Newspaper Page Text
The ADVANCE, December 28, 2022/Page 8A
aHie Aftuance
Mrs. Melanie Clift
Mrs. Melanie Kim
Russell Clift, age 68, of
Ailey, died on Wednesday,
December 21, 2022, at her
residence after an extended
Mrs. Clift was born and
raised in Oklahoma but
spent her later years in Vi-
dalia and Ailey. She gradu
ated from high school in
1972 in Duncan, OK, and
was a professional gospel
singer. She is preceded in
death by her parents, Rob
ert James Russell and Glad
ys Jewel Smith Russell.
Her family includes her
husband of 44 years, Brian
Clift of Ailey; 3 daughters,
Ashley Sasser and husband
Sean ofVidalia, Allison Os
borne and husband Justin
of Blackshear, and Mela
nie Clift of Statesboro; 2
brothers, Jeff Russell and
wife Iman ofEdmond, OK,
and Blake Russell and wife
Julie of Gainsville, TX; 8
grandchildren; and several
nieces, nephews and other
Services will be held at
a later date.
In lieu of flowers, me
morial contributions may
be made to the Paul Ander
son Youth Home, P.O. Box
525, Vidalia, GA 30475.
Ronald V. Hall
"Memories, of a Lifetime of Love"
Mr. Jon Braddy
Mr. Jon K. Braddy, age
43, of Montgomery Coun
ty, died on Sunday, Decem
ber 18, 2022, from injuries
sustained in an automobile
accident in Montgomery
Mr. Braddy was a na
tive of Montgomery Coun
ty where he lived most of
his life before moving to
Soperton 1 year ago. He
was a 1997 graduate of
Vidalia Comprehensive
High School, a graduate
of automotive school at
Altamaha Technical Col
lege in Jesup, and a gradu
ate of Southeastern Tech
nical College in Vidalia,
where he earned his para
medic license. He worked
many years in the family
business, D.D.’s Starter in
Higgston, worked as a
paramedic with Toombs/
Montgomery EMS for 10
years, and was a volunteer
with Higgston Fire Depart
ment for many years as a
lieutenant, and later as As
sistant Fire Chief.
His family includes his
wife, Jess Hackle Braddy
of Montgomery County;
6 children, Stella Braddy,
Emerson Braddy, Scott
Braddy, Tyson Gay, Seth
Thigpen, and Emma Thig
pen, all of Vidalia; his par
ents, Jimmy and Dianne
Braddy; 2 brothers, Jaimey
Braddy and wife Joanna,
and Josh Brinson and fi
ance Terra Fountain, all of
Montgomery County; and
several nieces and neph
The funeral service
was Friday afternoon, De
cember 23, at 3:00, in the
chapel of Ronald V. Hall
Funeral Home, with Pas
tor Muriel Bell officiat
ing. Burial followed at his
home place in Montgom
ery County.
Pallbearers were Jai
mey Braddy, Josh Brinson,
Brian O’Neal, Larry Mc
Call, Seth Thigpen, Joey
O’Neal, Heath Palmer,
Todd Palmer, Stacy Wat
son, and Mitch Braddy.
Flowers are accepted,
or memorial contributions
may be made to The Hope
House Ministry for Men,
2715 GA Hwy. 56 West,
Uvalda, GA 30473, or The
Dream Center, P.O. Box
307, Vidalia, GA 30475.
Ronald V. Hall
"Memories, of a Lifetime of Love"
Ms. Terri Lay
Ms. Terri Gai Lay
(Fowler), age 65, of Lyons,
died on Wednesday, De
cember 21, 2022, at Me
morial Health Meadows
Hospital in Vidalia after a
brief illness.
Ms. Lay was a native
of Oak Park and a 1975
graduate of Toombs Cen
tral High School. She
worked at Plant Hatch and
was also a homemaker. She
was Baptist by faith. She is
preceded in death by her
parents, Eugene Lay and
Geneva Grace Clements.
Her family includes
her significant other of
12 years, Ronnie Fowler;
1 son, Ranzi Bridges and
wife Michaela; 1 daughter,
Candy Yeomans, all of Ly
ons; 1 stepdaughter, Nicole
Martin; 1 brother, Randall
Lay of Attalla, AL; 3 sisters,
Wanda Dickerson and hus
band Mike, Tammy Hub-
bell, and Angel Smith, all
of Lyons; 6 grandchildren,
Destiny Yeomans, Marlee
Yeomans, Brentley Bridg
es, Lucas Bridges, Weston
Smith, Brylin Bridges; and
2 stepgrandchildren, Caley
Martin and Jacob Martin.
