Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, March 01, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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MAR<YH, 1910 Bl WILL MAKE YOU PROSPEROUS If you are honest and ambitious write me today. No matter where you live or what your occupation. I will teach you the Real Estate business by mail; appoint you Special Representative of my Company in your town; start you in a profitable business of your own, nd help you make big money at once. Inusual opportunity for mon Without pital to become independent for life, luablc Book and full particulars FREE, te today. iTIONAL CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. B. li. MARfiKS _ Marden Building Picidmt Washington, D. O. Ma | Buys our knife and scis llArifA sors grinder. Absolute- Uulllu SIbSS” dullest blades instantly. Always ready, never wears out. Sent by mail. Order NOW. Household Specialty Co., Box 841, Atlanta, Georgia. TAPE-WORM - HEAD or no charge. No fast- |y' '■’k. ing, no sickness, no pain. Nw*" ‘'' a^^t^.</ ?s Medlcine pleasant to take, fmr 3 harmless, and sent /EL anywhere. Information and 68-page book FREE. DR. M. NEY SMITH, 8 Culver Bldg., ST. LOUIS, HO. Aolrnlntru Your future business prospects, nollUlUc.l financial success. How to protect your health and wealth; who to marry to be happy. Full life reading sent sealed 25c. Prof. T. A. Rhaphel, Binghamton, N. Y. rnPA|/| FQ Why not get rid of them? rnCvALEd. Send 15 cents for a formula that will cure them. Prof. W. Houser, Box 59a, Peoria, Illinois. Do Not Use Soap on Your Face, Try my Complexion-Bags: they work wonders for the skin. Absolutely pure. For 25 cts. silver will send 3 bags with direction for using. Sam ple for 10 cents. M. Hintze, 1416 Park Avenue, Philadelphia, Fenn. ADirlhiUu (lift of a GOOD pastime game is Dll IIIUd J Dill ALWAYS acceptable. The latest parlor table, game of national interest is “JUKT;” a semi-sporty board game, rich in principle and appearance,comprising 2 games in 1, and is pretty entertainment for persons of every age and taste. Price 25 cts.; postage 10 cts. extra, and a square deal assured. Mail Order Dept., Box 3236, Boston, Mass. -L Blackhead Remover anteecTto remove all blackheads anywhere on the face. Don’t squeeze your face into ugliness when you can buy this little device for next to nothing, that will make them pop and never leave a mark to show. Sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cts. Peerless Supply Co., P. O. Box 441, Birmingham, Ala. Look for our ad. of the Rubber Complexion Bulb. Wallachian Embroidery. This pretty centerpiece and l° ur doilies to match stamped GdfcJ on Art Linen; complete illus fr/ly ™ tiated instructions for doing Wallachian, that newest and 7/Y-? richest of all embroideries: TvJ (v £ and our big offer of FREE xgfe -AL. ©T>r shirtwaists, hats, corset cov- ers, centers, etc., all mailed postpaid, for only 10 cents in silver. Needlecraft Magazine, 162 Wyckoff St., Brooklyn, New York. LACE and INSERTION. Send us 25 cents in United States coin or stamps and we will send you (postage paid) one piece, 12 yards of Lace or Insertion suit able for any work. H. C. Borger Lace & Specialty Co., Allendale, New Jersey. ONE PAif 25c. HOSE Given to you EDEE In order t° Introduce our CHLEBRATEDsIIttI HOLSTON HOSE, we will send you Free, one pair of our regular 25<fts Black or Tan, ladies’or gentlemen’s hose. Ex tra quality to every person ordering a pair of hose at 25c. per pair, and inclosing $1 for same. The Holston Co., Box 442, Dept. 101 Knoxville, Tennessee. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION guaranteed all who use our rubber complexion bulb; removes pimples, blackheads, and all other facial blemishes. Satisfaction or money back. Postpaid, 50 cents. Ladies! if you can give us your spare time, write; we have a propo sition that will astonish you. Barry Mercantile Co., 5949 Horton Place, St. Louis, Mo. The LAOY DOCTORS trouble and be cured at home. Derangements a specialty. Ad dress Woman’s Manic al Institute, Detroit, Mich MAKE linilCVf Any person can make IvlAnL mUHl.li money tinselling Post Cards at home in spare time. We furnish everything and start you. Enclose 10 cents for two Beauti ful Floral Samples, your name tinselled in spark ling colors, with full instructions for doing this Srofitable work. J. E. Dutt, Box 344, Osceola [ills, Penn. HEALTH, YOUTH. BEAUTY, Clear Complexion, Self-Control, Fascinating Charms, and Happiness, Freedom from Consti pation, Stomach Trouble, Nervousness, Etc., taught in Fifteen Lessons. One fact may save you from untold suffering and be worth hun dreds of dollars to you. For a short time the complete course will be mailed to you for $1.50. Remit by draft or money order. School of Triune Life Culture, 4656 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ills. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *♦«>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ For Woman’s Work. * FRUIT WAFERS. MIX half a pound of powdered sugar, one-fourth pound of butttr, and six beaten eggs; beat till very light, then stir in as much sifted flour as will make a stiff batter, add one grated nut meg, teaspoon of powdered cinnamon, and juice of ore lemon. Heat wafer irons on both sides, not too hot, grease with butter before each wafer is put in, and stir the batter each time. Roll round a stick while hot. When cold, fill with whipped cream, and stop the ends with straw Derr les or other fruit. PINKAPPLK CAKK. To two cups of flour add two teaspoon fuls of baking powder and a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt and sift four times. Beat three eggs, yolks and whites separately; to the yolks add one and a half cups of sugar and a teaspoonful of vanilla and beat for ten minutes; add the flour, half a cup of water and the beaten whites. For the fill ing, boil two cups of sugar with half a cup of water till it threads. Beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth, add a pinch of cream of twtar and a tablespoonful of orange juice. Pour the boiling syrup over this, beating all the time, until thick and creamy. Spread the layers, sprinkling each thickly with shredded pineapple. COCOANUT COOKIES. One cup of sugar, one-half cup of but ter, one tablespoonful of milk, one cupful of grated cocoanut, one teaspoonful of bak • ing powder, one teaspoonful of lemon ex tract, two eggs, and fl ur enough to roll. Mix as any cookie dough, and roll and cut the same. Bake evenly. Chopped hick ory nuts, chopped citron, currants, cara way seed, or any spice desired, may be substituted for the cocoanut, the cookie being given the name of the ingredient used. FOAM SAUCE. Four tablespoons of sugar, two of but ter and one of flour. Beat all to v cream, then add the white of one egg well beaten. Beat thoroughly. Add a gill of boiling water, stirring very rapidly. Flavor to taste. LADY BALTIMORE CAKE. Two cup’uls of sugar creamed with a half cup of butter; two cupfuls of flour mixed with one of cornstarch, two tea spoonfuls of baking powder and a half tea spoonful of salt, all silted together four times; add this to the butter and sugar with a cupful of milk and a teaspoonful of lemon extract, and beat all together for five minutes. Last fold in the beaten whites of seven eggs. For the filling, take a dezen marsh-mallows cut fine, a dozen large raisins, a dozen blanched almonds and a dozen English walnuts, all chopped fine; a tablespoonful of citron, one of can died cherries, one candied orange peel and one of angelica, all chopped fine and meas ured after they are chopped. Mix and add a teaspoonful of vanilla, a cupful of con fectioner’s sugar, the whites of three eggs beaten stiff, and-a pint of whipped cream. SALAD OF FRESH FRUITS. One large, juicy pineapple, four sweet, fresh oranges, four fine bananas, three clusters of white grapes, three clusters of red grapes, and one cupful of sugar syrup. Pare, core, and slice the pineapple. Pile it in the centre of a large, shallow, glass dish, one slice above another, so that it retains its