Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, May 01, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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MAY, 1909. JnHwlpfe feparlmawL A PERSONAL WORD. If your name is not now on our subscrip tion list we will be very glad to have it there: we are sure it will be worth more than one dollar a year to you. Woman’s Work is mailed to our subscribers early in each month: allowing for all possible de lays in transit, the magazine should reach every name on our list before last of each month. , We earnestly request notice of any issue failing to reach a subscriber. EXPIRATIONS. If year and month are crossed out below, it shows the num bar with which your subscription will ex pire. 1909. 1910. 1911 1912 Jan. April July Oct. Feb. May Aug. Nov. Mar. June Sept. Dec. If Subscription expires with this issue, please remit for renewal at once. Don’t wait for an agent to vieit you. Un like many publishers, we do not send the paper until ordered to stop it, but discon tinue at expiration of subscription. This is the only business method which is just to both publisher and subscriber. We are sure Woman’s Wobk will be a blessing tn your home. Don’t let it etop. Be care ful to give name as we have it on our list. For instance, if we have mailed the paper to Mrs. Jno. Smith, it will cause confusion for her to renew as Mrs. Julia Smith. Full instructions for remitting will be found on this page. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REMITTING. Subscriptions and all hnsi new communica tions must be addressed to Woman’s Work, Athens, Georgia. Subscription Price, one dollar a year, strictly In advance. Remit by P.O. or Bxprew money order. If these cannot be procured, one or two sent stamps will be accepted. Expirations—Woman’s Wobk Is promptly discontinued at expiration of time paid for. We do not take advantage of the law which enables publishers to continue papers and collect for same, until notified to stop sending. Please re new promptly when your time Is out. Write name plainly and state number with which you desire subscription to com mence. Give full address In every letter. To change post-office address the old as well as the new office must be stated. Sample copies.—ls you are not a subscriber to Woman’s Worm, and a copy reaches you please examine it carefully and forward price for one year. Missing copies;—Woman’s Wobk Is very carefully mailed, but many papers are lost in transit. When a number falls to reach you, after waiting a reasonable length of time, please notify by postal. COOP-BYE TO SUPERFLUOUS HAIR A Lady Subscriber Will Send Free to Any Sufferer the Secret Which Cured Iler One of our lady subscribers asks us to announce that she will send free to any reader of this magazine the means which gave her permanent relief from all traces of superfluous hair, after every other known remedy had failed. She states that the means used is harmless, simple and painless, and makes the electric needle en tirely unnecessary. She will send, entirely free, full particulars to enable any other sufferer to achieve the same happy results privately at home. All she asks is a z-cent stamp for reply. Address Mrs. Caroline Osgood, 913 [j, Custom House, Providence, R. I. mnnDLJ PIIDE Guaranteed to re- UUniv UUnt. move corns. A pack age of our corn plasters sent free with every bot tle of our XXX Corn Cure. Sent postpaid for 30c. Write to-day to Pacific Agency Co., Box 464. Pet aluma. Calif. Ask foi a sample of California Catatrh Snuff. [nrr WALL PAPER—To secure your order. rnCL Wholesale Prices Phnlna nf R I Cent up. send 8c postage UiIUIUC 01 0 for sample and instruction Dallo book. A. H JANNEY, nUllo Minneapolis, Minn, The Textile Mfg. Co. | inV AQCMTQ Os JACKSON, MICH., are |_ AU IAU til I 0 desirous of securing to represent them in every city and town in the South. A great opportunity. Write them. They can interest you. STOP YOUR SWEATINC. A guaranteed cure for sweating armpits and feet. Quickly destroys all unpleasant