The Ellijay times. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, December 16, 1914, Image 1

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THE ELLI MY TIMES SURE CUT* l v? i£D! Fop An T>‘ * ACE!, • it:!?- i*„1Cs. •■>*??«*. ’* S.IVLB sKfuS^S ! •» P ckache, l* zinin, \!kN^S Iwfc* t< ‘ioo. H »l».. f. eic. sec, fluar-aieea. - ■-- .. ./. n— Local News, No pin-.*- next week. Mrs, Charlea AlLn ft.iH children V’S'ted v. 'alive.; and fiierid livi'c ^ast wet- s . j »Aiv» '.»■■ .Xncit Grandma Anderson had a fall! blondsv that injured one of he!H shoulders. F0LE v EE--KFY PILLS i-js :-G:-o>sr-- --oiiiYs et vsee* %anc Mr. B. visited V Tiikersuey* of Ch«t-j ; e, - s pm.iti an-l Mm A. r.»k-«loy .1 fill. Creik fe* rtok. i FOLEY r:» Eb,W»Y PILLS r e t u t-i a r. sic.-i-.vs .via eucca. G3 V> Tc.tikcrsley Bros j trade. Their sell will continue through the holidays. Tiiok. EldcV a thriving merchant ‘♦f Crosft Tie \ . Rev, lias sold his ISi«er farm to spiakd Charlie ->f Poindexter. moving to Saudi Mr. j M luntai-i. Don’t matter where] lie goes bo’s a hirst! r. m&Y t» Sbx xh t vs. t - Jiv- -Acuve Jewels Rdmler Dr. Chastain o'. Roy, spoilt the week-end hete, he was wearing good clothe;, and looked quite Well indicating that he bAr, a good practice and plrnty to eat. Childirein Cry FOR FLETSHIR’S GASTOPIA Mrs. W. B, Janies : of Oak Hill. tSd. has a few fine y oung Buckeye roosters vdit'ch s'T *,vi:i sell at a j bat gain. Thr Buckeys are great j winter layers at b’lrii as good rattgeri. At * vt FOR SALE--A' ' few Poland ^ China-fetrcv oy s three -months i Md arm weighing 3 o lbs ortolbs . ** T m y * hrtf W anrt w tttake very large hogs. f W. B. j AMES, | Oak Hill, Ga. rtdvL keV. ftoy Legg and wife left j bur county last week for Wau-I hillau, O.-irt., We reget to seej them go as Air i.egg has been hud U a faithful minster of the ’ Gospc' however, v;c wish them i feverv success iri their hew abode Mourttainto-vn r«cf Oates who a hr resident been of i | 0 pat ! tiallv ; arrt.iyi.eil for several years Was sitting ky the fire Monday i in some way he f:P Into the fire ! ! and was badly La 1 before any ore cam. tr the rescue. Mrs. Patter 3 as g . le to Aiianta to , '-i' er ci. ughtcr, i Mrs. Ilarlej W. k'.’s -H o has ; beer, in i-ospi*. f cr treatment I for tdbercj’css:. f. i’Vatkintl is sufficiently recovered that she and her mother ".:!'• do light house keeping there for a LAv weeks. Di. R. W. Jones, b S Veteri¬ nary Inspector, is expecting to make sen? trips into Pickens County in the near future for the buirpose of doing srinie prelim¬ inary rrcrl: in tick eradication. If our neighbor nvmty is freed bf the- infestation It will lesser His danger e ftickr being brought irtvO this coni’ty. We aie n'thc| if lad • to i car or thc.n LaVing 0 Hi or c Obildr c ’H. Crf FOR F-EYSKEH’S o a 3 r c 1 \ i A hv*-«;y_tovvn * ■>, iia.