The Ellijay times. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, July 09, 1913, Image 1

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THE ELLIJAY TIMES m LURK CURE For AC Pist •:.■$ of STOMACH, lirEfi 1 SiDKE 7 $ Local News. » See us for your job work. Judge Cox held Ordinary’s rouri Monday. C H. Foote here front Ranger, C. I'om Mashburn was litre T he first of the week. l} Ben Mt-en was here from f ,, west side Monday. Squire 1.». V. Miller spent pay here on business. John . . f-ore and . of- , ‘ son gave our ftce pleasant , call „ Monday. . a Tint Sellers now occupies the Craigo house on Gilmer st. We We learn learn that that R. R. v . Holden has resigned as city marshal. We regref to learn of the illness of our friend Hugh Edmondson. Kav. Wilsi-y HtM M. appoint inent at the M. E. ( hurch day. A. K. Mulkey, of Snider, has (ho editors thanks for recent fa vors. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S O A e T O R ! A H. \V., of .Fairy, spent the first of the week here with ft rends. We are sorry to note the ill¬ ness of our friend L, M. Long, near town. Mr. 'll,- and Mrs. AT"- L. . h. Bishop n- I lnnM h 7 LaUnne ’ Sundav rf v Mrs. Mattie. Roberts and el il );er b ^K°^,^: he gue5l T of Miat Odessa Tucker, after sper/'i iug several weeks with horncfolks, Mas returned to our city, j / • 1. V t ' Ur, i'.s, kin, Ids - been confined to h r rixun for several days, is out again. Mr. A. P. Jackson, who has If' on spending a few days here with his ftt.iB. 51 y, returned to his homo\in J>aJtou last week. ) Otiildreii Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA Sheriff John B. Dockins, of Claytda, spent the [th here as the guest of his friend J. L. Hamby. Mrs. \V. M. Teem and two children, of Cartersvilie, spent a lev; days here last week with relative,. Misses Myrtle Lott Watsou, ’ I'etulah McManus, and Eleanor Johnson, of Thomson, are visiting Mrs. Arthur Man css. On return ing they will visit Atlanta and Tallulah Falls, The children of the M. E. Church South, the L. T, L. and f.he Band of Mercy will observe ■“Childrens Day " at the church or Wednesday evening July the 9th. Everybody cordially invi¬ ted. Mr. O. R. Ledford, of Deca¬ tur, spent a few days here last week with friends. He was once piincipal of the school at at this pH cc and has many good friends whe at., always delighted to see him. Rev.C.W. Henderson ered two excellent sermons to the people of East Ellijay The citizens of Ellijay are nate in securing thc services of this gifted young man as princi¬ pal ot our school. Collector Hopkins, Taylor and Goble captured a large distilery in the "Bend” last Saturday, destroy¬ ing three thousand gallons of beer and thirty gallons of mountain dew. This was one of tho largest distilcr ios captured in our county in years. “The way or the transgressor is hard.” Mr. Clark Ray, who recently graouated at the N. G. A. Col lege, who has been in Mercer University for several months, speaks of opening a iaw office our midst soon. Mr. Ray ,, _ . is a bright, genial young man and we wish/or him success. DON’T BE A QUITTER. i TO CORN CLUB BOYS: Whatever else ycni may *k>. nr ; fa ‘l *“ do ’ in rc S ard to y°« r acre of corn please be cert am to stay |°n the job until your crop is ished and gathered and nseas , j tired. This is of importa ire to lyOU in sevcral