The Ellijay times. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, December 11, 1912, Image 1

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. U*ii- if”H* U - -—• ' n 4 ■'ar p fi J n” - ,.- t?! H ^.'trVc im»j £ Hi i ’• JAY L -xk_ l^. JL Jl Local News To Cut* Subscribers. We have had to meet a good deal of expense since, the burnout to ret out any kind of a paper. and not through baying, but trying pay a* we go. Now we are very wiioreciativc to those who have paid •i-eir subscription and kindly ask those who still owe us to do tiu . mine. If a'request yon rediember, vou not seen like this in scv er.i months _______________ W. it. Henson was on our streets Monday Joint E. t> Smith was here Mon day on business. Ml's. Ed Fraily is visiting iela tives in Florida. Mr and Mrs. flood ijimmons were in Atlanta last week. Mrs. F. E. Sliippen spent a few days in Atlanta this week. : I Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Holden Holden arc j spending the winter in Florida. | \V. H. Long, of Clialsworth, was ini.ting with friends here last truck. Thanks to Joint C. Elliott. O’d Fort, Tenn , for Cash on subscrip¬ tion. Rev, Arthur Maness filled his appointment at the M. E. Church | Soutli Sunday, I Wc did not see any house on fire! Sunday nig'.it iuit the shooting was J heard just the same. ‘ Deputy Marshal Woody, of Blue j Ridge, was down the first of the} \v j 11 l»ikiti,' a k ;r Jio b »/s. j *„ Please read , careful!”, . ,, in this ,o is-. - r*. .1. .1.Itomm; ai„.! Orphan's Home Ingathering Day.! The early train passes Eliijay now 0l2T A. M. returns at 8:13 J’. M. This schedule took effect Monday. J; 0, llipp has a nice line of hol- 5 cl Up goods. See them before htiy- j in£, (Advt.) i Cl'ildren Cry J F3R FLtTSilER’S J CASTORIA ; * J T C Duckett T . , and son . owner , Uud b. I). Boatwright, of Route o were wer,. ih m Blue Blue mue Rid Ridge urn..., - ^tar-'av Saturday „atur.m> on! „n ! ‘ be.ti no, 1 Mo:man Jarrelt, son of our fel- i low townsman, D. T. Jarratt. is I spending a few days with his par¬ ents at this place. Tlie election Saturday for Justice of the Peace and Bailiff pasred off quietly. R N. Holden was elected Justice over his opponent lv 1G votes, while T, H. Kell and \V. M ltdgers were elected Bailiffs. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA The entertainment at the M. E. Church S*outli, Sunday evening giv¬ en under the anepices of the W. 0, 'J’. U. was enjoyed by it large crowd, This considering organisation the meleiuent is doing weather. | some good work that time, only, will re Veal. Wc thank those who have re Sjruiuled to our requests to settle tlioir accounts, bill many have done nothing! so it gives us plsastire to llaml their accounts and holes "c-j to the Justice of the Peace for ! lectio m M, ,T, WEBB & GO. j Children Cry I FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA There has bCeu little or no fr-nitioii given trt the l!«s,eU truic that m »o ,t. «y Iota business places of our town and * few houses in . the form o? p. . lar Uncle John HuHmcntt sa J s: ‘'Rusacli has got ahead of th.5 Devil and put out his fire” elanriF there is do Jitll hre. The following were elected and ftpit aip,ii.u.uwim jirted to'fill the offices i.mufc in the Masonie Lodge hero Friday cVening for 1918* Ci G . Cox, W. M .1. L. Hamby, E. W. (J. O: Poindexter, , J. » IV. II. C. Cole, Sec'y. W E. Sack lev, Ties*. T. T. parks, Tyler; P. Fore, Chaplaiiq E. T. Hudson, Sj D. C. A. Gatttf, J. D. Soy Courtesy to the Aged. ! Os tho many mistakes we ; ami probably the mas 1 keenly is the lack of eivilt.y, courtesy reverence for oil men sUwlv alut - our Vhwr tfVU v 13 backend hy age, - « ,rou ! ,,erB ire Wut ™ h ca:< ’ ll,0 - v 1:1 “ m ^ i,re :ire uot :ible to « ra l* P : « uiih r reae,,t thal ...... fro,lt il \ However, the tingy ur the Itair, and tottering sicu tl,um 5 »1™W t! youthful, and no matter what emergency, stop and grasp the of these aged one*, give them !