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The ADVANCE, November 24, 2021/Page 2A
i<£. MorvteKt
1. The first Thanksgiving lasted:
A. One day
B. Two days
C. Three days
B. President Roosevelt in 1939
C. President Harry Truman in 1947
2. Which of the following was NOT
served at the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving
A. Cranberries, corn, mashed pota
B. Rabbit, chicken,
wild turkey, dried fruit
C. Venison (deer
meat), fish, goose
3. Which Indian tribe
taught the Pilgrims
how to cultivate the
land and were invited
to the Thanksgiving
A. Apache
B. Wampanoag
C. Cherokee
4. What is a snood?
A. The loose skin under a male tur
key’s neck
B. A hat worn by a Pilgrim
C. A hot cider drink served at
8. Today, our Htattks-
giving is the fourth
Thursday of November
A. It is the date the
Pilgrims landed in the
New World.
B. This was the date
set by President Frank
lin Roosevelt in 1939
and approved by Con
gress in 1941.
C. It was the date people voted to
have it on.
5. What utensil was not used by the Pil
grims to eat Thanksgiving dinner?
A. Knife
B. Fork
C. Spoon
9. What is a baby turkey called?
A. A chick
B. A nestling
C. A poult
10. A full-grown turkey has about how
many feathers?
A. A million
B. Too many to count!
C. 3,500
6. Which president is believed to be the
first to pardon a turkey and start this
annual tradition?
A. President Lincoln in 1863
D OT ‘3-6 ‘R-8
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7. The Pilgrims came to the New world
seeking religious freedom and were also
A. The Puritans to purify the teach
ings of the Church of England
B. The Great Explorers of a New
C. The Wanderers of
the New World
VHS TRIBAL CHESS TOURNAMENT — The Vidalia High School Chess Club held its inaugu
ral Tribal Chess Tournament on November 16, at the school, as members of the Indian
Chess Club competed in a round-robin tournament against each other. This internal
competition was directed by chess Master J.A. Youngblood, Sukumar Paidi won first
place with a 5-0 record, Liam MacGregor placed second, going 4-1. The VHS Chess
Team has won first place in the East Georgia Scholastic Invitational and will work hard
to become more competitive in local matches and statewide tournaments in the fu
ture. Pictured: Front Table: Olivia Taylor, Seth MacGregor, Left Table: Danny Richardson,
Liam MacGregor, Right Table: Andrew Davis, Sukamar Paidi.
Wheeler County Elementary
School Announces Honor Rolls
Wheeler County El
ementary School has an
nounced 2021-2022 1st
semester Honor Roll and
Honor Roll With Distinc
1st Grade: Honor
Roll With Distinction:
Alyxandreya Brown,
Al’reanna Wright, Ran-
di Phillips, Andrea Lo
pez Ruiz, Gunner Clark,
Blanden Davis, Paisley
Hartley, Honor Roll:
Charles McLean, Aubrielle
Nelson, Adrienne Kinsey,
Anthony Floyd, Eli Mc
Carty, Sofia Drawdy, River
Thornton, Wesson Clark,
Luis Mendoza, Abbi Poole,
Sofia Ramirez, Delaney
Palma, Trace Clark, Ame
lia Patrick, RussLan Pur
vis, Mi’Dayshia Mills, Ka-
miyah Eason.
2nd Grade: Honor
Roll With Distinction:
Kenny Goheen, Brody
Beasley, Kellen Horne,
Lane Whitmire, Carter
Hay, Honor Roll: Payton
Gibson, Kristopher Davis,
Kayson Taylor, Andre Bai
ley, Sadie Stokes, Kayden
Parrish, Brett Wommack,
Brenda Tavera, Titus An
derson, Karilee Tolbert,
Paradycee Parker, Ny’Lah
3rd Grade: Honor
Roll With Distinction:
Makinezi Fowler, Kadon
Berry, Brantley Gay, Honor
Roll: ZackiryKing, Kirzah
Carswell, Hector Martinez-
Mendez, Kaydn White, EJ
4th Grade: Honor
Roll: Maria Rojas Nopal,
Kenlei Woods, Jocie Lani
er, Natalee Phillips, Kins
ley Miller.