Flowers are accepted,
or memorial contributions
may be made to Memorial
Heart Care, 4700 Waters
Avenue, Bldg. 100, Savan
nah, GA 31404.
Ronald V. Hall
"Memories, of a Lifetime of Love"
Mrs. Linda Dykes
Mrs. Linda “Bunny”
Dykes, age 76, of Lyons,
died on Monday, Decem
ber 19, 2022, at Communi
ty Hospice House in Vida
lia after an extended illness.
Mrs. Dykes was a na
tive of Brunswick, living
most of her life in Lyons.
She worked as a licensed
practical nurse and was
a member of Lyons First
Baptist Church. She is pre
ceded in death by her par
ents, James Denty and Wil-
ford Lionel Herrin Denty;
Mrs. Edna Moye
Mrs. Edna Merle
Moye, age 88, of Adrian,
died on Monday, Decem
ber 19, 2022, at her home.
Mrs. Moye was born in
McIntosh County and grew
up in the Young’s Island
Community. She lived in
the Mcintosh Community
and Treutlen County, and
moved to Johnson County
in 2014. She was United
Pentecostal by faith. She
was preceded in death
by her parents, Daniel
McAustin Young and Mit-
1 sister, Elaine Boyd; 1
brother, James Denty; and
1 nephew, Charles Boyd.
Her family includes
her husband of 38 years,
Henry Dykes, Jr., of Lyons;
1 daughter, Patricia Ro-
zycki ofMt. Pleasant, PA; 1
stepdaughter, Lisa Hoodin
and husband Bill of Sharps-
ville, PA; 2 grandchildren,
Taylor Sivak and husband
Dan and Landon Carlson;
and 1 great-grandchild to
be born in March.
A private graveside fu
neral service was held on
Wednesday, December 21,
at Pine Crest Cemetery,
with Pastor Dannie Wil
liams officiating.
In lieu of flowers, me
morial contributions may
be made to the Commu
nity Hospice Foundation,
P.O. Box 2277, Vidalia, GA
Ronald V. Hall
"Memories, of a Lifetime of Love"
tie Ann Poppell Young;
her husband, Rayford D.
Moye; and 1 granddaugh
ter, Suzanne Cribbs.
Survivors include her
children, Donald R. Moye,
Glenwood, Ernest Dan
iel Moye (Amy), Soper
ton, Milton Randall Moye
(Lisa), Sylvania, Timothy
D. Moye (Loran), Rentz,
Anthony D. Moye (Jean),
Scott, Rhonda Joyce, Adri
an, and Terry Moye, Soper
ton; 18 grandchildren; and
many great-grandchildren,
nieces, and nephews.
Funeral services were
conducted on Friday, De
cember 23, 2022, at 1:00
p.m., in the Williams Cha
pel of Sammons Funeral
Home, with her son, Pas
tor Randall Moye, offici
ating. Interment followed
in Sharpe Cemetery in
Alston. Her grandsons
served as pallbearers.
Sammons Funeral
Home in Soperton was in
charge of arrangements.
Mr. Wesley Colson, Jr.
Mr. Wesley “Buddy”
Colson, Jr., age 82, of Lyons,
died on Friday, December
23, 2022, at the Communi
ty Hospice House in Vidalia
after an extended illness.
Mr. Colson was a life
long resident of Toombs
County and was Baptist by
faith. He worked at Tru-
ax Veneer Mill in Lyons,
Chickasha Mobile Homes
in Vidalia, Thomas & Betts
in Vidalia, and with Sadie
Lee Farms near Blue Ridge.
Preceding him in death
were 1 son, Charles Wesley
Colson; his parents, Wesley
Mr. Pedro Rubio
Mr. Pedro Rubio, age
52, of Lyons, died on Tues
day, December 20, 2022, at
Memorial Health Meadows
Hospital in Vidalia after a
brief illness.
Mr. Rubio was born
in Carrizo Springs, TX,
and lived most of his life in
Lyons. He was a migrant
worker and was of the Cath
olic faith. He is preceded in
death by his parents, Jose
Rubio, Sr., and Francisca
Gutierrez Rubio.
Colson, Sr., and Sudie Bell
Atkinson Colson; and sis
ter, Mary Gladys Kirby.
