The weekly independent south. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1860-1863, April 25, 1861, Image 3

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pointed out Jonceas Wsting to him of being the j-’orson who “provision ed Slemmer,” ftu 1 stated that ho was then on his way to Washington with dispatches for Lincoln's (ioverunumt He was arrested, the proofs of his treason upoo- him, nud hy was executed gn The spot by the enraged citizen^ The rumor Utrns out to be corract, and one'traitor 'get.dip deserts, Attention! IX Reference to an aimouncement in the Independent South, for the organization of the Militia of Burke, we propose to or ganize in lieu of that order from the Adju tant General, a Volunteer Company to be armed and equipped for immediate aervice. Those desirous of evading the wiitl order and enlisting as volunteers will convene at Wmjrfowboro, on Tuesday the 7th of May to enroll their names and organ lie. >VM. S. (\ MORRIS, Rrig’d General. J H. WHITEHEAD, Colonel. •* l"t R vUion 2nd Regiment, (J. M. ft April 25, >8 U. KORRIA, riurke County.— Whereas, \ T Will into i> <’:•«»«*• to on* Letter* of Adu»in»*trnti<.:» on thr totate of William Kim bral, late of ».*id c°uniy daaeated These ore tht*r»f*ns to ofto aud admonish all and singular the kindred and errditor# an 1 all othor persons interested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary on the tlrnt Monday in June next, and show cuiwi, if any they haw, why said bettor* should not be granted Given under my hand nod official signature, at office in Waynesboro April 25, I~G 1. S. A. CORKER, Ordinary. DAIS AI I’RR DAT 12, Applica ti«»n nil! be nu»do to the Ilonorublr the t’ourt of Ordinary of It.irk ■ Couu'y, for leave to sell ul! the Real Utlonging if* Andrew Do’Snry, lat© of said Burke t • » uity*i KIUKIiIX G. GODHEE, Administrator April 25 l.ctil. Notice! \LL pjTWnw in lebted to, are requested t u stake ii.utn»*!i-Uc ;»f*ymen. it* my basins* m «t l .-© ’<l forik with. April 25, I*til. S. A JACKSON. KVKKY BO D Y IX TEI IE ST ED. From tlie pro-! nt politicalcomiition ol our country, ami 'the revelation of thrilling events v. liich n.m threaten us, it become* obligatory upon u- to command tlie organi zation of our citizens, for the protection of their lirv-udes and propert'. Therefore, the citizen-of c n ili strict will itmuediatr’y convene, and jet'.r -te militia drill*, demanding of every meniher of com munity (able to t ear arms,) t i.e and np ,M*ar with so. ■ lir arms of efficient and good service. And lor the mutual organiza tion to better defence and suppression of a 1 disorders, we eall the people of the coun ty to assemble in V.'.i; ■ :n -Tun on the lirst Tuesday in . .. J A S'IK'.VM VXE ) T It Dl.Of .V l , U T. .fiiVA s J 1.0 11 C. r. a. itii.uistt vw, j Wvr- wo,e,, April IT, ! - il. Pay up: Pay up 11 \I.I. i.ersoti; indebted to me are rerpie.t ed toeotue (Sirw aid an ! settle imme.ii nteiy. or -non.-: ii' • , s Tien u !i tin,] •their Notes and Ac- ants ;n the handsel Judges. A. .. lam o;i to toe war and me business must oc . tlie... j«hx i*. l.tiitK.v/.. April IS 1 v J. VN antod, \ ‘‘■ ' '.- le r.vrn to taki •'terre of a plant a l stioll - :y. lie most l.e a «;• lw, stt.-nly man -..:ie t .at a - tend to the linsine ■ mi: : m . Apply at r o'” ■>. \ ; ,Nol Uiifro’ies. r r»p in' it" !».| h .11 a a la' of Fine t fa ■ ■: ,an- si, iiiuf.iiiuw, uud fl.inDH.- o! Son him udi ■ All *.! 1 f: i A is ill Imi M»l»i vary ril-;.,. Auy v -It.r gruel, .r, article had better eall nnj rxa.u.ur hir ,'tu.k. O. W. lIEKRY. April IS. 1961. 4a- Pfc tiee. \T-L perron* hereby rr. t nrd nol to tr?*<!