The Ellijay times. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, December 06, 1911, Image 1

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THE ELLIJAY • VOI.. XIII Loc&l News ‘The love of whisky lias many a strong fellow’to a ful death.” Dr Clarence Cox is now g e U0 ' a ‘ Miss Hattie Fain was in the Tuesday. j. H. Hollificld calldd to see lastweek. Z. T. Flanigan gave us a Saturday. See notice of Tax Colloctor ley in this issue. Joseph and Wesley * Legg visited the city this. week. J. . S. Smith, c . . of . Boardlowu, „ ,, here . the .. first „ of ... the week. . Harlan Rogers, of East Ellijay, has moved back to Mouutaintown. If you need a subsoiler we have M. J. VVbbb & Co. Ben n Sitten and j i, B. P. r. Burgess, of Tatis Creek, , had . , , business . here , Friday. T. Y. Peulaad and L. Ballew, of Roosevelt, were here bu business Monday. Examine our Vulcan Plows both one and two horse turners. M. J. Wei»b & Co. Misses Alma and Mary Ballew, of Roosevelt, were shopping in our city Friday. We notice Of. B. J. W» Graham, of the Index, is to visit the HoF Land the coming spring. “He that is surety for a strangd s’ all smart for it, and he that ha teth suretiship is sure.” Rev. A. Manes and family arrived to take charge of the field ofthe Mothodiit Church South. i Wc Vaveftwin* mv two nqrse wagons for sale for cash or g00d note. M. ,T. Webb & Co. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORI A Notice. I will be in Ellijay from the loth to 20th of this month for the pur p >se of collecting taxes for the year 1911. \V. E. Raoklev, T. C. Bju, Mack, who have been visiting relatives and friends in the city, re¬ turned to their home in Atlanta Sunday. Go to >T. L. andG B. Bros , to do your Xmas shopping. They have water sets, all kinds of pretty dishes, books, jxisl: card al¬ bums and many other articles that are useful as well as pretty. Mr Hansel Jones died at his home a few miles from Ellijay at 0 o’clock Monday morning, after a few days illness of pneumonia. He was ono of Gilmer’s substantial zeus and will be greatly missed in his community. Mrs. David Rogers, of Ollic, was called to answer tlie last roll call last week. We arc not in posses ... facta to , stated, but that is sufficient that The residence of J, L. Ilamby, near the Baptist church caught Friday morning about 9:30 o’clock, burned the roof considerably the bucket brigade could guish it. The fire is supposed have originated from the kitchen stove flue. Mr. Thomas Parks, of who wuo owns own. proparty proprvy m in our our u»ui»y Was hero » few days lust week. are glad to have such men as Parks to invest in Gilmer’s Like hundreds of others lie had put his name on our list, paying a vcai in '*’«*•* Tim Thanksgiving sor*ice at Bslitiet church Thursday W.« well attended and Hindi derived thurufrom. Owing k» vnidabto hinderaiiCM some were pment and the collection was »r tnticll as was oxjmh'UmI but (lie promiMofy part is coIIuoUk] will kisYM tweivs dollar, aud a Gecfrgia Baptist Convention. Full proceedings of the Annual Georgia Baptist tion at Rome are in the Index j November 30. If you do not • this * . valuable * i j paper borrow it 'vour neighbor and get a glimpse ! what the Baptist of Georgia j done, the coming what they are Just expected here let to : year. have an extract irom Dr. J. | Bennett’s report: * ‘How many Indexes in t in Georgia? Just a mere i compared to what ought to be. stea <i o£ jo,000 there ought to j 30,000. need not Under wonder these that there is j we : group of 1,000 churches, inud numbers, that nothing „ . to , .State Missions. ... . Anoth- . ' ° er group of , 1,000 . churches , t contribute nothing to Home : slons? auc i s tiH another group of 1,000 that contribute nothing to Foreign Missions. What incentive or or inspiruuon inspiration have nave they ui to give when , all that they . . hear or read in many instances in regard to the work is an overwrought, misleading cunningly devised arraignment of the Boards, in which they are pict¬ ured as vampires, drawing from the body denominational its life-giving blood, which hitherto had “run warm and unruffled through the Veins created for nobler purposes. j He Also Says “Help Those Women." f Every pastor and church in Geor L encourage the work of _TJ ' organ! za¬ pping the marvelous .irche have pnization of a I nary Society j among if As an evi Uence of the aggressive way in which (the women of Georgia ( hare laid | the m j 88 on problem, we ^ the five years agQ they gaye ! $20,000, while this year they round ! ed up the princely sum of $70,000. Brethren, “help those women.’ Resolutions of W. B. M. S. Dr. B. J. W» Graham I his resignation as pastor Jay church. Havihgbeen L inspiration in our Christian work organizing our society, bear : ing with ■ our short comings with much patience, giviug us strength in our weakness and pointing us to Of work by which we could do something for our Masters cause. Having come to ns, through much j self sacrifice, though the ninety and nine be safe in the fold, his sympathetic heart went out ' for the sheep that were lost. There* fore be it-Resolved: 1. That our Womans Baptist Missionary Society and church as Well in the resignation of our be loved Pastor sustain an loss. 2. That we entreat our Pastor to withdraw hi* reignatiou and take k' - 9 pl^ r -------o e a S a ' n as om ’ under shop j herd^fet follow we may not voice of strangers. 8. Tllttt we have given this our prayerful consideration and trust the “One that tempers the wind to the shorn lamb” to give us guidance i|lthiliMtremohom . o(Mrf . Aud ... j The Ellijay Times for publication, j Adopted by the W. B» M. ; November 28, 1911. ! Mrs. Mary Kjshkb. Mbs. Eli.a Fowi.kb. Miss JIakv Tankbbslkv. j Cummittee. I Electioa of Officers. l’lic following offiers were elected ‘ « r w t , mii by the Masonic ) j' j Co , c w M j i.. j ’ y \y \y ji p ft rk» J W L * V«in<U**tcr Secy W | KhcWIvv ' Tress T T I’arks, ^ u u ring th c meeting a rocM1 j given and the ; of the Eastern .Star served the tiemeti with delicious refrcrlnnonts Rl | ^\ For luSants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boar# tho biguatur* of ....... "LABOR OMNIA ^tXOIT IMPROBUS.” KIjT.I I.VY: GA., WEHp^DAV, IJEC* G, 1911. Death of Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Charme Brown of Rev. and Mrs. W. j Brown, of Cincinnati, and wife ; William H. Shippen, president | Shippen ‘ Brothers Lumber panv, of this city, died at her at Kenuctt Knob Thursday ( ing at 2 o’clock after a short illuess. Mrs Shipped was a noted Cin jcinnati beauty and an honor gradu i ate of Wesleyan college. Gifted in | music, art, literature and the class > ies, her personal magnetism, sweet ness of dispositson and remarkable character endeared her lastingly to all who knew her. She was vice president of Ninth District Georgia Federation of Women’s Ciubs, president and founder of the Ellijay chapter, Daughters of the American Revo¬ lution, and president and founder of the Ellijay Women’s Club. She was a sincere worker in all charities, botli private and public. She was an official and consistant member of the District of Ellijay Methodist Episcopal church. On the wings of the beginning Thanksgiving morning the gentle and lovable Christian spirit wended its flight back to God, who had loaned it to US, to set an example before us, of Christian fortitude and unselfishness. It is unnecessary to speak of her work here as the poor and the afflicted knew it most and the well-to-to never iaeked for a kindly word, or deed, when it was needed. Her Mother, Mrs. M. McClellan Brown, of Cincinnati, and her children from Agnes Scott college were at her bedside during the last day of her illness. The funeral services held home by the kev. Dr. R. H. R'/ob, assisted by Rev. Ben Allen, of the JVI. E. Church, wore simple, tonoh mg and impressive, . A very lavgu j attendance how the community at the services revered showed her. The volunteer pall bearers gently and tenderly conveyed the cdsket from the home to the depot, from whence most of the two families followed the remains to ciucinnati. The last services and sad rites .were held at St. Pauls Af. E. Church, at 1 p. m. Saturday being attended by a host of friends and all members of the family able to reach there, after which she was tenderly lain to rest in a stone vault in Spring Grove Cemetery beneath and surrounded by many beautiful floral tributes. lhose f^om Atlanta who attended the funeral heae were: Mrs. Charles T. Hopkins, Miss Nancy Hopkins, fo r . Huge M. Willett, Miss Young, principal of Agnes Scott college and Miss Mary Powell a student of the academy, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Field, of Marietta, Long will her spirit of charity love and kindness linger, in the | minds and hearts of all who knew i i K * r . j jfi she daughters daughters leaves besides and her husband, ve ana one one son, son, j father and mother, three brothers and two sisters. A Friend. | _______ | While ninny beautiful and de i serving tributes are said in memory j 0 f our j L *ar friend, Mrs. Shippen, lo t be will, pfofoend ccrro* .. j-mj a j| tI iohc years the friendship |, as grown sti'ortger and stronger i until her retfioVal seems to almost snap the very heart strings, to give i tip such a true, generous, Ithetie friend. Her beauty of I souality was far eclipsed by the beauty und purity of soul she eessud. In all perplexing she "’) v was ready ... to ......I*” stand for 14 " the right, She was always reaching out a hand to the most needy 'destituteof humanity «hc not 1>ut 1>er lmu<1 t0 tbc wo,k but ^ 0 extern to M tit , Wu11 grft ' , # stru . . rtm,,V 0, ) , ‘ Hympathy how mtf ileinls to Providence an aching beuft. E AHie Harper, of Ho^itc 1, | Monday in the city. Don’t forget to g0 to Sundity at 2;3u and hear Goo. A. Draper’!' lecture on “Where are '*lie Dead.” Tite lecture is free. Children Cry for Fletcher’s • | I The Kind Y ays Bought, and which has been in use fo: ■ars, has fooblie the Signature of ad ha* been tnade under his per¬ sonal Supervision since It* infancy. Allow lio one to deceive y<ju in this. All Ckmnte^feitsi imitations dnd “ Just-as-good ” ure but Experiments flint Children—Experience tHfle with and endahgep the Experiment* health of Infants and against What Is CASTOR IA It is pleasatat. 16 ______________ __, _____,_____ j»or other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys WormS and allays FeverisftflCSs. For more than thirty years it haS been iil constant Use fof the belief of Troubles Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind regulates Colie, all til# Teething Stomach Bowels, and Diarrhoea. It anu (ft assimilates the Pood, giving healthy and natural sleep. The ChUdfdn’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, GENUINE c ASTORIA ALWAYS |Bears the Signature of TJie Kini You Have Always Bought In Use Pdr Over 30 Years rut rtr.TtUH COMPANY. 77 MONBAY »TNEET. WW YORK CITY. Instit l 4 News. welcome so irtpils for the past “ . tain, And . .. few Stephens, -....... Ruth Hoi detr. Kenneth Hipp and Velma Webb made highest marks in an 'iral test of fourth grade class. Melaneis Bearden and Will onell Teem stand highest in last weeks spelling. Benton Greei* m\\de the highest grade in .e„k , S test . , . in the ., th.rd , , K . ' * * . The pupils in the first, a id , third , . , grades, . who , make , one hundred , . on their ,, . dally , ,, written ... , work, put such work in a box and at the end of the week have the pleasure of showing the papers to j any class in school. The fourth j g,. a( ] e examined the papers of last week. 1 A Note of '.Thanks. W. li. Shippen and family j to take this mean#*of expressing : their gfdtitude and thanks to the kind people of Ellijay and Hast El¬ lijay, for the sympathy and aid ex¬ tended them in their recent sad reavement. We thank the pall ! bearers for their gentle tribute and j milcll a pp re ciated courtesy. --------- Sheriff Penhind made a business ' trip to Atlanta to-day. I j ----- 1 — W. B. M. S* I Hubjeet—China, Song. • ! Invocation. Bible Reading-“Isaiah 9:-l-l7; Hymn. 1 Mrs. J. L. Johnson—China in Outline—Sections 1 and 2, Mes sengef, Mrs. N. L. Tankersley—China in Outline—'Sections 8 and 4 Mes * e ,igei‘. >i rH . Moilie Cole—Sections 1 and 2-*Pield. Mrs. Lillie Crawford—Sections j g 4 8(U ] 5_Field. | Baptist « church, December 12, o p Mrs. George Pettit Oos^SS the j Divide. i i .. . ' , | Another home was made sad in 1 Qilmer Coftnty OT1 tlle ,, eaulifnl j sunny day of Tbufiksgivin :. Mrs. old) Pettit was more than 80years 'at her death and was a devoted j member of the Meshodist chnrch.l She was kin to r«8t in tne family cemetory at Cafbcay/ Shf leaves to mourn their loss two sons, three daughters and riiahy t/thdr relatives. ! Hhw It Came About. j On a bright Summer balmy day, j 1*wo travelers met bn the Kings j * highway; Each was journeying front shore to shore . , eir troubles j j j t ,y as , tot t b e Usual “how-do y< 011 - i do”? “put Mister, wont you have a chew’ Though for man it is not fit to ea t But for me it is both, bread and and meat. . Like Mother did take, , ; Eve, man AuJ , 1(J m j Slllv 6 ' For man as I have said, 41 ’ It . neither .. meat , bread is nor Hut makes him spit red. Man is gl'eedy, vain and proud, Chewed it long and very lotftl Until'the worm grew pale and green Hid himself, ashamed to be seen. But as the worm crept si owl* away Me thinks I heard him say '‘For man it’s neither sweet norj bitter. But when lie spits upon the groun# It looks something like a flitter. In the month ’tis a night. Like a ghost upon a moonless night.’’ . Now most everyone you uiett Thinks it is a generous. Fot he smacks Oh me! it must) For he be oliews good, like chewing | a cow lief cud. Mitn soon found ft would not do to sup So be began t%np it up. He throws it up He smokes it up, He chews it up, He «I>its it up, He lips it up, Most anyway to get it up. T. P. f, Saved His Wift" Life “My wife would have been in her grave to-day*” writes O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala , “if it hud not been for Dr fling’s New She was down in her j bed. not able to get nfr without help. She had 2 severe cronchial trouble and a dreadful Cufgrf 1 got her bottle of Dr. King's New ' a Discoverv, and she soon begun to | mend, and Was well in a sIkiV t * mp> Inta.lihle for coughs and co,ds * its the mo3t reliabI " re,,u ” d v 011 efirth {ot desperate lung - treuble, hemorrhages, lugrippe, asthma, Imy fever, croup and "'hooping cough. 