The Ellijay times. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, June 03, 1914, Image 1

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THE ELLIJAY SUP-S •f or AS r?*» C? T PF, oj itteps 5 TO MAC! % ft V- (t'v - Ttfli.r at.1 Curt u- Hej? The bfsl tonic. Cara tiro * LlVl« Ki»»F?S ,, •* *ths, B. .- -.che, Dilrio-M, Neiicia- fw U-eje di» t Icdigeslwc. M.I.rii. clc. ease*. 50c. Guaranteed. L'Ocb! "Tip Top bread at Tanker si ey Brers. (to. Max Cobb is spending a feXv •days vti Atlanta. J 01 D’ FAMILY WORM (MOT • AhaassI’twcessfoi'-'Chilclren like h The Board of Education was in session Tuesday. Yen \v'-’ find nice fresh bread .at Tankersley Bros. Co. Red “J” sari tffi s «*>• year money ■back, TAN K-E 1.81= •• VT r. ROS., CO in this issue v/ili be found re¬ ports of county officers-. TQLBf GJtffrSSC XSBlEjft «» pjvnx*’‘ he week end at Wfc-te Path. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ballew were in town on business Tuesday. { Uruiif{Ya EYil ivV KTflViBV i 5in' ©IHf aUvnLi I Mr. and Mr*. W. Y. i.anke/sl«y Were visitors to onr city last week, Dick HoHen, \v o h&s been indisposed for sometime is able to be out again. Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Crawford •and daughter were visitors here the first of the week. The cemetery is in very good shape, several observing work •day last week. Our gardens arc dvin ; for want of rail: Seme sections have re¬ cently l\w good seasons. Mr. Jo Pickett, of Terras, has reti .-a t j his homo at j Mount i. c.i account ef im paired hr Dr. Teik-i.lev and son also Morris ' ar rererey are visiting The family of i' F* Tankersley Ac • * ti- Mrs. Maty Sv:an. of Cartecay, is attending the com men cement exercises at G. is, f. C. Miiiege ■ ville. Miss Lola graduates with high honors. The week of prayer will be ob¬ served next week proceeding the protracted uieetine at the Baptist church . The meeting will be Held at night, both men and women will attend ti services. Miss Annie Seilers returned last week from the Martha Berry school. She feels that its not gone! for her to be idie so she Went to work in the tele phi ne exchange. The ccrretcry at Ta.’s Creek lias been beautifully cleaned— not a weed or a sprout to be seen. This i-Jo? ef cleaning and deco¬ rating cemeteries is common in so many c*u2.nuriities, its a tiful rnncinbi unce and well for the county. Rev. Hammond, of Atlanta, has been spending a few days in (our county looking after the church work. Te t 51s us the Georg ia Co ife - mce has three schools in ijeornin ••• nd the out look is good ior placing another, probably on tlu nilroid at some point between Marietta and Blue Ridge The entert linment c t the Baptist enurch by the Su.tbe. r.i :ic Sunday evening \.\ts a success and was much enjoyed. Of course the little folk performed their parts to rr> n and re¬ peated more B:b?c them the old¬ er people will eve* know, maybe. Bowler Mesdamev Crawford and certainly deserve the sincere thanks of the parents for what they arc doing for the children, -.i collection of 027.7.s was real ized which will be sent to the <Jfp ! a ns rt Ilapevil So The entertainment Friday evening undo - tne -u pkies of the \Yoi ; aas' Club w - s good, and or he sy features of it just p . if local talent on the pr •'.. . both re dings end nusic * .1 al c kindly and wil¬ lingly Fr'i. The problem fo of get: .vu together ;:. ra r •/ Is very gruteiui f v the . o-operntion of the participants. S-Iotv’s Thts? VVe O’' HnnCvcd Polrit’s Rt Vard fo- ar.y us. of Catarrh that cannot be Ct vec 1 ly Hall's Catarrh Car*. F. J. CtIEX~Y * c~.. T'oleoo, O Cli Wo, the underrlgne 1-aVe ,-r.owa wid F. /, ;noy frr tlivlr t 1„ yeur= 'jelicvd bin perfect:.