wa >' s ’ U jyou m complete the record j > our year ; s Wlfk and to study thc rc uUs . We often learn as use I fit! lessons from a failure, or a partial failure, as we do from a success. To quit a iob before it is fin ished, . . . merely , , because have , i we not dune . well .. with . . . * 1 as as we i pectwl, has a bad effect upon us. : no matter what our age or sex or employment mav mav l>e. be. Those * no* who persist are the final winners, j k '* oef has acc l uired * hab5t t- hat wi,1 ‘ ' a nd OI1 the j 0 b uot i, j t j s completed. Wo are bound to get much good out of ' the ■ experience and to learn some useful lessons, whether yields be large or small. Lete stay in the game and make show down in the fall, Avo boy fails to do vhts wa. regret for he will miss many interesting things that are being prepared for all those who stay in and make their reports. Parents and ^eachers ene.iur age and assist the boys with their crops and reports. It will require but little of your time nd may be the turning point in LhC b ° yS CareCr ‘ Es P ^ c ‘‘ a H y should the boy whose crop has in some way have sym pathetic encouragement. him in heart and in lire till his final report is made and you will do him a service of great it will make you feel j V • J. S. HUDSON, Superintendent. Wji. BRADFORD, Corn Club Agent. W>,„ y™ with your stomach or chronic const rip ation, don’t imagine that your case is bey end help just because your doctor fails to give yon relief. Mrs. G. Steugle, Paiufield, N. J, writes. “For over a month past 1 have been troubled with mystoin ach Everything I ate upset it One ot Chamberlain advortisuig oookteta came to Alter reading a lew of the letters trom , people 1 wlio 1 l.aa 1 i 1 been enn-d 1 iy , 1am erlain s n i e«s, Jc to try taem I have taken ,1 ? a !’ l y thfee-tourths ot a package 01 them, and can now eafcv almost everything that I want. For sale by all dealers. Advt. PHOTOGRAPHERS NOTICE, I will be at Mr. Pink N. John¬ son’s store on Route i, Friday and Saturday July 1Pth and 19th, at Roy postoffice on Friday evening and Saturday July n5th and 26th fully prepared to make all kinds of pictures from and including post caads to large family groups. See specimens of work as. above places. Respectfully, CHARLIE HIX. Advt. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yau Save Aisays bought Bears tho i Sigm.tura of ____ M-r. Ben Whitaker, of Woodstock, remembered tho editor with some of thc needful since our last issue. A remedy for woman that will put an eiiu to nervousness,, sickness sickness of of the the stomach, stomach, painful nainful irregularities, languiduess, bad breath, poor appetite, is tiiar. fine Sac n^v-vt p ^ e d for woman onl^ being es j licate pecially female adapted organism. to act 011 It the ban- tie- 1 t iaiies suifermg, corrects weakness and t | ie wll j'* 4 | ,-ymptouis which follow : ln the generative system. Price 'druggist. j si.OOper bottle, Sold by Advt ail SaJAJAY HH rtifil A. WlJ^hj^SIJAY .! ELY. ib W > 3 . LITTLE SARAH HESS : JOINS HER MOTHER. i July 4th. near 5 oYlock P. M. j Little Sarah Hess, tV- six weeks jiaLint of Dr. J- S. Tvsnkerslev plflfreti from earth Jo heaven to : joirrher mother who preceded her a few week., ago. i The little ene a few days pre vious to hcr illness seemed in ex • ce u ^ llca . th> whcn h e was