50c, $1.00. ^ rial bottle free. Guaranteed ty ,7rn ? C >- Legal Advertisements, SHERIFF SALE. County. Will be sold before the court. house door < f the county of Gil¬ mer, in said state, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January, 1912. to the highest bidde” for cash, the following de¬ scribed property to-wit: Town Lot No. 8 in block 2 of the Tabor addition to the city of Ellijay. and being a part, of origi¬ nal Land Lot No. G2 in the 11th district and second section of said c unity Levied on and to be sold m the property ol Os McDaniel, defendant in ti fa. Said lot t’ac ing fifty feet front on Dodge street and running back to the creek. Levy made by me and the defend ant notified in terms of the law. This November the Uth , 1911. J. IT. PknuanD, Sheri If. CITATION. GEORGIA—Giimer County. Mrs. B. V. Derden, Widow of A J. Derden, late of said county deceased, has appl'ed co the un¬ dersigned for twelve monthjs sup¬ port, for herself and minor chil¬ dren out of the estate of taid de¬ ceased, ulid appraisers appointed have made their return. I will pass upon said application at the next regular term jf this court, on the first Monday in January 1012. This is to cite all persons ested, if any. why at the said term of court the said petition should not be granted* This December 4th, 1911. T. H. Ta*or, Ordinary. vfromt^Factorj' WjTsell aired- ^ SINGLE STRAP Track Harness This is the most perfect ami serticcteb'e set ol It Harness is made to in be imitation bought tiny where Rubber for mounting, the price with Kay Saddle c,nd Griffith Belly Baud; has solid wave turnback- Lines flat all black with spring billets. Every part strone and well made, vVe want to satisfy yoti that we can save you money by ordering from us. W c Will send Auy of our g6dda on approval, undet guarantee. "We manufacture Harness orfly and sell a better quality of material than the ordinary* dealer Write direct to our factory ffhcl save money. UNITED STATES HARNESS CO.# Statewide, B. C. A WISE oLD oWL Said Shiftless Sam : “tfc is easy enough to make mon¬ ey jf you baVe money to make it With, f see chances every day to tmili'3 money if I only had a little to start with, b a fellow that has 1*0 capital deesh’t have a fair shake h world.” baid the Wise Old Owl: “Yoti neve# will have a until you start. 8top yonf spending and try sa Pinch out a little of your earning and start a bank acco no matter how small. Add to it< The longer you yott j 'ti o/Ftbe fongeropportunitv willgive toiitlie cold shoulder. Which one was right, Sam or the Owl? Four per cent interest on paid time deposits GILMER COUNTY RANK ELLIJAY, GEORGIA. icie sanOMt 5 itaroid Boolini ph of the Plant Industry f cild agton, D. C. Itis located lathe _ ____ and is cowered with PAROIB ROOFING. The Gove: licaxt of the PAkOlD city warefconses,etc. RAROID iment also n&cs for stables, barracks, It uses because it firic 1 .'*' ••othir.g as economical. » RAROIEi outbiiilflings, is the ideal etc. roofnSg .Equally for bams, valuable stables, for roofing sheds, poultry skiing., Itis warehouses, lay. fs *nd cinder proof, elate color, or contains permanent, is easy to 6p3rk as tar, does not crack, ar.d uocs not rurf in surntcef. What is good for the Government will be equally gtr. 1 for you. Call for free samples of PAROIO and see just what ;; is. BcCK ef tip. to*4at*Toultry m ad Vasm Building plans free tot the asking, M. J. WEB & CO. 5io* WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE toERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic¬ tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence ol an authoritative library. Covers every field ox knowl¬ edge. An Encyclopedia single book. The Only Divided Dictionary wj New Page. 400,000 Words, 27, 6000 Illustrations .'( half a million doll: Let US tell you abo remarkable single pnf>Er~uadi willj we I eend free I a set of Pocket I Maps m 'G. ft C. HoriiaCt. Springfield, Mill, jjj^j IE SHOT SH’ Th&e tte the interstate! shells t won every for the bwtywo y-nrr. 5 *9 Better pattern, better penetra tkio, greater t Velocity for same load The ihell it stronger, turn, safer I For all shotguns. F emfng ton: shdoting combination. Rdthidgton Arm*-Union Metallic Cartridge 299 B’w»y. Co. Kite Ydrk City i ’ | J j « • [ Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CAStORlA