- li< .uirablo In ■ :l nusmesS tnnsn-licjs und financially til.! *r. carry out any oblige, aoas mada by hts Ural. NATIONAL J5--.NK OF COMl.IEr.Ci5, fclcUe, o, Hall's Catarrh ' , iare )3 tarier 1 intcrialU*, acting directly u ah he blood and tnu tous surfaces of the system. Xe-jt’monfald fcc:.t k” fr?*. Pric ip cents p-.r Sold all a> rugrists. * 5kJs«* tta-U’e Family Pllln fc»r X’WitydtJAi Bob Ayers spent the latter patt of the week in Atlanta. Children Cry FDft FLETCHER’S CASTORIA We keep a full line of coffins, anu burial material. Taskkeslby Bros. Co, Children Cry FCR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA >jn; Red ttJ „ T „ biloco Sat¬ gear ■ steed TANKERSLEY PROS., CO* A’fc Rt-.-nien> Ufr,, W. M. Golden, of the Equitable lib- insurance 'Society, say : ke fetotd S’oley Kid ney Pills to be the best remedy for kidn ?>' Uadd« ttNM«es» al*. r rheumatism. He says, -^ny be jay remedy,” ^ tt 4nd , oclt „ Co. d rfid Ole Drug ^ \ v <vkurn that the .a/ assessors! rai ed the properry Dawson * u :tv temewhe^ nc- $100,000, liutwithct' nd’.ng the fact that a majority ef the cUixens had al¬ ready raised their own values when mving in their taxes. We still have hopes of Dawson county ’c tax able property being worth over one million dollars and wait until returns aiv made Out and see if we are iot abort right.—-Dawsonville Advertiser. \V. N. Lepg Washefe this week and gave us A call. Read the letter from W. A. Hughes in this issue. Bladder irritations, kidney troubles, dull headaches, Weariness pi in ia back and sides, all show the kidneys need to be toned np, Strengthened, their regular action i\stored. Bhdey Kidney Pills will do it sr.rely health, alid (quickly. They give rood freedom from, a return of rppetite : 'd «ofend sleep. , Try them. » eh I'JHtg Go. Demetrius Milton has been on lie tick list the past few days Alba Sawyer is spending a few days with ho me. oiks in East Ei lijay. * * could scratch myself to pieces is often heard from sufferers oi'Ec isema, Tel ter, Itch and similar Skin Eruptions Don’t Scratch— Stop tlio Itching at one with Dr. Ho’ mil’s Eczema Ointment. Its i first Bred, application Rough, Scaly starts Itching healing; Skin the is { Rootne i by the Healing aim Pooling ■Medicines. Airs. C. A. Einfeldt, Rock Aland, III., after using D>-. Hobson’s Ecaema Ointments, writes: ‘‘This is the first time in n...e years I have been free from the dreadful ailments.” Guaran¬ teed. 60c., at your Druggist, Advt IJ. K. Goble and Leonard Smith have opened up a soft drink stand on the south side of the square in the McHan build * n ®* If you wish to correct a constri pated habit,-.void syrup laxatives, tln-y make the stomach feel sick and uiicomfr-rtablp. and afterthe purgative effect is passed they ,;ms:' a reaction to constipated eoudittions, For a lasting benefit take Dr. M, A. Simmons’ Veget : Liver Medicine, It is a pure herbal powder that thoroughly cl- .•vises the system c v’ ; lions mi puriuts and restores regularity 11 the bowel movements. Look for the picture of Dr. M. A. Simmons on the box; none genuine ^ without L- iSMA Sold ■* Manley Gox was in Atlanta the first he week H M. El' ngtoli js erecting an office, office room adjoining the post CASTORIA For Infants and dukhan. Ths Kinw You Have Always Bou^ Itears the (StgneU'-e Of Our friend O. D Price, of Dal .....