<- a Lav j on its *. <ttue bov-x? qiuring ito] offi<*»rr f to piiuii#:: a 0 :rtc-iv handled 1 e- j . P ort ” m-.r-ey I y them—no>< mach co’h Jtsd, and f,o.i! wh ,t ', ana .ho amount; ox.,(1- i n .i *• putpo^ei tt is nothing hut tight that the' people ft -.»uL : -.i • v Vi i -’.f becomes 1 ht trie|, . r. vs tr..,is Fiirmount - 'r.X : CA OB -. is t f (» • A •*. Fxr ... * r *3 anc CiiiEres. ; Tfii- Xiad %%: Ah-^s Bt::f i Baars tne A Chrnmas tree that as'sed to .end H baud in making iatere#’i*ig has h. ien decided for K’-l'jav at the Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. PROGRAM Anthem. I--vocation—Dr. Jones, Address—IleV. M. J, Smith. Qnarteti. Raiding—M ih KrauCcs Holden. So.,g by the chddren. Musical Directors--Messrs. J. 3d> G ,ver and oharlie Ray. DiSTKIBUTIMi OR KSTs - OOMMTIBB ON AK RANGE M ENT, Mysdames 0. B. Kelley, A, if. ihiriz, R. E, Smith add Hipp. TO SECURE TREK. Char. DeFoor, Carl Bryant Frank Hamby and Goowin mous, 7 0 PLANT TREE. Messrs. Kelley^ Burtz^ Iicnry Penlund And Ed Grcef. TO CUT OFF PRESENTS. R oy Cobb, Clarence Cox Claude Watkini Oien Ray and Watkins Edwards. TO CARE FOR UNCALLED FOR PRESENTS Mesdames Allen, Tunkereley, Alice Teem and Corrie Goss, TO DELIVER PRESENTS. Ghid.s ,,, ,. loem Jewel , , H.pp, TT . T „ u *' a, Dorris M L ah * ^y -^Dpp Smith, *ud Velma Kate Waters, jro * ; Webb, 10 GALL PRESENTS. Messrs, \f. I. fefein, N, L, dhtiikerdey and Ed Erady. TO DECORATE. M „ d , raol M ,. T Bll , lei, Unby L.-Tecm, I'eiirlCo. vieriam Waters, Kiltie Ree Hipp, Warlick, Frances Holden, Ethel Cobb, Rebie Allen. Mary Millie Powell and 7’liehna TO DRESS TREE, ATiSs Vtilrv Tankersley, Alesdames C. Cole. B. Hipp, Florence t ( , n ] an d, Nola Poindexter, B. S. n, TO 0UR READERS. ^ e CaC n °t publish articles that Gome 111 signed like this: “Writ ten a friend ’ or “Reader.” Yo « must ----- send your - name—not ------- --- f . .r P nnl-ilico-tr.-! pilL)llCf*.wa uut tna WC m rru.v ___ wiio is the sender. Hope tlvb will be read by Y the rne pa-.ties from whom we are hold -3 such signatures that they ., understand the non appear oi their contribution Prompt Actich Will Stop Youp PnT'rtit K U1 When you first catch a cold ten indicated by a sneC/e or cough break it up at once. Thi- idea that u It does not. matter” rften leads to serious complications. The renwly which immediately am ea-nly penetrates the lining of the throat is the kind demanded. Pr, King’s New Discovery soothes the irritation, loosens the phlegm. You feel at once. “It seemed to reach the very spot of mv Ceingh” i 6 one of many honest, estiiroaiais. cOc. at your Drug ist. Advt. ------*----- SLlC ^ tails win IN MU¬ NICIPAL ELECTION. In the mnneipal election held Monday for Mavor ami Aldermen roSu’ted as follows: For Mavor G. Watkins Aldermen, T. Q. Simmons, M. I. Teem.M. T. Dooly j_ Lunsford, H. A. Smith, ig c ; a i„ t , d t j, at there war- a t , vnhaT ol - illegal votes cast and ; s rnrno s e d that t.hefe wiil be T t is claimed th“re were aast from Canton ‘0 F towah men some who have never any taxes. Vimt the cut 0 : 1.0 will be, w. do not know a: p efieiit, WOTIGc:^ * To ik'y friends and patr'onr, w‘!! be in Ellijay dental • ork each month fro.,i the 16th a■ . You will find me in f 'It- building over the Bank yJx ; B,- B. v axdeoritjf. El XIJAY ttrtrtRtitA, wgS^DA V l»15C* fft- 1914 3ERRY SCHOOL NEWS ANXIB SELLER? The object of the Christmas Party, which we are to have on the sixteenth of Eecenibci, is to show the people the spirit of j Christmas. The party is to be j gin at ? o'clock. It is to be in Glenn wood Grove mid way be¬ tween tire schools. Hrst »ea,c to give a t hrist mas Play “How Christmas Game to ... 