Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, May 01, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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12 SHORN JMshade rollersJß ■ are nerfect In action. Over years' experience guides the ■M manufacture. Get the improved. MB No tacas required. To avoid HL » W ■ Imitations,notice script naniorf WVr Jf Stkwabt Hartshorn on label w A Notre Dame Lady’s Appeal. To all women: I will rend free with full in structions. my home treatment which posl tively cures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displace ments, Falling of the Womb, Painful or irreg ular Periods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or growths, abo Hot Flashes, Nervousness, Mel ancholy, Pains in the Head, Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can con tinue treatment at home at a cost of only about 12 cents a week. My book, “Woman’s Own Medical Adviser” also sent free on request Write to day. Address, Mrs. M. Summers, Box 180, Notre Dame, Ind. The te LADY DOCTORS trouble and be cured at home. Derangements a specialty. Ad dress Woman’s Mbdical Institute, Detroit, Mich Tn I orlino* for the new Ladies’Napkin 10 LqU'vOi Holder, a woman’s invention It’s perfection comfort and simple. No books, pins or objectionable attachments. 25 cts. post paid: money refunded if not entirely salisfac tory. Address, "Unique,” Box 461, Hinsdale,N.H. | inirfl On receipt of 25 cents, l||||Lv stamps or silver, 1 will LliUlLvi send a valuable recipe that cost me $5. Money refunded if not sat isfactory. Mrs. M. A. Duckett, Tolar. Tex. i'WFOSUMA Send two cent stamp with birth date and I will M| send you a pen picture of your life from the cradle to the grave. All matters of business, love, mar- Mr riage and health, plainly told by (he greatest Astrologer living. Patrons astonished and satisfied. PROF. LEO AMll. D«0- 102. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. r BABY’S DIAPER SUSPENDERS A blessing to Mother and Baby. Takes all pressure ofl the child's hips end allows free use of the limbs. Made of Lisle Webbing and elastic. Ends have special Safety pins for attaching to diapers. Sent postpaid for 25 cts. Agents Wanted. ?0 other useful articles for ladies and children. Fair Mfg. Co., 9011 Fifth Street, Racine, Wis. ' PURI FI NA Has (lured Thousands, Will Cure You, Send for Free sample or 25 cent box. Agents Wanted. B. Hickman Co., 81 Cortlandt St., N. Y. I PAY SPOT CASH For Military Bounty Land Warrants issued to soldiers of any war. Write me atonce. Address. Frank H. Reper, 014 17th St.. Denver. Colo. I An ICQ! Send us the natnes auf! addresses LAUIl’i often (10) reliable people with ten (10) cents silver, and we will send you postpaid our bg twenty-five (25) cents Needle and Pin Book. Independent Mfg. Co.. Dept. Y. 9 Cath erine St., Rochester, N. Y., 1.. B. Flood, Mgr. SHOPPING BY MAIL. Why wear old-fashioned things? Buy by mail in Columbus, Ohio, all the newest importations. We can furnish you up-to date goods—superlative qualities at mini mum prices. Send for circulars. Address, The Palmer Mail Order Merchandise Co., 516 Union National Bank Bldg., Colum bus, Ohio. UAlff MfiMFY! An Y Person can make BIMM muni.il money tinselling Post Cards at home in spare time. We furnish everything and start you. Enclose 10 cents for two Beauti ful Floral Samples, your name tinselled in spark ling colors, with full instructions for doing this profitable work. J. E. Dutt, Box 344, Osceola Mills. Penn. DIAMONDS. DIAMONDS $1 PER WEEK. Wear our SIOO diamond, $1 down, $1 per week. No other pay ments. State occupation, by whom employed. Confidential. WESTERN DIAMOND COMPANY OMAHA, NEB. ‘ am an invalid u U i uavustfiirea piewau. I homework which pays me BIG WAGKB,aa«> Bdr I ImW will gladly send full to any lady ndin; 2s itamp «!»► U ST* "BINS. LAWBESCE, Ml CH. I WANT A WOMAN S-Van?, “New Discovery Coffee” at 10 cents a pound. Sample and particulars for a nickel; circulars free. Write quick to NEW DISCOVERIES, Dunkirk, N. Y HPI R T iilStASt GUHtUI II I• II 11 I DR. FILLER’S M L ■■ I HEART AND NERVE B Ui FB ■ REMEDY has cured, N■ ■ ■■ I ■ ■ to stay cured, over a ■ B MB Illi hundred and thirty thousand cases In the last 4 years. It will cure YO -no matter how ciironlc, serious or ate your case may be! To prove this we will send you by mail, absolutely free and l’°stl>al , 'j a regular full-size treatment and hfs Ulus sorted book that tells you the plain, truth at tout your trouble. Both free. Understand, this Is not • •* trial” or •• sample,” but a regular fuh-slze package. Have you Palpitation ? Skipping Keats ? Kdn In Heart? Sinking Spells? Nosebleed? Dlzzt. twss? Dyspepsia? Asthma? Dropsy? Are.you aervous, weak and rundown? Don’t wait, you are in danger! Accept now this free help. Write us about your case. 