Sud en , strick , a ^ rioil ^ y m Tues i ,| ay evening Jecms The ?; ght t,o have gone f y0 m our Iwtae and we are sad Rev c W . Henderson con !ducted the funeral at the home j Sat||rday anrt thc little ync was j )ai(1 bv her 5^,* hcy in K,lii ay , rcnu> , ery CITtZENS OF GILMER PLAN GREAT HIGHWAY. i Where forty years ago the citi- 1 j of c (;B \ j ze ______ „c mcr . coun . ____ ,. v gathered ; ,i to hcar Bc „ HM1 urgc hcm to build a railroad from north ( 3 cor Atlanta .hay I,M | roads highway from 1 | Murphy N. C which will con i ncc , with otber highways to form a continuous chain of good roads ( f ros:3 Chicago to Jacksonville The rally was held at Ellijay, jGa. , and was preceded by amon S (- er barbecue spread at the Old j Pump spring . It was attended ; the citizens of four counties j who arc interested directly in thc j construction of the mid, and by . members of thc Murphy trac ] e , the Atlanta Chamber of | Commerce and other civic organ¬ ‘ i zations f southern 0 various | i t Dr . E. W. Watkins, of Ellijay, | made the first address, and was I foil owe d by C. J. Haden. of At auta> the representativJ of thc i j oca i chamber. Other speeches 1 were niac ; By Prof. ITarwoud, c Dr. Floyd M Young CoL ams> fv'; p jr \ Hambv Prof. ilen<_trson > and f. **• J l l - n ' SOi of Woodstock. The speakers enthusiasm on the subject of good roads was equaled only by the enthusiasm !r°'„ be means ot smarting the new ' ri " : j highway, and raise steps the will be taken j at once to necessary 1 sum j 1 ~ - The Kim; Ok Am. Laxatives j For C()nstr ipation, headaches, Imli tl01) aJ)d d ia) DR< K 1 X 0 ’»S NEW LIFE PILLh. j 1 Paul 1 -“1* Mathulka, -uiiiiiuiKa, of of Bnlfalo, r.iniaio, N.Y., 1 ., 1 eay8 t j, oy are t i, e “King of all , laxateves. They are a blessing to | llir , Iliy f ami ] v and V alwave „j a )(>xat 1j01)1u> m Get a bf)X a ! get well. ... Q n Price v,v. x’ 5 c. Recotn- ..... ; | mended by Cole Drug Co. Ad /t TEACHERS EXAMINATION. j Superintendent Hudson i n fonns us that the following re¬ ceived license at thcexamina inn he'd here on the 13th and 24th of June, 191-?,. 1 Obtained Professional censc i 2 Obtained High School and j Supervisory License J0 First-Grade General j mentary License were renewed J era! f» Elementary Obtained First License. Grade , J2 Obtained Second General Elementary License. 19 Obtained Third G r a d c Genera! Elementary License. : Obtained First Grade mary Elementary License. 5 Obtained Third Grade i m N y Failed. li!?;rf tary Ucc,ist< j / There were yo applicants who took the examination. FOR SALE—One of the finest i farms in the Chattanooga terri I This farra is in Georgia i and .. from , ! ancl 1S 1S ou ou B ^ ten n * ues j i tanooga. On splendid road; good water - 'mod house and lots of fruit. So acres of fine bot tom land, the balance upland very fine for fruit. Can be bought very . — j reasonable. _____________ For _______________ further in i formation, write M. A. Cooper, Chattanooga, Tennessee | Yours truly, I M. A. COOPER. Advt. Women's Ailments The ailments trow inch women suffer are many -.:.d varied so far as the symptoms Indie! yet they arc all dependent upon a disorder re-the female generative r .em, and a remedy that action use cause tv the trouble puts an eCVo ail the distressing syress-rstt 2% iVM as she unn atural conditions ,n removed. OR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Win 10 flp ji Medicine for Women , ft acts direct:/ the u-naie Qmetc. nfiamnr.Xion. eases stie v^c'V , on organ -m. cjsti ' ens the nerv . j. he ps c jge.vtion, tc rej u? the asrvic , snd puts the body ■*- h'.s | vigorous coriiiion. .