The Ellijay times. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, April 28, 1909, Page Page 2, Image 2

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QfRlL,. 2S,..&ae. fLM.JAYTJMEjS Official Grjriij.qr tne ueni«qretjc Party Cf.GLlm^ County. .$i.OO ,Pi*r Ar.nqpi In Advance. PqpHshijd tlrfrj IV^dn.*»4A5 VJ JT^ncs Publishing -Company ICtter *1 as second class .Utturrf '22 l£Hj 8 at the post o^iee at JT.UtJmj. Geo/gia under the act of Con gressMarch .',iS78. oiK*qfoti<jfj Good advertising m^liuni. .Good Jlfgiuacifiptareeerved ,far plication, .\dvertiaing ,r*t«J made kqow.n No *#» apP«er,tion. ,Up-t<>-<liire. Experiment piihlish'es sp its people! septlipents atjd news .for.the • .4 iiieh.jl ,tiine $ l.V i iitcvlt 2 .tunes jl ; 1 ;* 5 Mw*F 4 ' 6?> i inch l yeftf 6 ,CO (n ,n\»tipe 8 v>,ts jigr J,i» p, 6 prt,i.*n and 4 .cents ,pe,r ; !,ino tor spbsiHjpcqt ^nserti.ona. The coming pa pm o,f Gilley ,»n ,2 sutronn^ ii)|; yqivi^es. a»LUA.Y, GA. April ?i 180$ €0NvTcT5M9NEr TO |E DISTRICTED .GjQVER^OR AUTftO$tZ£$ DIP TRIBUTION ,()F #50,000 A v\K?NG counties ’ NOT USING .CONVICTS. .Governor Smith lias .authorized The distribution of the surplus con .vict lease tyon?y for .the first .quar¬ ter 9 f 1909—tl;e last rqoncy the state will ever receive from the for¬ mer lessees. The governor’s action iqgans that pearly $50,000 vVyll be placed at thej disposal ‘of the counties that did hot use convicts taring tfyat quar ter. In exactly tf fyon# coup fyW the money will fte used % school purposes. In ti/c others jjt will be expended on the county roads. —Atlanta Journal. RAT'.’LIEF NEWS We arc having eoiqc w 9 trip w.Qifth •The farmers qt t-tyis p^pt aye pre¬ paring to plant porij. Mr. Tip, Osborn and wife spent ’ Saturday night with Mr. and Mr pharlie Randle. Mr. John W. Withrow spent Sun duv evening with his brother Mr. Joe Withrow, We sorry to say Rro. Kieth is very ill at this writing. Gqqss what hoy was with his best girl Sunday and it was so late he Jtopped and staid all night 04 hi# way and didn’t get home till Mon¬ day morning, $e are glad to say that th®*e > vas it nice prayer meeting at Bro. Pock Kieth’sj fast Sunday evening. Mess, Claud Withrow and Andy putqswfij with th-ir best girls Sun¬ day overling, pome again boys the girls are always glad to see yon. Mr. Frank Wimpfiv was with his feivt girl..Sunday. If you want to see Arthur Gttoqk go tq Mr. Brown’s Miss l^ttie Hill was witlj l>«*f pest old swept heart Sunday. Mrs. Lillip Sales spent Sunday with Mrs. Lillie Parks. pruess w’bqt girl got scolded for going with hpr best follow Sunday oveupg. * v^lt. Clifford Withrow and sister attended church at Monn Misses Hattae Osborn and Liilie Sales are great ” chun)s. ’ • ■ t IVjthrow with Miss Margin was her bejt fellow last Sunday. V\ r c ap glad to say that N'i nc o^Ulq il 4 Sunday Sunday Sehoo! Sehoo! is is bettm bottac " than -it has been for years. Prof. Frol. H- 1 J. B. V- Sales Sales ai^a aqd Prof. Frol.. Ra- Ka leiglj to/i’«sn. Corbin are expecting to go back in> shdrt time to at tqpdOr. ^ day singing. Guess wlu|t girl wnt disappointed last Sunday. Misses Alice Sisson aqd Lillie t( on W Mquntaintown. wawth.p^tM«Jjo,TO Mountamtow^ givl, |s the piaqe for prettlte girls. Success to The Times. 