•» far a l< i- ihi wry \ , j . » im* in Th >ma» T Ellirton orbearer, aii'i './. *.i t.r WilJUtn KimMe jm* Bocuri:y, for on • hui. I .mI «;,d eighty-five Dol l.irs. «Jat***i <ihou 4 sh- day ..f .Vl.trch 1860 smd duo first day o ' . v 1 ’GO I will not pay •aid Vote, a* t!u onu-oleratioii for nitich it t>us given Uius failed WILLI IM V CHANCE. April 18 l'Gl. Gt Notice. XOaTo purch:»-r.l !;imi lately pmied by E. 8. | .M »y», E*q . tin’ firbijauv bunting or camp fbhtngou n;;i.i Uni tv \i ? who veil their ?im< or fi«h. MILLS J. URIX^ON. Mitlen Ga., April IS, 1%1 BJ?" The Coiwtha?. -nnlUt, AuguotA. nml South ern Federal » nbm. Mdedjr'vtlle will plotso Copy ; ’J tioiof (weekly) and send bill to tbi* office. VfOTICE, To Uvotfirs s:ml Crrd li ' !! i-c: h*ii> lutlvbtvil to Aii'lr'* DeSitry. laU* of Kurke (*«»imty dw**n«*ed, arc hereby requested to make immediate pay ments Ami all those having demand* ngaiet said deceased, must render th«*m in according to law, F. G. OODBKK, Match G, Administrator. m H. EL fIITF3 El T TAVIXii permanently located at l»r. J. Ii ; .1 1 Baxlky * obi (‘taitU, (n ;ar Reese’* Church,) ■ t*T«r» hia I'rofowional Service* to the citizens of Hu rkc. Semin her 14, ly NOTICE —Those* Who »re in*!*- ited to me will __ find their Recounts in tiic hand of tny Author ized Attorney, JoHK I*. WUiTEUEAI), Jr., Esq., oi Wayoc«L»*ro. Ga. Prompt payment i» and urgently ro 'tf 7, l=w JOHN’ liOW.«r. F. IIOLMAN, nma. wiolesui am utail be vlsi*. ix China, Class &l Earthenware, LAMPS ty-%. AND LOOKING GLASSES, OF EVERY STYLL Plated. Erinmta and Japan W A R E. FAKUX i'AXCV UOOPS, Ac., Ac. ‘tHO. Itroa-i Street, ABgßsta, CJ». S»««k»r U, M6O. Ir srißK, Ai.r\ isnrp * ci.ark, of rsUCTAJ? &c MOLASSES, A\'l> AVHOt.RSALK Gli OCE RS. ka r st, -sj y.tsyjH, ga. l • r n, )y TAX TECETVm s**I?OIWTKEKT3. The KereivVf us Tali lieinrttx of JJurhe ■ i'minty w iii 1/e nt the following place- on : tiie days herein incutionfeil, and reijue-tva punctual attendaiuva ol Tdir payaarr'^"'"'' ( Cist lii .trkt on Fndav, sth of April. <H u Sat urJay oof “ u Monday 8 “ CS “ Tuesday S) “ M “ FVeditesday 10 “ 07 “ Tliutsday li “ 65 M Friday 12 “ 60 “ SatunUy Id 72 “ .Mimday 15 “ 70 “ Ttmuday 10 “ 72 “ Wednesday 17 “ 73 " Thursday 18 “ 74 “ liidav 10 “ arxoND aocNo. 08 « Tuesday 23 “ ti 4 “ WediK -dae 24 “ 03 “ Thursday 25 *• 66 a Friday 26 “ 01 “ Saturday 27 “ 07 Monday 20 “ 05 “ Tuesday 30 “ 00 “ Wednesday Ist ofMay. 72 “ Tiiursday 2 “ 70 u Friday 3 *• 71 “ Saturday 4 “ 73 “ Moutlay 6 “ ’.4 “ Tue-day? 1!. W. WIIITFIFJ.n. April 4, ISCI. lm Tax I’oceivi.r, 11. C. SOMETHING NEW! TANNER’S Picture Gallery, OvKit Claupc * Cu s Jrimnv Stock. AUlil STA GF-ORtilA. j Entrance Next Door to the Pert GiSsc, 'VMIK l T l having o]‘ *r4*d mi l (ht rotiph- A ly renovate ! the ftbo’ e Rooms, ii* pr» pared t«» furniih hi* friend* and fho paW;e p< ii -lily, win Kin«, Life-like Am Urol yin-c \ A'. Ac, all of tvhich will 1 <• exe«u»'d in the very liest style of Hit* Art, und «*; un; • * ■* leutedi; l tow Prlrcß. li .■ it •k ■i -in tno h.* flatlet hm»«:lf th.U he htui no snjH»rior in thie country, and pkJgva hua *o!f to give etttire satUAbClkm. t veu to th- lno*t fas tidhm*. The ptildiv ar«2 ret'poctfully invited to call and exuinino Kpocifucn li F. TANNER Augusta April -I. 18GI. 3m S. ST A 11 S HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GA. MOSHER A CREWS, ntapinrrcHs; \Tre take this uifthoii t«» !i?-oru» o«rfriond* and l v fh*.* travel!inn pub!'., that v.«* have leawid | the above nan od llatel f«*r a number of y«nra. It ji* now in bir*t r.:c Order t > * ihe Rvcptun of | (Lic#ts. having U* r. Ihomoghly Kenovitmi. lU-- I ji-iiredTintl !U farni-hed. dot ing lhe jm*l wid i we ho|x* by <ri> t pemcami ntiention to !l*c wautv i and coujforH of our Guv.'S*, to oierit Oie !i*»« ral pat,- rooag** hcrotofo • cxien*icd to this !lni>' \V> have Hood Cook- an l attenti* ** V. tir*-. and we .MMure all who may vi* ;f us. th t «i .r ■ shall not U* snrj'issed by nnv flnn-fi i.-f H *t«d in the South, Omuibuw:- will ulw: v- 1 ,• in reditu .