The Ellijay times. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, December 09, 1914, Image 1

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THE ELLIJAY TIMES» SURE CURE for AH Kteas:4 W STOMACH, Quack tell* far. 1 Con Ut R:a 4 - The Mtilcino tnl ior Ionic. J.IVIB jSlDUF.TJ Kit, Backache, Durians, these IsAinrioo. HalirU. He. cue.". 50 c. Local . Miss Vcrnie Ray was shopping in our city last week. Mis--Cora and Minnie Craw terd spent Monday here. KMErwOEMCfflJJI It Successful- Childrej-. tike Watkins says business is t Round Top. Hector Rackley is here collecting taxes. Kelley and Jay Goble re the first of the week. Mrs. Burtz is off to Marietta tending a wedding this week. USY KIDNEY PIUS 8 Acxac«£ tuimtrs amo bl agues N. Holden spent a few days the Gate city last week. Mrs. Spurgeon Searcy spent day with the family of Ed L er. Mr. James and daughter, Miss Ithy, were guests in our city uesday. Mrs. Ella Fowler has been in dors several days with tonsilitis is hoped she will soon be out again. FOLEY ( » KIDNEY PIUS 0 trill’!; AT ISM Kioum A NO BLA 3 QLR <4. Misses Lizzie and MarySitten were here Monday and left an order for the Times. Let others come forward, The election for Bailiff day passed off quietly, Bob Ste phens and J. F. Fey were the succesTuI candidates. Seer Saatea Sawi-iwerAiuhe-aowds iteulr? The outler Herald says: '‘The Er ^ik r- ce .C'>-" : sight and it looks like a nec.k-tic party sure enough now.” Sam Cionts tells us to send him the Times to Atco. Wonder if there are not more GHmcrites there chat would like the- Times? J. S. Hudson and several of the corn club boys attended th e hog «“t*d hominy show in Atlanta last week. They report a 'titer. j';e Pickett informs us that he - 'll leave for Bluff Dale, Texas, Ate 2c»tii of this month Joe says he wants to get oack to making money. Children Cry * FOR FLETCHER S CASTORIA See the ad of H. I. Dover in this issue. Mr. Dover is grow¬ ing fome fine trees. It will be tnoney saved to see him before buying. V: r tax is effective. Notes, hills of lading, notes insurance, telegraph and phone messages and we don’t know what else have extra expense. The Ross bridge over Cartecay river fell in Monday. Several had grossed and heavy loaded wagons just ready to cross but the crash came just before the drivel* reached the structure G 1 W. Gates, father of the ed Itor of the citizen, who has been for the past several months ren¬ dering valuable assistance in the publication of the paper, left Monday morning for Chattanoo¬ ga, Tenn., where he will reside for the present —Fan mount Cit¬ izen. Mrs. C,. H, McGuire died at her home in Blue Ridge Monday offer an il'ness of about t n days She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith and while she had only lived in Blue Ridge a few mor.,hs was well known here as she was raided at Morganton and viGt-d relatives here often The f'ttneral service was held at Morgan;, n arc was attended by quite a crowd of relatives from Blue ^i-JBlue Ridge ?os CASTOR A For inLits «.nd C’-kc a. Tte Kfiui Y2a Have Alwan*#* bears thft f. j-.i.tre •>( Oldest Postmaster in the We have just received a subscription to the Times Tails Creek, in Gilmer This subscriber tells us they the oldest postmaster in the he having served since the close of the civil nearly fifty years. Mr. Peter Hyatt is postmaster Ciiatsworth Times. Rev. F. R. Smith and left last week for their new of work at Bell ton. We sorry to see this family leave our town and wish them every happiness and cess in their new field. MRS. NANCY MULKEY DEAD Mrs. Mulkey died at her home near Oak Hill, November 26, af¬ ter a few days illness of pneumo¬ nia. She was 87 years old, a faith¬ ful