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Serving Braselton, Hoschton, Chateau Elan, Traditions, Reunion, Deaton Creek and West Jackson $1.00 copy
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Vol. 16 No. 20 A publication of MainStreet Newspapers, Inc. 2 sections, 32 pages
NGHS names Employees
of the Year
Northeast Georgia Health System recently honored its
Employees of the Year PAGE 3A
Panthers’ season ends
The Jackson County baseball team wrapped up its season
in the first round of the playoffs, dropping a doubleheader to
Blessed Trinity Saturday
Panthers at the prom
Photo by Ben Munro
Jackson County High School held its prom Saturday night (April 22) at the Braselton Civic Center.
Here, Daniel Stites is hoisted above the crowd on the dance floor. See more photos on page 11 A.
Planning commission recommends
denial of restaurant, retail application
JCHS band plays
spring concert
News ...
Opinion ...
Public safety .
Sports ...
7A, 8A
Classifieds ...
By Ben Munro
ben@mainstreetnews. com
The Braselton Planning
Commission recommended
the denial of a request to al
low a developer to combine
two lots on Old Winder Hwy.
to build a restaurant and retail
The planning board voted
3-2 on Monday (April 24)
against a planned unit devel
opment (PUD) master plan
amendment to allow for the
6,270-square-foot building.
Two buildings existed on the
original PUD plans. Keith
Kloiber, Tom Logan and Marc
Carson voted to deny the re
“We’re talking about
amending a PUD site plan ...
We have a site plan that is in
conflict with the existing plan
in that it has a restaurant on it
at all, and then we’re talking
about re-drawing those borders
within the PUD,” Kloiber said
after motioning to deny the ap
Stephanie Braselton Wil
liams and Shawn Greiner op
posed denial.
The two lots, both vacant,
are located at 2705 and 2709
Old Winder Hwy. A planned
widening of Hwy. 211 by the
Georgia DOT will reduce both
tracts to less than half an acre.
In response, the applicant, Bra
selton Stone Crossing Venture,
LLC, seeks to combine the lots
into one .981-acre parcel to
meet the town’s parking-space
The applicant, however, ob
jected to a Braselton planning
staff recommended condition
requiring it to locate the restau
rant portion of the development
on the left side of the building,
away from most of the parking.
“That may kill this devel
opment," said David Ellison,
speaking for the applicant.
Ellison also said the appli
cant could not flip the design to
place parking on the other side
due to topography.
The applicant also opposed
the addition of speed humps,
which Ellison said they consid
er a liability.
Two citizens spoke against
the request.
See Building, page 3A
Braselton planners
oppose Del Webb
at Chateau Elan
expansion requests
By Ben Munro
ben@mainstreetnews. com
Braselton planners said
no to a pair of items relat
ed to a proposed extension
to the Del Webb at Chateau
Elan subdivision.
With 3-2 votes on Mon
day (April 24), the Braselton
Planning Commission rec
ommended the denial of two
requests required for the ap
plicant, PulteGroup, to add
345 homes. The board had
postponed its recommenda
tions for a month following
a March 27 public hearing
during which residents ex
pressed security and traffic
The planning commis
sion's action is only advi
sory. Its recommendation
will go before the Braselton
Town Council, which will
decide on the requests.
Pulte seeks annexation
See Expansion, page 3A
Photo by Ben Munro
Another large crowd showed up at the Bra
selton Planning Commission meeting Monday
(April 24) as the board revisited a proposed ex
pansion to the Del Webb at Chateau Elan de
Local art
Braselton Arts Council
interested in ‘pop-up’ shows
By Ben Munro
ben@mainstreetnews. com
The Braselton Arts Coun
cil is interested in potentially
coordinating “pop-up” ex
hibits as the group continues
to promote art in the town.
During discussion at its
Monday (April 24) meet
ing, council members men
tioned possibly adding small,
monthly shows at multiple
locales throughout Braselton.
The shows would center
around a single artist with all
of their work.
The lobby of the town’s
1904 building was men
tioned as one possible venue.
But the council also men
tioned finding businesses in
terested in hosting a pop-up
“Because there are plenty
of businesses that would be
thrilled to have that,” said
Town Manager Jennifer
Scott, who is also a member
of the arts council.
They also discussed
scheduling pop-up shows in
conjunction with one of the
town’s wine walks or choco
late walks.
Implementing a series of
pop-up shows was also seen
See Art, page 2A
The need for speed
Photo by Ben Munro
Nathan Seethaler approaches Turn 7 at Road Atlanta during Supersport qualifying as Michelin Race
way Road Atlanta hosted MotoAmerica Superbikes over the weekend. See more photos on page 8A.