odors arising from the body, leaving a very delicate and delightful perfume. No toilet complete without it. B; mail 25 cts. Dr. G. S. Farquhar, Thornville, Ohio. I a SOAP that instantly re- LaCl UI tJ ■ moves iron rust, ink, fruit and medicine stains without injury to fabric. Send 15c. (stamps or coin). L. K. Vogt, 1732 Clay Ave.. New York City. FreeGOOD PAINT PUTTY KNIFE, FRFIRHT PAID We are the PUTTY, SAND- rn tiuni FMIU only hOUKe PAPER AND tliat sells Paints at prices of this GLAZIERS’ an<l Pays the freight to any POINTS GIVEN clt . y east of the Rocky Mountains. Free with house prices on Oil are F. 0. B. Chicago, and barn paint Cross' House Paints....per gal.Boc orders for $4.50 Cross' Barn Paints “ “ 52c or more, if you Shingle Stains •• “ 43c ask for them Iron Paints “ “ 35c whenyousendin Boiled Linseed 0i15.... “ “ 45c fourpaintorders BoiledOllsfor ßoofs.etc.“ “ 87c ree Pain t List, Clothing Catalogue,Grocery List,etc. Order today. DEERING MERCANTILE CO. 54-58-60 Dept I 4 Wabash Ave.(Chicago* B " r ° MAN ' B Work. I® Arrows for Advertisers. There are great opportunities iu the South for -X/l profitable advertising. If interested, write us. Wh\? Advertise in Woman’s Worl<? IT is contrary to our custom to praise our magazine or to solicit busi ness through this column, but perhaps it will not be amiss to give a few of the many reasons why we think Woman's Work should be included in the list of every general advertiser admissible to our pages: 1. The rate is lew for guaranteed circulation. 2 The character is high; all reading matter is prepared especial ly for Woman’s Work, and its nature is such as to appeal to all ages and conditions —to every member of the family. 3. A woman’s magazine is more carefully read than any other class of periodical. 4. A mail-order woman’s magazine of good style and high stand ing is worth more to the advertiser than any other periodical of equal circulation, but distributed through newsdealers or pattern agents. 5. Woman’s Work was established more than twenty years ago, therefore has many advantages of age and confidence in the public mind. 6. The South is just now a wonderfully attractive field, by reason of its rapid development in all lines and the consequent demand for all classes of goods used in the home, the store, the factory, on the farm, in the village or the city. 7. The South has few mediums of general character and circula tion, and no woman’s monthly or other magazine similar in plan or purpose to that of Woman’s Work. 8. The advertiser is in good company when he enters the columns of Woman’s Work: we refuse a great volume of bu iness—admitting no tobacco or whiskey advertisements, and nothing of a nature to offend refined tastes or exercise a questionable influence over good morals. 9. The arrangement of advertisements in Woman’s Work is especially advantageous: instead of whole pages of matter jumbled to gether, we place every notice next to reading matter, giving greatly increased effectiveness to display, and adding much to the earning power of copy. 10. Our space-discounts are liberal, and offer decided inducement for an advertiser to use seven inches or more in an issue. We do not offer discounts for long time: such system is, in effect, to assess a pen alty against the man who quits after one or two insertions. We do all we can to render profitable service, but if returns are not satisfactory no advertiser is expected to pay for the privilege of withdrawing. 