Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, May 01, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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14 A GUARANTEED CURE FOR LIQUOR OR TOBACCO HABIT in all forme: money refunded if it fails. A Scientific Remedy which has been skill fully and successfully administered by medical specialists for the past twenty years. Secretly or by knowledge of the patient. For full particulars, address, Da Clark Drug Co., Red Lion, Bonn. A&'dnts Make More Money selling; my “Family Records” than any others; beautiful pictures: background solid gold. Sam ple 25c., 25 for $2, 100 for $7.50. Sell on sight at 25c. to 50c. each. Campbell & Company, 84 A Street, Elgin, 111. I ATTICS BEAUTY IS YOUR FORTUNE. LMLilCw ’"Send 2C. stamp for my Complexion Beautifier formula—it is FREE. J. ALLEN COMPANY, Ackworth, lowa. U/Di FC CfUIC DIITUQ A small investment with nni 1 l ouhd rut mo. me can niake theni pro . duce a steady income. I write music, publish and advertise. Send stamp with sample forexamina tion. H. Kirkus Dugdale, Dept. 10, Washing ton, D. C. A | ■ Decorating taught by new, easy II HI HA method. Outfit free. Our lessons I 1111 lid include suggestions on how to 111 HU make money as well as to paint artistically. Anyone can learn. The Ceramic Co., 341 Oak St., San Francisco, Cal. GIRLS: GOLD PIN FREE. Sell 12 patent toilet pins at 10c. each. Indispensable for ladies’shirt waists. You get a Beautiful Go’d Pin. Bend $1 and get gold pin with 12 toilet pins by return mail Superior Novelty Works, 1604 W. Monroe St. Chicago, 111. 100 Latest and correct sty lee and sizes. Order filled day received. Satisfaction guaranteed. Not ob tainable elsewhere at twice the price. Booklet ‘•CARD STYLE” FREE! Agents wanted. Also business and professional cards. For sam ples, WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS,Etc.,send 2c B. J. SCHUSTER PTG. & BNO CO.DBPT.96.ST.LOUIS.MO Eflllkin— That “Ben Trovato,” Cuta-Cream ■ UUFIU and MadameLaSalle's “Bans Pareil” have found favor with all ladies wishing to use “Up-to-Date” Toilet Preparations. Corwin Mfg. Co., Lake City, Minn., Dept. 8. ACENTS MAKE tsa Day Retails 25 cts. 2 to 6 sold ill a house. Sample post are Paid FKFF.. FoßSHKKACo..'!incinnati4> WANTED -100,000 customers to buy house furnishing specialties and labor saving devices, by retail st wholesale prices. Every thing a bargain. Write for catalogue. Manu facturers Supply Co., Cairo, Ga. p.iißFn c anoer ’ wra UUntU Eczema,Sl. r»nioui.n. The Lanphere Co.. Logansport, Ind. ■Rheumatism Cured Free! ■Helpless. Physical and Financial suffer no longer .■ ■For information and testimonials, write to Km sKroua springs, san mm oeura gm* 1 ..tfST’S: $3 0 0 Monthly Co-ro-nafer Catarrh. Go-ro-aa mailed for in spection, with terms. K L Worst, Ashland Ohio. tint! DEU/ADR ior any case of Catarrh that SIUU HL fl AllU Norwegian Inhalant Pow der cannot cure. Send stamp for free sample. Cure Guaranteed. Norwegian Cure Co., Dept. 21, Rochester, N. Y BEAUTIFUL-AGENTS WANTED. High-class Art Pictures, large variety, quick sellers, Family Records, Memori als, Marriage Certificates, 12 colors, 16x22 inches. Sample, with illustrated catalog and terms to agents free for 25c. Saluda Supply Co., Box L 123, Bstesburg, S. C. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. ( ®° d y a^ a ciai.) Bathing, Shampooing. Manicuring Chiropo dy, and Electrolosis,taught by Mail. Address with stamp. M. W. Moffitt, Lima, Ohio. A sure, sate and harmless cure for Burns, Scalds, Eczema, and all skin eruptions. An excellent remedy for scalp diseases, dandruff and irritations of any kind. Doctors recommend it. Price 10c, per jar, sent postpaid on receipt of price. Carpate Salve Co., 195 Pearl Street, New York City. ■Jfk GAPING PLACKETS where “C-Curity” HU Fastener is used. Easily adjusted; highly endorsed. Only 35c. The Mayfair Supply Co., 238 Main St.. Danbury, Conn. Pilot Paralytic a " Itching Skin Diseases, niCd, id! d'jolo, whites relieved quickly, im mediately cured. Write, Life Ointment Co., Room 34, 15 Court Square, Boston, Mass. Aft weekly. Plain sewing. Materials sent free. \U Send addressed envelope lor contract. 