Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, May 01, 1909, Image 17

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The Tissue Salts. Tissue salts form an important ingredient of brain and muscle and bone and cartilage. I When they are not supplied to the human body in sufficient quantity these tissues suffer; I sometimes perish. People who have good digestion and eat plenty of fresh, raw vegetables, such as lettuce, celery, onions, cabbage, tomatoes, apples, etc., are sufficiently supplied with tissue salts, and the various tissues of the body are amply nourished. Some people do not have access at all seasons of the year to these raw vegetables. Chronic disease is the result. Other people with weak digestion cannot eat these raw vegetables. Chronic disease of some sort is sure to occur. The natural solution of such a problem is an artificial supply of the tissue salts. Can these tissue salts contained in vegetables be so extracted from the vegetables and triturated with sugar of milk that those people who cannot assimilate raw vegetables can be supplied with the tissue salts in such away as to make them easy to appropriate by the weakest invalid? I believe they can. I believe they have been. Several years prescribing such tissue salts makes me confident of their priceless benefit. Chronic skin disease is the result of a lack of certain tissue salts. Nerve weakness is a lack of certain tissue salts. Anemia, or bloodlessness, is a lack of certain tissue salts. Chronic catarrh of the mucous membrane plainly indicates a lack of certain tissue salts. And so on. The principal chronic diseases all result in a poverty of the system in tissue salts. Such people should be encouraged in every way to eat raw vegetables, provided always they can digest them. If not raw vegetables, then tissue salts so prepared as to make them digestible. I am prescribing six different combination tissue tablets, made expressly for me by the best pharmaceutical house in the world. These s.x combination tissue tablets are especially combined as remedies for the following conditions: . No. i, nerves. No. 2, bone. No. 3, mucous. No. 4, blood. No. 5. tonic. No. 6, vital. Ido not sell these tissue tablets. They are not sold anywhere, that 1 know of. I only prescribe them for patients. People write to me and describe their condition. If I find the condition to be clearlyone that indicates the want of one or the otherof these tissue combina tions I prescribe enough to last for one month for $2.00. Medical advice sent free. Some very stubborn and seemingly incurable diseases quickly yield to the tissue reme dies. Ido not make any exaggerated claims for these remedies. I say only what abundant experience has taught me, that they do cure cases where drugs fail. Tissue remedies are not drugs. They are specific foods that convey to the system in special form the precious inorganic salts for want of which many invalids are slowly perishing. An animal wholly deprived of common table salt becomes chronically ill and finally dies. There are at least twelve other salts besides table salt that are necessary to maintain life. Deprive the system of either one of these salts and the organism will slowly’ but surely deteriorate. C. S. CARR, M. D., COLUMBUS. OHIO. gWSi—i -'iiiiM *i& BrnlWyMit X* ll «- '’-''■■'■ : k /I IM ■ttttg|g|M*; i HEALTH Mmriutentai Jfcamlhr H.G.B. ALEXANDER, PRES. CHICAGO. _ ILLINOIS. CAPITAL «300/XRT"FOUNDED 1885 Prompt and liberal claim payments have made Conlinenlal Policies popular. Policies of positive protection for all risks al lowest prices^.— AGENTS WANTED Continental Casualty Company, Chicago, 111. HEALTH, YOUTH. BEAUTY, Clear Complexion, Self-Control, Fascinating- Charms,.and Happiness, Freedom from Consti pation, Stomach Trouble. Nervousness, Etc., taught in Fifteen Lessons. One fact may save you from untold suffering and be worth hun dreds of dollars to you. For a short time tl e complete course will be mailed to you for $1.50. Remit by draft or money order. School of Triune Life Culture, 4656 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ills. WANTED: Men and Women to open branch office at home. No canvassing. Particulars 10c. Wells & Co., Box 489, Greensboro, N. C. 6 Easter Postals, 10c., Gold and Velvet Greet ings,and your name and town. Souvenir Art company, Clintonville, Conn. r.ifil»n I predict love, business success or rillUlv* trouble; birth date and to cts. Prof. Rhaphel, Binghamton, N. Y, Head United States Postage Stamps wanted: Uubll we pay cash $3 per too. Send Bc. for Price List. paid. Postal Record, B-i, Ripley, Mont. eOMPI.ETE INSTRUCTIONS lor Embroidery stitches, Transferring Designs, Shading, Flat Embroidery, Church and Bullion Embroidery, Drawn Work, Knitting, Crocheting, and all sorts of Dainty Articles. Full directions for Hardanger Embroidery, Silk Beaded Purses, Chatelaine Bags, etc., etc. Every woman who cares for beautiful things in the home will be delighted with this book. We know of nothing in fancy work and allied subjects that is not fully presented in these pages, with illustrations, full directions, de scriptions of materials, and all information nec essary for its production. 