4 READER. Where Has The Money Gone. Mr, Editor: There are two things that seeing to lie inquired after considerably and pot one bit of information seerus to be obtainable and is what has become one of the convicts mon r iat s h°uld , ,, be going to the schools. 1 he other is wh»t has become of -the school money. A few years ago there seemed to •be in the niouthg pf some people and part of the newspapers continn *1 how) ol‘ the way school affairs were being oondueted in Gilmer • eoucty. At that time the people • were getting five months school were paid by this time of the year for two full payments, the schools all faired alike some did not receive two months and some six. Every chijd received the same .if lie would go. As it now appears some school have already closed for the pear in the country, will have , no summer term, got about two and ,one-half months this winter and the teachers not heard of a dollar, not even an explanation is made in the newspapers as to why there is nothing coming, these folks that were so badly dissatisfied a few years ago are now quiet and not a word said, no explanation accessary they uuderstand we suppose. Is there any one responsible for this? ntay-be not but the Hoard seems to meet occasionally probably 6 or 8 times since Christmas, this indi¬ cates lhat there is something doing some how, then some time agp we understood that the President of the Board informed a man in Elli jay that he did not know what the salary of+he commissioner was, so may-be they arc not giving him any¬ thing then ho ir not to be dontured as it does seem that if he were re¬ ceiving anythiug the President of the Board would know something of it. This may bo said to be in keeping with a piece of work tip in Mt. Town district where a school .was taden from a good house in the center oi the community a house 24x40 ft well supplied with seats 12 large glass windows a gooc framed building weutherboarded, ceiled ' and painted with Urge boll top a on ] proteeted nice by uind ,a good with bolfrv large open gr plenty of shades and a good spring in the yard and jast a few yards off the public road where any oqe would be compelled to say a more ideal school site podld nyt be tqn nd iq the county, and the school carried to an old church house nearly resdp to fall down where you can hardly keep dry or warm only because we fear that it was not done in accordance with the idea of some political disoiple If these things are not true and do not stand out already proven : and do not speak for themselves' lets have the right explanation antf the truth of the matter thsn if they are true lets go to work to improv,e matters and not be as it is now 4 j 0 per cent behind what things wer,o 4 or 5 years ago. kiSS's NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. LIC LOG ITEM Rainy weuther is giving tin far¬ mers rest, Hk .-trah J. Bearden one of our good old ladies of Lie Log visited her daughter the third Stlnday. Sunday school at Ebemzir is progressing nicely, any one who wishes to join it, is welcome to do so. x ' ' ' J ■ y ■ 1 Messers Price Bearden, Sam Par^, Arthur M r est, Har ris Pettit, Browfclow Reece, Hariie Bearden Hassel Anderson wpre with their best girls the third Sunday. That’s right boys Ebenezar is the place to See pretty girls. I] isses Istlener and NjOttie den visited their cousity the third Saturday night < Mr* and Mr, M. W , Warren arc ths ths ha^ happy pHrots M s a fine boy . Mr. Willie WtflPimc WaHIb^nd his sister