His family includes his
wife of 34 years, Nilda Col
son of Lyons; 4 children,
Kathy Colson of Tarrytown,
Wynell Shaft and husband
Aurangzaib of Alpharetta,
Irene Purificacion of Spring
Lake, NC, and Irineo Pu
rificacion and wife Akane
of Japan; 8 grandchildren;
3 great-grandchildren; and
several nieces and nephews.
The funeral service was
Tuesday, December 27,
at 2:00 p.m., in the chapel
of Ronald V. Hall Funeral
Home, with Rev. James
Bullard officiating. Burial
followed in Old Anderson
Church Cemetery near
Pallbearers were Billy
Kirby, Lance Chafin, Zach
ary Peebles, Christopher
Peebles, Aurangzaib Shaft,
and Mark Beasley.
Ronald V. Hall
"Memories, of a Lifetime of Love"
His family includes 2
sons, Pedro Rubio, Jr., and
Devan Noel Rubio, Sr., both
of Lyons; 1 daughter, Chas-
ity Rubio of Collins; 2 step
daughters, Ashley Thigpen
of Dublin and Sara Thigpen
of Kentucky; 3 brothers,
Joel Rubio, Noel Rubio, and
Jose Rubio, Jr., all of Savan
nah; 4 sisters, Maria Rubio
of Vidalia, Judy Rubio of
Lyons, Esmeralda Perez
and Sonia Gomez, both of
Texas; 3 grandchildren, De
van Noel Rubio, Jr., Pedro
Rubio III, and Remy Ru
bio; and several nieces and
A graveside funeral
service was held Friday af
ternoon, December 23, at
3:00, at Lakeview Memori
al Gardens, with Joel Rubio
Ronald V. Hall
"Memories, of a Lifetime of Love"
continued from page 7A
One thing that has hap
pened is that the percent
age of Americans that think
the Bible is relevant to their
life has dramatically
Per Gallup, the per
centage saying that religion
is “very important” in their
life has dropped from 70%
in 1965 to 49% in 2021.
The percentage saying
they attended church in the
last seven days has dropped
from 49% in 1960 to 29%
in 2021.
Certainly contributing
to this is a long series of
court decisions in which in
terpretations of the First
Amendment have been
more about purging reli
gion from our public spaces
than about protecting reli
gious liberty.
The 1962 decision
banning prayer in public
schools was just the open-
continued from page 6A
Ralston dies at age 68 after
an extended illness. Two
days earlier, the House
Republican Caucus had
nominated House Major
ity Leader Jon Burns, R-
Newington, to succeed the
ailing Ralston as speaker.
December 6 - Demo-
ing salvo producing our re
ality today in which tradi
tional values and morality
are gone from the instruc
tion our children receive in
public schools. Those val
ues have been replaced by
the secular humanism of
the far left.
It is very popular to
think about public policy in
terms of the social agenda
and the economic agenda,
as if these are two separate
worlds. But they’re not. As
religion declines, govern
ment grows.
Perhaps George Wash
ington’s point that a moral
and virtuous culture en
ables popular government
can be best understood in
that a free society cannot
function when individuals
cannot govern themselves
through personal responsi
Tens of trillions have
been spent on anti-poverty
programs with practically
zero impact. Substantial re-
cratic U.S. Sen. Raphael
Warnock wins a full six-
year term in the Senate af
ter completing the late Sen.
Johnny Isakson’s unexpired
term. Warnock defeats Re
publican challenger Her-
schel Walker in a runoff.
This story is available
through a news partnership
with Capitol Beat News
Service, a project of the
Georgia Press Educational
search shows that what re
ally combats recurring pov
erty is the so-called “suc
cess sequence.” Those who
finish high school, do not
have children before mar
riage and work overwhelm
ingly move out of poverty.
Government and poli
tics have become our new
religion, despite their dis
mal track record of success
in improving the human
The Penn Wharton
Budget model, an eco
nomic research group at
the University of Pennsyl
vania Wharton School of
Business, projects now that
by 2050, our national debt
will be 225% of our GDP.
A national culture in
creasingly rooted in false
hoods is spending itself
into oblivion and bank
How about we Ameri
cans who still pray direct
our prayers that in the up
coming year we see a re
vival of truth in our nation?
Let’s pray that all our citi
zens see that the only path
to freedom is each embrac
ing eternal truths that en
able all of us to successfully
govern our own lives.
Star Parker is president of
the Center for Urban Renewal
and Education and host of
the weekly television show
"Cure America with Star
Parker." To find out more
about Star Parker and read
features by other Creators
Syndicate writers and
cartoonists, visit the Creators
Syndicate website at www.
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