500 pages, ELABO RATELY ILLUSTRATED, besides 8 FULL PAGE PLATES in beautiful colors. Published to sell for $3, but w e will deliver it FREE OF COST to anyone sending us $2 for Woman’s Work 2 years or one year each to 2 addresses. Sei t prepaid with Woman’s Work one year on receipt of only $1.75. UIDITCDC Send your poems or uUll w"fl 111 I Ln' 1 melodies for expert criti cism free. My personal work on each. A suc cessful song means fame and fortune. William Stetter, Composer, “My Pretty Irish Queen.” “You’ll be Sorry,” etc., etc., 455 West Broad St., Westfield, N. J. 8 Beautiful Tinselled Post Cards. |Qc Name or Town Greetings on. J. Bauer, 321 East Sixth St., New York. Poll Clr nno or any Liver Disease. Write me Od'l vll lluu ALL about it. u ill tell of a cure, FREE. Address, EDSON COVEY, R. F. D. 5, Lansing, Mich. 10 Fine Colored Post Cards, 10c. Birthday, Best Wishes, Flowers, Motto, Scenes, Easter, etc. No trash. Samples 2c. I. L. Roark, Dept. 3, Roark, N. C. Rftn’t Wosr old-fashioned clothes. Buy by mail UUII I »»Col in n.Y . All the newest styles. Send for circular. Address, J. Nelson, Professional Shopper, 100 West 91st. St., New York. If| Christmas Cake Recipes for self-addressed IU envelope and lodts. silver. Address, Box 620, Philadelphia, Penn. MORPHINE TREATMENT SENT FREE ON APPROVAL Wo furnish you convincing proof that MANINE permanently cures that diseased I condition of the nerve system caused by the use of morphine, laudanum or opium. Before you pay us a cent, we will con vince you that MANINE will permanently cure • you. MANINE is not a substitute treatment. It is guaranteed not to contain any morphine, laudanum or opium in any form, or cocaine, 1 cocoa leaves or any other habit forming drug, 1 and it is the only treatment for drug addictions that can and does furnish a sworn statement to that effect. By its eliminative action it utterly destroys the craving for the accustomed drug t and by its reconstructive properties it invigor ates and tones up the nerves and entire system. No money required in advance; a full month’s treatment will be sent free on approval to those afflicted without a cent of deposit; We know what MANINE will do and we only want the opportunity to prove it to you at our ex- • pense. Send name and address to MANINE MEDICINE CO., 3226 Locust St.. St. Louis, Mo. i KJI II IK- V’tW ll TRIUNE LIFE CULTURE Overcomes Constipation, Stomach Trouble, Nervousness, Obesity, Fear, Anger, Worry, etc. Restores and Main tains Health, and Strength, Renews Youth, Awakens and Develops the Powers of Attraction and Success. No drugs. This is what some of our pupils say: “Lesson VI. worked like a charm. Cured w< rry aud fear.” “Constipation is conquered. I feel very glad of having undeitaken the work.” “The Obesity lesson is really splendid. Ihavebrough myself down fully 22 pounds.” “The instructions are very beautiful and good. \6 one could take them without benefit.” Send for Free Booklet. School of Triune Life Culture, 4656 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. FIVE Comprehensive Books in one volume: a condensed Library of Information concerning the wonder ful works both of Nature and of man. I. The Industrial Age. 11. The World’s Science and Invention. 111. Marvel ous Peculiarities and Noteworthy Con ditioi s of all Nations. IV. Amazing Wonders of Nature. V. Everyday Things We All Should Know. 400 specially selected photographic illus trations: there is not a dull page in all this book. This marvelous record of THE WORLD’S TRIUMPHS is usual ly sold at $2.75, but we send it Free of Cost to anyone re mitting $3 for Woman’s Worl 3 years —or one year each to 3 addresses. Pre paid, with Woman’s Work one year, on receipt of only $2.25. M| fc., lai 1 yfckViVAt Oil bi 181 111 111 t bvw $7 FOR $2. A Superb Volume of Superb Songs: SWEET, SENTIMENTAL. SACRED! World-renowned Musicians and their Masterpieces. Beautifully illustrated with portraits of great Singers and great Composers. 500 large pages—words and music. Songs of Laughter, of Love, of Life—Favorites Forever! Rarest gems that should be in everv home; over S6O of sheet-music-reiail-values, and a Free Life-membership in a Musical Associa tion thatentitlesyou to all musicat great ly reduced cost. Regular price of book and membership #5, but we give them FREE OF COST to anyone sending $2 for Woman’s Work. 2 years—or one yoareach to 2 addresses. Sent prepaid with Woman’s Work one year on receipt of only $1.75. Hay* Write For Our Price on Any Book or Magasine. MOST VALUABLE FARMER’S BOOK EVER PUBLISHED. FULL information, recipes, and secrets (many of them heretofoie unknown) on breeding, rearing, taming, controlling, educating and managing Horses in sick ness or in health: also descriptions of the various breeds of Cattle and their treatment in sickness; Dairying, But ter and Cheese Making; Sheep raising; Swine and their diseases; Poultry raising; Bee culture; Fruit trees, etc. OVER 1200 PAGES: 1750 ILLUSTRATIONS: Printed on fine paper; handsomely and substantially bound. Regular price $6, but we will send this great work Free of All Cost on receipt of $4 for Wo man's Work 4 years —or one year each to four ad dresses. Book prepaid, with Woman’s Work one year, on receipt of only $3. l| II iITwS r ■ Rfcl I zii im'T '1 i oF •• I home jNjn \/l □([ ! ■ rVi v 1 THIS is a beautiful book, interesting to every member of the family, from grandfather to baby. It is printed on fine paper and is SUPERBLY ILLUS TRATED. Frederick Seymour is a world renowned hunter, explorer and natural ist, and has produced the MOST INTER ESTING, the MOST VALUABLE, and the BEST ILLUSTRATED animal book ever published: he has devoted a life time to the study of wild animals, and in these wonderful stories has combined the FACTS OF NATURAL HISTORY with many of his EXCITING EXPERI ENCES and THRILLING ADVEN TURES. Don’t deprive yourself and children of this really artistic and.fasci nating book when we deliver it Free of All Cost to any one sending us $2.25 for Woman’s Work 2 1-4 years. Book postpaid with Woman’s Work one year on receipt of only SI.BO.