member of the M. E. Church and will be much missed in the community in which she lived. The funeral and interment was at Oak Hill, Rev. J . E. Chastain conducting the furneral service. The bereaved have our sympa¬ thy. Up in Gilmer two factions are represented in the jury box un¬ Her Judge Patterson, the Simon pures and Slick Tails being about fT‘ Iy di vided * * cas f went out bef ° re * ^ . ryup th 5 rc l as t sum * and the jury after , . out 24 hours came into court. Judge Tatterson wished to know if they had agreed on a verdict. ‘No,” aaid one! of them, *'we haven’t been able to electa foreman yet.” " !■' ‘ - y 1 * . six Slick Tails, and each side voted srlidiy for its man lor fore¬ man.—Jackson Herald. You are wrong Bro. Two Slick Tails to one Democrat. PENLAND HAS A ftAGE. Marshal Penland and Zemri Roberts captured a still and two men Sunday morning in the Flat Creek section. Charlie and Keener were just beginning a full day when they were accosted. Mr. Penland started to Jasper Sunday afternoon with tlie cap¬ tives, when they were four miles from Ellijay one of the men jumped off the train while run¬ ning at full speed. Of course the Maishal leaped off also and after a hot chase the fellow was caught and the capturer and captured made good use of their lower limbs by walking into Jasper. Oak Bowery Lodge No. 81 F. & A. M. met Friday evening and elected the following officers for tire coming year. C. C, Poin dextc, VV. M. C. A. Gates, S. VV. E. T. Hudson, J. VV. J. H. Ray, Treasurer, H, C. Cole, Secretary, H. R. Cobb and Raymond Hud¬ son, Deacons, Walter West and Clifford Ayers, Stewards, Zemri Roberts, Tyler. That Freemasonary will be the dove of peace which finally will stop the war in Europe is ar. opinion voiced by many promi¬ nent Masons, who call attention to the number of branches of that body in Europe and show how brother is fighting against brother there. The Annufty Messenger, the official periodi¬ cal of The Mp sons’ Annuity, the organization which protects wid¬ ows an 1 orphans of deceased Ma¬ sons, devotes considerable space i in its current issue to discussing the subject. ‘‘Switzerland, theoldest lic in the world, is the home of International Bureau for ic Affairs aad of the original J peace congresses, which antedate *'he Hague tribunal, “says The | Messenger.” The members I these co. g.e: cs were and are i nearly all Freemasons.”- v,nero !kec Advance. Children Or y FOR FLETCHEH’S CASTOR I A fiLLIJAT (iEORtilA, WEDNESDAY J>HO ^ t^l4 Mrs. A. E. Newberry Away. Mrs. Newberry passed away her home at Tickanutley 3rd. She was ill almost a with cancer, and sutTered pain but she bore her patiently. She was more than years, the mother of sons and daughters, who have near and dear but when they mother become as lifeless clay hearts were crushed with grisi and only one thought consoles, living hor faith and trusting God they will be united again. After she ceased to notice her loved ones she still rejoiced and praised the Healer of all pain whom she was soon to meet face to face. She knew she was gradually pass¬ ing and she gave full directions as to her attire for burial and select¬ ed ‘he ground whnre she was to rest. In the h.irae there is a vacant chair, lingering around the hearth¬ stone is a husband bowed with grief, but He who notes the spar¬ row’s fall is ever ready to heal the broken hearts and clear the tear dintmed eyes. The remains were laid in Tickanetley cemetery Sat¬ urday after an appropriate funeral service by Rev. John \\. Newber ry. To the bereaved we extend sympathy. Dr. F. C. McConnell. Georgia is much pleased to know Dr. F. C, McConnell has accepted the call at Druid Hills church in Atlanta. For five years