Opt spent gaturtlay night and Sun¬ day at, L. West’s. Miss Emma Anderson visited Miss Effie West Saturday. gMMBt n Timffi BLUE EYES CABW rp- Srw MA ,• R,aj| *!k Kira Ym i! au Always 6 tt|B Tat? Quite Like¬ ly to be Re¬ appointed* FORMER CONGRESSMAN SLA¬ TED TO SUCCEED HIMSELF IN OFFICE CF UNITED STATES DISTRICT ATTOIl YEY. Washington, *<pril 29—Infor¬ mation from the white house so direct that it is almost first hand justified the unequivocal state¬ ment that F. Carter Tate, former congressman from the Ninth dis¬ trict, will be reappointed by Pres¬ ident Taft to be United States dis trict att f ruey for the Northern district of Georgia. President Talt esteems Mr, Tate most high¬ ly and has expressed himself more then once as in favor of his reten¬ tion as district attorney. The inside facts relating to the a8S>nance that Mr. Tate is ;,o be reapyointed cannot be detailed at this time Air, Tate’s friends and other familiar with the matter decline to talk. Con¬ gressman William H. Howard, one of Mr. Tate's stanch suppor¬ ters, was at the white house yes¬ terday afternoon. When askeo to-day president whether he talked with United the concerning the States district attorneyship at At¬ lanta he decliued to discuss the of hit visit. Mr. Howard ,haB much influence with Mr. Taft, is conceded, He was on the Phil¬ ippine trip with Mrs. Taft while he was secretary of war, and sinoe that (time the relations of the two hava bee j close and cort ial. Tjiie emphatic statemept that TaU» is to sncceec himself is ma ’e advisable. —Atlanta Journal. oney Conics In Bunchtg. To A. X y Chishelnt, rf Tread¬ well «e(li N, Y, now. His reasah is worth reading: ’’For a long tinte I suffered from indigestion, torjtid lives, constipation, ner¬ vousness. and general debility.” he ”1 couldn’t sloop, hadlno appetite, nor ambition, grew) all/medical weaker every dav ip spite of matim’nt. Then ns/ed Electric fitters. Twelve Lotties restored all my old-time health and vigor. Now lean at¬ tend to business every day. It’s it wonderful medicine,” Infalli Able for Stomach. Liver,'^Cidttey iJlood amt nerves. 50c, ut Cola (ft’tig Co. ! FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE , WILL CURE YOU pf any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi¬ cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright’s Dis¬ ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSg aUMTttUTga. E. W. mTKm& SON. You should not delay under a:iv circumstances in cases of Kid ney and Bladder trouble. You diould take sonnthbig prempti)’ that yoir know is reliable, some¬ thing like D-i Witt ’i K duey and Bladder Pills. They are u ,£qual ed for weak back, backache infla mation of the bladder, rheumatic pains, etc. When job ^ask for D« Witt’s Kidney and Bladd.-r Pill.-i, be sure v >u get them. They’ are antiseptic. Accept no substi tojtes. Insist upon getting the right kind. —Sold by J, S. Tap keislsy, i t PRQPKIETqR. * -------- M .