4PV Oriental Co., Desk 81,108 Fulton St., N.Y. DR. MAJORS’ OBESITY REDUCERS STRENGTHEN, TONE AND REMOVE ALL SOURCES OF FAT SUPPLY— NO SAMPLES —Send $2.00 for two weeks trial—Never falls, averages loss of four pounds per week. Curative, wholly scientific, and based on the best of com mon sense. Easy, simple, effective and harmless. ' FULL INSTRUCTIONS. ‘ Address Dr. M. L Majors, 163 State St, Chicago, 111 J' ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦< ♦ For Woman’s Work. : ©tote© ReoipeSo FRUIT CREAM. RUB any ripe, or canned, fruit through a strainer—apricots, bananas, peach es, raspberries, pineapples etc. To one pint of this pulp and juice add enough sugar to sveeten, then stir it quickly into a quart of whipped cream, and freeze as usual. SCALLOPED ONIONS. Twelve medium-s : zed onions, two ta blespoonfuls of butter, one teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth teaspoonful of pepper, two tablespoonfuls of flour, two cupfuls of milk, and two cupfuls of bread crumbs. Peel the onions.cut a slice from each end aid throw it away. Slice them one quarter of an inch thick; boil in salted water, chang ing the water five minutes alter they be gin to boil. Boil until tender, then strain. Make a cream sauce, putting one of the tablespconfuls of butter into a saucepan; when it melts, add the flour; stir u'.til well creamed together, then add the milk and seasoning of pepper and salt; stir un til it thickens. Remove from the fire, take a buttered pudding dish, and place on the bjttom a layer of crumbs, then a layer of the sauce, next a layer of onions; repeat, crumbs, sauce and onions, until all the in gredients are used, having the last layer crumbs, then put the rest of the melted butter over the top. Bake half an hour, or until the crumbs are nicely browned. Serve hot. PEACH BLANC MANGE. o_e quart of fresh, ripe peaches, two cupfuls of sugar, two level tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, and one-half cupful of wa ter. Peel the peaches and cut in small pieces. Make a syrup of the sugar and water, and when it boils add the peaches, and cook for two or three minutes. Mix the cornstarch with a little water, add to the boiling peaches, and cook for a min ute. Wet a mould in cold water, turn in the mixture, and stand in a cool place to become cold. Serve with whipped cream or with plain sweetened cream. This is especially delicious with raspberries, and is very nice made of cranberries. They should be boiled first with the syrup until they break, bafore adding the cornstarch. DELICIOUS FRUIT DRINK. Take one quart of the juice of either raspberries, strawberries, currants or oranges, strain, and boil i.-.to a syrup with one pound of loaf sugar. To this add one and one-half ounces of tartaric acid, and when cold, bott'e and keep well corked. To use, fill a one-half pint tumbler three parts full of water, and add two tablespconfuls of the syrup. Stir in briskly one-half tea spoonful of bi carbonate of soda, and a very delicious drink will be formed. BROILED TOMATOES. Have the tomatoes large, of uniform size, and not very ripe. Cut in moderately thick slices. Make a dressing of salad oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, just the usual French dressing, and cover the tomatoes with it. Let them stand in the dressing on ice, so they will not get soft, for halt an hour. Take out ot the dressing, shake from them what you can of it, dust each s!Le with the fiaest bread crumbs, and broil over a clear fire. A more simple and very nice way to prepare them is to sprinkle with salt and pepper, then dip the slices, as soon as cut, into meal, and fry in