Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, May 01, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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10 AO*A!lt Q Sell our Fountain Pens. No capital Akqll'Qi required. Big profit for you. Largest Mfr’s, in U. S. Pistal brings inside prices. Em pire M. O. Co., 6 Algonquin Bldg., Saratoga, N.Y. A Fountain Pen Offer. All guaranteed. 15 cents for ink crystals extra. Smith & Company, Hopkins, S. C. |Af A KITTH. Lady or gentleman of fall ed ff All I EUi ucation to travel for a firm of J 250,000.00 capital. Salary, J 1,072 per year and expenses; paid weekly. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Athens, Ha. ntltjJT marr y until you have your friends’ UUlw I character told from their handwrit ing; send specimen and 11 cents to Gordon Gor don, Hyde Park, Camden, N J. Cavoc Ynnr Tooth Thread cutting thimble. Ofllßa IUUI ICCIII. Sells Uke wildfire. Sample loc. Catalogue free. W. 1. Burgess &Co , Box 122, New York City. Monkey Wrench. Penect working watch charm. 25c. J. Bedlord, Glenham, N Y. BURT’S 20 Kinds S’.. SUt'KRB Grand Priee —St Louis, Hl 111 I AO Go,d Medal.—Buffalo. UAIILIAOi H. F. Bnrt, Tauntor, Mass. EADIV AftFNT.Q Get lhe b *s Holiday or- EftnLl Alien I Q dere. Cut Price Christ mas books. SVC bk., 12%c ; 81 book, 25c.; 51.50 book, 50c.; 82.50 book 75c. Credit given. Outfit Ftee. Ferguson Co., 8664, Fifth, Cincinnati, O. j-x-J 500 Women to use the new per- ItYUlllvUi fume, “Sweet Lotus,” nothing like it. Send 25 cts. for Large Bottle, Postpaid. Fremont Novelty Co., 910 Security Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minn. AAF PER WEEK ANDIuXEXPENSES toman Vjk *l4 with rig tointroduceour Poultry Goods, send stamp yW EUREKA MANPG. CO., Dept 57, NitsmU, Ihm 100 Post Cards of Yourself, 51.65. (including cur, prepaid). Agents Wanted. POST Clßfh Os YOUR TOWN, $4 per 1000. (Orders filled in a week’s time? Big money in these even at ic. each. If haven’t business Stationery send 6 cents for samples. Dozen views of Historical Winchester. 15 cents. Mention this magazine. HENRY’S QUICK PRINTERY, WINCHESTER, VA. I ofliao. sls per week easily made doing pretty, LaUlCoi simple fancy work at home. Send dime for sample and particulars. A. G. Frost & Co., 907 Ellis St., San Francisco, Calif. UIF UA VC IT A great re-order getter. W* II Alt 111 Sell one or more in every home. Agents wanted: either sex. Write now for particulars. W. B. Gedney Company, Dept. 4, Lebanon, 111. TP v Dr. George’s Bust Developer that never fails you. Costs but $3 for complete treatment, with directions in full how to use; sells on its own merit and does not need advertising. Send money by Registered Letter or Post Office Order (no stamps taken) to The Dr. George’s Medical Co., 616 N. F. St., Muskogee, Indian Territory. Oil 1/ DCUM*I|TC Ladies desiring to purchase vILK nCNIHAHIO. gl ]k remnants for fancy work, write for our price list and free samples. Mail Order Bazaar, W, 1326 Herkimer St.,Brook lyn, New York. Agents clear 50 per cl. selling my egg sep arator. Something entirely new. Send for circular and free information. Address, J. H. Freshwater, Graham, N. C. Write II THEY SLIDE—NO SCRATCF par- 11 NO KICK. lari*' 19 GLIDING FURNITURE SHOES d tak* the phee of casters Beds, and Furniture will move easily and not wear carpets, nor scratth floors. Men and women sgents wanted to introduce these —1— 1 • and other practical articles. The Fair Mfg. Co., 908 Fifth Bt. Racine, wis. irtn ,or fOc< wortb Choice Garden heeds just || |b to introduce our Mire-to-please novelties |U for 19C9. Bo’glano’s seed Store. Baltimore. UEUU PREPARATION. Cleans perfectly nL II Kid Gloves, Silk Ribbons, Neckties, Etc. Send 4 cents in stamps for sample. Address, Sales Mgr., Box 966, Warren, Ohio. | AniCQ Something new, C-Cunty Placket LAulEvt Fastener, the greatest device for an absolutely Perfect Placket ever invented Send to-day for free descriptive circulars. Agents wanted. Sample fastener, postpaid,3sc The Cen tennial Mfg. Co., 329 West Taylor, Stockion, Cal | A Ig l g* ■ Do you wish to go riding, La llk a driving, boating, walk- ing? If so. let me hold your hat on; it can’t blow on. My holders are ornamental; no unsightly holes in hat; don’t rust in the hair. They are all the rage; price 25 cents. Indiana Supply Co., Rensselaer, Indiana. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. and use Mason’s Antiseptic Corn Cure, the won der of the age. Guaranteed under Pure Food and Drug Law. Sample box by mail 10 cents. Agents can make good money selling this corn cure. Address, The C. C. Mason Mfg. Co., 737 North 38th. St., Philadelphia, Pa. ft Trt I* smell cures foetid odors of feet \~ I lIU nose, mouth, armpits. Post free I 111 50c. Lady agents wanted. B. V lU* Seebach. Pe u ’lls PQ P p Solid Gold Laid Ring. If you ■ (\QCai will send us the names of two of your friends and 12 cents for postage, pack ing, etc., we will send you this elegant signet ring and our jewelrv catalogue Initial engrav ed 3 cents extra. Kiil & Cox, Dept. A, Box 277, Yonkers, N. Y. FLAYS OF ALL PUBLISHERS. DECORATIONS and FaVORS for all occasions. Catalogue FREE. The C. E. COOK GO., Bergen. N. Y. For Woman’s Work. WB FEELo WALTER SCOTT HASKELL. PLEASURE boat, a haughty maid, All A breeze to swell the sail; Alas for her the Mai de Mer Caused rosy lips to pale, And all that maiden’s pride was gone In twinkling of an eye, She bathed her head in water, and— Forgot the auburn dye! By garden gate, the time was late, They sat a-holding hands; With mutual bliss exchanged a kiss, And made their nesting plans; Just as the birdies always have, Since time and tide untold — Although he knew her hair was red, To him ’twas shining gold! Refrain: We all get back to nature when we’re ill, We all get back to nature with a will, We all get back to nature when we love. Whatever to the vital doth appeal— We all get back to nature when we feel. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I SELF-STUDY. I ♦ Spiritually. ♦ J Questions pertaining to health, to mental, moral and physical unfoldment and to sue- X a cess, as based upon the awakening of strong or positive faculties, will be cheerfully X answered through this department. Those desiring private answers, will please enclose X a self-addressed, stamped envelope for leply. All letters for this Department (but for 110 A X other) should be addressed to X Alice M. Long, D. P., 4656 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ills. For Woman’s Work. THE SALOON AND ONE OF ITS GREAT GAUSES. WOMEN, if you are wondering why your husbands and sons are patronizing the saloons despite your efforts through the vari ous temperance organizations to drive it out of existence, just make an investigation and see if you can discover some of the sources of the evil. You need not look far nor long for the chief cause, and having found it, you will have no difficulty in recognizing the remedy. In the majority of instances it is unnecessary to go farther than the kitchen. To many persons it may seem a far cry from the culinary depart ment to the rum shop, though in reality it is but a few steps. In other words, wives and mothers, it is largely through your acts that the ap petite for drink has been formed. Not that you have deliberately, maliciously, or even consciously encouraged it, but it has been brought about in the most innocent and thoughtless manner. However, as the civil law takes cognizance of the deed or its result, rather than the innocence or ignorance of the perpetrator, so nature —with her unvary ing laws —decrees that man shall suffer if he disobeys her mandates. “Now, what have we to do with all this?’’ you may ask Just this: Ycu are the cook, or at least you superintend or order what is cooked; but, nine times out of ten you give no thought to the combination of foods to be served at a given meal. They may all be either of a starchy character or of an acid nature, or the starches and acids may be mixed with no thought or knowledge of the chemicaliza tion and consequent ill effects upon the digestive, assimilative and eliminative organs. But, the haphazard, hit-and-miss style of preparing meals does not stop here. Frequently four or five vegetables and several kinds of fruits are placed on the table at the same meal. Extremely hot foods are immediately followed by extremely cold ones, producing rapid transition from expansion to contraction of the walls of the stomach. Worse than all else, perhaps, in their deleterious results, is the use of pepper, sauces, and other highly stimulating condiments. This sort of “feeding’’ can result only in harm by causing fermentation in the stomach and creating there a distillery, as effectual in producing alco hol as the largest distillery in the country. An intense craving is thus created for more condiments, more highly seasoned foods, until finally every drop of blood in the body is aflame, irritability and anger are of common occurrence, the baser passions are aroused and the abnormal appetite for stimulating foods can be satisfied only by strong drink. The use of simple, nutritious and well-cooked victuals, daintily served, thorough ventilation of the house, a: d the daily pervasion of cheer and sunshine in the family, would do more to close the saloons than the combined efforts of all the temperance and reformation socie ties in the land. Besides, the practical application of prevention is not nearly so expensive physically, mentally, morally and financially, as reformation. Try it, mothers and wives, try it and keep trying it. Woman’s Work. Agents Wanted: You don’t need to talk; you