'Ve are special** « address eTHE HEART Cl KE < o 47 53 Masonic Bldg-. Hallowell, Me. Compiled For Woman’s Work. 1 USEFUL gate I fffIHNTSo S 3 eLEAN galvanized iron tubs by scrubbing with hot vinegar and soda, allowing the mixture to remain on for a time, then wash In hot strong soapsuds and wipe dry. Have plenty of ventilation in your sleeping apartments; lower the up per sash several inches, and also raise the lower sash. This gives free circulation of the air, and will not create a draught. Hay sprinkled with a little chlo ride of lime and left for an hour in a closed room, will remove the odor of new paint. For hoarseness, beat the white of an egg, flavor with lemon juice and sugar, and take some occasionally. A great convenience when cleaning house is a stick with a notch in the end with which to lift picture cords off the hooks without so much step ping up and down. One authority says, in order to rid the cellar of rats, cover every nook and corner of it with whitewash made yellow with copperas, putting lumps of copperas around the edge of the floor, and every rat and mouse will leave the premises. It would certainly make the atmosphere of the cellar healthful, so it is worth trying. Provide yourself or your maid a cushion to stand on while ironing. It may be made of an old quilt or pieces of ingrain carpet, but be sure it is thick enough to be restful. If you are your own laundress, learn to shirk some of the routine work, and do not feel that knit underwear, hosiery and kitchen towels must be ironed every week. Rather let them be smoothed when taken from the line, and devote the time the ironing would have taken, to reading a book, taking a ride, or making a friendly call. If tincture of iodine is instantly applied where carbolic acid has touched the flesh, no blister will re sult. The iodine should be applied ■with a feather. Remove ink stains from white goods by using salt and vinegar. Put a fresh supply on until the stain dis appears, then rinse in clear water. It is said fruit is less liable to settle in cake if it is thoroughly mixed into the creamed sugar and butter before the other ingredients are added. If it is desired to keep cakes moist, put them in a stone jar; if crisp cakes are preferred, use tin as a receptacle. After frying doughnuts, fritters, or anything of that kind, shave off a few slices of potatoes when you are done with the grease, and drop in the hot fat; let them cook an instant, then set on the back of the stove to cool very slowly. In the course of half an hour remove to a place to cool more rapidly, and just before it gets beyond the pouring stage, strain through a cloth into a clean jar. You will find that the lard is nearly as sweet as ever, being only a little darker, which does not hurt it for frying cakes in again. Don’t use towels provided for gen eral use in public lavatories, restau rants and sometimes in schools. They have been found by microscopic in vestigation to contain bacteria of several contagious diseases. It is now possible to have the walls of a bedroom not only made sanitary but artistic by the finish given them. Several coats of pre pared paint are applied, one color tint above another, either darker or lighter, as the effect aimed at re quires, and after the stenciled de- Woman’s Work. sign is applied a glaze paint wash is given the surface, which not only gives a firm, hard finish, but makes it possible to wash the walls with out injury to the decoration. By this process, pale, delicate colors can be used and the texture of silks and satins effectively imitated. The home should come before the house, the mind before the body; and she who aims and strives for the best, morally and spiritually, will not become a cipher in her own house hold. Let us not be content with simply making the outer temple clean; let us beautify the “Temple not made with hands;” adorn its walls with pictures of smiling faces and loving deeds; make it restful and attractive by the music of cheer ful voices tuned in harmony with the good, the true, and the beautiful. A hair tonic said to promote vigorous growth and at the same time keep the hair soft and glossy is made of four ounces each of bay rum and rain water with twenty grains of quinine. For two weeks apply every night, then less often. Scalp massage is very beneficial for falling hair, and though tiresome to perform on one’s self, it can be readily learned. Ammonia will restore colors faded by acids. Use cayenne pepper and borax to free the store-room of ants. If a gas jet is near a window, sew small lead weights into the seams and hems of the curtains to prevent them blowing into the flame when the window is opened. To remove ink stains, as soon as the ink i spilled, melt candle grease, drop upon the spot, allow to cool, then wash ofi with very hot water. For ivy poisoning, use aqua ammonia and water compresses at first, and, later on, paint the afljcted surface with equal parts of tincture of iron and glycerine, fol lowed by the application of some soothing ointment or cold cream. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseasea portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best CABBAGE PLANTS, GELERY PLANTS. And all kinds of garden plants. Can now furnish all kinds of cabbage plants grown in the open air and will stand great cold. Grown from seed of the most reliable seedsmen. We use the same plants on our thousand-acre truck farm P . c ? refu ly counted and properly packed. Celery, Lettuce, Onion, Beets’ and Cabbage ready now. Reduced Express Rates Promised, which, when eflec ?J ve US j P er Co . nt- 188I 88 th&n merch audise rates. Prices: Small lots, $1.50 per thousand; large lots, $1 or $1.25 per thousand, f. o. b., Meggetts S. C Special Garden Fertilizer” $5 per sack of 200 pounds, f. o. b., Meggetts’ South Carolina. The United States Agricultural Department has established an expert mental station on our farms, to test all kinds of vegetables, especially Cabbages. The result of these experiments we will be pleased to give you at any time S Yours respectfully, H. BLITCH CO., Meggetts, 8, C. NEW METHOD OF REDUCING FAT. A news item from Paris informs us that the American methcd of producing a slim, trim figure, is meeting with astonishing success. This system, which has made such a wonderful impression over there, must be the Marmola Prescription Tablet meth od of reducing fat. It is safe to say that we have nothing better for this purpose in this country. Anything that will reduce the excess flesh a pound a day without in jury to the stomach, the causing of wrink les, the help of exercising or dieting, or interference with one’s meals, is a mighty important and useful addition to civiliza tion’s necessities. Just such a catalogue of good results, however, follow the use of these pleasant, harmless and economical little fat reducers. We say economical, because Marmola Prescription Tablets (made in accordance with the famous pre scription) can be obtained of any druggists, or the makers, the Marmola Co., Dipt. 106, Djtroit, Mich., for seventy-five cents the large case, which is a decidedly eco nomical price, considering the number of tablets each case contains. ROYS anil GIRLS U U I U bracelet, or other valuable premiums. Sell twenty-four jewelry novelties at ioc. each. Return our $2.40 and we will send you premium chosen. We trust you. THE J. VENAB SUPPLY CO., Bbavkr Falls, Penn. "EVER/ LADY NEEDS IT!” The “MYSTIC CLOTH” cleans im mediately. FOR GOLD, SILVER, N ICK.EL and BRASS. 25 cents in si ver brings it. Radefeld, 318 Mint A r cade, Philadelphia. LADIES. THE IMPERIAL WAX PAD will impart a High Gloss finish to your linen and put a Mirror Smoothness on your Irons. If you Want to do Good Work you cannot afford to be without it. Agents Wanted. Sample 10 cents (silver). W. A. Konantz Mfg. Co., 530 Hamo. Street, Quincy. Ills. gAfa <* i . , . ... .. aud Purity, impossi- ble to attain any other way. Our RURRm COMPLEXION BULB dees all tins. Regular price cents; to introduce it we will send it postpaid for 35 cents. Peerless Supply Co p o box 441, Birmingham, Ala. Rook for our "ad’ of the Peerless Blockhead Remover. Ift fl A D ° You » Bright, nlllßS. O1 « ar skin ’ Dike that of 1-lIUIUUj a Baby P ILo use CREAM OF YOUTH. A purely vegetable cream, will not injure the skin as much as water Gream of Youth has been used for generations by an the leading society ladles of France to preserve or restore their beauty known there as Madame LaCanPs J eunesße.”lt will POSI TIVELY remove all Imperfections of the akin, such as Blackheads Pimples, Sunburn, Freckles And will remove WRINKLES, CROWSEEET and prevent the skin from aging While soap'takes off the dirt, Cream of Youth takes OU£ THE DIRT. One jar contains enough cream for 150 nights. Directions for massaging will be sent with each jar. Price 50c.. postpall All ordkin filled same day received, under plain cover Address, Southern Specialty Co ’ Box 27, Columbia, Tenn. PECAN TREES AND NUTS. Budded and grafted trees of all best varieties 770 acres In Pecans. Write for Catalogue “LI” which Includes a treatise upon refection of trees and culture. MAY, L9C9. LADIES WHY ■ Do you spend Dol- T, lars after Dollars for A useless preparations w to clear your skin when you can have a F perfect complexion and fill ALL the hol low places for the small su n of « . cents? 00 Ladies of Refine ment cannot afford to be without them, as their use gives them an air of health