he he s been pas¬ tor of the First Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. j,ln his resigna¬ tion he states he* desired to re¬ turn to old home state and in go¬ ing to Atlanta he has opportuni¬ ty to build up a greater work. As the salary is the same, it is not money but the love of home and home people that brings this big hearted pieach;r. t.. v » Children Cry ' FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA 'si FROM OKLAHOMA. Lf.xington, Oki.a., Nor. 30, 1914, Ewtor Times;— Will you please give us space in your paper for a short letter to our friends in north Georgia. We know thie to be the bc9t method to let our friends hear from us. We would like to have some of those nice Georgia apples and cab¬ bage to eat, and some of that good spring water to drink. We miss a great many things here that north Georgia is blegged with, but we like Oklahoma best. Now don’t think we are dirsatisfi ed with our western home. We can make more money here than we can in north Georgia. How is the European it War scare >n north Georgia? has eaused very near everything on the mar¬ kets to go to a very lew price. Cot¬ ton v'as selling last Saturday (Nov) 28th from 6£ to 7.20, corn 50vents per bushel and no real market for corn. Hogs are worth about 6 cents on foot. Beef cattle and milch cows are high in price. Plenty of feed in country but work stock is cheap, cotton picking is 85 cents per hundred, eggs 25 cents per dozen, chickens are a good price. We have near 100 head of chickena we raised this year. *1 think we have made good for onr chancp. We bought onr things on cash terms and never went in debt for anything. We do not owe any one and have some pat away for rainy days. We made a nice little late of Irish potatoes which are fine. I have made unt less than rm the farm since we came here. Mr. and Mr 3 . John Elliott. There Is haore Catarrh tn this section tho country than all other diseases together, and until the last few was supposed to bo Incurable. For a 5 many years prescribed doctors pronounced local remedies, It a disease constantly and fcy ________ pronounce! ______„ failing to It cure lr.turable. Trifh Sci¬ - C “ treatment, has Catarrh to bo constl ence proven a I Cure, manufact’.’retl bv 7*. J. Cheney Co tlenal ( Toledo, Ohio, market. Is the C:;lv Constitu- taken In¬ cure on the It Is ternally epoonfoL in It doses from dtre-'.’y 30 drops to a acts on the and and mucora mucora surfaces surfaces of ot the the system. system. Th offer ...... hundred dollars for ‘ any ease one fails to to cure. Bend for circulars and tes Urr onlala. Address: 3. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by JOrurrylrta, 75 e. Tilt Kl” fer ccaattpatfsr-. > Boys 5 Corn Club Report For 1914 . GILMER COUNTY. YIELD COST PER BtTSHEL 1. «El win Alhyi 60.75 T V .88 2. 3. fMoaroe ‘Cecil Kell Teems 54 41,07 86 ' >V , 4. *Homer H«Jt 76 00 7 V 5. wEimer£JoiMS ♦Vermis 61.50 71.50 < V, 6. , y . 7. s’ 62.93 • y 8. fErn 50.40 N 0. I Or 62 00 y 10. « lj 08.87 y y 11. 129.00 12.; 69.00 76.35 V 18. y 14. 93.50 1 tC 15* ' 66.50 v V 17. 10 ., * 98.26 $0.28 V r 18. f Char 68.20 / 19. f Paul S? 57.26 . f 20.4 Willie. 47.25 v , 21. 22. ♦Her * Garnet 112.00 46.50 ! V Y . 