■ that they an; still inembered, they still have a v.i.vm ? iluc0 ,u our lu>,u ts ’ 1)0 not !ect them if th<> v ,vere “old and - only iu the way. City Election. Tlse city elect inn Monday as folli.ivs: Mayor, V. n,c. ii Ai, i ™, J FcnTOd, J fi. Cole, J. W. pey and W. A Kcil. With • - luted the city’s affairs for the past year. Their '1 heir ecnondcal ecnomical feature feature and and the ditrerent improvements plisiied, gave them precedent an other year. Eamousitage Boaaties look With horror Skin Eru,. ‘ tion?, blotches, „, . bores or puaples. lliev don t have , them, , will . nor ,, , . Salve !.( «•. th, «"• Isc.-.ema, or bait, Rheum vanish be foiv it. it enr.-s soro lips, chap- , pod hands, ciiilhlait.R: heals bums cuts and brttisea. ITnequah-d * fur ^ °“' y " 5c ttt C °' ' _ , . , Notice ‘ 4 —\JI !, ' ! i persons indebted . , , to <„ rne ..... i... , « Mwm, Mu;, » ro come and make settlement January 1st. a mu compelled to collect my debts. J. F. BROWN. (Advt,) IVANTED—a blue back Webster’s speller. V/e lost ours in the with various other articles, sonic of which it will he impossible to place, %hc Taukersley and Cole brick buiHliacrs that were recentIv ^ 0 oy urn me lapiuty Owing it P-ireri P^red and and each each oompunr com punt' 1 * will will scon scon he _ doing i _. business , . again. Mr , r , ^qu Wallace is superintending the lav- 5 „» 0 f brick Could Shout for Joy. “I want to thank you fmm tin; bottom of my heart, “wrote ff. ]j. of Lewisbu.'g, W. Va;” for ♦-he wonderful (iouble benefit I got from Electric Bitter--, in me of both a severe case of stum ach tioubie and of rlieuniat-isiu. from which I had been mi helpless sufferer for ten years. suited my case ns though made just for me ” For dysoeosi.i ‘ ‘ digestion, jaundice, and to rid system of kidney poisons cause rheumatism Eieetri” Ui ! tors iia^pu.) equal. Try them. Everv bottle is guaranteed to satisfy, Only 50 cents at Coio Drug C-». (Advt ) ------------------ T. U. Ratcliff was here o:i busi ness the first of the week. Mr. Ratcliff speaks of leaving soon. Y-a K..I trill fidd iii.-i ihe tm. luituttiiq, follmritio- .1 •i-ti. .1 oles at Johnston Bros.. Dishes, Vases, Books of all kinds for old and y‘ung. Rugs, All kinds of candy and Xmas toys, Oranges. Banana”, Apples Fruits and nut3 of kinds, (Advt.) Drives off a Terror The chief executioner ot (loath , , , J ^ A |llld oy ono ot these , maladies no ahmi!d ; , e Jogt iu ; . lkiltg tho ,„. medicine obtainable to drive it C o U iitl«-« thoti-an is have found „ Dr . K[ltgs New Dis ..... Mv husband . believes haVkej.t him from having mouia three or four ’ Mrs. George W. Place, Rawson villoj Yt;“aiid for coughs, . j-- croup ..... we have i ............. never found r .....i its . equal; ’Guaranteed fur all broii af£e:tica-ij Price 30eta. Trial bottle tree at Drug Co. KI.LJL.7AY WEDXESWAY 2PX\ U ^J2. ! 