1 T Love Mountain. . ,, . , rue taeijlay, , , old ., T English . , and , Ger- _ mart A. Canos . be , , by are to sung' the , different ,,,, classes , at the , Girls r.. , - ; ,, ScncSoi, , . nd , diffeient ,. rc dormitories , . . ; i at the Boys School. We men to have , a big Christmas . Tree. The Christmas Play, which we gave la«t year, is to be given this year at Grace Chapel, New York City; The Hiredinar. Settlement School, Knott County Ky and the Asrtvilie Collegiate Institution, North Carolina. Dr. Weatherford, a great Y, M. C A. worker, visited the Boys’ School the first of this week. He visited our school while there and gave us two very helpful lectures. Several friends from Rome w-ith Mrs. Erwin, of Columbus. Miss., visited the school. Mrs. Erwin gave us an inspiring talk. i The Glee Club of the Berry School, which is composed of r .8 girls and 18 boys, entertained both schools bo a conceet Satur¬ day night. The Senior class cooked and served a dinner to the faculty of both schools, on Thursday even i iug, December the 10 th, for the bcnefit of the Christmas Tarty and to buy some uteful things to put on the tree for the little poo- children who have been invited, and expected to come. Dr. Warren, the School Physi Ician, recently vaccinated practi IcaP" all the student? from both piuVuoh JukLti Saturday, December the 5 th, was set apart for Tree Day at I the ^ irIs Scho ° 1 - * lhe Sen planted their class tree, which they leave to represeut their class. Nine dozen night shirts which the .1 girls -ti, have u been making 1 • tor . tiic Belgium soldiers have finished, and forwarded to them, Everybody at Berry is looking forward to his Christmas vaca¬ tion. The boys leave for home December 18 , and the girls leave ; Church preeuirtiii" -hat lie has mortgage dned to • , >. iia!-* ness, ready to foroT^. it at time, savs the l < .uitrce Now aint this the : ih? <*-. A boy in New J> shot a bit, in violation game and was given sew; i- months jail and actually put behind I Lars. Mr. Siegel, -. f New York, ; glo j e a | )ul , t two nil "A a dollars dollars tha ;. had been enti-tt , ity' w. v his his 1 ■ depart depart- 1 i t t , ban . .T * . confiding , men store a 1 " a -’i* 1 employes, , and , h; , . i„ * ; neen give.i fine of thnusa-“v ,. _ , ,-dlars and , one a ' , . ' T i susnened mil Bente.f c. It is eas\s j. indeed, ‘ , to belu-ve . hat justice . . is blind.—Macon , ,, .. V *r IF. 1 j j C. --L— \n ; Ni & S. T. I d W. & A p ir Will sell round Hp tickets ac - count Christmas folidays os fol¬ lows. Dpcembtr*7 Sth to 25 th, inclusive, 31 st a' i January 1 st. Good returning U nuary 6 th, 1914 . Apply "y.