 9.00-Silver /
36.20-Bronze; Laney Mar
tin (9.20-Silver / 9.20-Sil-
ver / 9.00-Silver / 9.05-
GOLD / 36.45-GOLD);
HeidiGrace Miles
(9.275-Silver / 8.75-8 /
8.30-7 / 8.60-7 / 34.925-
8); Kinsley Park (9.40-
GOLD / 9.25-6 / 9.00-5 /
9.40-Bronze /
37.05-Bronze; and Blake
lee Stokes (9.025-4 /
8.875 / 5 / 8.925 / Bronze
/ 26.825)!
leigh Bell (8.975-5 /
8.70- 7 / 9.375-GOLD /
8.60- 5 / 36.65-5); Maycee
Guin (9.15-Bronze /
9.15-8 / 8.50-11 / 8.975-
11 / 35.775-11) Annison
Hightower (9.10-5 /
9.25-Bronze / 9.375-4 /
9.10-8 / 36.825-Bronze);
EllieGrace Wall (9.40-
GOLD / 9.10-9 / 9.475-
GOLD / 9.525-GOLD /
37.50-GOLD); and Ans-
ley Williams (9.15-5 /
9.275- GOLD / 9.00-4 /
8.70- 5 / 36.125-Bronze)!
AAU LEVEL 3: Chloe
Beck (8.975-4 / 8.525-11
/ 8.40-5 / 9.125-Silver /
35.025-5) and KatieLee
Brodnax (9.425-GOLD /
9.075-GOLD / 8.40-7 /
9.375-Silver / 36.275-Sil
ver) !
gan Allen (8.90-Silver /
9.075-GOLD / 9.00-
GOLD / 9.45-GOLD /
36.425-GOLD); Gabby
Betsill (9.05-GOLD /
8.275- Silver / 8.90-
GOLD / 8.775-4 /
35.00-Silver); and Zoey
Fields (9.025-Silver /
8.60- GOLD / 8.525-Sil
zie Dasher (8.925-GOLD-
8.45-GOLD / 8.70-Silver
/ 8.65-Silver / 34.725-
GOLD) and Maggie
Mitchell (8.70-Silver /
8.20-Silver / 8.85-GOLD
/ 8.92-GOLD / 34.65-Sil
ver) !
Gold Champion Med
alists who earned a banner
to be hung among the
hundreds of STATE &
ONS on the back wall of
Vidalia Gymnastics in
cluded: Level 1: Natalie
Harris, EmmaKate Lind
sey, Laney Martin, and
Kinsley Park; Level 2:
Calleigh Bell, EllieGrace
Wall and Ansley Williams;
Level 3: KatieLee Brod
nax; Level 4: Teagan Al
len, Gabby Betsill and
Zoey Thomas; and Level
5: Lyndie Dasher and
Maggie Mitchell!
“We are incredibly
proud of our gymnasts,”
said team coach, Court
ney Allen. She continued,
“This is a talented and
highly driven group of
girls, and we are excited
about what’s to come for
them!” Gym owner, Robin
Nance added, “We needed
this! The gymnasts, the
parents, the coaches - we
needed to see something
good come out of this
chapter in time and to be
reminded that hard work
does, in fact, pay off!” She
continued, “Thirteen
State Champions and Two
Titles... I ’m pretty sure
that may be a gym record
for a single season in the
24 years of Team Vidalia
- I am very proud of these
girls and how there repre
sent our community.”
The gymnasts of
Team Vidalia are prepar
ing for the upcoming
SHIP this June.
Public hearings will be held on Thursday, June 10
at 6:30 p.m. during the regularly scheduled board
meeting and Thursday, June 24 at 5:30 p.m. for
discussion of the proposed budget. The budget
will be considered for final adoption on Thursday,
June 24 at 5:40 p.m. A copy of the proposed
budget is available on theToombs County School
System website. All meetings will be held at the
Toombs County Schools Board Room at 500
Bulldog Road, Lyons, Georgia 30436.
Reach thousands of potential buyers!
Notice of application for a Land Application System Permit to apply treated waste-
water to a Land Treatment Site in the State of Georgia
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division has received a new application for
the reissuance of an existing LAS permit. Having reviewed such application, the Envi
ronmental Protection Division proposes to issue for a maximum term of five years the
following permit subject to specific pollutant limitations and special conditions:
City of Glenwood, Post Office Box 616, NW Third Street, Glenwood, Georgia
30428, LAS Permit No. GAJ020301, for the Glenwood Water Pollution Control
Plant located at Highway 19 South, Glenwood, Georgia 30428. Up to 0.10 MGD
of treated wastewater is being land applied on a dedicated site in Wheeler County
in the Oconee River Basin. The permit also includes limitations and monitoring
requirements for the spray field expansion to 0.21 MGD.
Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed determinations are in
vited to submit same in writing to the EPD address below, or via e-mail at EPDcom-
ments(5), no later than thirty (30) days after this notification. If you choose
to e-mail your comments, please be sure to include the words "LAS permit reissuance
- Glenwood Water Pollution Control Plant - GAJ020301 (Wheeler County)” in the
subject line to ensure that your comments will be forwarded to the correct staff. All
comments received prior to or on that date will be considered in the formulation of
final determinations regarding the application. A public hearing may be held where
the EPD Director finds a significant degree of public interest in a proposed permit or
group of permits. Additional information regarding public hearing procedures is avail
able by writing the Environmental Protection Division.
Individual draft permits, applications, supporting documents, and fact sheets are avail
able on EPD's website accessible through the publicly available Georgia EPD Online
System (GEOS) at:
Pages/Main/Login.aspx by searching for Submittal No: 510140
A copy of the fact sheet or the draft permit is also available by writing the Environ
mental Protection Division. A copying charge of 10 cents per page will be assessed. The
permit application, draft permit, comments received, and other information are avail
able for review at 2 MLK, Jr. Dr., Suite 1152E, Atlanta, GA 30334, between the hours of
8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
For additional information contact: Benoit Causse, Wastewater Regulatory Program,
phone (404) 463-1511 or e mail
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