The Ellijay times. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, September 11, 1912, Image 1

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ELLUAY TIMES VOL. XIII Locsi3 News See our new curtain goods. M. J. Webb & Co Most of the public; schools closed Friday. O. A. Newberry, gave us a call Monday. Gordon Uoblewas here Monday on business. See our new neckwear. M. J. Webb «fc Co. Mi'H Miss Afvrtle Myrtle McHan MoH „ Jett uft T day for Bessie Tift college. Dc r , Bill Biaoley, ,, and , his , • guest, . Pr. Santiago Pamello, of Spain, were iu the city Monday. Gingham- madras and percales the prettiest. M. J. Webb & Co. T. L. Webb was in Atlanta first of the week. ... M,sb „ Bernice • m Teem left , .. Tuesday ~ , for Bessie Tift ccllege. A full line of winter underwear and hosiery. M. J, Webb & Co. Miss Willie Carmichael, after spending sometime here, returned to Atlanta Saturday. ; Webb shave a pret'y line of dress trimmings. Misses May and Minnie Davis are the guests of their cousin Mrs. R. E. Smith of this place. Shirt waists and stylish dress skirts at Webb’s. Misses Roma P'etumons, Lola Swann and Winnifred Hudson, left Mouduy for GL N N. I. college. Fleisber’s Shetland Floss and embroidery cotton. M. .t. -Webb & Co In a trade always try to arrange to have the other in t# make the proposition. Tbwti yjmr arc iip position to say “ves” or “no.” Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AST° R I A FOR SALE—One good six years old mule. For furth r particu¬ lars address, J. S. Hudson, Oak Hill, Ga. Miss Ida Simmons, who has been assisting Prot. .lames in Mountaiutown school, returned to her home at Cartecay Saturday. Miss Florence Simmons pur¬ chased a nice new up-to-date line of dry goods in Atlanta last week for the firm of M. J. Webb & Co. Weston Holloway) who was op¬ erated on iu Atlanta at the Davis & Fisher sanitarium a few days ago, returned to his home last ■ Week. At the meeting of the Womans Club of Ell.jay, September 6 , a resolution was passed to have the first Monday in each in -nth clean mg up day. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA “You cannot be arrested for asking, but you can be for making statements. In writing letters ask questions. Let the other man explain. ” Invitations are being sent out to the maniage of Miss Annie Bell Morris, of Jasper, to Mr. Charlie Abb Webb, of Eilijay. The wedding will be September the 22, 11:30 a. ni. at the home of the brides parents. The out-of-town brethren attend¬ ing the Masonic Fraternity Friday evening were: J. L. Parks, L. L. Hill. J. A Parks, L. M. Withrow, G. M. Parks, A. J. Cole, T. T. Parks, W. E. Rackley, H. Har¬ per, J. J. Withrow, J. W. Goble, W. M. Parks, R. P. Parks, L. M. Long . CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Colquitt Tajersley th^only* Hurt In Colquitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Tankefsley, lies seiiously if not. fatally ill with j fractured skull at Ogden, He was hurt in a railroad wreck j August 31, lay unconscious for eight days. An operation was performed on the 7. since, he has been rational some of the time, H. L. Patterson was tendered j the Judgeship of tue Blue Ridge Circuit by the state committee >» Atlanta last week. --- - - I Ladies who are nervous, weak ■ diaC0Uraged from loilR 9 ° ilmeilto in thp generative or ganism will find relief . and , the . gpeedy restoration of health and strength in DR. SIM MON, S SQUAW ______ VINE _____ WINE. It is a w ^na »,8 medicine. It quiets in Humiliation, eaees pain and puts tha body in flno vigorouscondtioii ,,* p,j ce ttle . goU bj . Cole Drug Co. Two Schools Picnic. We are requested to announce that Miss Nona Payne, who is teaching at Liberty four miles south town and Mr. N. F. Parks, who is teaching seven miles south of ^ 0 wn will combine their schools and have a picnic next Friday, Septem¬ ber 18th. at the Foote old place five miles south of Ellilay. Every¬ body invited. Better go if you want to have a good time. ----- L -- 5 The Men Who Succeed. as heads grea^ of large enterprises are men of euergy. Success, to-day, demand^ 'health. To ull is to fail. Its tttfter folly for a nun to endure a weak, run-down, half alive condition when Electric Bitters will put him right on his feet in short order, ,,Four bottles did me aiojW real good than any •»- medicine •*!,/. *, 1 ever I took, „ writes Chas. B. Allen, Syivania, Ga. ‘After years of suffering with rheumatism, liver trouble, stom¬ ach clisordes and deranged kidneys, I airt again, thanks to Electric Bitters, sound and well. Try them. Only 50 cents a Cole Diug On Notice, WANTED—Three hundred cords of dead chestnut wood. Same specifications as heretofore. Will pay $3.50 per cord for dead wood and 14.00 for green pealed wood. M. J. Webb & Co. Notice I want 500 bushels old fashion peach seeds, will pay fifty .and sixty cents for them. They must be dry. J. O. IIipp. Miss Mattie Foster visited our office Tuesday, Mjgs Wi]!ie#ill( , oll is fcbe guest of friendg iu Nevmau . Miss Haley Holt was shopping i:i our city this week. Some important items an- crowded out this week. Miss Pearl Holden is relatives in Gordon county. Miss Lula Holt, of Atlanta, 1S visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. b. P. Holt at \\ lute at . «. How's This? ward We offer^One for any case Hundred^Dofiars of Catarrh that Me cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. 