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The ADVANCE, September 27, 2023/Page 5A
MCBOE Approves
Community Partnerships
By Makaylee Randolph
Staff Writer
Partnering with entities
within the community for
the betterment of students
within the area was a hot
topic at the Montgomery
County Board of Educa
tion meeting on Monday
September 18, as the Board
approved partnerships with
the Ohoopee Regional Li
brary System and Brewton-
Parker College.
Board members agreed
to allow the Ohoopee Re
gional Library System to
provide every student with
library cards through the
PINES Library Access for
Youth (PLAY) cards. Ac
cording to Library System
Director Cameron Asbell,
these cards will give stu
dents a public library ac
count based on their stu
dent number at their school;
this access will let students
access all digital library re
sources for free, as well as
check out 5 books or mov
ies with no overdue fees
and two renewals. Students
can also use this account to
use computers at a library
within the Ohoopee Re
gional Library System for up
to 3 hours per day, pending a
parent’s written agreement.
“We are not trying to
take away from your school
media centers in any way,”
Asbell emphasized to the
Board. “We just know how
much digital content can
cost and want to help en
hance those media resourc-
BPC Nursing
The Board also ap
proved to partner with
Brewton-Parker College to
allow nursing students to
shadow the school nurses at
each campus. “Last year, we
started our first nursing co
hort,” Director of School of
Nursing Debbi Bryarly told
the Board. “Part of nursing
education is for students to
work in a clinical setting. A
lot of that is done in a hos
pital, but there is also a lot
more to nursing than just
working in a hospital. So,
another part of those clinical
experiences is working with
community-based nurses
and seeing what else there
is out there for nursing stu
dents once they graduate
for them to go into besides
hospital nursing if that’s not
what they want to do.”
Brylarly said that school
nurses are included under
the category of “communi
ty-based nurses;” thus, al
lowing students to utilize
the school nurses’ offices as
clinical settings was an ex
cellent option to broaden
students’ horizons of career
options. These nursing stu
dents will not administer
any care to the students who
enter the school nurses’ of
fices, but will merely shad
ow the nurses.
Extension Agent
Board members also
renewed their contract with
the University of Georgia to
help fond the Montgomery
County Extension Agent,
whose salary is paid by com
bined efforts of UGA, the
Montgomery County Board
ofEducation, and the Mont
gomery County Commis
sion. The Board’s portion
of the salary is $10,000 plus
Action Items
In addition to these
community partnerships,
the Board approved the
annual Career, Technical,
and Agricultural Education
(CTAE) budget, which to
tals $15,616.
Seven buses were de
clared as surplus to enable
them to be sold, which will
save the district over $6,500
per year in insurance costs.
Several Bard air condi
tioning units were approved
to be purchased to replace
outdated units at the Mont
gomery County Elemen
tary School and Little Eagle
Learning Center campuses.
Currently, the units in place
at the locations are almost
20 years old, and can be
used for parts once they are
uninstalled. The purchased
units include 12 3-ton units
and 8 4-ton units, totaling
$131,300. These units are
currently in stock, and are
expected to arrive in 16-18
Superintendent Stan
Rentz informed the Board
that a $7,000 of safety grant
money that was received
over the summer will be
used to purchase security
cameras to install within the
district’s bus fleet, and that
an additional $10,000 of
Special Local Option Sales
Tax (SPLOST) will fund a
GPS system, which will not
only help substitute driv
ers to efficiently drive their
routes, but will also allow
administrators to be able to
locate the buses at any mo
Superintendent’s Report
During his report,
Rentz also told the board
members that the school
year was almost 25% com
plete, and that Fall Break
would be coming up on Oc
tober 6 and 9.
In addition, he shared
that the school’s softball
and cross country programs
were currently thriving, as
softball pitchers Shelley
Conner and Marley Bell had
struck out a total of 98 bat
ters within 12 games, and 5
softball players - Conner,
Bell, Bailey Fountain, Erin
Adams, and Trinity Wide-
man - all had batting aver
ages over .300. Meanwhile,
Cross Country Runner
Tulsi Patel came in 1st place
at a meet on Saturday, Sep
tember 16, while Runner
Yaribeth Ortiz came in 3rd
at a recent meet at Bulloch
Academy. Rentz also in
formed the Board that the
athletic department had
purchased 36 cushioned
chairs with the school logo
on them to utilize for basket
ball games, wrestling meets,
and other events.
He stated that the
Montgomery County High
School senior one-on-one
meetings with Principal
Scott Barrow to update in
dividualized graduation
plans had been completed,
and that Barrow was meet
ing weekly with 10 seniors
at risk of not graduating to
ensure they were staying on
track. The junior one-on-
one individualized gradua
tion plan meetings will be
held this week.