- ni the ItcjHtfs to ."invf v Trr this Home This HoUj U xitua: and « n iir*wvJ Hire-*, in f very eeatrv «»f I'.u-ni •>#. (•svenieot u» all the Lank.*, Wun’houaex, at;4 liadr* el*. MOflfl! J* A CLEWS. O -l.Jwr 24. i-r*n. / 1 if. rUc * . \\ h•• * i V A John F L m.i»n !!\"cu! i *r <*? DcCouey An ; tuony. late of said wtunty. de*•«*«-» and. npplietf lo me j fur latter* JtUtno*s<Mrv fnvo -aid l>l->U ] These are th«re» .:\* t*i •■.it** an l adir nr-li all and j singular the kin at; 1 ere ii» an i .ill « Un-r p«r«on»* • interested, to he and npj»f-ir before the fowl of vWimnti*. titfl 'J oviny ia Novau»her next, J an ! show oßUf*o, it »u»v vh • , I,* s,ii 1 l/ftcri shttul I noi be grin* l litre.* r,, in my hand and I o8i» ia! *di}«H*r *t .at *»•*!•.: • i ; * '* ?•- .*■ \ *:•«■ STEi'HES A C OiJir.*ry | M r.'h 4. 1 til. j • 1308 IV, I IKS ( • . : \ * il. nj.Tinin 1. tk irr-.w. V. ;• <>»..r .if Urw . Hcarrow, InU* of said court t d*. •* »,*• l, applies to ! me for Letter* DUmUors fmru *m.i j.e fe. Th-Me are therefore m -»te n ? *. !m abb nil nnd ! sin rular the kimlre 1 mJ er iiUtri an l all other lons inler-steG r«* .-ini appear .of*urt* the four! Tirbnarv.on the i- .V. .tx ii. November i»ev?. and show if nny I bey iicvt*. why said left■ shoiJ l v. •' h • m!ri t»iv-*n mi«ier m\ | hand nnd on*, it! **tgr«xt«re nt ofllcu in V. ayncclur** This. 21 arch i h. l - : * STKI'USX A CORKER. Ordinary. / Mi-OKhiA. »%■: C«K.nt>, Wh V T Miltun il Lex*.i.-. .» i trator of Stephen ; Mines late of sai l (Tumtyde » **d applies to tno for Letters fi**m vi i 1.-rate. i Thesn are Iheraiorr. to o«* and ndnnr. I }* j;U und singular th- kin li. l and creditors and ull i other peraon* in: - Uml, to be rod apjxiar before , ti.e f -art of Or***nary. -*n li:** . >T , Augo«t next, as-J caioo, if nnv they have, why said Letters should not > * pranlud (liven nr**ler my hand and '•ij-nafuro at office in Wovnoabon*. Janaarr M l l STEPHEN A. CORKER Ordinary. LOHMA, 111 RkE t (H \TY. \ T Whorot..-. Simevr V .iii .*-* uud Ai*ol tValUee, Kxecutora of William Wallace dere i-od, applies to i me for Letters disnii.-sory. fretn Iv-tatc j These aro therf<r»re to cite and admonish all nnd singular, the kin Ir* 1 uud creditor- and nil other * parsons concerned to \m nnd me r H**f**r»* th** Court of Ordinary on .• *nd M«*nJav in July next. S to sh .wcanre, if nnv they have, whv sa. 1 letter.* ■ should nut bo granted Witnc s rny kind aid oft « ibi signature «t >iii.*e in V/a , n i-Um*, ]»o '.au'aor 3d, 1860. STEPIIKIT A. CORKER Ordinary. tixti da i i *2 •" 11 : i» and t rig j O cation viU he made to the li i, liuhlf. the > Court of Ord’uiary of Ktuke Countv, lor leave |«» sell three h n Ire.l and f.f»v c re* of Land, ui ire or I loss, lyit.g in said county, to the ExLiic of William Saxon, |at«* ,f ih.rk • C nl v deceased TUOMAS II EJ *i NT. A l’mr. April 11, I9l»l. 2m Wi*b Will nnoxed / 1 EOROI t. Hut • • •v . n v_T Dr. Tiionm.* Rurdeii (Ji.ardian *»f the person r.n*l pnipcrty of John 1* Ik nidi a minor, up,.lie to uic for letters dianussory from said .aiuor s cs j tuto. ; Thc<e arc therefore to cite and a imwi -h all and ! singular the kindred and creditors nt.d nil other jKjr.-ms lute rested, to V«c and appear before the Court of Or liu.ry. nut’* (Wt Vn.u lay in Juno next, and sh**w cause, if any they have, whv said letters should not be granted oiven under my hand and official signature nt office in Waynesboro, April 2d, 1 d»l. STEPHEN A. CORKER, Ordinary. BRY GOODS AND G ROC Ell IES. I GEO. W. SCOTT, AAT’OULD llcKjH'ftfully return liis t'utnks i Tt tu the citieww of Sjimnia and vacini : tv lor tlie lilieral (.atronage beretofore ex tended to him, and hopes to receive a con? \ tin nation of the same. Ho ha* now in Store nnd is constantly rc esi vcirig fresh snpplies .if DRY GOODS, I