Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, May 01, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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MAY, l£o9. in nonto BY MAIL. 111 laHIIIX doids, the best and safest I w U U 111 V remedy for Constipation. Constipation causes sickness and disease, and may be the cause of yours. P. R. PALETHORPE CO., Owensboro, Ky. n Never Fails Sure Poo j BLACK-HEAD REMOVER. M \ This ’ittle device is a most wonderful /■ \ thing for persons whose face is full of If 1 black-heads. Simple and easy to oper « I ate and the only sure cure. By placing vK 1 directly over the black-head, then wlth- W J drawn, brings the black head away. ' Never fails. Takes them out around the note and all parts of the face. Sent postpaid for Twenty five Cents. Other useful aricles. Catalogue and illustrated circulars free Agents wanted. Address, The Bruncamp Co., Fort Wayne, Indiana. 60 Souvenir Post Cards Largest club in the world. Yale Post-Card Exchange, Box 1518 G, New Haven, Conn. ANIOROSIS, SKOWHEGAN, ME., Mails true guide to health and lucrative humane practice for men and women in poor health. Ten cent stamp mails book. Two Fine Son?s* Sing the olden Songs to Me.” 25 cts per copy. Send 25 cts in silver and 6 2c. stamps, and se cure both songs. Wrap coin Hi paper and SEaL before placing in letter. Address, Mrs. E S. L. Thompson, L. Box 486, Muncie, Indiana. DON’T DREAD prescrip lion. Printed formula, SI.OO. BF. Geoffrey, Box 454, Chehalis, Wash. FREE TO INVALID LADIES. A lady who suffered for years with uterina troubles, displacements, leucorrhoea and other Irregularities, Anally found a safe and simple home treatment that completely cured her with out the aid of medical attendance. She will send it free with lull instructions how to use it, to any suffering woman sending name and address tc Mrs. L. Hudnut, South Bend, Ind. EADIV AfiENTQ Get ,he blg Holiday tAnLI ftULNIO orders Cut-price Christ mas books. 50c. book 12%c; $1 book, 25c.; 51.50 book, 50c ; 82 50 book, 75c. Credit giveu. Out fit free. Ferguson Co., 8664. Fifth, Cincinnati, O. in Lovely Pncfolo 25c. Frosted, Love Di- IV Colored rUoluiv vine, Illuminated. Per fumed Satin Florals, Lincoln’s Log Cabin, and Beautiful Christmas Greetings. American Art Co., West Haven, Conn. YOU CAN BE BEAUTIFUL. Mme, Florela’s Beauty Book tells how to grow plump, how to develop the bust, h°w to remove wrink- I® 8 ’ tan > rec^'e8 > etc. h° w to obtain a beaati // creamy complex H * Wil *°n, how to grow luxu- 'A ' riant wavy hair. We send it free to any lady sending a two cent stamp for sample of Mme. Florela’s Beauty Builders. Kendall Medical Co., High Point, N. C. r nrr To every lady answering this ad. we rnt as will seLd a-et 1 f six handsome gold plated beauty pins, set with Turquoise, Ruby and Opal. Ssnd only Scents to help pay post age. THE CHAS. PERRY CO., Dept. E »5, Lansing, Mich. tlf Everybody to write for cur whole- W3DI6D» sale and retail catalogue FREE Everybody buys our goods. Boys and girls make $lO to 830 a w< ek. Specialty Mailorder Co.. Shrewsbury, Penn. I orlino Hulu! On receipt of 81.00 I will send LuQIBS liniyi formula that positively beau tifies the skin. Satisfaction,or money refunded. Address, T. Burns, 198 Mulberry St.. Newark,N.J RHEUMATISM CURED. tism after several years of intense suffering Write me, and I will tell you how I was cured Free. A. Watson, Room 45, 77 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. ■ Save money by getting I SlfllDQ one of our Free Retail De- LuUIUUI script:ve Price Lists of cloth and leath’r b?lts. Twenty-flve styles. Prices 10 cts., 15 cts., 25 cts., 50 cts. and sl. The Beltcra't Co., Box 3622, Boston, Mass. 1909 Catalogue Free. H should be iu the hands of every person interes*ed A■-.. in better poultry. This djfcjajgj book illustrates and gives lowest prices on 40 varle- WMyV ties of land and water fowls egg®. iB my teenth Annual Oata lotrue. Don’t be without it. Send your name and ' * address to-day to A. S. Hummel, Box 70, Freeport, Illinois. IHF BAV ft A QU for Newspaper Clippings WE TH I uAon Namesand Addresses. Write, enclosing stomp, for particulars. The K M. Smith Go., 114 E. 28d Street, New York. m AIDWnVAIinC Dee. If sick, send not uLAInVUI ANuL name, age, sex, lock of hair and 2stamps to Dr. D. Hinkly, X. 18, Granr Rapids, Mich. gfiiipzpQzi