„. ROOSEVELT NEWS Farmers *’■•.. ‘arp_ begining to corn i« this section. A very large crowd attended preaching at Cross Hoads Sunday. Misses Alma Ballew and Carrie Pendland visited Miss Dusky Cook last Sunday. Mess.. Homer-. Brock, Homer QiuuIqs and Alfred Cook attended preaching Sunday at Cross Roads. V«M» Cope land *la,ted FUt Branch Cun,lav. GueBR what girl said her sweet hart was coming Sunday afternoon. Rev. Godfrey preached an inter¬ esting sermon Sunday Rev J. G. Dover and Post Master Gordon attended preaching Sunday. Guess who heard the ..preacher preaching Saturday night and went to church. * Master Joe and Hershel Charles, of Ollie, were visiting in this sec¬ tion Sunday. •►• Miss Dora -Davis visited Miss Mary Dotson Saturday night and * Sunday. Miss Dusky Cook visited Misses Alma and Mary Ballew Sunday ev¬ ening. Mr. T. Y. Pendland visited Mr. J, F. Cook one day last week. visiting Mr.^and Mrs. J. W, Weaver was Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sat¬ urday and Sunday. Mrs. G. L Hallow was visiting Mrs. Nelson last Sunday. Guess what youug man of Cross Roads that the big snake got after one one ^ day av last liist week week »ml and b« he dumb a •> bush and had a gun with him. Guess what girl of Cross Roads had a sweetliartLiunday. they Guess had who w<^; sad faces because no company. i A READER PATENTS l 55*?!re? how E rtfJ15fS,‘ s ®^ modd >| I to obtain patents, trade marks, I I t!mt \ money PJtynt and often the patent. and Infringsnwnt f ractlew Exclusively. vVfite oy CQrine to m »t $ 2 $ KUtt Btrtti. m . Vntttd Hates hast Oftoa WASHINGTON. O. C. GASNOW Frightful Fate Averted ”T would have been a cripple for life, front a terrible cut on my knee cup,” writes Frank Disberry Kelliher, Minn, ’’without Bnck ien’s Arnica Salve which soon cur¬ ed me.” Infallible for wounds, cuts and bruises, it soon cures Burns Scalds, Oil Sores, Boils. Skin Eruptions. World’s best fo Piles. 25c. at Cole Drug Co, Dr. King's New Discovery KILia THE COUGH. RtmWS the LUNGS* PAY UP. The editor of A country' paper re¬ ceived the following querrv: ’’Can you tell me what the . weather will be Vwjxt month?” In reply he wrote, ”It is my belief that the weather next month will he very much like your subscription.” The inquirer wondered for an hour I what the editor was driving at, when he thought of the word un¬ settled,' He went the aext day and squared his account. —Ex. |omsabNEv«^As tar childr, reft tsent. -Y<* amlmtca -. \ DKil f„ [ICTY TEH • DENTIST Will be in EjS jnyfat. t!ie T«em j Hotel from the 10th t<> L’Oiii <J each in tilth in do dental work CASTOR IA j Tor Y«fc"b and Children. Till KM You Havi Always Bough! Bears the Signature cf During the sjaritig every one would be benefited by taking Fo— [li-v’s Kidney Remedy. It kid¬ fur¬ nishes a needed ronio to the neys after thr extra strain of win - ter. and it purifo-s the blood by stimulating^ he kidney 51 , ami cans I ing them t o eliminate the itt?»»r«- j ties from .-1st FoKv’s Kidney j iuipftris new life and v »« tor. mnnt to take —bold l 1 THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR in the YELL OV- PACKAQK Sold by Dr. E. W. Watkins « CASVORZA. Kind You Hew Always BfcigM *sq jh, y„ wri „.. ,. M grMtl} bei.efltted by tnhin- To. ley’s Orino Laxative, and I think it is the best remedy for consjipa - ci and liver trouble.” Foley’s Qripo Laxative is best for wonen and ohildren. as it, is mild pleas ant and effective, and is a splen¬ did spring medicine as it cleanses the system and clears the com¬ plexion. —Sold by E, W. Wat¬ kins & Sons C ASTOR IA For Infants ar a Children. foa Kin;! You Dane Always Sougn Bears the *»-KnaWirei<t Bed-Hock Of Success Lies in a clean clear brain hgeked by indomitable will and resistless energy. Such power comes from the splendid health