Rentz informed board
members that the 20-min
ute Teacher of the Year ob
servations were completed
on Wednesday, September
20, as teachers from Tattnall
County Schools, Treutlen
County Schools, andVidalia
City Schools came to evalu
ate the teachers. The Teach
er of the Year and Support
Person of the Year Annual
Breakfast will be held on
Friday, October 13, where
the system-wide Teacher of
the Year will be announced.
According to Rentz, As
sistant Superintendent Bev
erly Faircloth, Instructional
Coach Emily Cartwright
and Instructional Coach
Leigh Anne Helms have
began a literacy leader insti
tution, which will provide
professional learning devel
opment in preparation for
the installation of House Bill
538, which focuses on early
literacy standards.
Montgomery County
Elementary School had
their most successful Coca-
Cola fundraising sale to date,
Rentz said, as over $35,000
of products were sold. Also,
he shared that Principal Eric
Burns had informed him
that over 450 grandparents
had attended the Grand-
Please see MCBOE page
continued from page 1A
may be particularly attrac
tive for industrial develop
ment due to its growing
economy, access to trans
portation networks, in
creasing port activity,
skilled workforce, and col
laborative culture.”
He said that the Au
thority has been working to
find more industrial space
for the last two years, as
only a single parcel current
ly is available for industrial
space. “When we started
looking, we knew we would
be out of land very soon.
When we’re out of land,
we’re out of room for indus
try growth. So, that really
drove us to start looking.”
Authority Executive
Director Michele Johnson
noted, “Most industries
are currently looking for
spaces with at least 50 acres
for their industrial sites,”
She also stated that this ac
quisition of land comes in
preparation for anticipated
further development. Many
industries that have gained
interest in the area because
of the developing Hyundai
Plant in Bryan County and
the growth of the Savannah
Port now have options in
Toombs County.
The Authority, along
side government and util
ity partners, will immedi
ately begin to work on the
development of the site, as
they create transportation
and utility infrastructure to
meet anticipated future in
dustrial demand. The park
will include multiple prop
erty types, including spaces
built-to-suit and speculative
“Industrial parks don’t
fill up overnight,” Authority
Prospect & Park Commit
tee Chairman Trent Wil
liams remarked. “These are
big projects. They require a
lot of time, nurturing, and
relationship building. The
acquisition process actually
took several years, but that
whole process can really
begin now that we have the
Johnson emphasized,
“We are making the most
of a great opportunity. With
this acquisition, Toombs
County will continue to
provide companies with
strategic location options.
We look forward to work
ing with economic develop
ment partners in growing
jobs and prosperity in our
From the Record
These are the reported
arrests from the Toombs
County Sheriff's Office,
the Vidalia and Lyons
police departments,
and the Montgomery
County Sheriff's Office
for the past week.
Incidents are taken
directly from police
files. All suspects are
innocent until proven
In Lyons...
• Tyler Austin
Long, of Lyons, was
arrested on Septem
ber 5 and charged
with Probation Viola-
• Staci Leigh Wil
liamson, of Vidalia,
was arrested on Sep
tember 5 and
charged with Driving
While License Sus
pended or Revoked
• Jiyone Kair Jo
seph, of Vidalia, was
arrested on Septem
ber 5 and charged
with Criminal Trespass
(Motor Vehicle).
• Jimmy Ray Ray,
of Lyons, was ar
rested on September
8 and charged with
No Insurance 1st, No
• Jose Pasqual, of
Lyons, was arrested
on September 10
and charged with
Criminal Trespass.
• Donterrious Ant-
wan King, of Lyons,
was arrested on Sep
tember 11 and
charged with Driving
While License Sus
pended or Revoked
(First), Obstruct Hin
der Law Enforcement
Officer, Possession of
Marijuana Less Than
• Cierra White, of
Reidsville, was ar
rested on September
16 and charged with
Driving While License
Suspended or Re
voked (First), Expired
• Steven Paul
Sanders, of Collins,
was arrested on Sep
tember 21 and
charged with No In
surance-1 st.
In Toombs
• Caroline Chan
nel, of Vidalia, was
arrested on Septem
ber 18 and charged
withProbation Viola
• Joseph Gutier
rez, of Lyons, was ar
rested on September
22 and charged with
Criminal Trespass.
• Jason Hatt-
away, of Vidalia, was
arrested on Septem
ber 21 and charged
with Probation Viola
• Jermairah Hol
land, of Clearmont,
was arrested on Sep
tember 22 and
charged with Proba
tion Violation-Felony.
• Terrell Hurston,
of Collins, was ar
rested on September
19 and charged with
TCDC-Out of County
• Loquacious
Jackson, of Vidalia,
was arrested on Sep
tember 19 and
charged with Proba
tion Violation-Fel
ony-2 counts.