-" fransforn.e t weak, nervous, s.i'vg wman iate snv *? sparkling «beerfuiiw-.s vid vigor, ft brightens the. rjt\. revives the xf&tx aid 1 restores the rosy b ;ora of heal?’:. 0 the. iheek. SolU 3 y Ln%i;gists ar.< Dealers i- Price > 1.00 Per E'ctils. 1 Z. F- 5XMMDIVS MELVfCINE CO-, ST- LOLiS, KISStfVBJ j kwwra iZ.r at j FOR SALE BY t-COS.E DKUO CO. Is* ; Deitfist __ -o--- . £ r S ^ Effl/ay- 5a.. O&kc In p q J 40 P EiMi CJ :Wee n g St. c Cole Building. Will be In my H 1 . jay office ONE WEEK, beginning Monday August 4th. (’ !j earlv ins thc week atnl make ea-j-ig-ements. ■ CART'CAY. | iV’y Dear Rem .its: W iff [ you a fvw liftt© from Eastc n t Gilmer. I'a: .-tiers arc go rung along fine j wiLh the[r crop- Corn is very ood - smaH erdin :s fairly good. The health in Cartecay is good and everybody teams to be get¬ ting along in peace and harmony which is hard*0 beat. The 4th of lU. js'-;, i.'itots roads | rally', l bebeve in • gooti jo.i'.»s. —...» -i | 1 Wc have do e without them so long the vomls are m.i as good as ! they were -T. years ago in some I noticed an article in The .Titles a h;w weeks ago that, ap . by uy G. ' G \Vard good roads, but there is one : i)’ng he left out, and that was stew.’ law. Before you get men to < me to Gilmer to invest in hind- growing fruits anti etc., you wiT have to get rid of the old rotten tails and get the briars out of the .-reuce corners. f People will stop at the Gilmer line and say we han’t afford to go inside the fenc ’ line and run thc risk of losinghat we have by cattle and Ergs running at large. Good roads ah».T;s follow the removal of fences, .Why 2 because 1---- the gate is open. The 1 that >.re for good > cads ought to come to-gether an. : go for stock ! lawthp laff ' tnen „ / von a v-ill v ' lU h- b " rtad rc y l0 * good good roads. roads. Svcjd- jaw is coming you had jus». well fall in | line. Stock -aw fence or no | fence, will be thtF ssue at the polls in our r.ext cLction in Gil¬ mer .1 am pretty sure Cartecay, Ai j Llj ' L-L tTrc.-u.nd will g-c .or it. get up your petition and lcKs ^ the pee pie want | stock law a.'id good roads, ctock L- w ^ “avc- to come ■ irst. The , ‘ man that runs-for, office and is ur - tCcr ' stcck there wiU !,c no * Tatcrs 1 ’ for him. Talk of buildi tg big hotels .aie-ng ih»--Unf: aiuf^hiz cattle in ; The hotsek-that are in ; tn.i?ay, the .laotes can hardly stay j on thu side v/alk fur the hooking cows, wha t are not dehorned. . The rails are nearly all rotten : new and the timber is more val r.ab-le for soraething -t-lse. When | yen gc-t rid > ' fences you j would not have thrift iiack. This ! is the way to huik ..u :j our coun j try—-finer stock, g or! roads, less ; politics and better times for Gvl j mer. Lets try it :.*ys. Wishing The T'VhAs tend its i readers a lo «g ai J Prosperous Gk-Ju 1-.,.