that Dr, King’s New Life Pills in part. They vitalize every organ and build up brain and body. J, A. Harmon, Lizemore. \V. Va. writes; ’‘They are the best pills Cover used. 25c, at C pie Drug TiDLKSRONHMAR Cures Cold*' Crmento Pnaumala fDIETSfiONEMiR tmr ak*Urwu ctu'tr c are Electric Bitters Succeed v'hen everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY. LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. SPANISH AND WARRIOR JACK I will keep my finp Spanislv and Jack at my stables five me-half miles North c f EMi on Flat Branch from March 10 to June 10, Fee $5 due when is kmwn to be with ioal or AU care will be taken to accidents, yet twill not. be for accidents. W. C. Plant mono R. F. D. No. 1 . ' Ellijay, Ga Bern ths Thfl Kind You Haw Always Bwgtit Signature of ELECTSIC B iiimS The r.SLteS!T Be8t Tonic ' o 6-rOKIA. Sun dio } Its Kind Yon Have Always Bnuglti Signature -f F«IYSKlMtT€UKt RI«M MakM Kld»ays art Bladder Its A Toy Natih Doer. Great deeds compel regard. The w orld crowns its doers. That’s j why the American people have crowned Dr. Kina’s New Discove¬ ry the King of Threat and Long remedies. Every atom is a health force, Ii kills germs and colds and la grippe vanish. It Leals| cough-racked membranes and coughing stops. . Sore inflamed bronchial tubes and lungs are cur¬ ed and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo More, Black Jack, N, C., writes ”ti cured me of lnng trou¬ ble, p ran on need hopeless by ail do<'’ 50:, $100. Trial bot¬ tle free. Guaranteed by.—Cole Drug Co. — -- OAH i«ot»ta. YOUNG MEN WANTED Ra-ilrodas and telegraph companies are daily calling for competent telegiaph operators. Tuitsou Sl’UO for first month and #4.00 n-?r month thereafter, ... Address Blue Ridge School of Telegraphy P.O.BOX NO, 327 BLUE RiDGE GA. cs „ _ mm s i 25 aiM n I?! n § * s aSljll m ^ Hi 1 m g i| mm IPlgSfsi s P* o m £.3.1 03 * sfs 2 * V* raS" 0 * • ^ mm* KILIM th g ?\m COCAINE and WHISKEY Habits cured nt ny Sanatorium hi a few weeks. Yon can reixm to y^nr ISaiis^Ies home in 90 days %e!l, free and happy. taste A<tilr-sa I>K. P, H. SOOLUV, IOZ N. Frye.- l*. act, Atinu, C. 4 . if J? ■ »Wiaiifcii nw I Win Ml ; ntt. jrs* • - % Ik* Tr<» .v/rrr.'f i ’ .1 —fV-T'ua \ /. •V ’ 7 p ' t* V ;-V 8UT , in .t , , \v..cJ uml m t.,,1 .... ,... a-; _ ivf fti! s-* -s o» P* "? \ " Itt tn*- "!•:.* ., *. itj i - :e.i. __ ?/ SI// /’ "‘■is .«*. | fj.r ' *# to w nn -» ; .r«'.u»«r^ of iV*f •.> / .* '•£ 7 I ♦n»:'t * •*. !*•>• W -UJ.o.-.P •; »* ■ i Ilf '■•pvvij' . ^ ;*.k }! •j fc-40*:.‘i*;-fen> DtcJi* toevd ' ) *:>..• 1 a P«’"‘ *•' * v or.u ■ 4 - j «r *'•••* n. «i 4 re-l * : .;J i Vv^r-; —■*-. -v. •»••*/<». si <t»* u- i/urt • t« • **' l -U v- vi. oorr* k. | * if . yv er ■ • . v- • .• > { '■* Uxsf<S,s' 1,» ’ • ‘ 5 i fY'*'” *. k'*J, niiW-i'-i .■--j ■ ■* f+',\ j 'j£ - " J in --tv ,.....■ •>* ' ,• ■%* -»• v- 1 ' j +>i - ✓.