GROCERIES, j H ard Ware, wooden, TIN, CROCKERY AND GliiNs Ware. HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND sit< >i:s. In stet every article generally found in a ! Country Store. All of .which will l»o sold ■ ofl aaeonmuKlating terms. SUvania. June 15, JStKh 14 — ts i t- * To Our of Burke, wk, a fot* the reception of contribution*, ap|>repmte<l to the otitf I *- inj; of '.or. \'o;. to meet the deamad of rfc»> '\onthem Ariniva t Mppeal te. our f iiow : M'.ts for wUrfera! am) geiicruss ex pi 'v-itm of »v aapajhy in th- ean-w. t I •:« Burko Si. :rp Sh./"U r-*,) Imrahva'.'y c!»t<-i*d u.o i. and, an.) the Burke (Jif-AtS will lid its adieu ill a IV.v oava. This lad le t aotl «•' our brotHu* with .hi’ one that has left, will add new luster to our name, tmli«tiug aa l{ due\ our beat hlumi aud purest I patriotism. „ Their inde&tigable ' 'ommandcr, ever true tr. his noble birth, has ovinilti S< f ?dor in the , cause, not only by atamlmg guard ujwn thtsperiious front rtf the rouOigt-VJtbj awiike ing our symp.ithies to the cause, and we can not refrain, even here, from giving tliere ! spouse of our whole people. A heart felt admiration for his generous contributions, of , both, money and camp-comforts, to the Burke Sharp Shooter*. We ask no rjm>l-/v. for so personating tliis (Kmtieinan, but the pride of the example. Fellow-citixci.s. need w« importauc you 7 You all "know that your property end your liberty, ha- no ot.ier g rxnte^jkmOlitf endorsement.of such [» in the ' language of our Sue, whose Southern biaod hne engraved his immortality upon Southern fecdoni, ‘-yon kuow your .n4h.v and ymir «.*• ■, your and your rob.'.-, are not worth a Continental d—m, with ut tiie*'»Jor-emCnt of your own hare bosoms mm strong arms.” Then we usU you. to think, fecMsu.l act on this occasion a* your patriotism, your honor and your rtfU-mteicst will, gnri Vust direcuyou. * Gallantry nor patriotism, ahmguy warm hearts and strong arms, cannot win our battles or defend our property nr pfcdect our hearthstone*. Let every man repulse the apprehension of hard times, while thousand ‘ are yet in our |s«rkets. Delay will bring tlie war to our and t: u all our ttiouatuct•> and our bcssletl |«i—c-ion.. w ill vanish from our gra-p. Now U the day, and now we invite you to contribute to the preservation of your own lilterties, your own property and your own All contribution- can Is- forwarded to the undersigned at Way ttesl-oro. where due credit will be givou for tue same. T. H. Blockt, J. C. POYTHHESS. E. J. Gabtsb. Wm U. BTrnoEB, 11. J. BhorsT, ' ! E. 11.^ST, J bTHIf) Tt_.' :jt, EtiMUSD^kJj?E. RICH MEDALLION VELVET CARPETS. English Royal Velvet, Brussels, Tliree- PLY'AND INGBAiX ''ABB. Tn Ki'tr vntl Ih Tattcrnx, Just reci-ii -d. !)jimasl;s, of Al] liintls, Late nnd Curt mins, Cornl* i/OIII'S and MnDOH MIAULS Eloi'f and Ti.bie Oil Clullts, Mats, Mattings, Wall Bai.yrs fi irtlcrts iSrc. . THE l. IKGIST STOCK T 1 I'M OFFEHED, Toll S LE B 1 JAMES G. BAIL IK & BROTHER, IMrOKTF.IUt AND DKAiKILS, FLOOR OIL CLCTHS Cl T AND LAID. FUEL OF CHARGE. ALL GOODS I PACKED AND SHll’l’KD. FiIKF, OK CH UiGR. 20.> IiHOAD STREET, \l'Gi;sTA**(tA. A] til 4, 1801. iy : TIIE I Southern Pu puWie. | Tie- IbiPf ai» r l V»V kW Fuiitu-nl an*i (’"Dimtr | uini J'Minial, «r Hlvd by JAMBS M. SMYTH E, 1!-j . and JOHN IL WEEMS. At-sociate, | f'ontair! th.'* la? *xt D'»*hr nj.l mail; ' i* jiu Ji-UfJ in tli« City of Atiguaia. v ot»rcia. by ! WM. J. VASGN & CO. 1 the • ' , ' Utii al JPa i per of Us site, >' Daily, in the | Conjedernh Siut- v <■/ >ln -Va. Tllß.Mibi—t'A'lH IN ADVA NCE J 3)ai!'. lor O e Veao / ■•'*«* <><» j •* ' “ Six Jil.HtHh ; *• *• Tfircc *-2 I «*0 i •» Oil*? Zi Dilb '• •' W’cckH for (> v V tr (>:» j »• **«!<»: *• ;i . . I i ** • i • (,»t* i Ic .klM* ... i fit) *• “ o • 5 P*t Maxlern art? uil. >rh- I t*> .a.