28. kMar 69.0" V / 24. ♦Leoimr Q^ 67.50 V ,• 25. SCartorj 101.75 C I 2Jj. ^Claudi; 48.75 * Artie 107.75 V Ave^ 4or the county 71.27 bushels. per bushel ?9 AJ1 of. 0 boys will be awarded cash prizes, from the $2.00 to $5.00. The four boys making over inn 100 bushels ^diplomas. Willard Cantrell, the boy making the’largest yi ll receive a scholarship to the boys’ short course. State College j Hcnlture, and also a $5.00 cash prizg was won by Gilmer Coun^ Clnb on county The above shows what our Gil¬ mer boys arc doi g in agriculture. The inclement weather prevented several of the bovs getting m wish their corn in time for the exhibit but they are rr ognized just the ?amo and older men lift their hats to this young bony of farmers who, if they contirn t, others joining them will brit,- iliner i to great¬ er prosperity m ;t every boy who has an acre *! i d to till, join the club and be 1 i rogresiivo farmer next year. everywhere and 5 on all occasions the widest praise. Why not you STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE BANK OF ELLIJAY /LOCATED AT ELLIJAY GA. AT THE‘CL0SE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 4, 1914. RESOURCES Time Loans 78,842.49 Overdafts unsecured 1,643.43 Due from Bunks and Bankers in the Stale 6,900.48 Dua from Banks and Bankers in ottaar Statea 2,072.60 Currency 2,100.00 Gold 1,200.00 Silver. Nickels and Penhiei 509.17 Other Resources 1.20 Cash Items ** T03.95 Profit and Loss j 1,569.58 Total $90,545.91 LIABILITIES Capitol Undivided Stock Prow* l^id less in Current Expenses, Interest and 15,000.00 Taxes Paid 2,120 01 Individual Deposits Subject to check 40,585.51 Time Certificates 23,748.36 Certified Checks 2.50 Cash Bills Checks Payable Jk ^JP* 9,000,00 94.-38 4^ Total $90,545.91 state of GeorgiiitGilmer County Before mwiame E. T. Hudson, cashier of the Bank of Ellijay who being duly sworn says the above and foregoing statement is a tru» condition of said Bank, as shown bv thf books of tile in said Bank. • E. T. HUDSON. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th dav of December, 1914. J. W, WIMPEY, Notary Public. Advertisement. Gilmer County Grown Trees. Apple- aid Peach trees for orchard planting our specialty. We xIbo have Cherry, Plums, Pears, Quince, Himalaya Berry, Raspberries, Evergreens, Grapes, Irish Juniper and right. Bolsoni Fire. Our system k right and onr price ts Satisfaction guaranteed. Your order will not be too small for us to appreciate or too large for us to han¬ dle. So if you are in need of first-class nursery stock write us for prices. Remember we can send small orders by mail. Yours for better Orchards; THE II. I. DOVER Nurseries* R; F. d. NO. 2, ELLIJAY. GA. | JuDsnnet’s Frost Are known Proof the best to Cabbage be had anywhete Plants* by thousands as of exj-irienetd buyers, and are offefed to you at prices L iWQt than you pay for common, inferior plants. WILL HAVE ALL VARIETIES. Plants tied in bunehes erf 25. PitlCLB: 75 cents for 500 lots-, 51.00 per 1000 ; 5000 and over 85 cents per 1000. JOUAWiETS EARLY GIANT ARCEJmJIL ASPARA0IJ? I k00’».,one year and two year old, $4 per 1000, $1 per ICO. COUNT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED / IfOrw rates by Souibern Kxpre=s %~o. Ca *'i with cr*cr. please. Xfnr- For •» r pro£:r'>.c m-nf-nh rrnr. cro;- ((Cald yOUf OtdCfS Clfl/ - iLFBED io LINNET, Box m. PLEAiPAT, S.r, « r --*1 j ■ '* m I i I w . ■, . -i ■ I. ... - ■ .. Quarantine to be Raised From Gilmer* A conference between county, state and federal officials who are jointly in charge of the work of tick eradication, was held in Ellijay, on Saturday, December 5th. As a result of ihG confer¬ ence arrangements rv being per¬ fected to release Gilmtr county from quarantine in March 1915; holding in quarantine on such cattie and ranges as showed ticks late this Season; Dr. E, M. Neighborly inspector in charge of Uie work of tiuk eradication on behalf el the fed¬ eral government, as will ns Dr. Bahnsen, State Veterinarian were highly gratified with the service rendered by Dr, Robert VV. Jones and the cattle inspectors under his supervision, as well as the splendid co-operation given by the people of Gilmer county ' ry few counties have done more effective work in tick eradication than Gilmer county during the past season. Of course, Dr. Bahnsen ex¬ plained, frictiou is almost sure to occur in any work where, in order to get results, stringer t rules must he enforced, Sucu ripples of disagreement are to bo regretted but they will occur in the work. . The pedple of Gilincr county are to be congrati.