Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, June 01, 1892, Image 17

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? PREMIUM SILVERWARE. DO YOU WANT THESE BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES ? They are readily secured by a little time spent in taking subscriptions to Woman’s Work. By a new plan wa remove the difficulties of canvass ing and make success easy. This plan is for you to send us a complete list (one in each family) of ladies who receive mail at your postoffice. We will SEND THEM SAMPLE COPIES OF WOMAN’S WORK, f and, when these are read, it will be little trouble for you to raise a club. We have carefully selected th , e silverware on this page, and believe it will give satisfaction to everyone. Os course it is not joM silver, but is sold to us as n w® genuine quadruple plate, // i MiiFO ij 1 If you desire more expensive goods for larger clubs, we will cheerfully procure solid ware The J A illustrations represent the articles so faithfully, that a further description is un necessary. \ t Your own name cannot count toward a premium, and you will not be entitled to receive one I A until you have paid FIFTY CENTS for your own subscription, or for renewal if it has expired If Decorated Vase. g \\ Six Napkin Rings. tbl ® haS nOt been d ° ne ’ &dd y ° Ur n * me t 0 the nutnber required for any premium. Address Given for Ten Subscribers. \i Given for Twelve Subscribers. TJk | WOMAN’S WORK, A TNENS, GA. IWSMSIBK fiEAO THIS VOLUNTARY EXPRESSION From one who has received several of these articles: -X Woman’s Work, Athens, Ga.: Dear Sirs : The box of premiums received in fine condition. I assure you v WCT they are entirely satisfactory—even sur- passing my expectations—and I thank you Cake Basket. for the care taken in selecting them. Will Given for Twenty-four Subscribers. ever feel grateful to WoMAN > g WoRK> and Many persons wonder how we lißjßsb hope to send more subscribers to this can give such liberal premiums for unique and valuable magazine. clubs, when the subscription; rice MMtaw >ll Tr /Wilk of Woman’s Work is so small. f/fTW' t T |i Very truly yours, ’wßs&sJk It is simply to secure the help of lylojß’ Miss Susie E. Crowder. (( our rea< i ers En building up a large Zetella, Ga., March 24, 1891. Tar circulation. The greater our sub- w. ® M scription list the better we can Although Miss Crowder resides in a ilvx make our magazine, and we are • „ small village, she has secured a number of W willing to divide liberally wita Su * ar Dish and S P oon Holder.’ , . ’ . * rol those who help us. We give every Given for Twelve Subscribers. our premium articles. A little effort will subscriber an opportunity to pro- do the same in an Y town throughout this ft cure elegant broad country. #Y S tableware without money. fB ■ 01-f - wC i H I * * JBkFww i\ \ Mt- S v A f j ■ M iwSfcljli 3k .MZIMIMIII IF~ ■vZz-aMI t feLs —nr"“W i i s iffwß»lsl W :SB;-Q ■WI h I WO IB if BiBM Jg|gissg|||g wir 'nfiji n® ; ... Jr kpfe, WSggggy Castor. ißerry Dish. Pickle Stand. Given for Fourteen Subscribers. Given for Ten Subscribers. Given for Fifteen It’will be Easy to Secure any of the Above Handsome Articles. Notice our Liberal Offers and Raise a Club at Once. Address WOMAN’S WORK, ATHENS, GEORCHA. THE MANUFACTURERS GUARANTEE THESE TO RE THE BEST QUADRUPLE-PLATE SILVERWARE.