5 th Grade: Honor
Roll With Distinction:
Savannah Purvis, Honor
Roll: Khloe Davis, Kaden
Knight, Brenton Lynch,
Kinslee Fowler, Dameon
Grennell, Ethan Hall, Hai
ley Martinez, Kavion Wil
liams, Gabriella Sellers,
Rozilynn Cox, Dakari Rob
inson, Fisher Thornton,
John Miller, Brayden Bea
sley, McKenzie Guardiola,
RJ Phillips.
Legislative Report
Last week was
an eventful one here
at the Capitol. We are
quickly approach
ing the finish line of
this special legislative
session. The third
week of the special
session began on
November 15 with the House giving final
approval to Senate Bill 1EX, which updates
Georgia’s 56 state Senate districts. Because
the state Senate already passed the map for
the 180 state House districts on November
12, both bills have been sent to Governor
Kemp’s desk to be signed into law.
Since the state House and Senate maps
have passed in both chambers, we spent
most of last week working on proposed
maps for Georgia’s 14 U.S. Congressional
districts. Like the state House and Sen
ate maps, our congressional districts must
comply with new census numbers, the Vot
ing Rights Act of 1965, and the traditional
principles of redistricting. House and Sen
ate leadership jointly released a proposed
congressional map last week and then in
troduced separate bills in their respective
chambers with this map. The House Leg
islative & Congressional Reapportionment
Committee held three public hearings last
week to consider this map. During these
hearings, the public was invited to provide
their feedback about the map.
The Senate bill for the updated con
gressional map passed out of their chamber
on Friday and was immediately transmitted
to the House. My colleagues and I returned
to the Capitol on Monday, November 22,
to wrap up our business for this special ses
sion. Note: The House adopted the con
gressional map on Monday and the Special
Session adjourned.
Last Tuesday I was especially excited to
introduce my pastor, Reverend Jason Davis
of Grace Community Presbyterian Church
in Lyons, to my colleagues in the House.
He served as our Chaplain of the Day. Each
legislative day, we begin with a reading of
scripture, devotion, prayer, and Pledge of
Allegiance to the American flag, leg by the
Chaplain. I’m grateful that he was willing to
go to Atlanta to serve.
As always, thank you for allowing me
to serve as your state representative for
House District 156. It is an honor to serve
you. I wish you and your family a very Hap
py Thanksgiving.
By Leesa Hagan
(District 156, Georgia
House of
If you have a question for Ms. Magnolia, please mail it to P.O. Box 669, Vidalia, GA
30475, or e-mail to
Hiyofj tfie Holiday &
often the Holidays!
A Thanksgiving
A blind boy sat on the steps of
a building with a hat by his feet. He
held up a sign which said: “I am blind,
please help.” There were only a few
coins in the hat.
A man was walking by. He took a
few coins from his pocket and dropped
them into the hat. He then took the
sign, turned it around, and wrote some
words. He put the sign back so that ev
eryone who walked by would see the
new words.
The man said, “I only wrote the
truth. I said what you said but in a dif
ferent way. I wrote: ‘Today is a beau
tiful day, but I cannot see it/” The
second sign told people that they were
blessed and should be thankful that
they could see, and they began to share
their blessing.
Moral of the story: Be thankful for
what you have. When you have 100
reasons to cry, think of 1000 reasons
to smile. Face your past without re
gret; handle your present with confi
dence; prepare for the future without
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Sale ends Tuesday, November 30
Letters have been edited for length and clarity.
Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot
more people were giving money to the
blind boy. That afternoon the man who
had changed the sign came by to see
how the boy was doing. The boy rec
ognized his footsteps and asked, “Were
you the one who changed my sign this
morning? What did you write?”
Tired of the Turkey...
Gome see us for some really great
deals on meat and those after
Thanksgiving get togethers....