1 A Woasssn Is Wonderfully Constructed Th'i delicate structure cf a woman's 'cody is a source of wonder fe medics! men. So complicates ar; its peri.; only Lhemseives. the most iearnsi are carsljfe of understand¬ ing it. Women <io not know They do know, however, what it means when any cf there delicate parts get weak or disordered. They alor.a know the suffering. tns misery, c - prostrating effect ’.v'nsn the g^perative sysiem becomes irr-.jMisr. The disturbance not only robs them of strength and the enjoyment of health, rut they have work to dc and it must be 4ftne in spite of a body taut is .v -k re d suffering and a. mind that is harassed by the dread of an invalid’s fate. Happily, most cf these ailments of women are curable and one of the most dependable medial cs for the relief of such troubles diseases* isjf.'. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine. It is prepared express'y for the women. It is a successful medicine. Ons that builds up the Nervous System and strengthens and regulates the generative organs. It stops the painful symptoms promptly, tor,?: up the nerves, makes the bod y strong, the digestion good, and restores a feeling of wcuners, of power io perform the household work without fatigue. Ailing ’•omen should try this remedy. It will give them back thp health, strength j and \ igor of girlhood cays. i Said by Druggists and Dealers. Price $1.00 PeY 'cr Pciile. Pc C. P. SiK TONS MEDICINE CO„ ST. LOlilS.'lWlSSetiRJ Mis FOR SALE BY COLE Die va CO. ALclier PwmJ - h Bcanitt ATLANTA, 0A., Lee. 3, 31)12. i MY DE Mi EDITOR. , Vc , iavc ut ^novjl.c, i.»., _u» * ; ■ ohill!r M1 U}t F ,„. wllol ..... , rtP0 , rying t tu ., roviJo food a , u| slu , it(J , ,. tu \ it VV o lack ft’.u.duo of bavin j enough money to pay up oar cur ! rcMt expenses through December : bcsidea l,uviu " sl ! cnt ion : nn enlargmeiH. onbii'rrnioiit Jt i i is i a estimated net notMii that about , -j() cents , will ... take I ■ care ' of all ,, expenses of one orphan lor I r tl ire ,„ 10 j„., „, ,„„ ■ labor , to t lie , home, to give . euomjh , take , of orphan 7 lor ‘ to care one one i j Vv'c have number of frii mis of i. 1. a « \ i„ I, /\ r fin . n I :i r. r our orphanage among your ; to whom we wish to send a message. ; i will greatly appreciate it, tlterc i fore, ’ if you will ‘ publish the ue . . Orphans' Home Ingathering & & j Dav Our Baptist brethren hat> bee i so interested in other matters, that they iuive not given attention to. tho needs of our Orphans’ Home, which the real situation demands. | The home is in need of money for lll:tu:d numin R r cx P eU8C *- U $10,000 to put ns clear on this !account by January 1, 1018, besides * w wo t0 ilie<ifc dsut . , . > Hecc88 « r J r m leurred ' bun-ed ou on imnrovemcnts. improvements. j witness 1 that, lilc B;l tbere^is I ,tists ‘' Ge ° r S il1 to no , I tional work which lias more of ) real spirit of Christ in it than the ’ sac red enterprise of providing ; and shelter and comfort for ! who are fatherless and motherless, ' ;lI ‘d who have no home that th :y ® ail ca! l t he! r own, except that which we furnish them as a deuom ’■nation This is a rail to every friend the orphan in Georgia to rally. On \ December 15th or December let each one of us set apart ono day’s ' labor in rua! money as a -•••{;. ia!, Ghri.amas offering for our natioi -1 children. i Rasters and superintendents to explain to their people and to tiieir j cTinday schools themeauiug of '••in ' gathering Day” and encourage ev | cry one whom they eait influence to j observe it. This is the first urgent j call that has been sent out in the interest of the Orphans’ Home in i over a vein*, and 1 trust tiiat all the • ... . . „ oantists m (sp'irgut . will boon . ■ : bend all money to J. J. Bennett, J°d0 Candler Building, |Ga. : CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. ' i Ths Kina Yes Hsus AJwws Bought i sS j -S«pt, Kmlscn -------- accompanied .the ! Corn Club Boys to Atlanta Ad report a very profitable u».’