-ket Agent. C. E, t ARM AN. G. P. A. Keep It Handy K n« Rheumatism No use to squirn^and wince and try t« wear out yoy rheuinatiam. It will wear you o , bistead. Ap¬ ply some Sloan’s ] oiment. Need not run it in just r. it penetrate all tinou"h Die «f ted parrs, re¬ lieve the s-'i-er. ^itid draw the pain. You get «-a tek.'ou ot once and feel so 11 ucii be want to go right and toll othtT surt'e ers about Sloan’s Get a Aa.-c of Sloan’s Liniment for-45 c< fvofanydrug gist and have it ■ the house— against Colds, bc- i and Swollen J'dii.s, Lumbago, •iatica and like ailinet ts. v ’ cn- I - 10 v back if not satittied, but do. s give ai most instant rcli in¬ Buy a bottle to-day. Advt. Bust For Kidnky —Says Doctor Dr. J, T. ID R. Iv !. So. Car., says that in his v'ei<:-| of experience h p has f >-nd „on aration fur ! i" Pills. rf. v'^uu., rr IF- -* -_r * .‘err. * I ^ Ills In 40c aqd $1.00 siiits. ' 1 ^ 011 c,in n .' for backache, | rheumatism, . kidn . bv and ailments. Cole.I)’-ug Co. Wnu They Rkcommend Foley’s Honey and Tar. , P, A. Efird, Conejo, ; j 0;iua9 ,. it pro i nC( . t [ t J iul b , 8t , e8tllts , a j wa y g cureg devj^re colds, zore chest and lungs ar«d does not tain opiates or harmful drugs.” Dr John W. Tav-lor, Lui hersvilie, Ga.—because ‘ ‘I elieve it to a 1 honest medicine and it r.y patrons.” \V. E. Conk, hart, Mont,—becanse “it gives best r.-sults for enughe and of anything I sell.’' Every a friend. Cole Drug Co. Advt. _ ?AIN Tx BACK UlT?. j AND 1 4 ,- e nll itidiration ol ! trouble—a warning to build up ! weakened kidneys, make them ^ r0U3 - rld -\°V r 1)100,1 °j acids l ‘ nd , Ip nsonw Go to your druggist PHIs. In 50c M.90 sizes. Sold in you town Cole Drug Co. Advt. Gore, Ga., P. A. Morgan had occasion recently to use a liver medicine and says of Foley tic Tablets; “They o’eanSed mv svstem add I felt like j ii new mail—light and free They ; are the best medicine I rave ! t f 1ke “ r " r constipation. They the stomach sweet, liver act. ve, bowels Advt.' feghlar.” Cole Drug Co. i FRUIT TREES. NORTH GEOR GRO W X—Buy direct and j^ave agents’ commission. All stock fresh and true to name. Withrow, Ellijay, Ga. The , $100 Reward, $100 Trade, s of this paper Will bd n’ea^ed to learn that there is at leas'.ona ; dr-.-adc-il rltseaso science has been able to cure In all its Stases, Ynd that is Catarrh. Hull’s Catarrh Cure,Is the only j fraternity. positive cure now known to constitutional the meiical Catarrh b(:-irg a i ln SSStf^.aS?-? muieSs“Sfrac'S^^h^system': I r thcr^k <i j baikHn^ji^ constitution i the iind assisuns | ^ ^ tePtimoni.Tls. ^re.® 0 ^ or Ad/lress F. .U CU^NgY _& CO., Toledo, Ohlcf. 6old bjf all rrn^^lsts, 75c. Take Hall’s F**ully Plllrf for eomStipatlotf* NOTICE. I will be in Ellijay December the 7 th, for the purpose of col lecting tax for the year 1924 and will be there until the 19 th and then . my , books , will -.ti closeec,. , W. E. RACIvLEY, T. C. Aavertisement. F. T. Collins, who iva.i elected to the legislature from county, wiil be the only republican in the Georgia legislature as far as *t is known now. lie will likely feel like the Lone Pilgrim , as a republican in the Georgia legisla j tnre won’t stand much show of ; doing bat bttle, if anything. Real ! I >V it is a hard matter for even Some democrat* to do anything.