■■ a-.-...! ™ g h t i„« c ‘ J ’ RcV Block is funhlng n few ■ lays meeting at ^he Baptist ci.ufch in East Ellijay. Chile?ten Cry SCR J-UTCHERJ CASTORIA N. 1 . Tankersley is , having some re' Mirs . ♦,;hc1c aclc on on his hlS . dwcl OWfi - mg hoe sc i i Last Ellijay thiC • v ' et; ' Children FLETCHFk’S Cry COOP* F*R r rt ri.r. SUFIklt G CASTORIA fiLMJAYGfiOtttilA. WE&NESBAV >lC\E 5fc 1914. A Splendid Meeting* The Fifth Sunday Union Meet, ling of the Motirtoaintown Assocfla fion frith Tails Creek church 4’ 8:00 P. M. find after preaching by Rev II. W, Freeman, and fol¬ lowing the sermon^ Rev. N. R. Hogan discussed the importance of » Union meeting together with oth¬ er religious duties, after which the Indy went into an ejection of Mod t e‘ , at«>r and Clerk, to-wit, N. R. Moderator, and W. R, Legg, Clerk, and adjourned with prayer. May -81, The Union Meeting met Sunday morning with a large num¬ ber ef representative from the sis¬ ter churches of the association and visitors from, the Ellijay Associa¬ tion, and after the dispension of the Sunday school at 9:0<) o’clock, the isody came together in the Cnicn . to the capacity 7 carry out following program v, hich was pre¬ viously arranged by the committee* I* - Song by the choir (All Hail the Power of Jesus Name) and the reading of God’s word and prayer by Rev. N R, Hogan. 2. Moderator appointed com¬ mittees tc arrange place of meet¬ ing for the August session and in troductc-y sermon, and for the tbs,Ting of a program for same. 8. Song by choir. 4* Essay on Sunday school, by Mrs. W* R* Legg. 5. Song by choir. 6 * Following the song* IV, R. Legg discussed the subject of “ Ef • ficient teaching in Sunday school,” followed with short, but sp’eudid speeches from Rev. E. J. DeWeese, Rev. J. G. Dover, Bi>>, Vollic Wecse, Bro. Tom Breck and D. G. Pe land, 7 The audience stood together and sang that good song "Go to Jesus With it All,” 8. And following the song Rev. J. G, Dover discussed the great subject Prayer, followed by Bro. j j 9. Adjourned for tlie good And well prepared dinner by singing that old, old song “A uming Grace,” 10. Reassembled at 1 iBO by much and good singing and Ptayer by Re v. E J, DeWeese. 11. Song by choir. 12. After song Rev. E. J. De“ Weese gave us very able dis course on the subject; ‘‘Should a Pastor pastor a church without R ^ salarv,” together with Bro. D. G. Penland aud Bro. Hogan. 18. After song by choir, Miss Mamie Crook read an essay on “Christian Rights ” 1. At this point Mis? 'Mat'y Tankersley made a verbal report of the Women’s meeting in which, Sister Florence Hyatt was elected president, Miss Carrie Penland, vice president and Miss Mary Quaries, secretary and treasure'.', The sisters pledging themselves in a hand-shake to “stand by the president.” 15. The chairman of commit¬ tee, Bro. Douthit, reported that our next meeting, which is the 5th Sunday in August, be hold with Pleasant Gap church, and intro¬ ductory sermon to be preached by Rev. E. .1. DeWeese. We urge all the churches in the association to elect and send mes¬ sengers ta represent Vott ill the 10, O11 motion t the meeting was adjourned by singing “The Parting Hand” and benediction by Rev. Freeman. N. R. HOGAN, Mcleratof. W, R LEGG, Clerk. Dox’t Loosk Si.bep Cofghtxo at Night Tivko Foley’s Honey and Con'.poiind. It