3 . CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. national bank OF commerce, Toledo, o. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price lb cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation, FOR SALE One five room house and lot in Eilijay. Chas. C. Poii dexter. Mrs, Gartrell, of White Stone, (spent a few hours here Monday. Misses Annie ^Belle and Kate Simmons, of Jasper, are the guests oi Miss Ethel Cobb this week. “IjAboh omnia vinoit IMPHOBUS.’ KLLI.LVY: OA., WEDNESDAY, SgPl’. 11, 191 2. | |(| Jf ffl MRUS Slf SIMM SIfilTS KIBE ffHSI j j ; j , No more, periiaps, within the life of the youngest present generation, j will the Georgia state house have so j numerous a visitation of so strange ■a citizenry as filled its corridors , Wedncs day ftnd Thuraday while tUe j gt le waB on betwoon the frienda j of one man and those of another j i to The win north an office. Georgia mountaineers Were here in force th «“. the back mouutama of Gilmer county— from Cherry Log district, and Car¬ tecay, and Mountaiutown, and Coosawattee. and Tickanetley, and other districts that know as little of the outside world as the world knows of them. They were engaged iu their most engrossing game of politics They were playing it as earnestly as they always do—as though it meant meat and bread and shelter to each of them, instead of a judgeship for some man of their acquaintance. They were pitted one against the other, and their fighting qualities were aroused. The contest had be¬ come a matter of absorbing person¬ al interest to all of them. They take their politics seriously—almost as seriously as the more pious among them take their religion—do these north Georgia mountaineers, whose community topics are few. Three or four hundred of them were here. When they were herd¬ ed together in the capitol, it looked as though the voting strength of the county had moved down to the city en masse. It seemed as if a ballot box might have neen placed some where in the corridor and the whole disputed primary tried over again. They wqre quartered like pretentious soldiers, at a ooifpie of the less'. hotels of tdo city. They ate bana nas andhbther city delicacies when they felt hungry. Doubtless they astonished the women folks with their appetites when they got back home and found her substantial meals awaiting them on the table. No foreign type showed among them. They were old-fashioned Americans, born and bred in pure Anglo-Saxon strain for generations. SAW MANY STRANGE SIGHTS. - Some of them had never seen a railroad before they started on the j trip to Atlanta—this, on the word of one among.them, one who knows tliem and loves their kind. Many had never ridden on a train before Few had ever seen their state’s itol before. Gas and electricity and steam engines and automobiles and telephoncs. and the other places of modern life, were strauge uud new to the majority of yet they showed little interest, surprise, no wonder. Because was bred in them, they were and reserved. They took ail things outwardly at least, as a matter course. ^ As the Mongolians of the north a |- e fighting blood of China, so these mountaineers are the fighting blood of the American nation, They arc the reserves—fearless, straight-shooting, unconsciously fatrt{ists . They war quietly among themselveg _ Yet they mild j aud quite harmless, and are kind I hearted. There are no “Gyp the i Blood ’ types among them; but New York’s worst gun would show the yellow streak before these moun taineers would feel a tremor of To them the contest before the statc cxecutivo committee was an “speakin.” The. talk of J votes and candidates was music to ; their ears. The sight of big law yers, “colonels by right of „ profes- „ . they . all „ believe, . locking SlOU US horns over the intricacies of politi¬ cal combat, was thrilling to them. True, they were a little confused by the state committee’s strange ten¬ dency to interpret some new differ¬ ence between Republicans and Dem oerats—terms which do not neees - sarily stand for atjrtract principles, to their way of thinking but rather for candidates and personalities; but they put it down to ignorance of the real state of affairs. And probably they were right. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Hi The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been iu use for over 30 years* has fecruo the signature of i and has been made under his per¬ sonal supervision since its infancy. <s. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and and “ Just-as-good“’ are but Experiments that trifle with endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTOR!A Castorria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare¬ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevei Islmess. For more than thirty years it has been in con want use for the relief of Constipation* Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates Children’s the Food, Panacea—The giving healthy Mother’s and Firiend. natural sleep* The GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS JlSears 8 the Signature of The ILMm Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years > THE CENTAOJt COMPANY. 