^. ; I . Caknks. t -, = CAUSES OF STOMACH TROU BiJ-iS. Sedentary habits, lack of out door tio:: exercise, of food, iusuf-’icioj-t c^.suipaSioii, mast»e a torpid liver, worry mi G anxiety, overeating partaking of fo.xl and drink not suited to ; our age and occupation. Cortv. t your habits and take ChamberJain s Tablets and you will s<,oc l>- well again ‘For -x-.i-a by - ftl! c-e.f .1 s. Advt INSTITUTE m SESSION The work of the teacher, insti tute is uuusually holyeil ai»i inter* opting, Miss Parish The State tfu rtaor is untiring in ber alfor.3 to gt v ^ aid and help to tl.-a tsachar wi’’® the praaticul problem con fre-xtbig tkm in their school and coinin'city life. Great stress is-be¬ ing given along agricultural lines, which educator term thc greatest problem to solve confronting the American people to-day. Miss . Creswell, the director of the home-making , 1 • department 1 of , the , University has had thc Institute in charge since Monday nsrt-11. discussion of the germ theory of disease, the elements of ing, illustrative story-telling have been a source of pleasure and . ». Hr. Bradford has added a great deal to tin- work of the TnsiAnte in his discussion along the lines of work dene by the Corn Club Boys. He is wide awake on the subject »ud the hup-'i.riiiteudent is heartily in sympathy with his work. Sonic interesting lectures give spice and flavor to the regular wor k. „ It of. - J. T \ wt". ^Acip, of , A V „ otmg I L'-t . . . ns college, e-poko I ttesday on the “Plan of the Teablicr iu the School ami thc CoiAmunity.” Dr. C. L Stocks gave a very interesting talk Wednesday morning ou “-The The Teeth.." East but not least is ib? part i played by the teacher at large. W h-vo about one hundred in dance, all ’ of whom are regular and pnnotnal area take a warm interest in the discussion. Some of the ini portant things t he teacher Lave ta Iren up is tk organization of “The Gilmer Ccuuty Teachers Associa lion” and tho passing of resolutions to send oar representative, Mr. James and Mr. Burtx, to “stand pat” on tho prompt and hotter msnt of teachers and Th? sory Education School Law. Tho words “The best Institute we ever attended” is heard o-n every In fact wc have a ® great Institute, 11 vov. doubt it, “Gome- aan sec. * has mm) .„ f antl there has j becI1 Underfill ,,rovemeut froln vear to vear. I ------ 1 j FLORIDIANS HAVE AN i ON ELLIJAY j -*»eav one huiulrod. faiailies j and Florida itfoiiiBi build propose i" coming ‘ ootfetges - - to -> aad Edtjaj GO | as many room , hotel 41 provitlrd the land is ten dered them. The tihippen hill and .sm-rotmcUitga a,-c ,.,-ofon-cJ. business rami arc subscribiug ally as there is nothing to lose, money paid until the improvements are made. A G.-Oi, iNVEST-tiEXT Yl. D. Maglt, a well known meicnant r-f Mliitemonud, \- is,, bought a stock of Chamberlain’s uiedicme so as to be able to sup ply them to his customers. receiving them he? was bimsoif taken sick and savslthat ori&amall Lo-ttle of Uhaini c.-rfaiii’s Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medicines, hot- sale by all ers: J. if. 15 helped ti.C' evrtST in n auiHisin' way recently. Mrs. \V, - 3 . Walter*, sf TAonais vlt'-e, is sp-mdiug tliM^innvci' *>v: ■: . .l.’c d;JuCH itiid IjJi'iV son, ef ijt. Pvt«»V»?g T Fra*, xt? stoppiiio at thv tlyatt hotel for ii'ic smiViCr, ,, " K , rt . ' »»_„ I FOR FLETGHER’S O A 3 T O R S A liev. „ Jess . ...... warltck vreaahw . , . . jit - ouir People at the M. EL t h Sott'.b Tuefday evenir.", Atiivtjjt’g an cxotllen? sannoii. I‘.t‘ V/vis lick if an okL Gilme r hoy yvH we: glad to luv/? hks wisb Mr. Estes oolMisr n, a Jonriiti'. t - mar. raid font n r j f itovr c>3 The Times, is visiting hie sister, Mrs Alice Teem ac litre place. Mr. c-n is inui tposed and it is j hoped k v will soon segtiiu uaual; health. , Sallow com/ilnxios is d;w» in " torpid liver. 