- 1 t,. nr.r A ; vta, •*o reoolro «aU: ripli.c!* uu i Ivrvrm! to is lb'* -Mailer. i ' I.ORi.iA Knrkr ('o inty. *ixiy I »y* nf* !\ 7 ter «!•?•*, npyJi nvrll be mtuk f»»tli* ilt n i tirabic the Ct*nrr >f OrJioarv of •aid County. i«r i leave to sell th** iu ;».>t bel’onaiag to the It ale of Mw EllwkWthC. i re. ',«v of - ti.l cour.ty .ic i. FTLi’HKN li ‘.ODUKK. AdmiyiU/^itor, I i \ i:«>HC;i Hut I- € at«!•!>.- WI Mn \ 1 Samh (Jir u A.tminhtrntris of At n n ('av j LottoW iii Lstate ' art- I her-‘for*; to ue r-n i a. Luoulsh a!! nn*l ! ir. (he k'n ire . ai; 1 creiitors nn l sill oilier i j.H'wvn** inters* -tel, t*. l*;» ni»*l ajtr* ir bafire th»* , Court of Or iGiarv, «<n th« ilr.-i Vi* u lay in July i-TTVst, n»»*I . < ; .il •. 11; ** v haw whv .*. < ! ri-tuv- rli..ul! unt o gt-.m.-l tb.-n euW i.,y ! h:m i aiujoflivinl «iga4latn. at office in Wayncboro. i. tvs.H r ; l. I • ’ STLIMIKN A CORKKK. Ordinary. ;/ 1 roinA. in:hks: i uHuty—wh**r ,* V 8 John Scott, A Imihi rr iG r JijLoni# umi of i John Owen bite s;f » u<[ oormty devoa , !'d, appli .- to ! me for Ixstt?r* Jji*rmbi««rv from said FNkne. The- • arc theicfore to cite ami a io.-.iiv'. a!! and j singular (he k»ndre*l an i .crc iit< rs an l ill ether I person.-iiiieroU4 to b.> m?d »f*| . «r brf. r*.* ihe Court of oplii in *-r. H*** ftni Ai* alov in isr next, »o 4 si* w eaiirc, if any they have, why -ai«l Letlcr- -haul l not he grunted Given on ler iuv ban l . isl official ai*.*nat»re M oflicf in Wayne* boro. This January Mtb. INil. S’J'l: IT i I 1 Kl’R / ' LOHI ii lit HUS; (Cl \T \ . l t W A LULAS Hill '.imiibrn me for Letter * hi iiiiAorv ft* tn th* c-iatc of 3i rs Mary t itedgood, into d'*ven*<'-4. of liutke -omity. | Th— • arc, thetcfwro. to ci v and admonish nl! j fti.d singular th • a T u-irv*4 auti . rediton* ami al! ©Ti er ! Court *-f Ordinary «*n tho f.r-t Al«;nd iy in May ’ next, and aliow cause, if ary they have, why p^isl • Letter- oliould not Ik* granted. Oivtin wider my h*nd and nffictal signatoro at in Wavn'Mboro, Oct. 3d, 1 it>o STKPHLN A. COIIKKU, Ortllna , / ' i:oih;ia hi Run lurNn.-wii.r.*- . \ I a-. Mrs Julia J. JbdhiU, Admlidatatrix r f liev..Joseph Ptdhill. lute of s*ii-I eountv, deceased, applies to «i*. far Letiero disoiisanry,j’rt*m raid Ka ! tale. These are thercftirn to cite mi admonish ail nnd | angular the kindred and creditor* and all other ponwos iuUsrftted to '•*} and ajtiffitr beforn the Court of Ordinary, on theflr*i Monday in July next, and show catmc, if any thyv have, why said lottcr» j ahoul \ not W gnus to. Hlven under my hand and official signature, at tn WftyiMMi!<neo. i>cccin her, 3d, im. STEP! CN A CORKER, Ordinary. / i LOSUiIA, llwrkt* ( unlr. — \1 VViici'd .I.;b ** T. 1 aimer, Adminis ; tr.itor of David IVjiut, late of county deceased, Applic** to r».o for Letter* Dibmtß sot*y from f»id Estate., The^ rt are tlicrefort* to cite and r*dinrmi*h all ana the kiiulmf anil creditor* and all other jtereon ititerwttnl to l»e ted aj>- l>ear lwforc the Court of Ordinary, on the tir>*r motulav in Scpterabe next, ami show !! cauxe, if any they have, why tad Letter* slior.ld not be Given under my ham! and OIL ml signature at Ollice in Wavnedxiro. Februarv 4th. J BTBPHN A. CORK Kit. Ordinary. / > IdORGIA. IHJRKI ( OPNTI V I Wharoas Naihxn I! iTt-km Kelly U(« of *»Did c«, t *nty (i«*.