glides dowu your th: • ..t and spreads a healing, sooth¬ ing coating over the inflamed tickling surface, That’s immedi¬ ate relier, T. loosens tip thetight UfE- in vonr chest, stods stnffy whetsy breathing, eases distress¬ ing, racking, tearing coughs Children love it. Refuse any substitutes, Contains no opiates. Cole Drug Co* NOTICE, To illy friends and pattous, I Will lie in Ellijay doing dental werk each month from the 10th tc 40t.ii You will find nle in the Cole building over the Bank Room 201 B, B. Vandegriff, imEYILIDNEYmiS FOB RHEUMATISM AN3 0LADDER KIDNEYS REPORTS OF COUNTY OFFICERS* % Personally appeared before Yne 5. P. Cobb. C:erk Scperior Ofturt, who on oath say® he has not re¬ ceived any money belonging to the county as Clerk since the last tefm •<sf court, except the following for frrhich lie hold? vouchers $9,SO received from L. <fc N. R-. R. Company January 81, 1914. for feeding jury it cas9 of Mrs. Frank Ledford vs. L. A N. R. R. Com¬ pany, turned Ever to J. L. Parks, County Treasure*. $3.70 received from Madison Ray Octohir 30, 1018, for jail fees turned over to J. L. Parks, Coun Treasurer. J, t. COBB, C. ,s. C Sworn te and subscribed before me, this May 1>, 1914. M. L. COX, da. N. I\ E. W* WATKINS, Sr. Foreman. RE^OftT OF COUNTY SCHOOL SO#»T Tc the Onir ,Jury, May term, 1914. In'Compliant* 1- ', the law. I hereby submit to your Honorable body a report of the public school operations fot the year 1913. There were in operation 46 white schools with an enrollment of 2012 and an attendance of 140T We have but one colt red school which had an enrollmOu: of 16 and an attendance of 11. The Board of Education owns 43 school build¬ ings which are in i’easonadly good condition. A n imber of these houses are already furnished with patent desks^ while others from to time are discarding the old uncomfortable benches and are re placing them with nice painted desks, which are manufactured at Ellijay and are modeled somewhat like the patent desks. In many cases the teacher has done much to uid in this work, aud it is to be <*OT* TTi;!” »V ' r/ L ^ TVR'rr^rl jo i'arll'.cr client m RTS same line. Three new school buildings wore erected in 1913* twe of which are painted and equipped tvith new desks. We have arranged to paint the other house before summer term begins. We have three other school houses in the course of con¬ struction and hope to have finished before the beginning of the sum¬ mer term. The Ellijay Institute and the Oakland High School are Of great advantage to our girls ai d boys, and more especially to those preparing to teach; and the nor¬ mal confses Conducted by them have greatiy increased the efficien¬ cy Of these teachers who have ta¬ ken advantage of them. The Teachers Institute, so ably con¬ ducted by Miss 0. S. Par-sh^ was unusually well attended , the teach¬ ers chewing the interest they feel by almost the Whole number being pfosent. A. county Teaciiefs As¬ sociation waS orgahized ftt this time. The School census taken in 1913, shows an increase of 367 in school population, yet oUr pro rata of r.he state fund is only increased slight¬ ly fts there Is an increase of sixty thousand school children ill the state-. It is gratifying to be able to report that oniy two and one ten per cent of onr school population L illiterate. Ohlv four other counties in the state have a less per cent of illiterates. THE BOYS CORN CLl)&. The Boys Corn Club for 1913 lied ftu enrollment of 