Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, May 01, 1909, Image 20

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I Worn Women I Women, worn and tired from overwork, need am I tonic. That feeling of weakness or helplessness will I not leave you of itself. You should take Wine of® I Cardui, that effectual remedy for the ailments and I weaknesses of women. Thousands of women have B ■ tried Cardui and write enthusiastically of the great S I benefit it has been to them. Try it —don’t experiment I I — use this reliable, oft-tried medicine. CARDUI - J 33 3 I The Woman’s Tonic | Mrs. Bena Hare, of Pierce, Fla., tried Cardui and afterward j I wrote: “I was a sufferer from all sorts of female trouble, had I 111 pain in my side and legs, could not sleep, had shortness of breath. ||| H “I suffered for years, until my husband insisted on my trying sB HI Cardui. The first bottle gave me relief and now lam almost well.” H S Try Cardui. ’Twill help you. B - AT ALL DRUG STORES JB The every day trials of women BY Fully three-fourths of the ills of womankind are due to overwork and Insufficiently nourish ed nerves. As “virtue is the backbone of society,” just so the nervous system is actually the backbone of our physical existence. The head, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, kid neys, regenerative organs—practically every part of the human anatomy—ls more or less dependent upon the nervous system. And ‘he everyday trials and perplexities of the average woman, whether at home, at the office, or as a part of the local or tocial life, are sufficient to make almost any system of nerves •go wrong.” How many, many women there are who go along all through life ju«t about half well. Refusing to seek relief until to-day one trouble and next week another compels atten tion and sometimes a siege in bed. Not until then is the doctor called. If it is a cold, a lame back, a sick stomach, a weak heart, or some similar ailment, local treatment is given and relief obtained. <*■ But the real cause of the trouble has never been touched! For over twenty years myself and associates have given our entibe time to curing the chronic and nervous troubles of men and wo men. We are equipped for this work to an extent LADIES: Make Sanitary Belts. 81.20 a dozen Stamped envelope particulars. Lenrx Co. Dept. F 42, Chicago. Illinois. I T HE Editors AN Up-To-Date Library A and Dictionary contains 40 volumes, 100 I A L A practical work written by practical men maps, 7,000 illustrations, 30,000 pages and the ■ for practical people; embracing all that is known world’s knowledge all written and arranged by I of history, literature, education, philosophy, psy nearly 1,000 of America’s greatest editors. chology, mathematics, religion, art, biog- A product of American brains, energy raphy, science, medicine, civics, so- and co-operation. Defines and pro- ciology, commerce, geography, nounces every legitimate English mec^an ‘ CS| electricity, botany, word. Contains the biography zoology, etc. All the learning of every important person, wisdom of the world living or dead. Made by men v from dawn of recorded whose practical experience t h° u gh t to present year — has taught them what to w‘ \ each subject presented in include and what to omit. c i ear > simple Mail the Coupon Mail the Coupon ✓co. TMs O„. .„ d Mg 7 |||M a Sels On. y X Mail Now. It implies Now Offered. The no financial obligation editors have arranged to whatever. We want you to distribute a few sets of this know why this new work is new work in each vicinity better than any other and at a very small price and on cheap only in price. easy terms. Cut out and mail cut here “ “ “• “■ the coupon today and receive united editors association, Dept. 29. free a handsome book containing Cable Building. 2 6 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. illustrations, portraits, maps, beautiful Gentlemen:—Please send without cost or obligation to me full partic- (colored elates samnle articles etc With this alars regarding your new Encyclopedia and Dictionary, including sample I ■ i pages, full page illustrations in tints and colors, colored maps, etc, ■ DOOK we will Send yOU full particulars telling DOW ) I easily you can own this great reference Library. amt I “WiE Mail the Coupon Today UNITED EDITORS ASSN., Dept. A ,Cable Bdg. 28 Jackionßvd. Chicago and at an expense uncalled for by the demands and practice of the ordinary physician. We treat probably a hundred chronic and nervous cases where the average practitioner treats one. I want to invite every woman who would like to be entirely well, and strong—full of vim and vitality, as she once was—to call upon us and see what we are doing for others who had similar troubles. If your disorder is one peculiar to your ser, don t hesitate to a feeling of ill-ad vised “delicacy.” The matter is too Important to neglect, and the attention you will receive here will be as confidential, as private, and more satisfactory than if a less experienced physicfan were to