- ' .d on the splendid showing they made in ! this work. Commenting on the work Dr Tankersley said: “This is the f-rst season I have not heard of any cattle dying in no ne section of the county; 1 beLuV*-this work is worth much l ' the cattle in dustry o{ Gilmor c um ty The people of (.ilmcr are urged to protect themselves ag.'dnst the remfestation . . . result , illegal as a ol movement of , rattle , from , the tick 7 , wiieStevi ultu fjL,»T,Jr6 + . Via ’ cvrCTii-' ties. ' A Hearty Welcome. On our arrival at Ellijay last Wednesday evening we were giv¬ en a hearty welcome. Wc were met at the station by Bro. Hol¬ den and Watkins, who carried us out to the parsonage in their car. There wc were met by fifty or more of the ladies and men of the Baptist and Methodist churches of Ellijay. A good supper was prepared arid waiting for us which we enjoyed im¬ mensely. Immediately after we finished supper we were invited into the parlor where we received a welcome address by Dr. Wat¬ kins, which made us feel per¬ fectly at home and glad to be with such good genorous hearted people as Ellijay has- But this was not all. The ladies then in¬ vited us into the dining room where they served delicious re¬ every size and description, about 74 in number containing every¬ thing nice to cat as well as a number of other articles. It was perfectly grand to look upon to see what the good people had provided for us- Surely no min¬ ister and family in the North Georgia Conference received ; greater reception than did we We were made to feel very good and with thankful hearts, wish to tharik each and every one for their kindness and watni welcome which greeted us. We are c!e lighted with the parsonage town, and mOst especially the good peo pie of Ellijay. May God bie tc , us in our work for the Master, for this year in the charge. Your pastor and wife, M; J. Smith. NOTICE. I will be in Ellijay Deccrrlber the yth, for the purpose of c:ff jlecting tax for the year 1914 and will be there until trie 19th md theft my books w':l closeer-. W. E. RACKLEY, T; G Aavertisement. no^icn To my friends and patron*, 1 wff! 1)0 in Ellijay tljing dental work each iftonth from t;>e idtli to l/Jth. You will find m<; m tho Cole building ot r the Bank • Rjom 401 B B. YASPto*?miT. become one of this popular crew? While we honor the effect, we do not loue sight of the cause. Mr. Hudson has been devoting much time and energy to this cause, no¬ body stops to think hew hard lie has worked und the draw backs that have confronted his uuselllrh interests, Give him hearty co-op¬ eration he is doing more for the outlook and futuro ciiizen than any other is doing. Just since the boys began to ; I farm, . has , not 1 been shipped » . . 1 corn ! into cu .■’pn.' ir, D° n !L tnafctey i how you stand in other matters, be one in this work. CITATION. GEORGIA—G;lntjf Cenut-V; Whereas, W. It. Tryloty ."lVi<l>*r: ;id:r.’:iJ istbator nr Chafles h n p rcs- uts to tile court in his pttitiot* duly filed and entered on v-cord, that lie lia? fully administered his estate; This is. thereL v. to ciiO all persons concerned, kirnlr land creditors, Ic show said ca .•>, ii any ♦hev can. \vh.\ adni.iiistrtli 'r should dot be disc*.b rgeu • r om hi-t administration; and receive letter!