*< Ji«cd Ap • piieF to for letters limmimory, fron* -aid E-*tatc*. ThcikP arc thef »r>' t*> clip rl ! adw-Kiwh *!! and Ktngulu, the kindred nnd creditors sunl all otl>* r porantu interoafod, to Iks eml •pp*'ir before the t Court of Onliuary on the Fir«t Mon toy in next, and show «*ku*o, if any they have, why sail letters siiuaH no! he gran led. j Gives oiidiir o»y hand and offieia! giguar :re. nt affieo iu Vanitihm Thk Janu*rv 14ih. \*Ci. STEPITfcy a. CORKgR, Ordinary. p r:OHG3A, HI Rh 11 COUNTY* \T Ur. Willotrhy Barton. Guardian cl ; tho-perron asd property of Caroline L Bestlik nnd ; Floyd <* itoMek. ofroid eoantv. having fully rlie i Aiifto bt« tTWFt opolie* lo lw Dttmb-unl irma hir Ganrdiaefhip ft* aforentid: therefore »U pcrwui* oceemed * hereby nudfiad ••*! to ap- P“ vr my oo or before th- fir-r Monday, ir i w*vt and «bow»e (if Vrv they have) why | j aaid WHlowby Barton shemld not be dinaltou from Mid Onmltuwhip WGmy hand aa l oFi-ii] jknnturt at office W«|yi>o*l>uro, ManrL Ith 1861 A i/DKKEB,. Ordinary. : F2OVKIOUAL GOV -AENT OF TIIE 1 ('UXFEDDfiA T.'JfsTATES OF A M KIMCA. President, JEEEEUSGX DAVIS, oe kississiri':. A.- A LEX AX DEB H BTeMeNS, j OK 1,1.0 K. IA. Cabinet Ojficr,-s : ltabert T >.*>;al»s. «>f C w rfinrv of State, j l’. i'». McKJthgfr, .»f S C. S, r •t.irv ol I rea-nry ; I*. I*. \ % .ilkrr, Ala ,- V * ~rv of War. j HiWrj.T. Illtrtt, of Mi . - i<: General. -I I. I*. ISeitjuuiili, I . A'.* •• ;. r , > .aora« f COFsj&hU** Jl.revel! C'Mi’.i, ul •. lr .'.test ..f Coogfcw. j «I. H . f r Mr gs f .’„ J —Tt V.. V. ~!•„.>!■ It. ir. Smith, J. L. M. Burry. W. IV >\ iltS. F. Hnic, Col- I n •) Mi-La •. .liw, • itil Siiortcr, Diiiiitii, 11. l.v\i iu, 'lboliiM- I I'artrt. I ' —Lime- it Owen... J. l'atton, A:i- .look-fib M.utor,. ,gUi —Uobt. TANARUS, )i i(g Howi ll C«K>b, F. S. Diirtow. M. t'mw Lnl. LA. Nisbit, I». I!. Hill, A; U. Wri: '. : Yho-.. li. it. Cobb, A. L - ...rr—.Ttilm ?V-l:lps, J.. A. 1.. Do rn, C. :>rD■ •\! i, it. F. Kennvr., G. E, S{Arrow. lLi : y 'li, V:.:wmi’l. jtl i •/•/»{' —IV. f' ll.irti*, V.'alter Brooke, N. L. AVii-on. A. M. c ••• tr.::, IV. S. Barrv.! J. T. Il irti— ' "| S :Ji -R. i"..' tt. Jr.. R. AV. ! Barnwell, I„ M. Kej Ci» snut, Jr.. C. ii. Memmiimer, W. ’ . .rel-er Mi!.Tlioti;- ii- J. Wiibt-r*, IV. IV. i. -voe. - -. . .. K<. j t. ri -r !)■ ,:; i... , i- Conrai! j Bovce, Shorter lti-o. i. v I ■ :>i J ‘'ii. —lLtett, Xi*bft, Perkin*, IV.-tlker, Ko tt. M i: ■ .! <(.•»—Bartow, Miles, Sparriiw. j Keiiiin. An,ior-i’n. A im! Ajfni —Courul, (‘hconut. Smith,} Wright, ( ttteii-. Ti» —Toomb*, ll.unv 11, Kutmer, Bar- - ry. Mrltii-. 1 . ( . Mcttmiingcr, CnwM, l« ; Chmet. Morton, Curry. J" ii i o«--Chivton, Withers,- IDI<-, Cobb, I Lin k P.-C'-tl —Chilton, ii<tree, III*, Ilarri.-on, 1 Curry. /’.(/<■ Jti—Brooke, V. ilseii, Lewi*, Hill, j Kenner. J ■ri'orm —Ciiesnnt, Cn -.i|J>-.*H ; Marshall ; Ne*l>it, Fearue. T .' i. o M Ik !1 inis, I’eurne. 1 /. ii R’/ii'o—llortoii, Male, Sjmrrow. Lewi.-, Keilt. j': i Cobb. Hams, Miles, Chilton, Perkins. A /'<«'*—-Oneii', i.'i re.vf-iiCamj/l.ell De ck.-et, Smith. \ ~ i: •-S'*.T*fp| r Vb *■' enan > ,lr ' Ilae Bartow. v liaU&lYinfcer Styles IIATS & CAPS, HATS IIATS CAPS. CAPS. THE FOLLOWUn GOODS JUST EECEIVffI): P ENT? Piaa Molobiu. K - i'Ufre, French Felt, IT Olive Rmwn, Dark IV.t Opera, Urim IIATS, Lfy’* rin< . ;tml l!n>nrn llati. OliiHren’i I’ancy ftowh} M* n mui Bey's Cooutrv-ma4e Wool Hatr; Claref Roofrew HAT?. Cane». Ghiros and Umbrella*. AU-j, John Wool cn'f Oranitorlßt, 8. C. HATB. c. p. s; KM SEX, 174 BROAD (STREET, Opposite the tl~> u 1 fta. MUr li, IM \y Noiwir I T)KRAOXS wawtiug « Ma««w work ' I done, ran get th > mason* \ jby nppliwuion lo :h u . , '»r»Jjra*d *( WnTne*i*ora ; HTEPHLN A. CORKER April 11, 1961. ts Lost no^kT j r pME undemgoed «r mhlaid, a Fromb- j . A »rj Note, made by H. )u vtA, Augaatu* j ||>wii«nj F. W. G<v|b *e, Paytbl/in him, a* Ad* ] i miulftrntor of o<*mrge Ev&r, •‘iim of Two | Thenxnnd r®4 JpsdWr- and 16 cent*, 1 ! (#'AMr»,|6 ) dibH Atsgttsl ?I*J end due Jan uanr Ist 1N»1. Tha pabtin..*7cf-tnrsned from trad- Incfor sii l note. JIKNR’/ LEWI3 1 Wayna. v orq, Gs , Agrii 11 IKI \m T'MDFfER, BAUM & G9.,‘ "PjL C WHDLESAEE AND P.ETAIL DRI)GO 0 -U.L.ERS, UNDER*I'HE AUGUSTA HOTEL, A IMS USTA , GEm UJ A . » Would Inform their mifoeroo* eueuxiieri UiiHbeir Stick of FALL km WINTER DRY GOODS, Is In Store now. NovclDc* ar«* utitled weekly by ©Very STEAMER. ':w Our stock is tlie largest in Georgia!! NOBODY GAN UNDERSELL US! Having another Dry Unodti 1.