T 1T T \UloivppiceLJ mg/Tchade— rll.!" 1 jIWIM . CATALOGUE FREE. POW WIRE & IRON WKS. UduisvillUY xj *”~ L - i A >, -L- a , 1 II \ W -IB A Domestic Keys. | EJ COR this department we ask our readers to send their choicest and most practl- •1 • 1 cal bits of household and culinary information—keys which have unlocked j-ti the doors leading from their domestic doubts and difficulties: recipes, suggestions tljl Ji-Hi experiences—anything that is deemed of value to the housewife. ' sili R* TfTTßffiTP A valuable book for the best BgfifrfTW-t imli ri iLi'iMi'mltMl “Key” sent us each mouth. For Woman’s Wobk. CLEANING PREPARATION. A MIXTURE that is excellent for clean ing black cashmere and other woolen dresses, coats, and even felt hats, is made as follows: Dissolve one ounce of gum camphor and one ounce of borax in one quart of boiling water. When cool add one quart of alcohol; put in a bottle and keep For Woman's Work, "ORDER IS HEAVEN’S FIRST LAW. ’ ’ ]\/r ANY weekly programs have been AV± given to the young housewife, and some of them are very good. But the best program, and the one most needed, is the daily program. Just what work to do first, and how to manage the extra work so as to get it into the day without undue upsetting of the family, or undue For Woman’s Wobk, THE BEST COOK BOOK. T)UY a well-bound composition book, costing from ten to twenty-five cents, and write in it your tried and true recipes for cookery. When you try a new one taken from the family paper, if you like it, cut it out and paste into your book, or copy it there, if you dis like cutting the paper. Leave the first For Woman’s Work. CLEAN COMFORTERS. j\/I ANY housewives complain about washing bed-ccmfortera, as the cot ton gets stiff and lumpy. This may be avoided. Make a sl ; p of pretty sateen or calico the same size as the comforter, just as you would make a pillow-slip, hem the open end, and when finished have it about two inches longer than the comforter. Slip it < ver the comforter, fold the hems over each other, and baste down with long stitches, the other three sides tack to pos:- For Woman’s Work. WASHING WINDOWS AFFERENT persons have told me “easy” methods of washing win- dows. One says to cover the glass with a paste made of whiting and water; then, after it is dry, wipe off with a dry cloth, and— there you are! But I didn’t find it a success. Another uses sapol’o in the same way, but I couldn’t get them clean without a deal of very hard rubbiug. A third advised washing them with kero sene and wiping with newspaper This was the worst of all. The best way I know isto wash the windows with warm, soapy, soft water, one pane at a time, rinse; and wipe at once with a damp cloth, following with a soft, dry one to Eolishit. This never fails, and is not ard work at all. But, to be a success, Woman’s Work. well corked. Before using, shake well, then apply with a sponge. Another preparation that can be used upon the most delicate materials and will not affect any color, is made by taking one part alcohol, one part ether and one part chloroform. This must be tightly corked, and must be kept away from heat. labor—this is the question that is hard est for the untrained housekeeper to answer. Will some of you experienced housewives write us your daily program, to help us? ‘‘Give to him that asketh of thee,” ap plies here. Cecily Chapman Wesshlhoeft. twenty pages for an index, and have the number of each page written plainly; then as each recipe is written down, list it in the index. Thus you will be able to find any desired one easily and quick ly. This sort of a cook book beats the ready-made ones, and they are valuable to pass on to the newly wedded daugh ter - Mrs. C. C. Wouters. tion about four inches from the edge When soiled it is but the work of a few minutes to remove the slip, and after it is laundered it is quickly replaced. By doing this one can always have soft and clean comforters. It is no <xtra expense, as the slip saves wear and tear on the comforters and makes them almost everlasting. It is a'so well to use slips on mattresses, as by so doing they may be kept clean as new for years. windows should not be washed when the sun is shining on them, nor when the weather is damp. Busy Bee. TRADE DUCK mark Canvas Centre Roofing NAILS AND CAPS IN CENTRE OF ROLL. \ Strongest and best. Get the agency « for your territory. Prepared Gravel *9 Wißin Roofing, 2 and 3 Ply Roofing, Tar- red Felt, Pitch, Asphalt, Building Papers, Roof Paint, Coatings, &c. ‘ ' SAMPLES AND PRICES FOR THE ASKING. - WF' IxS f - 1 1 ARMITAGE MFC. CO., Richmond, Va. MEN AND WOMEN: sell Bear-’ Powders, using spare time, you will never be without money. Harmles. to human beings. On market for years Number one exterminates Reaches. Water Bugs, Ants etc. No. 2, poultry vermin, fleas ou dogs, etc. Prck age, eithei kind, sent charges paidfoi 25c. silver. Vermin Powder Co.. Scranton. Penn. SEt nr appetite of a child.” ro you I TIC want it? $1 a month, personal treat ment, catarrh of stomach, dyspepsia, etc. 16 y ears experience, “Money Back.” New system. Economy Health Club, Long Beach, California. I Our Skirt Supporter and Ol Ul I LHUILOi Waist Holder, instantly changed from one dress to another, requires no sewing, hooks or pins. Sample 25c. Agents want ed. B. Scheidegger Supply Co., Stratton, Neb. Wnesmured By New Discovery. I jL- if The secret of how to use the mysterious and invisible nature forces for the cure of Deafness and Head Noises has at last been discovered by the famous Physician Scientist, Dr. Cuv Clifford Powell. Deafness and Head Noises disappear as if by magic under the use of this new and wonderful discovery. He will send all who suf fer from Deafness and Head Noises full informa tion how they can be cured, absolutely free, no matter how long they have bt en deaf, or what caused their deafness. This marvelous Treat ment is so simple, natural and certain that you will wonder why it was not discovered before. Investigators are astonished, and cured patients themselves marvel at the quick results. Any deaf person can have full information how to be cured quickly and cured to stay cured at home without investing a cent. Write to-day to Dr. Guy Clifford Powell, 3946 Bank Bldg., Peoria", Illinois, and get full information of this new and 'wonderful discovery, absolutely free. South Carolina Fo&t Cards. Six Handsome Scenes of Charleston, S. C., and name in monthly list of Foreign and United States and Southern Exchang ers, only 10 cents. J. C. Bingley, Box 467, Charleston, S. C. Have You Tried a r PiU? E ffe ct like CI- lIME r AIIIEJJ TRATE MAGNESIA-be- UHC UnUl sides a PERFECT liver medicine and at small cost. Nothing like it. 16 doses 25c., postpaid. Sample free. Address, Wm. H. Muller. Dept. E, University Place, New York. Famous Prescription 100,384 cures Rheu matism, FRFF RflflK A treatise on the most practical 1 iiku uuuix. alK j inexpensive methods of de stroyingplant and vegetable insects, fleas, ants, bedbugs, roaches, lice, etc. Sent free to any ad dress, (So illustrations), F. A. Thompson & Co., Publishers,sls Trombley Ave., Detroit, Mich. MAfilß BILL BOOK ; puzzling; place bills iiihuiu in book, open and they are held se cure. Big agents seller. Sample 15c. List of other good things free. Wm. A. Edwards, Newtonville, Indiana. Uow to »to ”1 ” Dyeing. It eaves time, money ■to bother. Sent FREE. CLSHINO 4 CO..FOXCROrT.MAINB. Blackheads blackhead remover; takes them out around nose and all parts of face; only sure cure;never fails Postpaid 25c Other useful articles. R. Smith Supply Co , 1616 W. Collin St., Corsicana, Texas. Burbank Aseptic Cream will make your complexion beautiful; 25 cts. per box. Burbank Tooth Powder cleanses and beautifies the teeth; to As. per box. The Burbank Tooth Pow der and Chemical Co., 1600 West Lafayette Ave Baltimore, Md. CA N YO U accom- QI A Ml pany yourself on a F* | r If not you can teach yourself in a very sho"rt time with the aid of the “Excelsior Music Chart ” which we will mail to you for 50c. Address The Excelsior Music Co., 203 Cox Bldg., Rochester,N.Y UNIQUE !iftPA E A’ ?> end for “Ladies’ Napkin 7, HOLDER; a woman’s invention. It's Nank n p ? r ectlO, L co £ Dror< si ' n P !e ; n <> hooks, napnill P ( OS or objectionable attachment. 25c Holder P 08 ?-^ 0 v aid - Money refunded if not nUIUGI satisfactory. Wilton Manulaclurlinr Cn 1318 8. Wilton 8t , Philadelphia, Penn ’ HANDY HAfFASTENERS ,? old ladies’hats on betttr than J hat P lllß * Pln on or sew on. No holes in hat. Send 25 cents for a pair. Agents Wanted. Fair Mfg Co., Sole Mfrs., 902 Fifth Street, Racine Wis - g * 13 I have de monstrate d that deaf ness can be cured ”--Dr. Cuy Clifford Powell.