Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, August 01, 1893, Image 18

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AVOID HAY FEVER THIS YEAR. CATARRH PAN BE UURED. WHY BE ANNOYED WITH OFFENSIVE BREATH ? IT CURES Qatarrh. AVOID HAY FEVER THIS YEAR. VALUABLE | book! FREE.: SEND FOR IT ■ I COLDS AND ATARRH ARE U NNECESSAR Y. WHY CONTINUE TO SUFFER WITH CATARRH 7 AVOID HAY FEVER THIS YEAR. VALUABLE BOOK FREE. SEND FOR IT. GET RID OF Catarrh. WHY CONTINUE TO SUFFER WITH CATARRH? Grip SURRENDERS. WHY CONTINUE TO SUFFER WITH CATARRH? Inhale a few drops of CERTAIN CATARRH CURE through each nostril, night and morning. It keeps the head clear; prevents or cures hay fever, colds, sore throat, and all catarrhal troubles. A that will save much suffering, loss of time, and expense of sickness. It hasZ.been used for years, and becomes a household remedy wherever known. The combination ot local and constitutional treatment which it offers for CATARRH, gives it- a field entirely its own in CURING all stages of this fearful disease. Carefully read the information and testimony given below. S HHIOfRLs B ISO hvFI Hi I ’ THE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS. "We claim that a combination of local and constitutional treatment is necessary to thoroughly eradicate Catarrh. Exclusively local applications, if made when the trouble first begins, sometimes cure, but more frequently drive the disease to other parts of the system, where it develops in a far more serious form. Blood purifiers may improve the condition of the system, but they seldom cure—for they do not reach the seat of the disease. Certain Catarrh Cure is the only preparation which combines local and constitutional treatment, and can consistently claim to cure Catarrh in all its forms and stages. It is cheap, easily used, purely vegetable, entirely harmless. By it, others, who had no faith, have been cured: YOU CAN BE,, whether you have had the disease one year or fifty; whether it is in the head, stomach •r bladder. TRY IT NOW. DELAY IS DANGEROUS. Past Failures Need not Discourage You. SI.OOO Reward—a Humbp?! Don’t Be Deceived by the offer of a large reward in case some medicine fails to cure you. If the reward is claimed, there is always some way to evade its pay ment; if never claimed, it is no evidence that everybody, or anybody, has been cured; but it speaks well for the intelligence of our people, that no one is fool enough to expect its payment. §1,000,000 might be offered with equal safety; for it is needless to say that the user of such med icines always dies before their proprietors are convinced that he “can’t be cured.” We have no desire to sell Certain Catarrh Cure by misleading and meaning less propositions. We offer it for sale be cause we know it is reliable. We claim that it is a CURE, because this has been demonstrated too often to admit doubt in our minds. We believe it is the ONLY cure, because numerous persons get well by. its use, after trying dozens of other so-called cures without benefit. We are disposed to give the public every protection possible against the imposition of scheming frauds or worthless nostrums, but NO DEPENDENCE CAN BE PLACEDIN GUARANTEES. If Con gress will pass a law by which all medi cines are subjected to a thorough test, and their merits—in the diseases which they claim to cure—are fully established before they can be offered for sale, we will heart ily favor it. An honest remedy suffers more from the failure of other prepara tions to establish their claims than from all other causes combined —as disappoint ment in one medicine causes distrust in many. REMEMBER! CERTAIN CATARRH CUBE is not sin ply a snuff or local application, to drive the disease from the nasal organs into the system: nor a blood remedy, to tone up the system and leave the nasal parts uncured: but it is a combination ot both methods, and the only remedy which wi I satisfaction in the many differ ent stages of catarrh. The genuine bears our trade mark. Take no substitute. Price sl. Six bottles $5. Os Druggists or by Express, prepaid, on receipt of price if not kept near you. CERTAIN CATARRH CURE CO., Sole Proprietors, Athens, Ca. OETRIDOF ANNOYEDWITH IT CURES “ B,D “ P°*:!? S gORETHROAT Patarrh offensive Patipdu ,sdigest|OH Uatarrr b ™* E | ATARRH. GOOO . BK «« avoidable. w BREATH? U good by.. UNNECESSARY. ■—■——Ml I- —i SORETHROAT IS AVOIDABLE. COLDS AND ATARRH ARE U NNECESSARY. OTHER DISEASES FOR WHICH CERTAIN CATARRH CURE HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TESTED. Not a “Cure All.” Those who have read our newspaper ad vertisements will remember that, in them, we claimed to cure only Catarrhal and throat affections and sore mouth. These have been its great specialties, and for them it is widely recognized as the quick est and surest cure known. The prepara tion was originally compounded for Catarrh only, as its name indicates—but, in course of experience, has been found equally effica cious in various other troubles. Catarrh is an inflammation of the organs attacked, and it is natural that a medicine ' c will cure it, will cure other inflammation. It will be found of great value in various cases which arise in a family, and should be on hand at all times. Its Harmlessness. Makes it entirely safe to try Certain Catarrh Cure for any trouble, without the slightest fear of injury. It is a purely vegetable preparation, and to the most delicate constitution, or organ of the body, can produce no bad effect whatever. For Colbs, —Certain Catarrh Cure has been found a splendid remedy, as it opens the passages of the nasal organs and allays the frequent burning sensations. Sore Throat.