118 members representing practically every com¬ munity in the county. Forty-six of these boys handed ill their re¬ ports and exhibits, These reports j show that they made an average of a fraction lees than 60 bushels per acre, at an average cost of 34eeuts par bushel, The Boys Corn Club has been a great timulns to the boys as well as the olde” heads of the county in the study of agricul¬ ture. There has not been a time in my i’ecdlloction Whta the faim has attracted more favorable at¬ tention than it is now. Nor has there bpen r time when our people were more interested and enthused oVer the d’flb reiG phases c: agri¬ culture. Intelligent farming meant prosperity for the farmer and his prosperity w eans better rufal s ’bools. In order to pay OUr tCacheis promptly and to save them being forced to discount their claims, J was authorized by resolutions of the County Beard of Education, as the law provides, to borrow the fol¬ lowing named Bums of money on the dates given, from the Gilffier Cofrnty Bank, with interest on same at $ per cent., March 1st 1)1,$92.4*6. March 26th l,f 13.25. Aj>ril^th i*,86i,40. June 7th 442.50. August 6th 425.09, October 11th (L.489.40 The above itemized antotnitt were paid in installments,, as funds were feceived from the state. WNANClAt STATEWtWb Balance on hand lfom 1912 #608.4-3. Total receipts from state 101S 0,815 52. Other sources 10.05, Total 934,90. OlSRURSEMfeNTS. Salary of County riu perintendent of schools $750 .<30. Salaries of membetB of the County Board of Education 128,00. Postage and stationary 88 . 00 . Incidental office expenses of County Superinten¬ dent 87.75. Interest 284.49, B Hiding 394.15 Repairs 1.50. Salaries of white teach¬ ers 7,927,70. Salary of Colored teach¬ er 85 00. School census 158.00. Balance on hand Janu¬ ary 1914 100.31. Total 89,934,90. Respectfully submitted, J. S. HUDSON, Supt. of Gilmer County Soli, to s. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Mav 18, 1914. A. E. SHARP, N. P. E. IV* WATKINS* Sr. Foreman. Report of Tax Collector of * ipecial Taxes to Grand jury,, May Term* . 19J4. H. M. Ellington Fire In-^ siliancc agent S10.00, A. H. Bnrtx “ ** 10.00, J. L. Weaver Peddling license 50.00; J. L, Weaver One arm sodo fount 5.00. Shippen Bros. Lumbcf (Jo, Corporation tax 60,00. Georgia Corn-ar Mai bln Co. Corporation tax 15.00. Fairmont Timber Co, Corporation tax 80 00 Ellijay Hardware Co. Guns ammunition etc 85.00; Tankersley Bros. Co. Corporation tax 5.00. Alien Mercantile Co* Corporation tax 5,00. Kelley & Hensley One aftn soda fount 5.00, Tlie Bruce 8hows, Show tax ($35.00 state $10.00 Ce.) 45.00. GEORGIA, Gilmer County 4 PeiEonally Appeared W.E. Rack ley^ Tax Collector of said county, who on oath says that the above and foregoing is a true and cor¬ rect statement of special taxes Col¬ lected by him for the year 1914. W, ti. RACKLEY, T. C, SwOrh to and subscribed before ! me, (hb May 18, 1914 M. L. COX, N. P. E. W WATKINS, Sr. Forman. RE PORI OF TAX COL l£otor, to Orand JURY, MAYTERM 1914, To taxes on Digest $0,089.90. Tr» taxes after consoli¬ dation 75-. 