Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, June 01, 1893, Image 17

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OUR PREMIUM PICTURES. SIX RARE WORKS OF ART FREE. I HEAP cbromos and gaudy lithographs have had their day, but real art subjects will always be popular in homes of refinement. Nothing adds more I to the elegant furnishing of a room; it cannot be elegantly furnished without them. How many should be used depends entirely on how good they are; a poor selection may be better than none at all, but the smaller the number of poor ones the more fortunate their possessor. Os re 1 art the eye never tires, and there is no danger of any home being surfeited. ' We have at last had executed so- us, pictures that will fitly adorn the surroundings of wealth, but they are offered on such favorable terms that C ■one and all can afford to get them. This we are enabled to do by agreeing to use large quantities. They are photo-etchings which embrace not only all the beauty of a fine steel engraving, but enrich and intensify the effect by combining a number of other tones and tints so as to give the finest results yet attained by any known process. ill'll CIHTIIITIJI. e 5. '■ ■ . Ji|i fefsb 1 II /Pt Wru!" W / ’J. ” T-- '’ i 1 ~ THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE. This nictate,lately made sofamousbv being purchased for Mr. Vanderbilt at a fabulous sum, is Turner’s masterpiece. Size, 17 x 24. No conception of the beauty of this picture can be formed from the small outline cut shown above. r —1 z F f£. —A.— ■' c ‘fe fell u ' h _ LWjgte/ - (tt&zi'Wtec- JTak-r- V .fi ~ v'4;L >v'-< 'V'x X z >«\ z-sA.; niHiffit %'i, JM k ?7‘ if. sMbW# <©4 i**4 < r //^T?y- s ..<• <*<? *■• ' >?*'•'i • “A SCOTTISH RAID,” BY ROSA BONHEUR. ROSA BONHEUR is the most accomplished female painter the world has ever known. This late achievement represents a drove of long-horned ‘Kylo-j-” and a (lock f shaggv sheep on a heather-clad mountain in the Highlands. essentially Scotch. The bold ness of feature aud vividness of landscape setoff the cattle with admirable effect without de tracting attention from them. r 4 •:’. .„: \ ; A-W _<4 '■ fy.w 3?'/ *■?' •’‘ : * lit I ,2.6/ 1 c"- *- •■*;■'■' ~_r-,^“••;&•* 5 , -->■— - •■—■ A» ‘‘THE HORSE FAIR,” BY ROSA BONHEUR. This wonderful picture is one of the most remarkable art productions of the age. The figures are all life size, the canvas covering one entire end of thegallery where it is exhibited. The scene represents a number of horses being driven, and for vigor of action and grace of motion has never been equaled. lathe whole work the pose is so life-like and the draw ing is so true, that vou can scarcely persuade yourself the scene is not real. Not only has this picture been exhibited in all the principal cities of Europe, but It has also been in pos session of two noted American millionaires. For years A. T. Stewart cherished it ss the p-incipal picture in his gallery, and upon the sale of his collection, it whs bought by Cornelius Vanderbilt for >60,000 aud presented by him to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where it is daily surrounded by groups of admirers. We are now handling a magnificent reproduction of this picture, printed on heavy pl te paper 34i n ches long by 20 wide. To OUR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY we will send any Picture mentioned below, post paid, for a CLUB OF ONLY TWO NAMES, or the ENTIRE SIX PICTURES for a CLUB OF ONLY TEN NAMES. To those who may wish to order for cash, we will send them, postpaid, on receipt of 50 CENTS EACH. Address all orders to WOMAN’S WORK, Athens, Georgia. W ■ O # wife : iwAw-fe-H' i fe' "' 1 - 'fe U\ ' 1 m — : ■>, y'.S - ?' - RoWff , *" v fe?r<Lfe a '■"‘'v <yjL •o-feN. *- lse 5 ' \ H", isl 4A ; / /?-- - SrafipL;.,.: - L y ,:gapwi!.<i!-i -■- ... r i.x_i±A :.••'.■.. j IN LOVE AND THE PEACEMAKER. “IN LOVE” represents the love-making of a bashful young squire, while “THE PEACE MAKER ’ represents the younger sister reconciling the two after a quarrel they have had. I’hey are companion pieces reproduce !by the photo-etching process, and never fail to excite admiration. Thefaces and situations are crueto life (at least we they are) ana no ilea of their beauty and interest can biformjd from the small outline cats shown above. \A "feZ - ? - “THE LIONS AT HOME,” BY ROSA BONHEUR. The marvelous tone and beauty of this gieat composition, ‘‘The Lions at Home" is the work of Rosa Bouheur’s maturer years and is not equalled aa an animal picture by anything yet given to the artist world.