*x ti-.p. Mr. Hudson ;« is ts a mo * 4'«re m this corn moTC ail(l Prof - T-faulord said i i ’.viriie .... , 1 - • lie had i , ________ more ____■ men in u_ Hate with the energy and cntimsi - asm asm in in this rms line line that that our our superm indent . possesses. ! Mr, and Mrs. James Quarier was j hi to' see us this week and says little daughter Belie -is very Closing Exercises of Eliijay Institute _____ ,3fe * 8R M - l! . ' voc:lll<> C “ U " " H, 1 '“' , Auhur Manes?, | ^ atl0Sial H >’ !nn -By helloed. Piano Soiop-By Edith Cox i'iauo bolo- -Bv Doris McIIan, Biano Trio, f. ■ ^ Laura Kate Waters. Piano . Solo--By , , Ruby Lee leein. Vocal Solo—Bjt Miss Bowden, “Lead Pencils” _ K , Dr . j;„Wn V.n Deventer, Jaenson, . Ga, • p; ;ul0 bolo— V>y Myrtle McHan, NOTICE. Bring all your fur skins of all 1-rinds to '1'. L. V\ ebb and get high¬ est cash prices for same. Don’s be deceived by oilier buyers. T. L. WEBB. (Advt.) /-v y t tt rlome rro- n * Clltj-ch December J5th o ; * t p r n wt ' * A ^ 0,1 S—Open the door for the cliil ! Grayer, I lesson-sunbeam song, Roll oail-Reuding of Minutes. s „_Uv •’> tin* llR ; Tms W ’ Recitation—Bessie Dover, ! !,0K lu ... , U,e , , toJ .. **’ :l |'° ’'P er aUi 5* | motherless- -By nine 1 ' 1 ■ r * s - f ooag, Recitation—Dorothy Hipp, ivucmit ton—Addle !,ett F owler. nec. -.a v ion—.-malt Francis Graw ford. Goacci i. teec !»y Ben ha 1 lipp, Gharm I anxersicy and Andrew ’ Recitation—Ruth Smith, hoc-.iation -Jewci 1 1 ipp, '■ newi r tcee i,y seven girJa, Rcettation—1’eavi Hood, “—B.nton Greer, “—lhursa Waters. —Katie Bearden. ^ong somebody did a guidon deed. Appeal for Grpkaus uladis Icem. Gn’ering, NOTICE. 1 will bo at mv office iu the court house to collect taxes lbtn to 20tli . r !. ., '!j ok closC | n,:i l K '* , , <\ r r 1.. It i. 0. ^ JIT 1 *" " . ' ! " A < ’ It ’* L ** i ■** ‘ • < Advt.) ’ ... lane j special • , offering . t a . a t o Sunday and get a “blue I' v, pinned on you. Special ing for tOrphans’ Home. THE YOFTHkS COMPANION WIXDOWTRAX S PAK ENGY AND CALENDAR FOR Iffld The publishers of The Youth’s »m, -» .l~v. at this , for 19!B, a beautful souvenir. j ve:ir k t:lkes ttl0 BU : QU0 for;!l of a J . * m. ....... t! , , vi „dow or in front of lighted . 11 lamp. r--. Through it the light 9l ; ines a8 through theL tained glass I 0 f a eathedrtil window, ’ softly m. umitxiHng . the . design a figure of j; mtuiuiuu ■ lU t . limn wreathed laden i ui-jc • .1 with .. ini fruits; and »uu clusters all «**» around, i in purple of p-rrnes end "reen fdia»e »s the circle of tile months. It is the most attractive gift ever sent to Companion readers. jURS cure For AH Diseases of STO^f AkCJ'is tg£ Qaict S;;j'?iitCore!«rRs*;. j™, Tka Iic-si fcnic, Csraiif? Lives ?Kidhzts M ache, Bacbfht, Oirziae^, Medicine L.; thc;e £•«» cases. 50c. Caorsafcei ffitt MB1IIITS. Administrators Sale, GEORGIA—'•Gilmer County. Will be sold on tire first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, at the court house in county, pursuant to an order granted by the court of Ordinary for said county, at the term, 1012, as the property of Mrs x. V. S.