59. To taxes on L. & N. R; R. Co. 914.59. To taxee on Adams Ex¬ press Co .89. To taxes on Southern Beh Telephone and j ] Telegraph Go. 6.05. do taxes on Western Un¬ ion Telegraph Co. 81 30. j To taxes on Blue Ridgo- I Telephono Co. 8.10. To taxes on EH ; jay Tele¬ phone and Exchange Co. 7,20. Total 87,118.68. By Insolvent Lis; *34.26. By Relief list 104.40. By Tax Collectors Com mUsEre 229.55; By Tar Receivers C mmis sions 103,14. By Amount paid County Treasure* - ■6,647. - 1 .,<,1111.68. t _ _ ‘GEORGIA, Guffter ^ County. Personaily appeared before me W. R. Racklev, Tax Collector said Couftty, who On oiith say*; that tire above and loreg.v'ng is a true and ’correct act junt 6f’county taxes ter the year 1913. W. E RACKLEY, T C. Sfrorn to ana sul^iribed before fiie, this May 18, 1914. M. L. cox, i k. y. F. N. W, \VAI KlNSv SVt, Foreman c& County ifreaswr?* GEORGIA, OilTner Creinty, RECEIPTS. Amount on liarid Actoher 18, 1918 8854.48. Received from W-, E. RaCkley. Tax Collector 6/647.33. Received from J P. Cobb, Clerk of Court 13.50. Riceived from \V. A. Cox-, 4.&P Received from all sources $7,-519.93 DISBURSEMENTS. To amount paid on Su¬ perior Court funds $1,825 37. T i amount paid on coun¬ ty funds 1,242.40. To amount paid on bridge funds 523.31* To amount, paid oh public buildings 2.27. To amount paid on jail funds ’65,05. To amount paid on Pau¬ per funds i97.50. $3,855.80. Balance cn hand M&y 18, 19,4 3,664.13, . $7,519.93. I GEORGIA. Gilmer County Personally came befot'e me, ,, ilc umiemgned Attesting officer. J. L. Parks, County Tr.’asiner of suid county, who 'on oath says that the foregoing is e true statement of his receipts aud disbursements of mon¬ ey from October 13, 1913 to Ma. 18, 1914, ■i l. Parks, County Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this May 18, 1914. E. T. HUDSON, N. P. E. W. W VTKJNSi Sr. Foreman REPORT „ Of GRDISARV , TO GRAND JURY, MAV TERM* 1914. GEORGIA, Gilmer Gonntyi Personally came before me, the undersigned'ng cffierij W. A. Cox, Ordinnrjg who on oath says he has not received ally money belonging to the county since the last term of csUrt. W. A. COX, Ordinary. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this May 18, 1914. J. P. COBB, C. S. C. Ei WE WATKINS, Sr. Foreman _ GEORG [A—Gilmer County; Gilmer County Dr. J t P. Cobbi Clerk Superior C< nrt ; To issuing 4u0 Grand Jury subpoenas as May, October and Oc tober adjourned terms of court, 19i3, @ 15 cents each $69.00 Personally appeared J. P. Cbbb i C. 8. C; who on oath says the Above is just, true, due and unpaid J. P. CCBB, C. S. C. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this May 18, 1914. M. L. CON, Jit. A. P. E. W. WATKINS; Sr. Foreman GEORGIA-“Gilmer County, Gilun.r County Dr to J, 1\ Cobb, Clerk Superior- Court for ex¬ penses expended for postage, oil, etc-.; and used offleicially from Oe— tober 18, 1918 to May 18, 1914. $21.00. Personally appeared J; P. Cobb, C, S. O. who on oath says that the above account is just, true, due and unpaid. •L P. COBB, C, S.C. . Swol-n to and subscribed before j me, this May 18, 1914. M . L. COX. Jr. N. P. E. W. WATKINS, Sr. Foreman GEORGi V—Gilmer County: I have not collected r.nv mony | * belonging , , to . .. -hectare . and , county, j J. H. FAY. Tax Receive 1 E, w. WATKINS, Sr. Feremarn ..lift. Gihfrer County. Pereonally Appeared before fee, o j M ifton , 'Slreri-t, who on oath. says that he Ires no trrCne^r beiotig ing to Gilmer'cor.rty. R. L MILTON, Sheriff. Sworn to and Subscribed before me, this May IS, 1914 E T. HUDSON. N. P. E. W, WATKINS-, SIR, Foreman* GEORGIA'. fJ rimerCiivnty, The with : n presentments’cco'vA tod and read in otnou toouVt. Let the same be vied', r-pivad upon the minute's and ptibHriitofd as VCcoto mended. This May 2'2-, 1914 H. E. F:» Tf 2RSON-, /tidgto SajTerier <v*ure* Bine Ridge Circuit. NOTICE, Tc frh’Onr it may toor,v-crn. The bridge frci’oSs Gurtecay Riv¬ er, known as the Swan Bridge* near the 8mate Milte lias been con¬ demned fcs beirig tonSomid Arid un¬ safe fot aliyene to toVoss over. All persons are irerCliy fcoHfed Vi'ot to use said bi'-idgto in toiiy manner'. If they dn so they do 5't at tlieif own risk', and without any i’espon sibility on the County of Gilmer. This M-,v *5th\ !9l4. W. A. ox, Grditutry, UfT.VlTON, GEORCf A, Gilmef Cerinty. Mrs. Nancy E-, Mirikey, widow Of David Mnlkcy, late of said county 'deceased-, tins applied to the undersigned for a twelve months support for here,elf Out of tilt es¬ tate of s&id dtoVcase'd> and apprais¬ er have fcOen appoint*--! 1 and made their Yctufn. Will pass upon sa:d Application tot the next regu¬ lar term of this t curt toll the firs* Mommy itt Jiily-, 19! 4. lids : s td eitto all perstons ir.ttofWtoed kindred a:ld ^Creditors, . to to show 0au«e. if _ any thtoy Can, why tile at Lfie cuid -.ition term th-> courts vili j. nor l)» graiUed. .'Given ;.n rt. ■ ' ! ofl:ci ref tins-June !, 1914. W. A\ COX, Ordinary. RUDE NI«I. in Re—J. W. Watkins^ vs-. D, L. W tkins, adniiiiijLhttoi of E. 1). Watkins, d ceased. Gilmer Court of Ordidary, 'Junto term. 1914. The pc Giort of f, W. Watkins snowing to the court that E. D. Vt atkinc, lat-e of f*a:d county, in life signed a btond .or title refer, red to in ‘•aid pet it ice lor a title trt a tfact of land described in said bondj which laird has ho boon fully paid for. and ‘’ties tliftb ” : shes ah or der to rttake until!.' said bond by : . E. Walkin'!. adininGtratc!? Of E. D. Wiitkins. It its o-de. d by the toontt that notice of ‘.lie anplintttioh of J. W; Watkins bo to Di E, U’at kihs, aduainisltr-toi’-, by PerVing copiis of this 0vde' ; p- GOnAily on liim fifteen days before the next torrtt ef t ni- fcffiift, And entice giv¬ en tc the hei - v of d .raced by pnb lieiit ion it. the GnftettC | uhiisliing the legal >iHvu:’tisnu*ehif. n ‘hi couhty, otaee a Week for foul vetokj! before the tic ri. t' -rii Of this court, so that they of either of tllefti mrty shbw cause, if arty they ban, tvhy this oouht should not r.dor said adinlni-tretof tb ulake tide undci* said b0;.d. W: A. CDX5 Ordinary. GRAY MADE ITS R- 1GINAL C0i,OR. Clip This NoTif r-—I ts Wbattt 50 Ctexfs; If Voilr hail- i>, g->.y, strea’ <»d w'tli gray; white; faded , brittle, falling out. itching tsalp or dan d r ufT, apply Q-Ban hair Color re¬ storer to g, ry hair and scaip. Not a dye, but it brings to the ba r '- surface the or ; ginnl color na¬ ture gave yotre ha n Makes gray hair brown, black, aui ini nr its original color of 17 o, ytai’S of agei Never fails. Perfectly harmless, dffiiglitf’d. to use. Q Ban makes hair s ,tr’ full of life, beautiful; Stops dandruf, itch¬ plete ing scalp and falling hair; O un directions for home trouts ment of the hair w th each boiuie. 50c by parcel po«t, or return this notice and?! and we will deliver vou three hnttlh-*. If n< •:satisfied by ' its * “ use wo ^ give rt* ’ you bach 51.59* Ad dress H <: ss i g-E 11 i s L’m-r Co.* Memphis, Te in. il--5‘--!4. m ii inun IMP. fifflB AI Opposite Union Depot on Pry St. Renovated and it;rnisbed 'i^ -out. Reservations made edit* application. Hot and p- : vate baths, electric li ^. ts ar i‘ dev " tcr ’ rirst class acoran odations J . at eiLrcmeiy rro , lei t . rates . tu _ ropean John plan 75 cent up. L. edmondson* Pr :pr«