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She Aiiuancg
The ADVANCE, December 1,2021 /Page 3B
continued from page IB
them that Georgia’s two
seven-year streaks, one
by Dooley one by Richt
are quite memorable for
Red & Black aficionados.
Those with memories of
the drought breaking
past are especially over
joyed with the Bulldogs’
latent success against
“the enemy” as identified
by the great Dan Magill.
As I approached Ath
ens, a mood came about
that had me pining for a
hamburger. That led me
to the “Pub” in Five
Points, which may have
the best French fries in
town. A burger and
fries—perfect for a post
game meal.
Kitty Culpepper and
Jenny Sligh, proprietors
of “Appointments at
Five,” the popular an
tique gift shop that is a
focal point of the Five
Points neighborhood,
had space in their corner
for a friend and neighbor.
The “Pub” was
packed, the atmosphere
lively and the college
football offering on the
two incumbent televi
sion sets was highlighted
by the Auburn-Alabama
game. Thinking of any
advantage that Georgia
might accrue from the fi
nal results on the Plains,
I would have been up
lifted by an Auburn vic
tory. The next best thing
actually took place. Ala
bama had to strain might
ily for victory. Most
football observers would
surmise that games like
that take much out of a
team emotionally and
can affect performance
the next weekend.
While I can hear
Kirby Smart spouting
“hogwash,” no greater
authority than Gen. Rob
ert Neyland of Tennes
see, the coach with the
best winning percentage
in the Southeastern Con
ference history (83%)
never played two tough
opponents back to back.
He held the view that
you cannot play a peak
emotional game more
than once, perhaps twice,
a year.
A classic example to
support the General’s
view (few called him
coach, deferring to his
military title), was Geor
gia leaving so much on
the field in defeating
South Carolina in 1980,
13-10, before lining up
against Florida in Jack
sonville without its usual
sharpness and verve. Yet
it had what champion
ship teams so often
have—an ability to win
when you are having an
off day. I suppose you
remember “Belue to
Today, such schedul
ing as Neyland dictated,
is out of the question.
Saban at Alabama and
Smart at Georgia play
tougher schedules with
superior recruiting to
rely on talent to beat top
ranked teams on back-to-
back Saturdays.
Even an unsophisti
cated eye could appreci
ate the crushing effi
ciency with which the
Georgia team played last
Saturday. I didn’t see
Wallace Butts great teams
of the forties, but I did
witness first hand all of
Vince Dooley’s best
teams, including the Her-
schel masterpiece of
1980. I am convinced
that this current Bulldog
team is one of the best
coached teams in UGA
Soon after placing
my hamburger order, a
call went out to the de
fensive coordinator at
Michigan—one very suc
cessful summa cum laude
graduate of the Terry
College at the University
of Georgia. I figured that
Michael Macdonald had
had enough time to get
out of the mass of doting
Wolverine fans at “The
Big House” (so named by
Georgian and ABC an
nouncer Keith Jackson)
to get home and begin
boning up on Iowa for
the Big Ten Champion
ship game Saturday.
Following the earn
ing of a Terry degree, Mi
chael then set his aca
demic sights on a degree
in sports management.
During that time, he be
came an assistant at Ce
dar Shoals High School
and subsequently a grad
uate assistant for the
Bulldogs, working with
the defensive staff. His
work turned heads. By
the time he finished at
Georgia, he had a deci
sion to make—to follow
a career path in finance,
which his professors
would have considered a
slam dunk, or become a
coach, entering a profes
sion where security is as
questionable as a faulty
packed parachute.
Michael did not play
college football, but he
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grasped the game’s nu
ances quicker than a ref
eree can tick off a pas
sionate home team fan,
which is to say his learn
ing curve has been acute.
He started out as an in
tern for John Harbaugh
and the Baltimore Ra
vens, which meant that
he handled multiple as
signments for the regular
staff, including making
coffee. Turning heads
again, he was a defensive
assistant a year later.
Two years later he was
the Ravens’ defensive
backfield coach and a
year after that, their line
backer coach. How‘bout
that learning curve!
If you follow college
football, you are likely
aware of Michigan’s
struggles with Ohio
State. If you follow Mich
igan, you know that the
local railbirds have been
most troubled by the tra
vails of the Wolverine’s
John Harbaugh did
his big brother Jim a fa
vor. He sent his line
backer coach to Ann Ar
bor to save the day. A
few hours before my
hamburger was medium
well done at the “Pub,” I
got a first-hand report on
how Michigan broke the
drought of all time in the
Big Ten.
Michael Macdonald,
with modesty afore
thought, credited the
Wolverine players. “Our
kids, really played well,”
he said. “They were de
termined to find a way to
win the game.”
Certainly not quote
worthy for the John
Bartlett collection, but in
Ann Arbor today, it ranks
higher than Lincoln’s
Gettysburg Address.
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