• Haley Johnson,
of Mt. Vernon, was
arrested on Septem
ber 21 and charged
with Probation Viola
• Ambrose Kend
rick, of Lyons, was ar
rested on September
20 and charged with
Possession of Firearm
or Knife During Cer
tain Crimes, Burglary
2nd Degree.
• Bradley Lorack,
of Collins, was ar
rested on September
20 and charged with
Failure to Maintain
Lane, Driving While
License Suspended
or Revoked-Misd.
In Montgomery
• Stephanie Ma
rie Campbell, of
Alma, was arrested
and charged with
Seat Belt Violation,
Failure to Maintain
Lane, Possession of
Schedule IV Con
trolled Substance,
Original Container,
DUI/Drugs, Possession
of Drug Related Ob
• Brenton Hunter
McDaniel, of Ailey,
was arrested and
charged with Aggra
vated Cruelty to Ani
• Katrina Lynn
Bargeron, of Mount
Vernon, was arrested
and charged with
Serious Injury by Vehi
cle, DUI, Stopping
and Yielding.
• Timothy Dustan
Faulk, of Uvalda, was
arrested and
charged withSpeed-
ing, Driving with Sus
pended License, Pos
session of Metham-
phetamine, Posses
sion of Drug Related
Objects, Fleeing/At
tempting to Elude.
• Jarvis Trenton
Taylor, of Mount Ver
non, was arrested
and charged with
Felony Probation Vio
In Vidalia...
• Veronica Blair,
of Vidalia, was ar
rested on September
18 and charged with
Theft by Shoplifting.
• William Scott
Ford, of Vidalia, was
arrested on Septem
ber 18 and charged
with Theft by Shoplift
• Jessica Stever-
son, of McRae, was
arrested on Septem
ber 18 and charged
with Theft by Shoplift
•Amanda Kelley,
ofFreemont, OH, was
arrested on Septem
ber 19 and charged
with Simple Obstruc
tion / Criminal Tres
• Christopher Fos-
key, of Lyons, was ar
rested on September
19 and charged with
Warrant Served (Ev
ans County).
• Emily Johnson,
of Lyons, was ar
rested on September
19 and charged with
Suspended License /
Expired Tag / No In
surance / Warrant
Served (Soperton
• Brian Lopez Go
mez, of Vidalia, was
arrested on Septem
ber 19 and charged
with Burglary.
• BriddariousMills,
of Vidalia, was ar
rested on September
20 and charged with
Simple Obstruction /
Possession of a Fire
arm by a Felon / Pos
session of a Firearm
during Commission
of a Crime / Posses
sion of a Controlled
Substance / Theft by
Receiving Stolen
•Joseph Williams,
of Vidalia, was ar
rested on September
20 and charged with
Possession of Meth-
• Jikiah Leshae
Knight, of Vidalia,
was arrested on Sep
tember 22 and
charged with Simple
Assault/Disruption of
Public School.
• YashekiaMckin-
ney, of Lyons, was ar
rested on September
23 and charged with
Bench Warrant (Vi
• Jacob Keswoan
Smith, of Soperton,
was arrested on Sep
tember 23 and
charged with DUI /
• Whitney Dani
elle Giles, of Collins,
was arrested on Sep
tember 23 and
charged with Theft
by Shoplifting.
• HenryLeaundra
Ricks, of Collins, was
arrested on Septem
ber 23 and charged
with Theft by Shoplift
• Grace Fantasia
Hall, of Vidalia, was
arrested on Septem
ber 24 and charged
with Theft by Shoplift
In Wheeler
No report avail
GSP Investigates MoCo Crash
Courtesy of the Georgia
State Patrol
The Georgia State Pa
trol is continuing to investi
gate a Montgomery Coun
ty crash, which caused one
motorcyclist to be airlifted
to Macon while in critical
condition on Wednesday
September 20.
According to the pre
liminary crash report,
a vehicle was traveling
south on Third Street and
stopped at the intersection
of State Route 30 in Mount
Vernon. A motorcycle was
traveling west on State
Route 30 and approaching
Third Street, when the ve
hicle traveling south failed
to yield to the motorcycle,
and began to turn left onto
State Route 30.
The motorcycle skid
ded and struck the front
of the vehicle, causing the
vehicle to come to a con
trolled rest facing south
east in the eastbound lane
of State Route 30, and the
motorcycle to travel off the
south side of the roadway,
overturn, and come to a fi
nal uncontrolled rest facing
The motorcyclist was
thrown from the bike, and
suffered serious injury,
causing him to be airlifted
to Macon to receive medi
cal treatment.
The identities of the
drivers and further infor
mation regarding the ac
cident have not been re
leased, as the crash is still
being investigated.