hot lard. FONDU. Two tablespoons butter, four table spoons bread crumbs, one-half pound cheese, one cup sweet milk, and three eggs. Cut the butter and cheese into small pieces and place them in a large bowl with the bread crumbs; on this pour the milk, heat ed to scalding, after which add the well beaten yolks, and a pinch of salt. M i well together, cover, and place on the bick of the range, stirring occasionally Woman’s Work. e©OKING. “Os all appeals—although I grant the power of pathos and of gold, Os beauty, flattery, threats, a shilling—no Method’ - more sure at moments to take hold Os the best feelings of mankind, which grow More tender as we every day behold, Than that all-soft’ning, overpowering knell, The tocsin of the soul—the dinner bell.’’ —Byron. vaA* until all is dissolved, then add the stiffl j beaten whites, place in a buttered pie plat . and bake in a quick oven about twent; j minutes. Serve immediately upon remov j ing from the oven. J SPICED VINEGAR FOR PICKLES. 8 One gallon of vinegar, one pound of su gar, one tablespoonful of allspice, threi tablespoonfuls of mustard seed, three table spoonfuls of celery seed, two tablespoon f fu’s of salt, one tablespoonful of black pep j per, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, on< f tablespoonful of mace, three onions ver finely chopped, and one teacupful of gratei j horserad sb. f DELICIOUS JUMBLES ■ One pour.d of flqur, one pound of pow ■ dered sugar, grated yellow rind of on< • lemon; mix and add the yolks of four eggi 8 well-beaten and the whites of four eggi > stiffly beaten. Beat up the whole witl 1 five tablespoonfuls of melted butter anc : three tablespoonfuls of cream. Drop thi • batter in rings or round cakes on baking > tins and put the jumbles in a slow oven foi 1 twenty minutes. Leave room for them t< f spread. > BAKED BEETS. ’ Beets retain their sugary, delicate fla . vor to perfection if they are baked instead of boiled. Turn them frequently while ir ’ the oven, using a knife, as a fork allowi the juice to run out. When done, removt the skin, and serve with butter, salt and pepper on the slices; or, some prefer the • slices sprinkled with sugar and covered i with vinegar. RAW CHOW CHOW. One gallon tomatoes, one cabbage, one dozen large onions Cut up and let stand in salt, separately, ever night. Next day drain each by putting in a bag and squeez ing as dry as possible. Mix thoroughly and add one quart grated horse-radish, one pint green peppers chopped very fine, without seed, three or four heads of garlic chopped, one tablespoon black pepper, one of cloves, one-halt pint of black mustard seed, four large cups of sugar, and celery seed to taste. Pack in jars and cover with good vinegar. CHICKEN CRCQUETTEB Two cups of fl nely-chopped cooked chick en, one cup of cream or milk, one tab’e -Bpoorf.il of flour, three tablespoonfuls of butter, o .e teaspoonful of grated onion, one large tablespoonful of chopped parsley, one pint of bread crumbs, four eggs, one slight grating of nutmeg, and salt and peppjr to taste. Pu the butter in a sauce-pan and place it over the fire. When melted, add the flour and stir until smooth; turn in the cream or milk, and when it boils add the chopped chicken, parsley, onion, nutmog, salt and pepper. Stir well together, and boil two minutes. Take from the fire and add two of the eggs well beaten. Turn on a platter, and set aside to cool. When cool, shape into croquettes, dip in beaten egg, then in bread crumbs, and fry in hot lard. GRAPE JELLY. To every eight pounds of fruit take a coffee-cupful of water; put them into a porcelain-lined kettle and boil until quite soft, then strain through a cloth strainer. Measure the juice, and measure and set aside an equal q lantity of granulated su gar; boil the juice half an hour, then add the sugar and let it b >il five or eight min utes longer. All jellies to be good, should have nearly all the boiling