original shape, the smallest slice on top. Peel and quarter the oranges and remove the seeds; arrange these quarters in a border around the pineapple. Peel the bananas, and cut them into slices length wise; place these slice? in rail-fence fash ion around the border of the dish, then place in the V-shaped spaces around the dish, little mounds, or clusters, of each kind of grapes. Pour the cupful of sugar syrup over the fruit; if preferred, it may be flavored as liked. FRIED OYSTERS. The oysters must be crumbed first (using either cracker or bread crumbs) after washing, draining and looking over. Have ready an egg beaten enough to break it up well but not too frothy; mix with it two tablespoonfuls of water. After the oysters are sprinkled with salt and pep per and coated with crumbs, dip into the egg and coat all over, then put back into the crumbs and cover thoroughly. Do not Woman’s Work. prepare too many at one time, as the egg will soften the crumbs Have ready in a deep frying-pan hot lard, or whatever is to be used for frying. Have it so hot that a cube of bread will brown in it in one min ute. Put the crumbed oysters into the frying basket and let it down into the fat. When they are a golden brown take them out and drain on soft brown paper. Keep hot and serve with sprigs of parsley and lemon quarters. Fry at one time only as many as will cover the bottom of the basket. SCALLOPED SALMON WITH GREEN PEAS. One can of best salmon picked over and broken into small pieces, one can of green peas, two cupfuls of thin white sauce, and bread or cracker crumbs. Butter a pud ding dish, sprinkle with bread or cracker crumbs, put in a layer of salmon and peas, and cover with white sauce; repeat until all is used. Cover well with buttered b*ead or cracker crumbs and bake in a hot oven until crumbs are brown. Serve hot. WHITE SAUCE. Two level tablespoonfuls each of flour and butter, one cup of hot milk, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, and a pinch of pepper. Melt butler in saucepan until it bubbles; add the flour, salt and pepper, and mix until smooth; then p.ur the hot milk in gradually, stirring and beating each time. Cook until it thickens. FRUIT SHERBET. Two quarts of water and one pound of sugar well boiled. When cold, add the Juice of four lemons and the sliced rind of two, and let stand for half an hour. Strain and freeze. Slice four oranges as thinly as possible, without removing the rind. When the lemon ice begins to thicken add the slices of orange and a can of grated pineapple, and freeze thoroughly. When serving, add a tablespoon of Maraschino cherries to each plate. RASPBERRY LEMONADE OR FRUIT PUNCH. Two dozen lemons, one orange, quarter ed and sliced very thin, one banana cut into small cubes, one-halt cup of raspberry syrup, and one-half cup of strong tea. Ex tract the lemon Juice the night before, sweeten, and put it into a jar or jug to keep the strength. Into the punch bowl put a piece of ice about half the siz? of a brick, and pour in the lemon juice with an equai quantity of water or a little more. Add the other ingredients, and more sugar if needed. PvP -overs. Oae cup of flour, one saltspoonful of salt, one cup of milk, and one egg, yolk and white beaten separately. Mix the salt with the fl iur, add part of the milk slowly, until a smooth paste is formed; add the remainder of the milk with the beaten yolk, and lastly the white beaten to a stiff froth. Cook in hot buttered gem pans or earthen cups in a quick oven half an hour, or until the puffs are brown and well pop ped over. For Over Fifty Yean. Mm. Winslow’s Soothing Sybuf has been “Bedjor over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums »D»Y« . paln> cure « wind colic, and is the best iuh? 17 » r Dlarrhoß *; It Will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Drugs tab in every part of the world, 25c. a bottle. Be sure •nd ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup” end take no other kind. * p ’ Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the beet Keep