«.U, decease. of tUc nonbmut part of lot of laud No. 163 in the 11th district and dad section in said county, cd on the north and east by origi* nal lines, on the south by the pub- : road and on the west by conditional land line of E. J . Tull. ! c **' ^ .SS, lw * 1012 . w t Administrator of Mrs. N. V. rolls, deceased. (Advt.) GEORGIA—Gilmer County. j To E. T. Gartrell, .Maud Chester Gartvcll, r,„ciu, C„un!l, Gartrell, Theodore Gartrell Slier* i man Gartrell and l.ncilo Gartrell, i heirs-at-law of Airs Sarah J . Gar. I I trell, deceased: j You are hereby notified that the 1 VVhitestone Marble Company has | tiled a petition in the court, of Or-j dinary, setting forth a bond for ti- \ tie to certain lands belonging to the estate of said deceased ni^le by said deceased to N P. Praft, and! by him transferred to Whitcstono i Marble Company, said petition ol-j leging that said bond has been fill-: Iv complied with by the payment of the purchase money for said land, and praying that tho Administrator of the estate of said deceased exe¬ cute title to syaid land to said White stone Marble Company. Said np plication to make titles will be passed oil by the court on the first Monday in January, 1918, and each :: % any you have, wiiy said titles should not be made, iu accordance with said bond. This 2nd day of De oember, 1912. t’. IL TahUu, Ordinary. (Advt.) NOTICE. OEORGIA-KJilmcr Oouilty. Gilmer Court of Ordinagyi Did comber term 1‘JIS, sitting foi%riuity purposes. 1 " ' .... iVheretiSj at various . times, (U tools belonging to Gilmer county |, ftVe been let out and placed iu tho hands of the Road, Overseers, and road Imnds; when o0 rivi C t money was being used ri.nee tliat that time, time, and and arc are now now ill ui the the different Militia Districts in county. ------ ■■ Io 0!< 0,et ’ A 18 ‘ ili parties whomsoever, having in their possess!'ll any drills, drill liafn inci’s, stone hammers, crow bars, ^novels, mattocks, ... jackserews 1 run.Is scrapes, or other tools, or u->periy. belonging to said county „f Gilmer, bring or send tliein to the blackstnitli shop of Mr. J. F. Brown, Eliijay. Ga. for storage, am report the same to me. on or before , 2-Jlh , cay . of .... Lecember, . !!)I2, ,, , . . in order _... ... that ...... l , may . ..........,..... make a list of ,. r uieiH them and aim turn itiru them tnern over to ...... new Ordinarv, /».. j: ....... as ........i rer. »... ' : .... W ituess official signature and ...' my seal . of . office, tins ... December , 2nd, , , 1912. T. H. TABOR, Ordinary. And Ex off. Clerk of the Court of Ordinarv. (Advt.) SHERIFF SALE Will De sold before the court house door on the first Tnesnay in - January, i next, ......... .dlo, , between , Twenty acres more or loss of lots iand N(«. o and , 2o2 in the Noth a,,d JOtfi i* a,s twct ? of S:iut county 2n i seerion, . bon nded and i the old road top of the . . hill • on thence with the road cast U* the Jrst top ot the Ind, thence sotitn east course to a marked oiack oatc 0n t * Q f the hill, thence east to white wuixe pine pine - stump, stump, thence tneuce • to to a a white wiute • - oak on the bank ..... i.-f.rfi. of the n creek, «, .....i- thence ; across the creek east conise up the I to a chestnut tree on the! conditional vVithrow altd hue A, J. between Cole, ,J. thence L, | with conditional line north to the! line to the earner, thenc c nor,'] with the original line to th® coiidiiinual hi-rncr h-. tween A. J* ( <>it% »/. U »\ ip::* >w, J, u % Parks ami J. J. H. H. Kili. K!1 i *:t..... it. th«u,ec wcs» with coodliiacai line, between L, ithrow ami J. i,. Parks l J*° ^!»*;««*. l ’“Kfroni Levied as riu-’ciurt li:n . v „f Gihnor county, at the vesnbor term of said court, in favor ,,! H. 1 abor, Ordinary, vs. J. I.. SSt tff. „ otiBc .q ,,, „f the law. J. H. Pem.a.vo, Klieriff. (Auvt.) ..... . ........ ^ r- v - a J .THE OK&.Y m’tMt&M Sasiyii KiiSts/J SKSiV! PL.eXSH TO I3©KS?. $ i Iler,Is Everything .ITealabi-. Bttroe, Brils, Sores, ITicem, Pilet, Eczema, § iSSo AT DPj^QJSiSTS. 1 g BIO DEATH TOLL 11TYPHO --— Gesrg.'a Stats S card of Health Urges Action to E: ir.g About its Eli minati on. Atlanta. Oa. — you had to stand in line with 100,000 « ien once each year and draw a ball s,om “ ba S in wbi u aViy o£ tho 000 wcre black ba!l5 , ani! everyone, ' th€Se e b!ae!f black fcaJ!s balls meant meant that t)iat t!)e the man man drawing it bad to stand against wall and be shot. Such a require ment would make the average man pretty uneasy, wouldn’t it? The supposition is as absurd as the proceeding is unnecessary, you say. And yet If you fust call those' ekSS carelessness, Indiireienee, are rer’ion siblo for tho typhoid death toil aver aging about to in every 100,000 oi Georgia's popuietiou; approx, mt-.c 1,500 every year out of her ueaGy 3,000,000 people — a Titanic's death loss every twelve months! Typhoid lover is, perhaps, the most easily provcntr.hie ot the dangerous infectious diseases, says a current btditUn of the Georgia Siato Board or ‘ ,. n ____ . s t of possifcle ,__________ olimioaticn ts, * msu “ uv:i Is found in what foreign nations have al ready accosnpilslied. •>»~>»>niieiu>,i In i» thirtv-thrap. leading Euiopean cities with aggie cats population from'typhoW of 31 ,, „-<«),U00, tau deaths in MO were only (5.5 in iou,0<.u; in fifty American etties of 100,00 or more, wim s ^ -'four" e , ne-iouooo \vLs 25 01 times greater than the pean pean record. record. The Tk. difference lies in the application of preventive iyphoirl fever comes solely from ta ;. ua2 tlie typh'od fern or baccillua uuo tho bouy through tho mouth. ^ rums ^ ov and breed only in b> ujuy. l<wy la-o tiow tJe LO hy me leces of untie, to’ and m way-/are carried the bodies Vk t>e waubed n:io wens or o!- ^nrnLL'or springs or 1 ’an'ri* umir”wVy Vnto i.hac ih.oasti the use ot thm unpare waver a milking; they may -e car v,ea by ides or other insects frcin U«e LOoan.tary closet io food in the kitcu en; tbRy may got n-meted u ilia articles hands ti , 10Ugh handling patkst n-om the room ot the typhoid and thus he ca’-rkiti to tne moatn. These tacts known, prevention ot th*» fdhTfffi d! tYCiWdi and j ; «lit lllli* (2 .. become a maa .......... r j. diligent care anil attention :u me uosuic-n v o - , ’- lcI ‘ of - l the excretions from the human body. Tins is ............ imporUxnt not only where cases ot sicanes.. and death from tjphoid have all acr.iaiiy isted, but in cve:y ^treated case; suen «x cretions must must, be be "treated as ra under unaer suspicion, for persons have )y been known to carry typhoid germs in their systems without experiencing ill effects; likewise, typhoid patients have been known to carry the germs lor weeks and months and even years alter recovery. step The first ar.d most important in prevention is proper sewage d;s po.