Newspaper Page Text
Volume 1 Number 2
December 20, 1984
Atlanta, Georgia
Join "Southern Gay Dreams"
this Sunday, December 23rd as
they don -their gay apparel
during their annual Christmas
The show's special guests
will include the "Sisters of
Perpetual Indulgence" with
their gay version of "Holiday
Madness" along with assorted
Christmas features from the
Staff of the National Gay News
radio network in ‘San Francis
, "Southern Gay Dreams" is
brought to' you every Sunday
from 8pm-9pm on WRFG, 89.3 FM.
Hepatitis B Vaccine (Hepta-
vax, Merck) has been marketed
in the United States for over
two years. Initial reports
stated that a three-injection
series of the vaccine afforded
protection from Hepatitis B in
at least 90% of recipients.
Recent . reports indicate
that the vaccine may protect
only 75% of recipients against
Hepatitis B, and in some pa
tient series only 65% develop
ed protective antibodies
against Hepatitis B.
The manufacturer now sug
gests that al-1 vaccine reci tested for Hepatitis
B surface antibody (HBsAb) at
least two months after receiv
ing the third dose of vaccine.
If the test reveals no immun
ity to Hepatitis B, the manu
facturer recommends a fourth
dose of the vaccine.
It is thus critical that
all individuals ■ who have re
ceived te three-shot series of
the vaccine be tested as soon
as possible; such individuals
may otherwise have a false
sense of security regarding
post—vaccination - immunity to
Hepatitis B.
Chronic Hepatitis B has
been associated with cancer of
the liver and death. Acute
Hepatitis B can result in
weeks or months of total dis
ability. Hepatitis B is trans
mitted by the transfer of body
fluids (blood, semen, perhaps
Ranks Atlanta Third in National Gay Viedo
"Insight; 1 in 10" premi
ered last night on Prime
Cable's Channel 26- in Fulton
and DeKalb Counties. Described
by executive producer/director
Carol Cook as a "Gay oriented
combination of the 6 o'clock
news, Entertainment Tonight',
PM Magazine, 60 Minutes and
20/20," the show includes fea
tures, profiles on individuals
or organizations, opposing
views on issues of importance,
partners, news events, enter
tainment, health issues, a
community calendar and more.
Cook along with Sammie Mil-
wood as the business person
and Susan Martin as news di
rector/producer decided that
the time was right for a .TV
show featuring gay/lesbian
news and issues so they con
tracted for the 10:30 pm slot
on Prime Cabel every Wednesday
night (initially shows will be
aired twice in consecutive
w'eeks). They are proud that
Atlanta (after New York and
San Francisco) is the third
city in the US to have a gay
video program and descibe
their show as "THE*vehicle by
which we will 'build bridges'
within the gay community and
between the gay community and
the Atlanta community at
large." They intemd for the
show to offer "positive role
models working from within the
"INSIGHT". co-hosted by
kali Rose and Harry Watkins,
is advertiser supported- and as
such will be aiined at a very
upscale; high income market.
Milwood, Cook and Martin em
phasize the fact that the pro
fessional production, writing,
und staffing of the program
will make it something for the
entire community to enjo-y
can survive and prosper only
with your input and support.
If you have items of interest
for "INSIGHT" or are inter
ested in advertising you can
reach Partners Productions at
477-7877. Gary Kaupman
-Local Dignity Chapters
around the country got an
early Christmas gift from Rome
a few weeks ago that has them
pleased but slightly confused.
The' National Executdve Of
fice of Dignity recently sent
a copy of a certificate that
says "The Holy Father John
Paul II paternally imparts his
Apostolic Blessing to Dignity,
The confusion stems from
the fact that the Roman Catho
lic Church and the Pope have
steadfastly maintained that
|sexual intercourse between
anyone other than persons who
'have been married by the
church (and for the sake of
procreation) is a sin. ^
While Dignity is a group of
avowedly gay women and men who
believe in and want to prac-*
tice the teachings of the
Catholic Church, The . Roman
Catholic Church will openly
accept gays and lesbians as
communicants as long . as they
are celibate.
Dignity chapters around the
country have different degrees
of success with being openly
accepted by their individual
This past summer, the At
lanta Dignity Chapter was
given permission by the bishop
to hold a worship service in
the sanctuary of an Atlanta
church (normally, Dignity
serv-ices are conducted in a
•parish hall).
The trick was that the of
ficers and board members had
to say that they would sign a
letter stating that they, would
abide by the. teachings of the
Church, ie if they werfe gay
they would be celibate.
Dignity member and NEWS
staffperson, David O'Shields
told us that he thought, the
blessing was probably like
this past summer's gaffe from
the office of Governor Joe
Frank Harris when it issued a
welcome letter to the Hotlanta
Softball Tournament knowing it
was a gay organization.
"The Honorable Mr. Harris
wound up looking pretty silly
over that one. I wonder how
the Holy Father is going to
handle it when he finds out
that he blessed a nationwide
organization that is working
to contravention to to his
wishes." O'Shields said.
Gary Kaupman