—The severest cases yield in an incredibly short time; temporary inflammation is frequently cured by one dose, e if taken soon after it commences. For all throat affections, chronic or other wise, it win be found without an equal. Sore Mouth—ls similar in its nature to sore throat and is cured quite as readily by Certain Catarrh Cure. For all troubles of this kind it is a specific. Dentists who have tested it for the gums, etc., pronounce it far superior to preparations put up espe cially for their purposes. Indigestion.—ls food disagrees with you, take tablespoonful after meals. Deafness, —In a majority ®f cases, is the result of Catarrh, which in some instances attacks the ears alone, or, at least, begins there. Certain Catarrh Cure has made sur prising cures of hard-hearing, s nd we believe -—if the drum of the ear is not destroyed—it will restore hearing in nearly all cases, no matter what the person’s age may be. It is at least well worth a trial by every one so afflicted. Hay Fever.—Reports from those who have tried it, convince us that Certain Ca tarrh Cure will prevent attacks of Hay Fever. We advise those who have suffered with this disease, to commence using our medicine according to directions for Catarrh, a shop, time bes ore the usual appearance of trouble. A letter from Alabama says: “I used one bottle of Certain Catarrh Cure last season, and escaped Hay Fever entirely. I may be permanently cured, but will use another bottle this year to avoid all risks ci suffering.” Fob Heartburn, —It gives speedy re lief. For Sore Eyes.—The best remedy. bCuts and Burns—A soft cloth sat urated with the medicine, and bound to the injured part, will extract the inflammatioxn and prove of great advaatage. -bid- INDIGESTION GOOD-BYE. VALUABLE BOOK FREE. SEND FOR IT. A Well-Known Physicists Experience. 8 C Co., Athens, Ga.: 1 Dear Sirs—The experience in my SmiW is, that Certain Catarrh Cure is a safe efficient remedy for catarrh and sore throws, | if the directions are followed. Respectfully. Wm. A. Wright, M. ». Barnesville, Ga. Certain Catarrh Cure is mentioned j* j vorably by our customers that we have ; confidence in its merits.—Alexander Storing and Seed Co., Augusta, Ga. Suffering Was Intense. 8 C Co., Athens, Ga.: Gentlemen—lt affords me pleasure to ... form you of the great benefits I derived icm the use of Certain Catarrh Cure. I wm ainicted for eight or ten months with nas.G c&ta: h, and at times my suffering was ia tense. My throat and lungs were very much affected—l coughed almost inces santly, and thought my case would go into consumption. i I tried other remedies, but grew worse I all the time. I was induced to try yowv i Certain Catarrh Cure, and, after using | about three bottles, commenced to improve i rapidly. I used five or six bottles, and have suffered none since. I shall alw*v* feel grateful that you discovered a remedy which has cured me, and I cm ever ready to testify to its wonderful curative power*. Very respectfully, Mather “Wymmr. Eastman, Ga. A Prominent Vocalist. 3 C Co., Athens, Ga.: Dear Sirs —Allow me to say in behalf of Certain - Catarrh Cure: I have found nothing that so thoroughly clears out th® resonce cavities, and fits the voice for good speaking or good singing. Respectfully, Alwyn M. Smith. LaGrange, Ga. Certain Catarrh Cure is a sure remedy ■ for Croup. It also cured my child of en larged and infilamed tonsils afterphysicians had pronounced the knife the only Mrs. Carrie Belle Gable, Marietta, Ga. A Severe Case. 8 C Co., Athens, Ga. : a Dear Sirs—With much pleasure I send you these cheering words. Your medicine has cured me of a very bad case of catarrh I suffered five years; my case grew wore®, until my condition was indeed a sad on®. My throat and bronchial tubes were much involved—my throat being almost entirely covered with ulcers; could swallow only very soft food. My hearing and sense of smell were much impaired. I used your medicine very persistently, and twelve bot tles cured me. I could write pages of praise, were it necessary. I will cheerfully correspond with anyone in regard to my case. Hoping some suffering one may read these words and find relief as I have—- , through prayer and the use of your excel lent medicine, I am, Yours respectfully, Mrs. R. M. Mvbpkt. Ellaville. Ga. IT CURES AVOID HAY FEVER THIS YEAR. COLDS AND ATARRH ARE U NNECESSARY. VALUABLE BOOK FREiT, SEND FOR IT. WHY BE ANNOYED WITH OFFENSIVE BREATH? SORETHROAT IS AVOIDABLE. COLDS AND ATARRH ARE U NNECESSARY. -BID INDIGESTION GOOD-BYE. IT CURES Qatarrh. WHY BE ANNOYED WITH OFFENSIVE BREATH ? CATARRH CAN BE WHY CONTINUE TO SUFFER WITH CATARRH? GET RID OF Catarrh. VALUABLE BOOK FREE. SEND FOR IT.