7 >r. M. A. SIM MiON’S LIVER MELHOTNE puri lies and strengthens the liver, re— ; guiatss the Ijotreis. sweetens the} bri ; ati ' »>‘ d "-T™? t! ’ 3 raddy h ’;-. °‘ ‘ tk tc th « ^ ' pgr wickaae. Lord by druggist. Advt There will be an all day singing soiulueted by Prof. L. W. Tanlset - slev, of HoWiirdviile, Tenn , ;it. Tails (Jreek ehtireh oil the third ; '» nd »y ^ Ky^yb^ly invH tod to come and bring weL filled baskets. \ : State of Ohio, rity- of Toleoo, f._ Luc.13 County, I Frank J. Chiney makes oath that ho In senior partno r of the firm of F. . 1 . Cheney fe Co., doinc business in the City of To- I ' cry case of Catarrh iliac, ,-annol be cun d. f by tho uso of 1 U!,!« CATARRH CCRK 1 FRANK X CIIENEiT. Sworn to before me and subscribed in. I my, this Cth day of Dece. 3 ter.r ! A. ‘^public i HtII’s Catarrh Cure is taken’ Internally i and acts directly upon tho blood and mu~ , ^oiis surfaced of tho system, Send for 1 Scstimontais. free. I F. J. CHENEY & CO.,. ToX-do, O. Sold bv nil Drur-f-istc 7.x.. ! HaltsF»mii, aiu .*?** ,**»*. ^(j^Y SUMMER SCHOOL ' pgr Teachers, Students and: Farmers . >„ s > » t -j * i tie J 6 *s rcy ?>.• iumi iw Kuwoee a Sununer Session for school teachevr {nitnu |, Sunday Fniltool teaelicre, atudciits and fanner.?, ginning Jvm r tfnd Exceptionally low rates, thorough and practical yet sinuAc- courses, beautiful and healthful srUTOiind'bvgs. inspiring lectures rrw entertainment*, the I j splendid e^tipniecoJ axA wti(>ue spirit of tins school, lAtiii this Su.'a mor cspc Tilly jFDRRURAI . EllS. cui.u TV j JULY -2 TO AIV- 2 JST INT.B ; Six-wesks leurses iu common oral i high s< bool subioets. including Ea ° glish, Matl'ematies. Histcxy. Gurg rapliv, Civil (■biv^rnuAcnt, Agricul j ture, Science, Bible, . Method.- _ . . 0 f j leach-rg and ‘ <Gi■liiwtriit'.on bpc - cial lectures. FoK 8UXLUY SCiiOO 1 - TEACH ,- p . j ;, LL\ i 10 ILLY 2 -.KD. ! TO AhGl 151 51 Tivr j 241 H .. ..... ,-G . . . 'sets of thrsc-wecksuntw, mclml : ( A ) > ' m ' nvl Outlines: ( 2 ) thmday Schorl Methods: (8\ i °* F ™ d W^k. Spc | °'“1 leot'ii“.s. 1 ? 0 : R FARMI-li'.S, ! ! btx-U\ecii» ... .... , , ftourscj, ., V-I.V - TO WOfST WTB I ! / -t \ /I........1 A . ,f||. 1 Soils --------------- and J-ertiL'-.- ■ rs, (’rou Rotation ............ aud Cultivatisn, 4 mx\ Sekstiou. , ( 2 ), Animal Husbandry, zneltuling j types and br ods, jmlging, feeding and care- ed dome -fie animals. ( 3 ) ; Dairying, both home-and commer Spevial le- raves and j cal work. j T M O-LYE K KS COURSES , ; j ALGUS-l i r > AUGUST j - 5 TH SWrt i. iin d- Ro.ata-jn, S^det-on - J< ‘ I Stee-k Jwlgaig. j FDR STUDENTS. All .......- tbs- six-week- -.....—- courses ------ j tioned above are open to students 1 of tins and other schools wLo- de~ | giro, zo do ;]* 1 - -. viork in v'-ic 1 nicr . eredit is giweu for ^iaftm , , °‘L - u| ui.-4-i. u.r, x F.W full :.nforiA»tkm i& to er. tratiye reov/ucmvutj, expenses, aad so Drill, write ror bulletin 4 . ROBERT H. ADAMS. Pc.-ncrpal, MOUNT ttSKRY » 1 A bust v-.