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4-H Week
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Vol. 123 No. 40
Week cc,,;
The Vidalia Advance Established 1901
The Lyons Progress Established 1894
Page 5A
Your Newspaper - Toombs, Montgomery & Wheeler County, Georgia
October 6, 2021
Enjoy life. There’s
plenty of time
to be dead.
- A Portuguese
Firearms Course
A free firearms course for
women will be sponsored
by the Vidalia Police
Department. A class will
be held on Thursday,
November 4, at 6 p.m.,
at the police station,
with range practice on
Saturday, November 6,
and Saturday, November
13, from 9 a.m. to
noon. Applications are
available at the Police
Station and are due
by November 1. Bring
firearm, ammo, and
Business Expo
October 14
The Greater Vidalia
Chamber's Business Expo
is slated for Thursday,
October 14, 4-7 p.m., at
the Vidalia Community
Center. Tickets are $20
at the door and $10
in advance. For more
information, call the
Chamber at 537-4466.
Flu Vaccine
The flu vaccine is
available at all health
departments in the
Southeast Health District,
including Toombs County.
For those who may also
be interested in receiving
a COVID vaccination,
these vaccines can
both be administered
during the same visit.
Walk-ins or appointments
accepted. To set up an
appointment, call 1-855-
BBQ Sandwich
The Vidalia Masonic
Lodge is holding its
annual BBQ Sandwich
Sale on Thursday,
October 7, from 11 a.m.
until 1 p.m. $5 donation.
Text or call Joel Grier at
293-4382 for information.
Passing Stories
The art collection of
Katlyn Colley will be on
display at the Altama
Museum of Art and
History through October
30. For more information
visit www. Altama
Editorials Page 5A
Obituaries Page 7A
From the Record Page 8A
Your Mind On Line Page 15A
Sports Page 1 B
30% OFF
Call 537-3131
(or delivery!
Tommy Rollins Named
Lyons Citizen of the Year
By Makaylee Randolph
Staff Writer
Toombs County
Commissioner Tommy
Rollins has been named
the 2021 Lyons Citizen of
the Year. Rollins was hon
ored at the Lyons Lions
Club’s annual banquet on
September 30 at Partin
Rollins is a lifelong
native of Toombs County
who joins a class of 48
Citizens of the Year, all of
whom were recognized
during the event.
A Lyons Citizen of
the Year has been named
every year since 1971,
except for two times. In
1976, which was the year
of the city’s centennial
celebration, local officials
were too busy to hold the
annual banquet and in
2020, the COVID pan
demic prevented a tradi
tional gathering.
When presenting
Rollins as the recipient of
Photo by Makaylee Randolph
JOYFUL RECOGNITION — Toombs County Commissioner Tommy Rollins, right, was
honored with the Lyons Citizen of the Year award on September 30. Lyons Lion
Charles "Speck" Nobles, left, introduced Rollins as the award recipient, and Lyons
Mayor Willis NeSmith, center, presented him with a key to the city.
the award, Lion Charles
“Speck” Nobles discussed
the various adversities
Rollins has overcome
throughout his life. “He
had a rough start in life:
he went home from the
hospital as a baby, and
instead of having a baby
bed, he slept in a drawer in
the dresser of his family’s
home,” Nobles explained.
He continued speak
ing of Rollins’s exception
al youth: Rollins became
very active in the Fu
ture Farmers of America
(FFA) under the encour
agement of James Brazell,
who convinced Rollins to
run for State Vice Presi
dent of the chapter. Rol
lins also was able to travel
with the FFA, and even
took his first plane ride to
Kansas City for the FFA
National Convention.
“He did all this while
still speaking at church
and handling home re-
Please see Lyons page
Vidalia City Council
Sets Millage Rate
By Makaylee Randolph
Staff Writer
The rollback millage rate
was accepted and unanimous
ly approved by the Vidalia City
Council at its regular monthly
session on September 13,
making public hearings un
necessary. This rollback makes
the millage rate for inhabitants
of the Toombs County por
tion of Vidalia a total of 4.160
mills, while those who live in
the Montgomery County por
tion of the city will pay a rate
of 3.602 mills.
Elections Agreement
The City of Vidalia has
officially renewed its election
agreement with the Toombs
County Commission for the
provision of election servic
es; yet, unlike the previous
agreements, the Council has
been officially contracted for
ethics-filings of election win
ners. These ethics filings are
required for all elected offi
cials to ensure their acknowl-
Please see VCC page 17A
Montgomery Names Finalist
For Superintendent Position
By Makaylee Randolph
Staff Writer
The Montgomery Coun
ty Board of Education voted
to approve Dr. Stan Rentz as
the sole finalist for the Super
intendent position in a called
meeting on Monday night.
Rentz is the former Superin
tendent of Jeff Davis County
The Board has been seek
ing to fill the vacated superin
tendent position since July 1,
when the application period
was opened; meanwhile, Dr.
Mark Davidson has served as
the interim superintendent
Dr, Stan Rentz
for the school since early
March of this year.
Board members ap-
Please see MoCo page 4A
The Real Squeal BBQ & Music Festival
8 $ 9
Big Guns Coming
to Town for a
BBQ Showdown
By Deborah Clark
Regional Editor
The Real Squeal BBQ and
Music Festival is coming back
to Lyons this weekend and it’s
bringing some big guns to town
for a barbecue showdown. So
get ready for some good eatin’,
lots of toe tappin’ music, and a
big dose of fun!
The event, now in its 10th
year, will be held in downtown
Lyons on Friday, October 8, 9
a.m. until 10 p.m., and at Partin
Park on Saturday, October 9, 9
a.m. until 5 p.m. Admission and
parking are free.
The annual, two-day ex
travaganza that always draws
a crowd of thousands from
throughout the state will host
professional and amateur cook
offs, live music and a street
dance, a Cruise-In and Open
Car Show, and a spectacular
fireworks display. There will be
plenty of rides and activities
for kids, and a slew of vendors
will sell a wide range of arts and
crafts, food, and beverages.
Premiering at the festival
this year are a Disc Golf Tour
nament at the new 18-hole
course at Partin Park, a Music
Showdown spotlighting local
talent, and a rolling game trailer
where festival-goers can hone
their skills with X Box and Play
On Saturday morning at
Partin Park, the Professional
BBQ contest gets underway
with pro BBQ teams compet
ing for $15,000 in prize money,
points, trophies and Braggin’
Some of the biggest names
in BBQ will show up to com
pete in the Kansas City Bar
becue Society (KCBS) and
Please see Squeal page 2A
The Real Squeal
BBQ & Music Festival
October 8 - Downtown Lyons
October 1 - Partin Park