-DtED-Unit nt In Yew York. Resident Partner in the Nortl.erii Market, buying ludvrly for CASH, are reason* enough that our faeilitie. are- not to be Mirp -> : Ire. nnv other Soli them House. TO Pi.A NT E its, WE WOULD &\\ j, THAT WE FELL OUR BLANKETS, KEBSEYS, LffISEYS, OSNA BURGS, lIOMESPUXS, &C.. AT FACTORY PRICES. As an extra bargain, we quote: OOLORKD SILKS AT .V U n<] 7: nt*. ALL WOOL Dl'.l.\l LS, KF.IV STVM'.S :re V< and •> eta. POPLINS, KLLGANT PATTERNS, at yi ami 1 23. WOOLEN PI, AIDS, at !*>.*, IS • a ,.! 23 n*. WOOLEN PLAIDS Dmibl-Mi llh. Ilt 23 PARAMATTAS, FINI Qt At LIT, at 12.‘. ct-. NEW DELAINES, Worth 23.. nt-. at 12.’. ret* OPERA FLANNELS. In all (uilor- at 3e ami 02) e<s, JiED Wool. FLANNEL, rt 20 ct* KENTLCKI JEANS, at ii-4 ct*. SATIN I! ITS, at 374 and ,V> m*, MAKLROiC - STRiPLS, 1 ; REAL GJSOiPi! I STUIPES, at 12L f VST Cl It i id .1 > C ‘,l j I )KS. a , *.. . s SHIRTS ami DR A WLRS, at 30 emits and tin, ALL LINEN TOWELS, at 12* cts x EMBROIDERED RANDS, at 25, 30, 40 and 50. OOU.ARR. iit 121,25, and 30 ci*. ROYS’ COI.I AES. nt 10 smt 13 ret *. EMUIUtIDKEKD SETTS. COLLARS ;,u,i SI r;.’. , S. at 73 ct*, ALL LINEN HANDLES' BILLS, r.f 7--. ir D , n. “ “ *‘ ji-ii *- ‘,2 50 and S’ jier dozen, LADIES MERINO VESTS, at 73 et. i!• !, FRENCH CORSET | S. ire 7V ret*. : si. PORI MOXNiKS. at 25, ;;7! .«i 30 etc-, etc., . mn IN r'-U t) A KS, THE ONLY ONE IV THE SOUTH, PItODI 1 F.S EVl.° V STL : - i!AT TS 'FFAV. CO.MFOR. Ladies ami (liiidren s HeaLs Made to 0 !v B l] I!, CLOAKS CUT AND FITTED BY X iiXPKTiIEXi:IH) LADY KAUFPI.H. B A p; VI & ( <>., UNDER THE AIfGi'STA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, i,:EO GIA. October 3, IS6O. yu;.-' Iy FURNITURE WARE BOOMS. BENJAMIN £• GOODRICH, 265 BROAD STI-'Ki.T, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. 2G5. Wr xtrrntm receiving n»c - nr! crnl a ofFTirnl turf, Alatlr fs;i* «1, . ; t ;■ rnttnufudow, uud TIIK STYLK.( ;1' . f.. ! Y idPRICKH Cannot be IN HUS CITY Oil STATE. ROSEWOOD. M AlfoG AX V. :: A vA LX UT* PARLOR SETTS ; MAHOGANY, OAK an. I WALXFT DINT-G Room SETTS; MAIIOGAXY, WALNUT I PAINTED CHAMBER SETTS. aii).m> jR!)s, iKsva t»bj,: . < • ’ :.i ’ . u *.r hacks. tkti>\- TLlliS, I'ltPAl il . :\ i , v.-lON T.'.ni.bS, S IKES, UOTTAtiI i I.I'STKa! .WAUfaUtl.!. . JLlit'LISINtl rU.Mi;-, FRENCH WORK TABLES, bureaus. miATynn \ • . u ,<vr crjxns. tea toys, desks. CA XTttWK'i ' ?/•;: ,11 ■*. 3 is A ... .. 4. . ALSO, A large Stoel of I’orlar, Dining K.wm, f - ! - " Jl. . kii..; t'HAIl!:i, 'liShront fltvles and quality WIN Tl il vr N7l r- BV s ff. tit A .Vy » f * >. v /#_> Ju w OILT, Vi'.IAKT BOnßr.:’ nnd LJ?• P O, ’.A f'l' - ' v .•i Hiu 1.-xne J uttcnif; lViudor Cotltim b‘u ! - in l I -a. ALSO. A larffi* Stork r.f Mihojpfuir Mid (Ti’ s I.* k-i. ■* * T Vr./ Olu V!ntc«, us every jiirc ; Muir, M P»lm 1 .-•*; *uu l ( c*.»i M !!S. '■ . . I*. the !><*«* in <n»~ t.'/* All kind'- of ! -niti.rc M iu-f . .iy I * ; .i. . .., with ueniii<-«r. and dieputch Koveinltcr 7. 1960. ts JONES & CHEW, UNDER TIIE AUGUSTA u TEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGI A. WHOLESALE MB Mi ML DRUGGISTS. AND DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, A tunlbhc , \/i;iC.iv Drugs, Clicmlttais, lostnuncntfi. Traces, Su ;U: .. Patent Medieinesand, HIT <4* . vary dc&.';j *. *.m; i&ncy au i Toilet Arlielcn, Perfumery, %mj 3 smifk and Starch, Together with eiery Article usually hjr Druggist*, All of which, AVK WAXIRATsTT ITRK, ! REST I, AND OF THE BEST QUALITY. ALSO, A LOT OF VERY FINE MEDICINAL Yi ines and Brandies. We *o!icU * call Iffo.cyoo pure! iwo tdwtrbvro. biK«v ng rt can off«r such induce menu. »n price? and quality aa will aeowne, ai l«aat a portion of your jia- ronage. We pledge our best effort* to I'leaxe. Orders from the country tcill receive our prornj ■ and careful attention. GIVE US A CALL ! r M J. JOSS? .TOHX C. OHEt^ k 6. Into. ly TO PLANTERS. i Having pmcli«'-‘-d tire* Ru fat orCUiui and Title of . BOTTOMS’ Cotton, Corn & Rico pi^tFr jh D GUAM) SPHLADKB, Us tlmt ~f the Territory of Georpm lying mirth oi'all the laaiuiarie* of thooo cnimtie* | renetrited by Die Central Railroad, lea* from Savannau to Macon, .and then -c to< ’<>l u:i• 1 .