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5tje Aiiuancg
The ADVANCE, August 11, 2021/Page 2A
ask v '
Mbo Magnolia^
Letters have been edited for length and clarity.
Dear Ms. Magnolia,
I’m a 21-year-old who can’t believe
my household rules upset my friend
who got kicked out of her apartment
and needed a place to stay. / rent a two-
bedroom apartment and told her she
could stay in the extra room without
paying rent unless she stayed longer
than a month. She should just buy her
own food.
Since I lived with a roommate in
college, / know that it is important to
set some ground rules for getting along
when you live with someone else. I men
tioned that there are a few things that
I am particular about: clean up after
yourself, especially in the living room,
the kitchen and the bathroom; let me
know ahead of time if you are inviting
anyone over; turn off the lights in unoc
cupied rooms; and keep noise down.
She seemed annoyed and said / was
acting just like her mother, and / was
not a good fiend so she would just stay
with someone else. / thought my rules
were simple and just common good
manners for staying at someone else’s
Dear Roommate,
You are obviously an intelligent
person and have just dodged a bullet.
If a few social rules can end a friend
ship, it obviously wasn’t much of a
friendship. I hope you have the same
common sense when she comes back
for another favor - which she proba
bly will. BTW: Her reaction probably
gives some indication as to why she
was kicked out of her former apart
If you have a question for Ms. Magnolia, please mail it to P.O. Box 669, Vidalia, GA
30475, or e-mail to
Got a complaint? Got a
compliment? Call Your
Mind On Line at 537-6397
and let us know what's
on your mind. Quotes are
printed exactly as they are
called in and are not nec
essarily factual, but rather,
callers' opinions. Libelous,
slanderous, personal at
tacks, and unfounded ac
cusatory or lengthy com
ments will not be printed.
Two calls per week per
caller, and calls should
not exceed 30 seconds,
“People should re
member: The federal
government HAS NO
MONEY. They are
happily throwing
around the money
they grab from your
paycheck every
week before you
even see it."
“Here’s a solution
to the border prob
lem. Put all illegal
aliens on busses and
planes and send
them to Washington,
DC, and put them off
at the Capitol, the
White House, and all
the expensive homes
of the members of
“Since Covid isn’t
doing the job, our in
truders from the
southern border
should be bringing in
enough germs to get
some other really in
teresting diseases
started soon."
“Delta variant -
Why are we not see
COUNTS as with Co
vid 19? BECAUSE
PEOPLE. So they talk
about CASES, without
even symptoms.
Cases are those who
tested false positive
or who show positive
because they have
already had the shots
or covid. So go along
with it if you like things
this way."
“Quote from Juras
sic Park (1993 film) -
applies to Covid vi
rus? Ian Malcolm:
Don't you see the
danger, John, inher
ent in what you're
doing here? Genetic
power is the most
awesome force the
planet's ever seen,
but you wield it like a
kid that's found his
dad's gun."
“Our government
“leaders” like all the
gun violence going
on around the coun
try. It will give them
an excuse to take
guns away from law-
abiding citizens. Just
remember, as the
Founding Fathers
feared, then the only
ones with guns will be
criminals and the
government (but I re
peat myself)."
“Georgia’s urban
areas, having the
most population,
have the most repre
sentatives and can
outvote representa
tives for rural needs.
Rural area popula
tions should be
counted at a greater
percentage per rural
“What a beautiful
site! I just came by
Altama Gallery with
the lights on, and my
hat is off to Harry
Harper and crew for
doing a wonderful
job on that building.
It looks so good, thank
you, Harry."
“My husband and I
are both disabled
and we wish to say
thank you to every
one who has been so
quick to hold the door
or help us with our
purchases. God bless
each and everyone."
“I think our presi
dent is stupid. He is
trying to bribe people
by giving them
money to get the
shot. He's spending
our taxpayer money.
That is the stupidest
thing I ever heard."
“It’s no wonder Vi
dalia is running ram
pant with COVID
when it publishes sto
ries like last week's ar
ticle titled "The Left is
Desperate for COVID
Restrictions to Con
tinue." The article
spewed dangerous
political misinforma
tion about both the
lifesaving vaccine
and COVID itself. How
many more of our
neighbors have to die
before people take
COVID seriously?"
“Makes better
sense to pick up the
trash on the side of
the road rather than
run over it with the
lawn mower and
chop it in a million
pieces. Don't you
“Does anyone on
Montgomery Street in
Vidalia know how to
“This is for the per
son who said not to
blame what's his
name for the gas
prices. I don't know
who else we should
blame for the gas
prices, the grocery
prices, and every
thing else going up.
Now I know how he
got elected because
people sure don't
pay attention to
what's being said to
them. You won him,
now live him. Thank
continued from page 1A
Chairman, since we had
to cancel the 2020 festival
when Brice was supposed
to perform. Tim contin
ued to communicate with
Brice’s camp to insure that
we were able to get Lee
here next year.”
