The Athens republique. (Athens, Ga.) 1919-????, January 15, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Athens Republique F«bli»hed every Saturday at the Callaway Building Athens, eorgia Entered aa aecond-claaa matter, November 29, 1919, at the poat-ofHce at Athens, Georgia, under act of March 3, 1879. Editorial Staff Julian It. Bro*vn.Editor and Manager Thomas N. Jackson, JrAssociate Editor Miss Alice Mclaughlin. .City Editor P, E. Dorsey... <City Editor R. E. Smith!Subcription Agent A. B. C«pers...Reporter for B. Y. P. U. Activities Miss Marion ClemmonsNorth-side Editor Subscription Rates Semi-Annuall 85 Notice to Subscribers A nominal charge will be made in the future on marriage and funeral notices and excessive soc ial items. The price of advertising space must necessarily be advanced 25 per cent. Mrs. M. W. Welch Answers Last Call e Athens, Ga., Jan. 13—Sunday morning, Jan. 9th., Mrs. Margaret White Welch passed into that country from which no traveller has ever been known to return. She was at her home on Milledge avenue when the separation of her great soul from the earthy frame that had housed it for nearly eighty years was ordained, Mrs Welch had been sick for about two weeks, but having been in good spirits and strong under the circumstances, the end was quite a shock to her wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Mrs. Welch was one of Athens’ most loved and citi zens, and the representatives of two races will mourn her loss. She was an early graduate of the famous Lucy Cobb Institute,' the institution that has trained so many young women of her race and employed so many of ours. Child of the Most High God and educated after the manner pres cribed for American youth, she was ever a useful public servant; and with the passing years “ grew in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” A great mulititude of Athene colored men are well acquainted with Mr. John W. Welch, the man whose money has so often been theirreward on Saturday: the subject of this sketch is his mother. Heaven help us so to Christianize and educate our children that there may be instilled into them those exalted virtues that, like this noble woman, they may live those lives of love and usefulness, end dying “ join that choir invisible of those immortal dead who live again in lives made better by their presence.” K. of P’s. HOLD PUBLIC INSTALLATION On Monday night, Jan. 10th, 1921, the Mistletoe Lodge of the K. of P. No. 142 gave a banquet and public installation of officers. It was held at the Union Hall to install new officers. Those elected were: Stirs A. S. Brown, C. C., W. B. Hill, V. C., A. M. Pinkard, M. F., E. M. Freeman M. E , J. C. Ector K. of R. and S., S. T. Tiller Prelate, John Middlebrooks, M. of W., T. E. Rogers, 0. of A., A. T. Howard, I. G.. Will Cole, O. G. After the installation of officers officiated by Sir Semour Ray, a big table was spread for more than two hundred. After the big feast of which Sir J.P. Davis was toastmaster several speeches were heard from and highly received. The speakers of the occasion were: Mrs. Mamie Brown, Mr. E. M. Freeman, Rev. Z. B. Armstead, J. C. Ector. The yells of the Mistletoe No. 142 were led by Sir Arthur T. Howard, after which rhe dismissal was offered by the Prelate. All reported a big time. Arahgemeut Committee for the banquet were: Sirs A. M. Pinkard, Will Cole, Arthur T. Howard, S. T. Tiller, E. C. Seward, John Banks. Joseph Gissendaner Convicted For Lynching By the Associatad Negro Press Geneva, Ala., Jan. 13 —Joseph Gissendaner, one of the alleged lynchers of Al Wyndham, a white man, was convicted of manslaugh ter in the circuit court here and given a sentence of ten years. The lynching of Wyndham was attributed at the time to alleged insulting remarks which he was said to have made to a woman. Negro Couple Arrested For Pas sing Raised Bills (By the Associated Negro Press)l Chicgo, 111., Jan. 13—A Negro couple has been arrested here and held in bonds of $5,000 each on charges of passing S2O bills. Thomas I. Porter, chief of tne secret service,- said the pair had been sought by government opera tives all over the United States. They are alleged to have passed bills in Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Minneapolis, Nashville and Chicago. The police have thus far refused te reveal their identity.