11. There is a peculiar attraction about the name of Woman’s Work: it is dignified, strong, calculated to excite and to hold interest —to command general and lasting respect. The contents of our maga zine are of high tone without sacrificing that wholesome homelikeness that gives a fascinating comfort to old and young, rich and poor, high and low: this is of more than incidental benefit to our adve.tis?rs. 12. Woman’s Work occupies a strong position in a strong field. It is a complete family magazine, having literary and domestic depart ments that appeal to every member of a family. Through its columns all classes of goods may be sold to men, women and children. Its prin cipal circulation is in the South, and the South is no longer financial ly poor. Its natural resources surpass all other sections: its climate is ideal for health, comfort, and for the development of these wonderful natural re sources. The wheels of industry are turning; machinery is rapidly coming to the home of the raw product; the era of prosperity is here. A rich reward awaits every advertiser of meritorious goods who will diligently cultivate this inviting field. The southern people are reading advertisements and buying goods. T© Mvertfeeirs. OUK FIEI9D is THE WORLD, but our home and greatest circulation is in the wonderful South —this rapidly devel oping section of incalculable and un limited resources. Business conditions are now better than they have been for many years. With a cotton crop bring ing over five hundred million dol lars, our people are buying more arti cles of home comfort, more goods of all kinds than they have ever bought in days gone by. As in other sections, the dear women influence, if they do uot make, most of the purchases. You can reach a large number of these families, and secure a liberal share of their trade, by advertising in Woman’s Work. CIRC Qfi buys one page (56 inches) in QluUiOU 50,000 copies (write it in the contract!) If cash accompanies order it will be 5 per cent, less, or $148.96 net; or ders accepted from WELL-RATED houses, subject to 4 per cent, off for prompt payment—making $153.63 net, for check 10 days after proof of insertion. HERE ARE THE FIGURES. SI.OO buys 4 lines. $10.50 buys 3 inches. 1.50 buys 6 lines. 14.00 buys 4 inches. 1.75 buys inch. 17.50 buys 5 inches. 2.00 buys 8 lines. 23.30 buys 7 inches. 2.50 buys 10 lines. 44.10 buys 14 inches. 3.00 buys 12 lines. 83.30 buys 28 inches. 3.50 buys 1 inch. 156.80 buys 56 inches. 7.00 buys 2 inches. 294.00 buys 112 inches. LESS 5 PER CENT. FOR CASH WITH ORDER. BE SURE THAT YOU DO NOT MISS 000 NEXT ISSUE Woman’s Work. Comparison of cost and results will place our magazine at the head of profit able mediums. KATE 25 cts* per agate line: onl\J one=hulf centa line per thousand copies, guaranteed and proven. DISCOUNTS. The following liberal space-discounts will be allowed: For aggregate space of seven inches or over, in one issue, five per cent.; 14 inches or over, ten per cent.; 28 inches or over, fifteen percent.; 56 inches or over, twenty per cent.; 112 inches (two pages) or over, twenty-five per cent. Five per cent, additional dis count for cash with order. TIME DISCOUNTS Are not given, there being no disposition to force an advertiser to stay in Woman’s Work if the first insertion does not pay. INFORMATION IN DETAIL- Eight words in small type make 1 line, 14 lines 1 inch; 14 inches i col.; 4 cols, or 56 inches 1 page. Cuts must not be over 2 3-16 inches wide. Copy for an issue should reach us by the 25th. of preceding month. Guaranteed circulation 50 000 copies; proof of same or no charge. All ads. next to reading matter—except on cover. Only first-class busi ness accepted. Parties without good commer cial rating must send cash with order. An ad vertisement that will pay anywhere will pay in WOMAN’S WORK. ATHENS, GEORGIA. DfIYQ! RIQIQI Sellthirty packages of Violet DU I ui UInLAJ Sachet Perfume at ioc.each. Send us the $3.00, and receive at once a handsome watch. Lynwood & Co., 229 East 75th. Street New York City. B DAHINS * ON ANY 1 > $ SEWING MACHINE’ with darning cotton tnd thread any child attach it and put a new heel oe in stocking In five minutes. 