Since 2020, Brice has
released another album,
Hey World, and has had
two singles make num
ber one. It was also just
announced that his next
single, “Farmer,” will de
but at the end of August at
the Farm Progress Show
Woodruff shared, “It’s
going to be a huge year for
the festival with Lee Brice
in concert and having the
Air Show again in 2022
with the Blue Angels.”
He said, with two
extra special events, the
schedule for Friday and
Saturday nights will be
reversed and times ad
justed to alleviate traffic
and overlap with the air
show. “The concert will
be Friday night at the Vi
dalia Regional Airport so
we have enough room for
the crowd we’re expect
ing. The Street Dance will
move to Saturday night
and will be at the airport
to utilize the concert stage
and lighting.”
Ticket information
and additional details will
be released on the festival
website, VidaliaOnion-
“You couldn’t find
anyone more fitting to
perform here in Vidalia,”
Tim Jones enthused.
In a press release
about “Farmer” Brice not
ed, “This new song is all
about elevating the farm
ing profession by painting
a picture of the hardwork
ing individuals and whole
families, even generations
of families, who dedicate
so much of their time, re
sources, energy and lives
providing for us all. This
song is a celebration of
the tireless and often un
acknowledged work that
goes into keeping families
across America fed.”
When Brice isn't sell
ing out arenas, writing
and recording songs, or
building new brands like
American Born whiskey,
you'll find the family man
with his wife, Sara, two
young boys, and daugh
ter. Meanwhile, with
more than 2.4 billion
on-demand streams, and
over 3.3 billion spins on
Pandora, Brice continues
to enjoy massive success
at country radio, digital
streaming services, and
on the road. His current
single “Memory I Don’t
Mess With,” was his top
most added radio single
upon its debut.
He also reached #1 at
Country Radio with “One
of Them Girls,” which
was recently nominated
in the category “Coun
try Song of the Year” at
the 2021 Billboard Mu
sic Awards. This recogni
tion follows his #1 single
alongside Carly Pearce, “I
Hope You’re Happy Now,”
which took home the
awards for “Musical Event
of the Year” and “Single of
the Year” at the 56th ACM
Brice was also nomi
nated for his hit #1 song
“Rumor” for “Single of
the Year” at the 55th An
nual ACM Awards. One
of the most-played coun
try artists of all time on
Pandora, he is a member
of the company's "Bil
lionaires Club,” becoming
only the second country
artist behind Keith Urban
to receive the Pandora Bil
lionaire plaque.
He is also a GRAM
MY nominee, a CMA
and ACM award winner,
and he's taken eight radio
singles to number one, in
cluding: "A Woman Like
You," "Hard To Love,"
"I Drive Your Truck," "I
Don’t Dance," "Drinking
Class," "Rumor," “I Hope
You’re Happy Now,” and
“One of Them Girls.”
Garth Brooks, Jason
Aldean, Kenny Chesney
and others have recorded
Brice’s songs, and he's
performed on numer
ous TV shows, including
NBC's “Today,” ABC's
“The Bachelor,” NBC's
“The Voice” and FOX's
“Miss USA 2018.” He
also performed as part of
the Library of Congress
Gershwin Prize for Popu
lar Song honoring Garth
Brooks, which aired on
PBS March of 2020.
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Phillip Faircloth, Chairman/CEO,
presenting Ronnie Beasley,
Vidalia Store Manager with Award
& mmum siui) *12*1-1*1
Farmers Home Furniture recently recognized Ronnie Beasley as a Chairman’s Club member. Each year, the Company
recognizes their top Store Managers, based on standard company criteria. Out of 249 Store Managers spread throughout
seven southeastern states, Ronnie received the distinguished Chairman’s Club award for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. He
was presented this award at the Company’s annual Store Managers’ Awards Ceremony, by Phillip Faircloth, Chairman/
CEO, of Farmers Home Furniture. As a Chairman’s Club member, he earned a 1 1,000 Bonus, expense paid trip to Hawaii, a
Chairman’s Club blazer containing the Company’s crested logo and a crystal trophy. Ronnie would like to extend a special
THANK YOU to all of his employees, customers and community for their support.The home office would like to extend
an invitation to all of the community and surrounding areas to visit the Vidalia store in helping congratulate Ronnie on his
achievement. The Vidalia store is located at ...... .
r Valid August 12th - 14th -
602 First Street
“Farmers is a furniture store that offers quality products
at affordable prices with friendly service after the sale.”
Evtryday Low Prlco
^Coupon cannot be used in combination with any other promotion. Excludes appliances, electronics and lawn equipment.
Cannot be used to pay on an existing account and is not redeemable for cash. Only one coupon per transaction. Discount
will be taken off tne Everyday Low Price. Terms do not apply to prior purchases. Cannot be used in conjunction with I
any other offer. Contact store for full details. Allow 8-10 weeks for special orders. Offer ends at closing on 8/14/21.