* of dismission on the firm- Monday in January; 1915. VV, A-. COS, 'bdihfH-y; CfTATlG*: GEOltGU—GHmeb dytiilty To :lU b, Horn it it;tv •obeol’i): !!; M; Martin; as the auiii.n.stfator of the fcstat** of >trn, Caroline Pettit, late of raid bounty, deceased, lias tile applied to the undertigit- d to satl real estate and c rs-tnul pr >•«* city of sird deceased, for the pur¬ pose of paying d-bc« '. >d for distri¬ bution am. og the heirs. J v. ill pass upon said application itl tiid next regular icrni of this c Utrf. on the tir.:t Monday- in J 'uoarv, IT f Th ; s is to r, r 6 all pern 0.3 inteirri*' eu, kindred and of ('.itoio. to siiow cause, i, any ihtv can ; why at tlui said term of the court tins said m; ; p. ioafio'i siioold : or. be granted. Given under my hand and, official Signature, this D'a- onber 7? 1911: vV A. CO V., l )rd; na ry. FRUIT TREES, NOUTit GEOR¬ GIA GROWN—Buy difebt amt save'ageilts* commission; All stuck I’rcsh »nd true to nic, J. A; Withrow, Ellijay, Ca. Adv. We keep a full line of coffin.! caskets and burial material, Bros. Go: Part lx li/vdK akr IUI*?; Are ati iiidicatlrni of IChluijjf trouble—a warning to Inti Id. lip the* weakened kidneys, v'iani vig¬ orous. rid your bloc J of /tbida a;«u poisons. Go to ydur dr tggist fur Foiev Kidney Pilis. In oOo nrtd P 'P sizes. Sold iu vd'u tov 1. by V.o.el'7'.ig 4 <>. r " ...... . 1 " "7 r?"‘ Gore, G;t., P. A. M Igah rad occasion recently to use a liver medicine and s.avr. of Foky Chithfir tic Tablets: “They thorbiighly cleansed my system and I felt like u new mar.—light and free. They arc the best medicine f rave ever taken for const,ipation They keep tiici stomach sweet, liver active, bowels Advt. rogillai-;” Cble Drug 0b. WlIU TriEY ftlceOMMBND Fo lev’s HdNfey and TAh. P; A. “it, Efird, Cdnej-p Cri1f;-»be J cause plod afire the R ’trefculfcsj always chest filler8 lungs severe fields, sorb and arid not Cmw tain opiates or halnifrii drugs,’* Dr. John W. Trtvlor, L’ttl lierkvilloj Gft;--because ‘ 'I believe it to l>ci fin honest medicine and it sdtisfRs my pntlbnn.” , W. E. Cook; Nei¬ ll alt; Mont,—bfifianfie “it gives thd he?t rear Its for coughs and colds of anything 1 sell. ’' Ev’ory user is a frietld. Cole Drug Co; Adtt ; Bnsf Fori iJocifo# Dr. j. T. R. Neal, So. Gath, says that in his 80 years of experiences he has found no pirenaratioii f-rtbd ici'iilfivs eoual to Foi-’" Kidney Pills. ]’, 40c and Sjit.CCi sizes. Best you can bay for hackaclio, riieur atJcrri, kid-.w. . ml blad r ailitients. Cole Drug Co. A ;vt j Kekp It Handy Fori RifEG’f atisjI No use to squirm ar.d wince and try to Wear out your r'h'«‘innatisni. '[t ’’ will w-ar ....... j-ou i 1st -d. Ap¬ ply sotr, ■ Li .hiicut. Neecl not rub it in just let it penetrate* a!) thtough t i'<; affected parts, re¬ lieve the fioreheg. and draw fhd .pain. You grit'ease at 0:1 fit- and ; fee j sr u .,;. iK , tt , V ori win.t to g 0 | rigltr. and tell < «hfir rrtfa'-ers af-o^t 1 Bloast’s. Got a boti.'e of SP .0 .; lit intent for •' f^nts ot'rir.v rjri’g gisc and h ive it i i the Hom-tf— aga'fist Colds, Jure ni.d Swolierf Joints, Lunf-.iigo, -'e ; t'ic.i and like uiinieirts. Y menry lack if not satisfied, but/’ does give al¬ most instant relief. buy a bottlb to-day, Advt. PudMiY Action Sior Yot:r CoucU ! Whfett jnii first • tch a fiojd of ' j ton •nOldulr d by or er-.’uu break it up at orice Tile Jtit*;. that . It d< us nti' matter : rdt^if icads to .^cf'io-iS ooio.dijiitou; •. j The r.-rneiiy which. iTfiritecliatidy jand threat. easily pnhe'f.’ftfea kind t’>o lining ta.'ded. of • t.;e ■ :>> u... j Df, K ngK New L^jo -ry soothej he ir. '■ n. loosens thtf rhlegnw You fevl ii’ r:t out-.. ‘‘it stdinied t<» reach tb v . -ry spot of a.y Cough” oi many lpnest te'tiuiouiaiB; 5Qe. a.- ;our Drug gtiis Advtr