— i Nugget. Now it becoifi^s onr painfnl duty I to set Editor Townsend on the I right track again. Collins will 1 have a little company for Giuiauy l of Faruin, is a Republican, Rice I of Tovvne is another and Bnrtz ;Gilnfer ia a ‘•blink Ridge Post. An Atlanta pastor is tt I or bhapwroniug the class in j tango and ether modern dances, In the meantime, the old devil doubtless in high glee, and wrthdrawn aT bis rorces from that j K!DNE$ EVERYWHERE Successful PILLS Backache, Rhi-jma turn. Kidney* and Bladder. Every people are talking ! about Foley Kidney Fills, telling, how quickly and thoroughly they * 1 wotkf VtiU can fiot take them : int6‘ your eyetetn withtvt Jood jj reeo.i* following. j That is bbjsfcie Poky Kidney Pill* give td the kidneys and blad dir fd3* ifhai nature calk fcr to I hdal tnese WCflkYned and inactive I orgadl- iof " | j Try ti/iirf Sound Heahh. Soul Bj Coh: Drug Co. j min big emu sui [ij| J " I We are making some special prices on a number of articles this week and next, in the way of merchandise. If yon need Underwear, Dress Shirts, Ladies’ Coats it will certainly pay yon to see oul* stock now 0 V 1 exhibition at om store. Remember all you buy from us is good new stock and not been on hand 10 to 25 years. ^See but premium tilings to give away at this sale. Tankersley Bros, Co Gilmer County Grown Trees. Ij i f - , Apple and Peach frees for orchard plainingmirspecially. Yv’i* also have Cherry, Plums, Pears, Quince, Iliinalaya Berry, Raspberries, Evergreens, Grup and ■, Irish price Juniper and Bolsom Fire. Our syr'.em is right our ts right. Satisfaction guaranteed. Youf order will not be too small for us to appreciate or too lar^e for us to han¬ dle. So if you are in need of first-class nursery stock, write us for prices. Remember we can send small orders bv mail. Yours for better Orchards. THE H. I. DOVER Nurseries, 1 J..r f yon are ^cr.ted 40 to ) 100 miles from the city is no reason why you are out of reach of the city consumer or the city stores. Early morning trains and our city delivery sendee will put you on an equality I with any suburban trucker, poultry farm, orchard or dairy. We will deliver for you. You can order city bargains shipped to you brings by Express C. O. D., and this the bargains to vour very door. Carriage Charges Low SERVICE Satisfactory Insurance up to $50 Free SO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY Southern Express Company ‘Serve the Public” -i fcL. ft- A- tL Hipeating S iotgun's USED iil f il 5 U . S . A P. VI Y . The U. S. Yrr-y authorities know a ~/n; tba. is v.-fcy, v/hen they' decided to equip i-orte troops with repeatiaff shdigun*., toey aC ,.-d the Win¬ chester m prcfiltocr *oail other makes. T..a ! i*ner„ of the U. a. O.dncr.ce Boa-d also know „ gli-t; tha :"r, v.’hy. altar submitting a Vv T :-..ohcs #er Reoeatmg^ Shotgun to all sorts .1 te:,i3, ,hey Prone *' iisite, sure, irong e^d Sim. 