1 ves new piece into hole and makes it I r than stocking. Attachment and I prepaid for 3Oc. Agents Wanted-Rapid I I. GARNER* Charlotte, N, C, I WATCHEOWOTNOVEiM Sand 2 cents for big illustrated catalogue, at once; it WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. H WILBUR A CO., Main St., Myerstown. Pa. A Zonoarafoskope or CHARACTER READING will enable vou to become Fascinating, Lovable, Happy and Suc cessful: to know yourself : your weak and strong qualities; the kind of life companion suitable for vou: the kind of occupation to follow, etc Send us at once eighteen lines of your own writ ing, your full name, color of hair and eyes, date of your birth, your mother’s maiden name and One Dollar and we will return to you a complete reading. Remit bv draft or money order. School of Attainment, Room 7, 4656 Indiana Avenue Chicago, Illinois. M Souvenir Post Cards 20c. Beautifully colored and no two alike. World’s fair views, foreign buildings, etc. 50 cards 35 cents. Sent postpaid with our latest Novelty Catalogue. Pocahontas Novelty Co., 510 West Clay St., Richmond, Va. REMINGTON, $18.75 One machine only in new localities to secure desirable agent. Special agents' prices suppliedon all makes of typewriters. StM>dardTypewriierExciiute.23Parkß«w,NewYatfc Goingtohavea Church F dr? We have an article that every lady wants. You make sls profit on <6 A fine seller for agents. Biys, Gi-ls, want to earn money for Christmas? Write for our proposition, Free. Reliable Supply House, Dept. K, 80 Howard St., Detroit, Mich. 12 INCH CENTREPIECE, IOC Handsomely stamped flower design, with large catalogue stamped goods, doilies, pillow tops. &c. A. H. Theesfeld. 108 Bradhurst. New York City. $ DON’T FAINT $ Sugarine is 555 times sweeter than sugar. Bet ter than honey; a money saver. Receipt to make and honey receipt extra; only 25c. for both. Ad dress, 1.1. Burrows & Co., Poolville, Texas. A Beau ifu Complexion ;L“”? a „ r d u, XS Dixieland. A perfect protection is Primrose Mas sage Cream, the peer of all beautifiers, 50 cts. jar delivered. Walton Mfg. Co., Memphis, Tenn. U/anfcri . Certain c °P ies of t h e Philada. llUllluUi H «turday Night.” from 1876 for several years following. Liberal prices will be paid. A Idress, E. S. Ellis, Squir rel Island, Maine. LADY or GIRL wanted in each town, good pay spare time, copy names for advertisers, cash weekly. Stamp for particulars. Am. Adv. Bureau, Sanboriiville,N.H Constioation is Poison. Take RUPPERT LIVER P LLS and get up in the morning feeling fine. Cures constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, and “that tired feel ing,” acts gently. Millions take them and keep well. Price 25 and 50 cents a box. Address, Ruppert Medical Co., New York. Affprifc! Ladies of small income can make big KgcuiOi money selling our articles. No experi ence necessary. Write for big introductory-offer. E. N. Pullen & Co., Box 466, Fort Bragg. Calif. | SOUVENIR Postals 10c. Yale College and I<■ Frosted Views American Art Works, West Haven, Conn YELLAG CORN REMOVER. Removes Corns in thirty minutes, 10 cts. Agents wanted. Yellag Chemical Co., Station S, Cincinnati, Ohio. Stop, Women and Men. Hurry! sellers. 30 others to select from. Big profits. Write for $2.00 Free offer and particulars. Fair Mfg. Co., Box 202, Racine, Wis. Your Full Name ver on 10 Floral Post Cards, lOc P. Hall Post Card Co. 229 Broadway, New York. A Gold-Plated Fountain Pan FREE. To Anyone sending us twenty cents in stamps to cover cost of mailing we will send one dozen cakes of OUR STARCH IMPROVE R which you can quickly dispose of to your neighbors at 'ten cents each. When sold return us One Dollar and we will send you an elegant Fountain Pen made of chased hard rubber with two gold plat ed bands and i4kt gold plated pen forvour trouble. C. Arlwin Renall Co., Box 315, Bridge port, Conn. If “Woman's Woik I made ligh er. Even the duty of hair comb -11 ing can be made easier and a pleasant task A complete patent hair combing machine (the Ladies "Snail” Comb) is now obtainable Nor el and simple to operate, it lightly combs out “stitches” or snarls without a stop or even a “pull”—leaving all the hair in to beautify, and combed to perfection. A jov to every woman, girl and child. Mailed at store price. 25 cents Wheatley Mfg. Co., Box 3236, Boston, Mass. “Did you read the March Issue of the ROSE? Just out! Send 12 Cents to the Rose Publishing Co., P. O. Bjx 3008, Boston, Mass., for a copy.’’ 16