•.-. <; t ,>rriii andoftha 1 Mta&c ref Smith Caiillili! . 1 Mill lie hufijiy to sujiji?;, Panurer. and MeighonL wttk this GreaiLebor-sfiving MACtLIXE. It i* {ronnnnced by Praetwil Farmrrvitia ; lieingthe greatest invention, oftfae kind, of the age, am! subatahliatapi far It* takii.g THE FIRST PREMIUM at the trie Fair ir. Manvn, Os. nnd Columbia, - South Carolina; and also, by many of tl.o first Agrieultural Editors, South. It w ill ! plant i BIG IIT ACRES PER DAY WITH ONE HOREL a- BAND. • ojieniii". plaiiting and covering al the same tiino, and i* jy>t heavier than the c.mitsoti I jdow. *lt i* iinijtle in cum' rilctfon, ro lunch '*o that the common th-n'. hand can !earn its i adaptation iu le** than an hour's u-e. | !t i* *o conhtrnctcd that it cat. W altered : to suit tiie sea.-on* for nlantingand w»eiinp. jlt drops the seed with the mov; d«.>ral4« precision, and hi quantltio* as the planter desires. I'OR SPREADING GUANO, ITS I NF, IS l XSI RP ASSED and like t!,e nr-migemen* in planting, can jbe gaguid to plant thick or thin. It will ! save more tl nn ONK-THIHI) IN PLANTING COTTON SEED. (t i* estimated by *o:i-c tint ntarlv one-l;alf i* saved; tiiet-fore. to those who plant largely, apart Irom ell other adrantagea, it pay* haiiiL-oaicly in saving the seed (Lr ma nure. jCtST F.irn.c.* can Le supplied, on-iioi t : noti *e. Ire ad ’nre-ing me rt .Savannah, Ga. ! E’£~ Merchants will be allowed a profit able coll.iii. oil. For further imbriuntijn, addi;.--i me at savannah, liu. A. S. COLLINS. j February 13, IfiCl. 2m XEW GOODS. r ['in’ 'it■. o -It h:.5 n m -. I L..: muai ruppl/ CIOTHIKG, mid Kurnivhin? fl<>«ls nd«»*‘ft l f*»r the prevent Seuson. Conii#*Uix **f Fancy (ASSIMEPiE msixEss spits, BLACK CI.DTfI DRESS AND FROCK COATS, i.lack i < o: ski:: axofabcy tounck < / AM- IMF,!? K T’A NTS, I*l.ini lituek pr-l } ancy Silk Vests, .Superfine Had; and Collorcd jJoavar ' DYER GOATS., All of the l.kte a Style nnd i ert Workmaiuiup. Alftf*. a livr/fe Supply of PM T RI\ ISH liXCT (GOODS* SUCH AS S Ii 1 K T S , t 3 Du: sunns. Drawers, Gloves SI'S ye X DLipS, X ItCE-TI ES COLLARS. Together, with a .'■'apply ts aud French ( LOUIS, t AVSIMFRFS and VESTINGS. Which lio If p-f paired to iv.ak* u»*. t» order, at short notice, uu i tire most F** hiunabl« Ftylc. WM. R. SYMONS, I If;, ire*r and Tailor, It iviUTklii: HTHIIKT, SA V A NN AII, G EG R GI A. o -u-Vr, 31, i-no. ir •IAS. E DYB& CO., WAREHOUSE AND ! GOM MISSION MERGE A NTS, v Fir*-I'root IVartliuuic, KEY::* LUH STREET. > dam A 1 t (tl -TA. OK< HvGI A. Liberal Cuefa A !.'siv<*r m id. «heo reijiiir* I H. Order* Tlnju* and F niiily i .'lie?. prom|rfir to jamk- m Eye. t;:o>:.\s uicharps. i pejdeniber 26, 18CU. Iy G. W. BERRY, rT mtsS? ■ ir T> FT l.’HN'J.'* ld« than!., to 11- friedsar ! 1 i the public!;.', ii.r tin* liberal j lonnsi- lieretref'W- be>li,wed i jk.i; him, old | ivniu inform them that Le i*> Mill carryieg 1 -m the Coaela Milking .VERB, IX ALL ITS BRANCHES, At In- L-tablij-hmenl iu jf , jgy A LI:X A \ DL.i;, Ail le UECM GEORGIA. W! «,n- he is prepared t«> Mm'"e-iure rjH kinds of V CA Ilia A GES. Ii OCR AWJYi , ’ AND BUGGIES. Wagnrs Cart* 4c. Ste., made in nnler :-t ahnrt notice. Repairing d'lOC v. ith u»*tn« a and dispatch. gdß A!1 hp asks u. » f»;r trti and ho warrrqjfeij sitiofa-ton. Aloxaa.ier. M*v IL I06&. It