'a. If y-ov v ant - jotgun—buy the one. whose MP iri nrJ reltab’Ji*}- leA to U. S. Ar*; f*uthc.,eies .«? setts', ii g id tire U. S. Ondnaa.-.; ^ Boar' 1 to endorro it— mat’, the Winchester. THL R EulAB^E REPEATERS m rj irt rnn i iiwr rf' - i Ml Al'OTISElSTS | _ CITATION. . GEORGIA—G 1 ib'-r (j -unrV. Whereas, \V. R. T-tylof, -id | istrator <>f Chari, s I,. !>» i,;, r -. | resents t«. 1 T 1 -; cciift in his p -i-ii.,A 1 ilnly till d and entered 1 n V-e.ii-d, he bus fid’/ IV.iiiMterwl bis estate.: TIift isj theivfor.-. i . mi ail perisonS coiicerin-d, kindred ud .-.reditiVrs, 10 show cause, if • y t’c-.y 'cun. why said admuustniibr should not be disci,-M-ec i !*• admiiii-tration, and -• ’-f., ,-S of dismission on the Vrst ..i • uSatf in Jttiiua’rv, 1 '.?]■?. . W. A.'C 0 :V.;Viw»i Wr ,-. C’Td T’G C j GEORGI A—Ci'F. i - 4 To who !' 1 “1 ’.v i'-"-'- it M. Marti lit 'a: t’-.V 1 Vo ;, ’i,:.t i- ■>? i the cr'—•- <m Mr'“. Co -' 1 .10 1 %-• ti S . late of V.i'hi '•or'ir.v; di-lei; 'cd. has ‘applied to t!’.. u*id.-in;rti.'d ' s i tha real estate and pt- s i | >pl jetty of a'-d -’e'eacd, for tf,e pur i pose tuition of paying d i>G and Lu-di-tn mm!; g Hi • p I Mil pass upoi. said apiilic; : : m >.! dui regular terr:; « *' tins eoiin . Uie first Monday mi J., : ony i'.'M ‘ T 1 1 i *- is to cite all 1 i;n.n;:. kindred and eivdnoi's. to ,-n or cause, if any , hey can; why at me said term of the court il .- ; .aid .u plication should not be eit.niHil. tl 1 voti under my hand and ulii.-ial signature, this Dcccrub r 7 . |U 1 i. W. A. COX,Ordinary. ‘ : ' 1 Atlaatn. Ga.. Juno iai:>.—tir. K»l( ly, Atlanta, Ga.—Dft'ar Sir: Pome wnk months npo I had what 1 thought heart tiotible. My heart weald skip for an hour or more, and of to:, ever}' third beat. Tuis was especially no. ti".'able after eat'mt. 1 ceusulted rev* physicians, but got no permanent belief. 1 chanced to pick up one of i)r., ICelley’s books on “Nuxcara,” an<| soon found I had been treating tl-.o wror-g complaint. I bought, a. botOo and of Nuxcara and got solus hotter, aft; r taking about half dozen bottles I was entirely relieved of a.’, heart troubles, as well as indigestion £ 'have not had a return of this sirme, aud I consider Nurc’ra one of th<i greatest aciiievr-dielr.t.'i i *4 irtrdicta®toft ulod the troubles it ti .rfecbht»he t s curb. Ybtirs very truly', Ask .1. It. «r.Ki-,>T5. for thb -NUXCARA I -< r-.i'ets. , NUXCARA CO., Atlanta, Georgia, j fefflees 318 and 319 Umpire BuUdlnffl 1 Labratories 138 Sydney Street. j L FOR SALE BY V^|l IV^‘ UOfl VdM popnia P 4;.^ ily.with a/i .‘MO'v' / hales WAi\pyi* iP to-Ja\y howr. ” '/£% p “c-NfECO! Loanify ov /i£S” &£ iht }y\i , — r 0 l Wi ! i NEW 0 la.nK~.b-S.ft. vTir:rtR€c.;<r; yt* ■; —<. ; |' ■’■ 0 . 4 * 1 ' *T«. iOi’i .. ,t« ji *i *“■- - cb *3 of ^ *• cr-rcy.-tx-i eu£u >n y / ■■yk 'f. f. '• w“ r A • T H . . I’. Us .~ *, la: -: R. -‘yml .*•/;• .-Ikb *-'. .firt: -?- rkr;<r«. j L-r 1 )-,wh.- . ‘C f Diet ;io .Li. ’eg H j : ‘cri *•;’ r iBi p.- r ru y’T'-' .. C iX/ t.C. 31. is Yf-3s:s.« 4r* 'mtoY * • ~ r JS f r C^ilc’rvJO Cr# FOR FLF/THER’S CXi STO RiA,