7T MUBSA Y BTnCET, NEW V OCK CITY . have been Republicans among them from time immemorial, because their forefathers werwRepublicans by right of iuheritaij<& from the other mountain parties, of the south, and the rigors of coiist*'uction days did net touch them Oi give them the common politic^* bond that binds th,e lowlandearai They have voted for state house ■ officers time artf'B, Ume, quite j choosing the candidate whose name sounded best, in order that they might also cast their ballots for their friends and neighbors who were running for sheriff or clerk of the court or other local offices MADE THEMSELVES AT HOME. For two days they* were at home in their capitol building, occasion¬ ally making themselves quite com. fortaMe in the offices of men whom they helped to elect, but whom they did not know by title or name, One of them took possession of the private office of the raikoad com mission chairman, Thu^ay, while the chairman was away at hlnch. And the commissioner found him there, and the door closed—snoring peacefully, with his feet on the offi cial desk He was not at all em¬ burrassed when the smiling chair man waked him and asked him, “Is there anything t can do to serve The committee was scandalized, Wednesday, when the mountaineers lifted the ceiling of the sen ate chamber With their cheers for one of them who vindicated their educational standard by signing his name at a challenge to do so. The committee put ’em out bodily and shut the doors cn them. Again, Thursday afternoon, when the word was passeed by pickets that “Patterson wins!” they made the capitol echo with their shouts. Austere justices of the high court jumpted in their chairs at the alarm and rushed to their dooi - 3 . The j whole state house force turned out to hear what had happened, and smiled as the turbulent and happy mob swept past them to the exits. From now henceforth there will be interesting stories banded around through the mountains of Gilmer about “the contest in Atlanta.— Atlanta Journal. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CAB T'O R I A FOR SALE—A thoroughbred Jer- 1 sey cow, five years old. She | brought a calf a month ago and is doing well. 1 ( you want a real bargain in a good cow. cal! on or address the undersigned, j W. B. James, i 0ak Hill, Ga For Ordinary, W. A. COX For Clerk Superior Court, J. P. COBB For Sheriff, j. IL. I’ENLAND For Tax Collector, W. E. RACKLEY For Tax Receiver, j. tli RAT For Treasurer, J. L. PARKS For Surveyor, P. G. HYATT For Coroner, JOHN HUNNJCUTT KILLtheCOUGH |AND£USmTHEyyjK$ wsDRJSSIS! "CSS I AND AIL MAT AND LUNG TROUBLES \Gi/AMN7££D L SAT/SFACTOflV* Off /VOA/SY REri/MO/zQ. Expert Medical Scientists An¬ nounce Startling results Obtained SfiijGne York:—Thousand New are tak advantaged theg«merou 3 offer made bv The Woodworth Oo, Dept O 11G1 Broadway, New York City, requesting an experimental pack¬ age of Senpine, Hay the greatdiscovery for Asthma. Fever, Bronchitis and Catarrh, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for it. It is curing thousands of the most, stubborn cases. It makes no difference hew long you have been suffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you live, Sen pine will cure yen. If you have experimented with other treatments and have failed to find a cure do not be discouraged but send f r a trial of this won¬ derful truly meritous remedy which is a scientific Professor compound discovered by a of Vienna University, and is being recommended by thousands. Free rtcrv ! copyn ; fhw, etc., , N ALL COUNTRIES. A Uuttiftgss direct ‘seith Washington saves time | Tiionei and Jfttd often InfrtegBnient the patent. Practice Exclusively. 1 Patdn? \Vrit*; «r romo tu us «.t | 523 Kintli Gtrcat, WASHINGTON, "fpp. United States Patent Office, D. C. CASTOaiA. Voii gears the ygfiw Raid Have Always BfflglU A proclamation Submitting a proposed amend¬ ment tti the Constitution of the State of Georgia, to be voted on at the general State election to be held on Wednesday, October 2, 1012 , said amendment relating to the borrowing power of the Gov¬ ernor. By His Excellency Joseph M. Brown, Governor. State of Gkokuia, EXECUTIVE DEPAKTMENT, Atlanta, Ga., July 29,1912. Whereas, the general Assembly at iff* session m 1911 proposed an amendment to the Constitution of this State as set forth in an Act approved August Iff, 1911, to-witi An Act proposing an eniend ment to the third Section of the seventh Article of the Constitu¬ tion by striking therefrom the words ‘ ‘ Casual Deficiencies of Revenue” and substituting there¬ for the woius “such temporary deficit as may exist in the Treas¬ ury in any year from necessary delay in collecting the taxes of the year;” and by striking the words “Two Hundred Thousand Dollars” and substituting in lieu thereof “Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, and any loan made for this pnr poseAhall be repaid out of the taxes 1 -vied for the year in which the loan is made.” SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that it shall be and is hereby proposed amend the Constitution of Geor¬ gia