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The Athens Republique
Devoted to the Religious, the Economic, and the Industrial Development of the Colored Race
Vol. 11.
Bishop William Alfred Fountain
Eighteenth Episcopal District
African Methodist Episcopal Church
will preach at both morning and evening services at the
First A. M. E. Church Hu!l s"eJ trong Sunday, January 16, 1921
This will be the first visit that Bishop Fountain has made to Athens since his e*
lection at Saint Louis, Missouri last May.
The public is cordially invited to be present. A great treat is in store for all.
W. C. Chase
HDrops Dead
(B&he Assaciated Negro Press)
Was Wngton ,• D. C ; <Jan. 11 — \V.
promiiient lawyer,
founder and editor of* the Wash
iugton Bee, dropped dead in his
office at 1109 Ist St. v The cause of
his death was&pgteter mined. He
was believed health
Mr. Cha&was. sixty-two years
old and and reared in
was educated in
public and graduated from
Howard jjhiyersity. Soon after
ward he began an active law prac
tice. As a publisher of a news
paper, Mr. Chase became interest
ed in politics. In 1912 and 1916
he was elected as delegate from
the District of Columbia to the
republican national convention.
Surviving him are his wife, Mrs.
A. D. Chase, and a son, W. Cal-
viu Chase, Jr. a teacher at Dunbar
High School; a daughter, Miss Be
atrice L. Chase, who is a music
teacher in the public school, and
five sisters.. They are Miss E. A.
Chase, principal at the Jones school
Mrs. E. B. C. Williams, founder
of the Ferguson and William Nor
mal Polytechnical Collpge of Ab
beyville. N. C. ; Mrs. N. T. Golds
berry, Miss F. C. Chase and Miss
Ida R. Chase. Funeral services
were held at the 15th Street Pres
byterian Church, Washington,
Thursday January 6, Rev. Francis
J. Grimkie officiating:
Abyssinian Sanitary
Holds High Position
By Associated Negto Press
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 7--Dr. C.F.
Checizzi, a native Abyssinian
priest who has degrees from Oxford
and Paris Universities, is Dean
of the National and International
College of Languages and Sciences
of Princeton University, Indiana.
Dr. Checizzi if fourth
tour of the country urging member!
of his race to return to Africa.
He points ont that his own coun
try Abyssinia it now an Indepen
dent country, has never been con
quered, and is the cradle of civi
lization. If black government
could suceed in Abyssinia why
could it not suceed all over Afri
ca asks Dr. Checizzi. •
Dr. Checizzi stated that there
were 1, 500, 000 Negroes actually
figuring in the the World War,
and that 250,000 of them lost
their lives. In con tradition of
reports of' cowardice on the part
of black troops engaged in the
war, he points to several famous
Negroes who Avon fame as
militaly genii.
While it might Be said that Li
beria and Hayti, both Negro re
publics have not succeeded, and
the failue of Liberia anA Hayti
is due to the lack of education,
said Dr. Checizzi. •‘while Abyssi
nia has succeeded.’* Time will
show that these republics can suc
ceed as well as white governments.
Many of the white governments
in the Balkans and Russia have
No. 8