at tend you in your home. Free Examination, Free Consultation. Yon cannot possibly make a mistake in writ ing or calling to see us. There is no charge to you for this visit, and it does not place you un der any obligations to us whatever. You will not be urged to begin treatment just call and go over the matter confidentially with us. You will learn much to yonr ad vantage whether you place yourself in our care or not. Send now for our “Booklet for | Women,” mailed free in unprinted wrapper. Dr. Hathaway & Co., Suite 4, Inman Bldg., 22%South Broad St, (3rd. floor), Atlanta, Ga. Please send me in unprinted wrapper your “Booklet for Women,” for which therein no charge, and which does not place me under any obligations to you. Name ————— A d d r e sa ______ POST CARDS and complete instruc- I fl* *tU tions for tinselling. J. A. A. Cooley, lUui Ft. Washington, Maryland.. /7LO FTi S \ shill I (system y CAN EASILY OWN A DIAMOWORAWATCH ? r Present one as a girt on anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, holidays, etc. Send for our and lawTivv SL7„»r ateSt lII.Sl 11 . S' ,trated catalo ß. containing 1,500 beautiful Illustrations of Diamonds, Watches Sdlwre ’ | S Ji 11 the artlcles J’ o ' l desire and we will send them on approval. If you like them pay 1-5 ' ’ ba lance In 8 monthly payments. By giving you credit and lowest prices we make S 5 or JlO do the EftFTIC Old Reliable. Orioinal Diamond I * , ' r^o f » soinaca «hstore Invest In a Diamond. It Will pay ■VI and Wafr-h Credit Mnnco better than sayings bank interest, for Diamonds increase fiZngr:» en .. ana wa ‘Cn Credit House lin value from 10 to 20% a year Write Today for Free Catalog. »■ BIOS.I CO. Dept. B4(p 98 sute chleaKO , lu . _ Branch stor „. Pituburg p , an<J st .L Oa| ™ IH> j WO/ON: Sffiwhl HER HOME, HEALTH, AND BEAUTY. | A book that every household should possess BkSWM:.., and every woman should study: nearly 400 pages, RMmaX illustrated, embracing: ggflgSgf'?•' HER HOME: The Dining Room, Invitations, Breakfast, Luncheon, Tea, Family Dinners, Carving, Fish, Game, ■■y®//., Vegetables, Flowers, Menus, Choice Recipes, etc. El/'HER HEALTH: Physical structure, Education, Educa ti°n °t Children, Dress, Rest and Sleep, Hygiene, etc. HER BEAUTY: Complexion, Bathing, ( old Creams, Wrinkles, Freckles, Hair, Teeth, Hands, Feet, Dress and Color, Perfumes, etc., etc. FREE OF ALL COST to anyone sendingus $2 for Woman’s Work two years—or one year each to 2 addresses. This valuable work sent pre paid, with Woman’s Work one year, on receipt of only {1.65. WRITE FOR OUR PRICE ON ANY BOOK OR MAGAZINE. Consumption eßook I J , J J J This valuable med ical book tells in plain, simple lan guage how Con sumption can be cured in your own home. If you know of any one suffering from Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis, ima or any throat or >uble, or are yourself is book will help you en if you are in the advanced stage of the disease and feel there is no hope, this book will show you how others have cured themselves after all remedies they had tried failed, and they be lieved their case hopeless. Write at once to the Yonkertnan Con sumption Remedy Co.. 2777 Water Street, Kalamazoo, Mich., and they will gladly send you the book by return mail free and also a generous supply of the New Treatment, absolutely free, for they want every suf ferer to have this wonderful remedy before it is too late. Don’t wait —write today. It 100 CALLING or/> _ „ Postpaid BUSINESS I Cl S OLrC We use the finest quality of cards. Every up to-date man, woman and child should have call ing oi business cards. Our prices can’t be equal ed. Order at once. Give full name and address. Marshak & Co.. Dept. l>. 90 LaSalle St.. Chicago. WRINKLED LADIES! Five written valuable receipts, including wrinkles. 25 cents, stamps. Box 43, Alpharetta, Georgia. 2 h HILL'S S .i? rheumatic remedy Greatest of all Remedies One Bottle W ir) WiU sure You. H,LL medicine CO., 1 Fourth Ave., NEW YORK, N. ♦ SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The most obstinate case of Eczema can | be quickly and completely cured by the ■ application of Ileiskeli's Ointment. It 9 also cures Blotchy, Rough and Pimpled ■ Skin, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ulcers, and all ■ other skin diseases. Before applying the ■ ointment, bathe the parts affected, using B lleiskell s Medicated Soap. HelsLell's B Blood and Liver Pills tone up the liver B and purify the blood. Your druggist sells B these preparations. Ointment, 50c a box; Soap,2sc a cake; I’ills, 25e a bottle. Send B postal for a new booklet of general in terest. JOHNSTON HOLLOWAY & CO.. 592 Pa- J" < ■ e r -■ ■ I \ •HUn . W X. • ■ rant - - .y 10 Prize Ponies BOYS EARN AND A GIRLS PONY Get Your Name in Quick Some genuine, live Shetland Ponies, with phaeton, harness, saddle and bridle, will be awarded by us. DON’T SEND ANY MONEY Write us a postal today, saying you want to earn a pony. HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO I --M x7 \ v w: ; vu' If %