=-i - and ; .o pretsetien - ot sewage from flies and ewer bachi.carrying j 3se ets Cities and towns should in _ ___________ of' ____________ c“ 8€clia}> these closets should be com structed^an^miua^ned unknown B S Board of Health will be glad lo to fur-1 r.isn upon, application, pirns tor such, sanitary closets and rules tor the safe en ^- 0 f^ „^ly IS^he ^emsef flies, btu he t i, oro screened against ef home everywhere should bo ncrscned against their en ------- tr 7C,KV anc C; -T ------ here >• is , !0 more important iyahoid tiian preventive _ , measu me*- „ screening! e a<m»nst Every' through per son of the place should be req-urtd gicJ might* ^oSstt have" to it it access or might be washed into the drinking Charter. State of Geobkia: Gi inter County. To the Superior Court of Said County. The petition <>f David A. Ritchio Howard W. Showaltet and J. T * - r:l " k , ,, R,tch, . , ‘'« of cv-» Fi,5r,,,t,nt . ’ " x « r e,b «. ^ irgiiiiaj and J. C. Allen of vriinier County, Ge.»rgia, respectfully hows: That tney desire for il 'f ,:iate8 ’_ sncce88or8 :u ‘ <1 ass, «' !s l<i 'J‘*come Mieorporat ‘ 0u t!.e t\uci style of i rth h A11!.It)N L 1 IMBliiR COMPANY.” SECOND: That the term for which thev dotire to become in corporaied is twenty years, with he privilege of rtmow^^Bfik® «*nd of that time. Tlci ital stock of said coni be Fifty Thousand ( Dollars, divided into One LI limited ($100. each. Petitioners, bower ^Tsk tllL privi!ege of incl ' ea8{ng said c!ii,itaIstock , from tiaiR to time ifo a sum not exceeding One Him i d Thousand (.$100,000.00) Dol | lars THIRDi of 1 That the object the proposed incorporation ist pecuniar7 profit and gain to the stockholders, and petitioners pro-* pise to pm kit use. acquire ami hold leal estate us an investment, ; and to lease, improve or sell tho (same; to buy and hold mineral : lands mineral rights, and to j mine and quarry on any land so j bcud; to erect and operate mills and machinery for the manufac t.ure of timber dud lumber and P rotll,cts a,!U {or working minerals, to be driven by steam, waterpower or olectviff.ty, and 10 | s, li a »J market the products th(<rtof . to keep a commissary or general s .ore in . connection with such business, anti to open and construct reads and tramways for the transportation of said products. hOLRTH: The principal : “ irrjrir. - pi iucipa! office at Eliijay, Goor gi a , but petitioners desire tq OX j t .i unr business to adjoining ' and . also , to have , , branch | ofiiees in^r beyond this State, as they timv elect, for the benefit of tll|}ir , I’ctlt-loners ask the privilege of having and using a seal and changing the same ^ ‘ at their p’easurej to elect "luet; from among their etock ; holders, to make by-latvs tint in . with . x, tho laws cf this ..... ^ ra ‘ ° l,,/ _ Jl < 1,0 111 111 1 3 ’ ' * cerpornte nniiie, to niaxefcootracts, ' ,Ul< ’ 1,1 ! uivt ' aa< ei -l oy ,U ‘‘. ‘ XIKI ' < ' 110 c 0r l )01aW d pilti tncli , to 1 ! ' nI, en ■ - private corporations Hr lusiriess purposes tinder the laws of this State. SIXTH: Tnat ten per cent of the said capital stock has been I actually paid in. W herefore • your petitioners pray to be incor ! l wrat ‘-d f,,r tbo tune and with flic * U ^ l )r ' v purpo-es aforesaid. J. C. lYtltionefs’ m M * act por.a ,, lim. .. .od , tin tik’iro , will , ; sell Feather Bed . weighing r .'10 one 15 ^ l|n( , ,,, ,j one pail t pillows w ighingsix j‘unids, ad for $10 , • , , f >>• CoVitig-* < tL ri v%1 ' a ri c ••• ■• •!*• ■ ?■ - ° -• .. ton^ G«. NEW tVithers only. Maot ot the best j\, G. ,, A, . ticking, . • , . If beds mv not oa ad -rtised wo eheerfuily refund yo..r money. Buy from the manufacturer and save half your money. Order to- 5 day. Reference, Bank cf Newton county. Ll ,mu v. Send oe>m your voui orders u.uvu to tu the mo Geo, ^ !a ' DIXIE FEATHER BED CO. COVINGTON, GA. (Advt.) Otvricirort FOR FLETCHER’S OASTOR I A •gar-a.Tj'srsi joasssilisna«rrtar!«*Mii803» |j||l>' r->ni»*sn/n-»r'» 3 p.ia:a SwXSf’ ITifllHiaHH II !f$0&G )li«Va 000 V IS