\:\ 403 SE u; -ihT. •utUd .! ;■ “Sjv fiilijs git I W.v iiis; vry rarv .lau' 1 /VCjgiiS Jk’ti; Jf'Jtlifc*. Y*Jiu. Ch*.— lera aid f tirirr'Oicn IUxiiCjIv "urul hr*,*, and a ttv truth fill rv s.-»v that think it j* hoet nmaicii." in w.-rites Mr- Williniu Mich >'ui : sity j r al! don A .h? Notice t-r> Stock Raw* zrs. >»’•;';wo l^ni Lip .lacks vii ■o' irvt o' AIV 5 miles north «£ ElSjav. u* F. 1 L No. l. t h; ; •..••?-o .-. Vo 15.(10 \vfvv. I'cwe 'a kv.<.??••: v ■ >? in foal , e.vrjied y.* i s i : > c »un ity or trashed. j ;vsp• n? V: U 1>r bk.o but. speciai ti> ays ‘.<1 -«avw. tin - i>. .lark's is for ;ah*. tr >• wi'-i: Anmv.i on ii?. ’/.'■■I- e-sltf froj.i these Jae!f> avo ./;! tm r C:J'.«tr county and the p'.Ai-i iau - .? vital tiiev aye. A. J. H.VRYKV., 1 :. ) J). ,’L . LBiyw, Q-a. Ad; j. KEEPS FLESH IN TONE , FROM -W.IP* TC! CT'MF. , 5 Ileals ioartt.-.l jg d--. ,•-7,3 b /[Boils, 1 Cuts, Cores, Soret, Llcets; AVoundr, Piles, and Fev*uo, Bruis B 1 rs. - SATISFIES, on money back. , * i^tnotxmx^autxaiix (SBC AT ALL r—s.-z I 5 ->UC? r» ____ _ __ .. ___ ______ _____ ___________ y. „ DIAKRHKl CAN BE PREVENT 1 i> AN> CURED ^^ ( ‘ r y e:?rs isx/icri-ments wi have? il a i'.U'i f i’'t I'C v") JIOUU^ back. 25 c. PvckagA. 15 Fhjeft.vgJ-»$l. 4 '> Prevention ca t» stm toSi. T .h only prevents and cu?i-» Witufee Wi arrJ 'ea in baby ehieka and- Cholera 11 oUlsir fowls. One ounce of jue volition, « v/ortii is wortli to::*J .,£ cure. In taViet form. ■ t RREV. Alt ' *‘f\ Cii . ifui.' i i L‘Y') N.-«i Agt.vrts Wanted. Ad ?t. » mi iimnaasT. CITATION. GEORGIA—Gilmer County. To ^ U ™'y J. t S. 1 ankejsVity 'ivtvntg applna' fo "'^iianaiii^ olthci owiim^and prowrty of limwj 8. Tua’icrdey. Jessie Jr.,, iviinor. diM* 1 . of Air; Tankej'Jay, kit;-of 8»:d ™mr}, de Ct .. lsc d, jyVoir.® heby give-.', in at. said ;'.}.'p';iraiior. wi!;’ Iwitl at my ot’icc at ’.' j, i o’vlo-.-h A ,. M., w thei li'.-st Monday va -'.e.guit uesi. This ” j urj8 :,>oth. 10 *!?}. W. A, C*'< »A, aiirdhYtry, CVr.YJPxN. «KG.-. Gi. ce. Co 0. i.f. c ^ > ltK : ag >e'>r»p or fo-JBi aynlieil to tae Sor /c-.-ni.-. l-.eiit ’Jcttoiv (,-f .ijd r.'.inbtr./jiou on the estate of M rs. T vvrxtii R. Fsot 1-, late of said county, f'N--j n js cite ttli and. siogv.k.f th® e-refitoia and r -- xt ' kin of -itVI U., T. Foote, to be and appeal ‘p, at my ®Slco within lbfl tiuu . a nv ,,V'i-y lav and show CttUWf , jf ;u jy they tan, why pertmt nent ad.iiinittratioii vbo dd not bo granted to sank C. H. I- Jr. 011 said estate. \Vitn?js my haml and official signaturs, this 2nd day of July, 1914, W. A. Ordinary. CITATION. lo ,.u >r ^-n.- u in.u .-Miectn, ^* _ ,, ... 5 , .. ^ ’Jio'fo? . ... wr iu ; ia i nel|t Duets of -drainisl ration m the estate of Iv T. Foote, late of said toirnty, this m lo e':ts all and singtihir^A-; «teditors and next kin the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any tiiev can, whv permanent 1 -vi ministratien should not be granted to said C. H. Foote, Jr., on said Witness ray fcasd iud nffi Mi. iad dm J«lv W. A. EO-Rf* Oittbaany. MOTICE. Ai! cretfiisrs of jobs? ®. J-,«n sW i 3tc of Cilmcrt CVosaty, Gi ., deceased, are- irctet/v rririilic'-i} to> j-errifeT irt their y ;.. a e- accorsSog s> k>*\ » ail pvjscirs in Job sc.d i» said; estate are required to aakt iu» mediate peynvent Jt:«e iLc 2-5, 1913. J. b. Smith-, administrator of os rare oi j. B. Tciinsm. Hf-. ^-.rd, .