done before the sugar is added. Fruit that is partially ripe makes the prettiest je'lies. VANILLA COOKIES. O.e cup of butter, two cups of sugar, two eggs, one-half cup of water, one and one h»lf teaspoonfuls of baking piwder, one large teaspoonful of vanilla, and flour to roll thin. I dfilOC Try my Sanitary Belt; best on the LUU ICO, market. Once used never without one. Price si. Send 50c; if satisfactory, remit other 50c.; if not, return belt and will gladly return your money. Mrs. H. C. Lawsor, 1347 Rush St. Philadelphia, Pa. t’WD Ohio. CVTDA Don’t Miss This Chance, forall R ,C BARGAINS I?/..,’ Th,s . statement is absolutely genuine, vv nte for our free catalog to-dav and let us ex ► p° stal will do. The Ward Davis Man f g Co., Dept. G, 391 Manhattan Ave., New York City. : aoth Century Wonderful EUREKA MENDING TISSUE. you can repair anything from the finest silk or satin to heavy woolen goods. Rents, holes or J?SR,P laces ,adles ’.> children’s or gentlemen’s «„A th f-^iJ :a .u be . repa, L ed ” eatl - v a,ld durably in one-tenth the time that it could be done in any “« ndin g Jid gloves, gossamers umbrellas and rubber goods it has no equal. It is highly endorsed by dressmakers, milliners, mo distes, tourists, housewives, etc. Full printed Distractions for using sent with each package cent ®’ 3 packages Ift cents, one dozen 50 cents, sent by mail, postpaid. Agents Want ed. standard Specialty Co., Schenectady, N.Y. 5Q VISITINC CARDS ORn p V 1 ?? f Tn 88c, i - The correct styles. fcUb Parke Card Go,, Dept. 12, Rockville, Indiana RU6 SIO.OO to K&A’Sfii’eX £££&,,”.?«•£ B and attention to th. business,but spare momeSu may be used to good advantage. A SDlenrtM tE? poriunlty. Address, for particular, $ F* JOi?S* SON A CO.. No. 5 8. llthSt,, <R9 Hfi , fER SALARY S“-~S! .jency, but u dignified, genteel, remunerative position. No caoiti WHAT’S A HOME WITHOUT A BABY? Sterility—Barrenness, cured, and all female Irregularities. Three months’ treatment and medicine, only 810; enough to cure. Address Dr. J. M. Morgan, Box 815, Dayton, Ohio. , __i Men and Women. ““ncc e ” d Yoipfi f ° r ° Ur leaflet : “ The Po ° r T. A. Henderson'Dep e u fciffl Ui LU and want all to have the san» LADIES r ry A E n T> >P ox sent ,ree - m «- BS«on, mSs. L ‘ A ‘ BroWn> Box A ’ Bta «on ", DIP NEEDLES w. 07. axis CATARRH. ditiona of the nose and throa?. Send forT”*' trial. Mrs. Ida M. Rggert, Kirksville Mo PROFITABLE MAIL ORDER BUSINF<-« be operated at home seilint our Val,,t b > S o au cret Household Formulas send a ,i i Uab e , Se " E...vr. A WOMAIMFLCRIb T Z' Hardy Everblooming noses £ O c Sent to any address post-paid; . reach yon ,n Bood mowing condition. GEM ROSE COLLECTION X Gruss an Teplitz, deep red. Aurora, grandest pink. Princess Sagan, bright red. ■ Ivory, pure white. Enchantress, deep rose. Sunrise, golden yellow. SPECIAL BARGAINS 6 Carnations the 11 Di Hower. ’ all colors. 25c 6 Prizp-Winning Chrys anthem unis, - . 25c. 6 Beautiful Coleus, * K V c . 3 Grand Orchid ('annas, • • . 25c. * H Sweet-Scented Tuberoeee, - -25 c. 6 Fuchsias, all different, • • 25c 10 Lovely Gladiolus, • • • • • 25c IB*' ■'' Superb Pansy Plants, - - . 25c ’ Flower Seeds, all different, 25c. -—•y T for 0n« Dollar, Guaran. tee satisfaction Once a customer, always one. Catalog Frea. MISS ELLA V. BAINES. Box 363 Bpringfl eld! Oku MAY, 1909. SEND lEN CENTS for this beautiful Wild Rose centrepiece and re ceive free, one large doi ly, one small dolly, one book mark, one postage stamp case, one pin tiay cover and one new cata logue ot nice things for nice people. Abe Ghinaa Stamping Co., Youngs- SEND TEN CENTS ■or thi« latest style col lar and cuffs in eyelet embroidery and we will send free one elegant forget-me not frame for a cabinet photo, one 9x9 Battenburg doily, one small fern doily, one butterfly applique, one Battenburg wing tor hat or dress trimming, all sent postpaid The Stan dard Co., Bucklev, in.