Newspaper Page Text
Vol. 125 No. 2
Your Newspaper - Toombs, Montgomery & Wheeler County, Georgia
January 11, 2023
The Vidalia Advance Established 1901
The Lyons Progress
Established 1894
See Healthlines 11A
Your Mental
Health In
Don ’t worry about the
world coming to an
end today. It is already
tomorrow in Australia.
- Charles M. Schulz
MLK Holiday
The annual MLK Holi
day Parade will be
held January 16 at 11
a.m. on Highway 280 in
downtown Vidalia.
Grand marshal will be
Wilson Johnson. For in
formation, contact Mi
chael Johnson at 478-
Tales From the
Auditions for the 2023
Tales from the Alta
maha, "Murder, May
hem and Stranger
Things," will be held
January 24 and 25 at 6
p.m. at the Blue Mar
quee in Lyons.
Greater Vidalia
Chamber Annual
The Geek Squad will
entertain at the
Greater Vidalia Cham
ber's annual meeting
on Friday, February 3,
at the Vidalia Commu
nity Center. Doors open
at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are
$75. For information,
call the Chamber at
DOT Announces
Lane Closures
GA DOT announces
that lane closures will
occur daily on SR 4/US
1 over the Altamaha
River, from West River
Road in Appling
County to George Hill
Road in Toombs
County. Closures are
scheduled Monday-Fri-
day, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
now through May 2023
during bridge construc
New K-12 Wheeler Co. School
Dedicated in Jan. 2 Ceremony
By Deborah Clark
Regional Editor
The weather cooperated last Monday
as a crowd gathered beneath sunny skies
for a ribbon-cutting and dedication cer
emony at Wheeler County’s new K-12
School in Alamo.
As she stood at the podium on the
steps at the school entrance, Superinten
dent Suzanne Couey thanked local digni
taries, school administration, and others
who supported the construction of the
almost $35 million structure.
“It has been, as they say, a ‘long and
winding road,’” Couey said at the after
noon event. That road began in April of
2018 with the selection of architects Alt
man and Barrett and contractors JCI/
Lentile in May of 2019. Ground was bro
ken in December 2020, and students and
staff started school in September 2022.
Most of the construction is now complete,
but some issues are still being addressed
throughout the building. “So you will like-
Please see School page 10A
Photos by Deborah Clark
DEDICATION CEREMONY - Wheeler County's new K-12
school was dedicated last Monday. Above, Elemen
tary School Principal Pat Ethredge speaks following an
invocation by High School Principal William Bell and
before Superintendent Suzanne Couey (inset) takes
the podium. The state-of-the art school houses all of
the county's students under one roof and replaces the
elementary and middle/high school structures which
served the community for decades.
A New Era Begins
In Montgomery Co.
Photo by Makaylee Randolph
NEW MCBOE MEMBERS - First-time Montgomery County Board of
Education Members John O'Connor (left) and Fernando Rodriguez
III (center) were sworn in by Judge Rubie Nell Sanders (right) during
a called Board meeting on January 3.
By Makaylee Randolph
Staff Writer
mrandolphadvance@gmail. com
Two Montgomery County
High School (MCHS) gradu
ates have officially returned to
their alma mater as members of
the Board of Education.
John O’Connor, who gradu
ated from the school system in
1992, and Fernando Rodriguez
III, who graduated from MCHS
in 2009, have officially joined
the Montgomery County Board
of Education (MCBOE), after
winning their respective elec
tions last May.
O’Connor represents the
Uvalda district, having defeat
ed former MCBOE Chairman
Jim Paul Poole, and Rodriguez
represents Post 2 of the Alley/
Mount Vernon District, having
Please see MoCo page 2A
Wheeler’s GTC Gets
$4.8 Million Grant for
Broadband Expansion
By Deborah Clark
Regional Editor
Wheeler Countians can
look forward to expanded
broadband coverage thanks to
an award announced January
4 by Governor Brian Kemp.
Glenwood Telephone
Company (GTC) has re
ceived $4,864,941.00 — part
Please see GTC page 3A
Toombs Detention
Center Officer Arrested
By Makaylee Randolph
Staff Writer
A Toombs County Deten
tion Center Officer has been
arrested and is under investiga
tion after the discovery of con
traband being smuggled into
Please see TCDC page 2A
Hunter Malone
Editorials Page 6A
Obituaries Page 8A
From the Record Page 5A
Your Mind On Line Page 2A
Sports Page 1 B
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(or delivery!
Hagan, Tillery Share Expectations for
New Session at Legislative Luncheon
By Makaylee Randolph
Staff Writer
State Representative Leesa
Hagan (R-156) of Lyons and State
Senator Blake Tillery (R-19) of Vi
dalia shared their expectations for the
upcoming legislative session during
the annual Legislative Luncheon held
by the Greater Vidalia Chamber on
January 5. Both legislators spoke on
the changes within each of their dis
tricts, and reviewed the topics which
they feel will be discussed.
Leesa Hagan
Hagan began her first full term
on Monday, January 9, after winning
reelection this past November. Previ
ously, Hagan won the legislative seat
during a special election in 2021 to
fill former State Representative Greg
Morris’s unexpired term after his res
Comments on Community
Please see Luncheon page 4A
Photo by Makaylee Randolph
eastern Technical College (STC) Auditorium Manager Julie
Busby (center) was honored with a proclamation from the
Georgia State Senate for her work within the local commu
nity. L to R: State Representative Leesa Hagan, Julie Busby,
and State Senator Blake Tillery.