in the third Section the seventh Article so as to strike from Paragraph one the words ‘Casual deficiencies of Revenue” and substituting in lieu thereof the words, “such temporary de¬ ficit as may exist in the Treasury in any year from necessary delay in collecting the taxes of that year,” and further striking from said Sec¬ tion the words “'too ‘'too Hundred Hundred iOUsHPst(?ilars” aflit sutvuentuig in lieu thereof, “Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, and any loan made for this purpose shall be re¬ paid out of the taxes levied for the year in which the loan is made,” so that the first Paragraph of said Section when amended shall read as follows: “No debt shall be con¬ tracted by or on behalf of the State, except to supply such temporary deficit as may exist in the Treasury in any year from necessary delay in collecting the taxes of that year, to repel invasion, suppress insurrec¬ tion, and defend the State in time of war, or to pay the existing pub¬ lic debt; but the debt created to supply deficiencies in revenue shall not exceed, in the aggregate, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, alidany loan made for this purpose shall he repaid out of the taxes levied for the year in which the loan is made.” SECTION 2. Be it further en¬ acted, That whenever the above proposed amendment to the Consti¬ tution shall bo agreed to by two thirds of the members elected to each of the two Houses of the Gen¬ eral Assemply and the same has been entered upon their Journals with tiie ayes and nays taken there¬ on, the Governor shall cause said amendment to be published in at lBUbL least two IWU newspapers IlUVV 5 |)itUUlft in 111 t'ULU eacli Con- VyDll* gressional District in this State for the period of two months next pre¬ ceding the time of holding the next general election. SECTION 3. Be it further en¬ acted, That the above prop o s ed amendment shall be submitted for ratification or rejection to the electors of this State at the next general election to be held after publication, as provide! iu the sec¬ ond Section of this Act in the sev¬ eral election districts of this State, at which election every person shall be qualified to vote who is entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have written printed on their ballots the words, “For amendment to Constitution authorizing temporary loans,” and all persons opposed to the adoption of said amendment shall have writ¬ ten or printed on their ballots words, “Against amendment Constitution authorizing loans.” j NO* 48 SECTION 4. Be it further cm* acted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Now, therefore, I, Joseph M. Brown, Governor of said State, do issue this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing pro¬ posed amendment to the Constitu¬ tion is submitted for ratification of rejection to the voters of the State qualified to rote for members of the General Assembly at the general election to be held on Wednesday, Octobers, 1912. Joseph M. Brown, Governor. By the Governor j Philip Ccok, Secretary of State. County Tax Levy For 1512. GEORGIA—-Gilme • County, Gilmer Court of Ordinary, Sep¬ tember adjourned term, 1912. It is ordered by the court sitting for county purposes, That the fol¬ lowing county taxes for the year, 1912, be, and they are hereby, as¬ sessed for the purposes below 1 named, on each one hundred dol¬ lars c.f taxable property, as shown by the tax digest of said county, for said year, to-wit: To pay the legal debts of county, due, past due, 1 find to I eeome due. 07 cents# | To pay expenses of including court bailiffs, riding bailiffs, non-resident, witness fees in criminal cases, jurors etc 10 V To pay sheriffs, jailers, or other officers fe°s that they may be legally enti¬ tled to etc 3 *' To pay any lawful charge against (he county and for fuel, stationary 1 iti— garion and the tike 05 Wo pay expenses incurred" in supporting the poor of the county, and or oth¬ erwise prescribed by the code of Georgia To build and repair tho public buildings of the county I To build and repair the public bridges, of the county, or other pub¬ lic improvements l Making a total of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars of taxa¬ ble property for county taxes for the year 1912. Done in open court. This September 9, 1912. T. H. Tabor, Ordinary. SOUTH Georgia Farms. Almost any size you want and upon terms which will enable the man with small capital to own his farm Convenient to churches, schools and: good soil, good cli¬ mate, good neighbors. Terms: One-eight cash)balanc# in 7 annual payments, with inter¬ est at 7%. For particulars ad¬ dress, Land Department Georgia f Realty ^ Trust ^ Company 1(12 Empire Life Building, ATLANTA GEORGIA. grrTOMBVMiwYBirmHgMMBBgranaaMi 'Electric j Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY,LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. j fee. for I I r'.nrr.ptly obtained or no Write before! onr (CONFIDENTIAL. applying LETTER worth We I for patent; it :s money. g J S obtain and help PATENTS inventors to THAT PAY,] success. .....EDIATEFREE Send model, photo or RS----------- sketch, and we send ABILITY. 20 yeat jus Patent Lawyers, C.l at 605-507, 7ih St., WASHINGTON, 0.