don’t need money. This is the chance of your life. Write to-day. Box 321, Port Townsend. Wash. Dm’t use dull scissors! Any lady can sharpen UU I I her own scissors with the Ideal Sharp ener. Perfectly simple: simply perfect. Postpaid, 25c. Agents wanted everywhere. E. Frambach Company, 81 Murray St., Newark, N. J. Bon: Gold Cuff Buttons Free Sell 5 Ideal Knife sharpeners um at 25 cents each, f-harpens Knives, scissors and Skstes. You get a beauti ful pair of gold cuff buttons. Send 81 and get buttons with the 5 sharpeners, also Instructions by return mail. Superior Novelty Works, 1504 W. Monroe St.. Chicago, 111. AGAVA TABLETS •tipation; the New Cathartic. Nothing like it. An Ideal vegetable compound. The most reliable, positive anl lasting remedy ever offered to the public for Constipation and its attendant maladies, such as headache dyspepsia, plies, coated tongue, loss oi appetite, bad breath and skin, nervous ness, cold feet, mental depression, “blues," rheumatism. They prevent paralysis, apoplexy and typhoid fever. Guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Sold 5 otO to one physician in Texas, as No Others g’ve him such results, 25 cts. per box. 5 boxes for 81 Woman’s Friend: Home Local Treatment. The greatest medicine on ear. h for all woman’s ills, especial ly Ovarian Irritation, Leucorrhoei, etc., 81 per box. Dr B, H. Painter. Manfr. Middletown, Ind. WOMEN TO DO SEWING WM: Can make six an hour. Material sent free pre paid send addressed reply envelope , t C B? la “p™ Post Card Collectors. year’s membership •“ OU J e * c “ange. Members receive Beaatiful Post Cards trona all over .he United States in exchange Special offer: We will send every yearly member six beau Ifully co'ored New Or leans vie vs Free. Address, ( reicent Post Card Exchange, 711 Camp st., D.pt B, New Or leans, La. biquid bice Killer. D * E u *e to Insects on Poultry or Stock. 50 cents per gal j A J- ,c e Powder 20 cents per pound. Warrant ed O. K. Both Formulas, how to make it. so cts ELLA KILCHER, Fairfield. lowa. 5 r ALL WOMEN suffering from female complaints, who will write to me, can learn of a simple remedy that will positively relieve even the most stubborn, chronic case, permanently. Un til now, it has been sold only on a doctor’s prescription, but if you write at once. I’ll tell you the secret, and it will COST YOU NOTHING. The information will be sent in a plain sealed envelope. A. W. MOORE, P.Q.B, 75, MAOIBON 80., NEW YORK Eyes Cured. Without the Knife Grateful Patrons Tell of Almost Miracu lous Cures or Cataracts, Granulated Lids, Wild Hairs, Ulcers, Weak, Watery Eyes and All Eye Diseas es —Send Your Name and Ad dress with Two-Cent Stamp for Free Trial Bottle. The cures being made by this magic lotion evary day are truly remarkable. I have repeat edly restored to sight persons neaily blind for years. Ulcers, wild hairs, granulated lids disappear almost instantly with the use of this remedy. Weak, watery eyes are cleared in a single night and quickly restored to perfect health. It bas repeatedly cured where all other remedies and all doctors had failed. It is indeed a magic rem edy and I am glad to give this free trial to any sufferer from sore eyes or any eye trouble. Many have thrown away their glasses after using it a week. Preachers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, students, dressmakers and all who use their eyes under strain find with this Magic Lotion a safe, sure and quick relief If you have sore eyes or any eye trouble write me to-day. lam in earnest in making my offer of a free trial bottle of this lotion. lam glad to furnish proof in many well-proven ami authen tic cases where it has cured cataract after the doctors said that only a dangerous and expen sive operation would save the sight. If you have e\ e trouble of any kind you will make a se ious mistake if you do not send for my great free offer of this Magic Eye Lotion. Address, with full description of your trouble and a two-cent stamp, H. T. Schlegel Co., 2961 Home Bank Bldg., Peoria, Ills., and you will receive by re turn’mail, prepaid, a trial bottle of this magic remedy that has restored many, almost blind?to sight. LADIES’ MONTHLY FRIEND. At last a protector has been invented which absolutely does away with all the anxiety, . wor ry and inconvenience in- cidental to Monthly Periods. Ur— —Women! the VICTORIA PRO -11 H TEC lOR is a Godsend! ZkJj ESI Simple, durable and adjusta ble to any figure. No wash in » ■ ,ng ’ soiling of clothing. Wih f/K Physicians recommend it, as it * s sanitary and gives much relief. Price to introduce, 81, Victoria prepaid (in plain package) Protector to any address. (Regular sell sl prepaid in ing price $2). Send now while plain package, the offer lasts. The Victoria Supply Co., P. O. Box G 123, Chicago, 111. MAY, 1909.