The Complexion Beautiful Nadine Face Powder (In Green Boxes Only) ® Produces a soft, velvety appearance so much ad mired, and remains until washed off. Purified by a new process. Will not clog the pores. Harmless as water. Prevents return of discolorations. White, Flesh, Pink, Brunette. By Leading Toilet Counter* Or Mail. Price 50 cents. MONEY BACK if Not Entirely Pleased, •repared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., PARIS, TfNt WCnniMQ INVITATIONS, Announce- VYIUUIHU ments, Visiting Cards and Stamped Stationery. We can give you better prices than others. Samples and proof upon re quest. LYCETT STATIONERS, 317 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. ~~£ AUTOMATIC FISH HOOKS? A Fish are caught by even touching bait. Catches two fish to other hooka Olle - Help to introduce them and c Aflul get Oue hook free. vfcWi FREDERECK CO., R. 8, Des Moines, lowa. “Cfi-ItUIE” PHOTOS; IM# Ull ied ,rom an y P hoto lor 28 cts. a dozen. _ VW Original returned. Samples 2 cents. E. A. House, Box 25, Gadsden, Ala. 10 Tint Colored Post Cards, 10c. Birthday, Best Wishes, Flowers, Motto, Scenes, Easter, etc. No trash. Samples 2c. I. L. Roark. Dept. 3, Roark, N. C. O6oc WORTH—this cut STEBCIL OEL C A Bx 4 in. nd 11-In. TUT CLOTH fur on Art Linen; Wallachian, Mt.Mellick, Eyelet or Violet design and Free copy fIMZ New Embroidery Magazine and let o! Stencil Designa and "How a YOUR HEART'S DESIREI You can have it. Just send for my Booklet, describing the MSS. of Ruth Humphriea, the “English Gipsy Queen.” It’s free, unique, interesting, different, attractive. Tells of a famous card-reading method. You leatn the future and win success. Send now. S. F. TAYLOR, 56 Capital Building, Albany, New York. 1/1 RBl f»lf Diseases Cured by my New If 111 NL V System. Examination Opln- A 111111 I lou » nd Baok Free. Dr J- F - Ill■ Iff 11 ■ Shafer, Kidney Specialist, 38 Penn Avenue, Pittaburg, Penn. Have You Tried a “ONB-ENUF” PILL? Effect Like Citrate Magnesia and at Small Cost. • LADIES: Embroidered Shirt Waists ££ only neat and attractive, but they are very fash ionable, and especially is this true when the de sign is new and exclusive. This design has never before been offered; stamped on three yards of fine India Linen, one of the best materials for this purpose, since it is sheer and dainty, yet not too delicate for wear and laundering. With the three yards of India Linen is included collars and cuffs and six skeins of D. M. C. Embroidery Cot • ton, sufficient to work the pattern. By mail, post age paid, 81.07. Bulkley Supply Co., P. O. Box a Cleveland. Ohio. CLEAN CLOTHES! age does 24 washings. Postpaid, 10 cts pk’ge. Dorchester Mall Order Co. Dept. J, Dorches ter, Mass. 20 beautiful Art Postal Cardsand cata logue sor 25 cts ‘ Anti-Cigarette Ca'en «ar Will help to save The boys. Write for quantity p-ices; sample. 10 cts. Home Economy Co., Dept. Mx., 3465 Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. I ARFQ Twelve yards of Fine French Vai- LMVCOi enciennes Lace la one length for trimming handkerchiefs, postpaid for 10 cts. Money back if not satisfied. Daniel Spitler? 19 Stanton St., New York City. U.S. stamps taken. MILLINERY J au .? htb y correspondence. Satis ,. . faction guaranteed. Terms reason- able. Descriptive circular free. Attractive prop °s*t,on for I-’ v e Lady Agents. Mrs. Mabel Curtis, Dept. B, Milo Junction, Maint. T E L E C RAPHY , Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Thorough Business F O U. r *i e ’ Line Railroad Wires Connected to Telegraph Department, from College to posi tion. Positions guaranteed. Free catalogue THE AMB RICA 1? TELEGRAPH Ind COM-l MERCI AL COLLEGE, Box 740, Milledgeville, Ga. Fins Sachet Perfumes. beautiful art package, 3x4 inches. Send 12c. for full size sachet, postpaid. Agents wanted. C. E Frazier, Fredonia, Kansas. & hill's a, 7 W RHEUMATIC ®tf(«PkiioGOUT REMEDY Os all Remedies Tram ® ne Bottle Will Cure You* ? hill medicine .j 251 Fourth Avo., *EW YORK, N. f, SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 15