•_ .Z'-Jt .. -•*»•■ . . ■j L'fx-i (•> ■ • ’.iS ,v - |« Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. , You need a sufficient amount of good wholesome food and more than this you need to fully digest It. Else you,can’t gain strength, nor e&n you strengthen your stomach if it is weak. You must eat In order to live and maintain strength. You must not diet, because the body requires that you eat a suffic¬ ient amount of food regularly. But this food must he digested, and it must be digested thoroughly. When the stomach can’t do it., you must take something that.will help the stomach. The proper way to do is to eat what you want, and let Kodol di¬ gest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the stomach is weak it needs help; you must help it bv giving it rest, and Kodol w ill do that. u miM’ M f w 1 * I ITuatvlis tile * Stor? ILLMAlii fili-IWPHATE genuine Acts c.'i the Itidneyv >«imuiAte» th* blood i\n<£ ^iv«s qulc/.i rci.ef. For>TcVli. ori ev&py bcltlc. : naviFti# CcnttfeW. $1.50 *££FAia ■o'ALrM DlPTCT TOGP f GLAktH TH?ULLMAN°CO. uolu <-;-bf»n sir jfcw CltCCilUHATI, OHIO. ^nmzz*xds*jtii&£. — DOCTOR KING i WJ SUABLE DOCTORS. OLDEST ID AGE ADD LONGEST LOCATES. RE0I1LA8 GRADUATES IN KEDIClSi. KE Ofr'ES roii TRE LkHtic *»D UI 1 W 8 LE UPESIEStE Of T.« LONCESI ESIA3U5.HE0 ARD MUST RELIABLE SRECIUIS1E IS THE EOUTil WtCIAL Antborizeu by ibd atate lo treAWCHMHIC, NESWUS AS9 1 DISEASES. Wi guarantee to lisfuna money it iiOt cured. Ad medi¬ cines* xurnished ready tor use—no mercury or Injurious meuiciues used. No -detention from bueinebs. Patients at a distance treated by mail and express. Medicinea sent everywhere f). Irt# Xrom gaze or breakage. No medicine sent C- O. usltsa in¬ structed, Charges low. Thousands of cases cured. State your case and send for terms. Consultation FREE and confidential, Id da KINO and ika0,/ Xj*ruut*f> person, or by letter. Call Dr write today. Don i delay, *? •f r J Men, ous the xonults of youthful folly a nd exces- j Treatment. I roatmen,. u J psin pain end and no eo exporure. eip..»ure. Ko Ku cii camtlfs q h‘^ — blotches cutting bongies ^outide. No detention from busi¬ Qrins, pica plea and on tlie face, rushes of or Olow) to the head, pales m the bat?*, confused idoaa ness. Thousamls cured. We guarantee to refo*^ ami forgetfulness, oashfu lues s. aversion to society. :ioney If not pei maa«ni«y out >d. Kj book, > oily ex tal force*.loss les.l^ss of manhood,eto., cured for , lains this disease. develop life. V<Io and can mature stop >pnlghtlpsses. cure night young young or or mi middle restore aged lost v.'hn vitality, ar* of Varicocele the SSK;”«««!, ediwi wlu. and wrecK* and luakethemiltfortnar illt lit fortnst'iage for mar'iage out pain. nsivouseyatow, 'iic., prfiuansntiy thatternabiedisease, in in all all life. * It# It# lorin? lorin? » Woo'* h lift mi SKEsr ^ and stages, cured ■* for 9 boea,‘Gleet Skin Diseases, agd ail forms Ulcers, cf i iweUhtge. -Dec Soros , ft M w ( See book -cured fn^ €nm dey« prt v g;<* asrs,: m a • ULr^VRi*- « ts Oi’ed. We guarantee ^nnliaciaA. tbeeffc.’ts book and 5s?fla,r?s, .rtissss?. ____ ioflnin »rap; cure, sent sled er Frsr Museum wltv. V#RTth**ruatI»w. uo a trut aTLAf-TA Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today and purchase a dollar bottle, arid If you can honestly say, that you did not reeoivo any benefits from it after using the entire bottle, tin. drug¬ gist will refund your money to you without question or delay We will pay the druggist rme prico of the bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the largo bottle only and to but one in a family. We could not afford t .• take s ten an offer, unless we positively knew • what Kcdol will do fo; you. It would bankrupt us. , Thedollar bottlooomai >s2h times as much as the fifty cent bottle. i Ifodol Is made at the laboratories of E. C. UeWitt &. Co., Chicago.