Woman's work. (Athens, Georgia) 1887-1???, March 01, 1910, Image 17

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A Great Book. and gold binding. Regular price $3. . OUR WONDERFUL OFFER We would like to send this intenselyjnteresting history into every American home, for every citizen I'i ~ x " " 5 every section may well recognize and appreciate the gentleness and strength, the ability and the illlllir ROBERT E G euera l Robert E. Lee’s character. I CC VVlthin Reach of All. We will send Woman’s Work one year and deliver a copy of this handsome ' " an d fascinating book, all charges paid, on receipt of Only $2.00 — loss than price of book alone |T AND THE SOUTHERN "ISIII only half price of book and magazine. COM EDEK'AC't Grcw’ng Fame Time brings oblivion | HSUffiS of to the names of many General Lee. men who weie expect ed by their contempo raries to remain illustrious; but it is dealing kindly, or it is fair to say, with |||| i 1 just appreciation, with the name of Robert E. Lee. His is a growing fame. ■ J ' In p ie hearts of his countrymen, with- !? | out regard to locality or political affilia- r.C- : tions or inherited bias, the name of Lee, wj; L' as die years go by, is increasingly xl and universally respected, loved, and honored. Striking The Hall of Fame, inaugurated some years back on the banks of the Hudsc n, contains, in the series of representations of great Illustrations. Americans, a place for a statue to Lee. 'lhe editor of the Heroes of the Nations, a notable series of biographies of the great men of every age and of every country, himself a Northerner and a veteran of the Civil War, finds place in the series for a biography, written from the Southern point of view, of Robert E. Lee, who, in this series, is associated with but three other Americans. In cities and on battlefields, is preserved in enduring bronze and marble the living image of this great American. But more than all and better than all are the love and esteem, the natural tribute to his noble life and character, that find place more and more in the hearts of Lee’s countrymen. ESTIMATE OF LEE. From Major Putnam’s ‘‘Lincoln and the War for the 'Union.” “Lee’s name will go down to history as that of the greatest soldier that America has yet produced. His military career was a wonderful example of a combination of brilliancy, daring ingenuity of plan, promptness of action, and ORD6R PO-DAV and ask for our liberal offer to agents: great chance to make money. Address, WOMAN’S WORK, Athens, Georgia. As a Home Drink. MIX one part Bludwine Syrup and four parts water. Pour over crack ed ice, and you have a nectar more enticing than any liquor. The taste is that of wine and cherry flavor. The in vigoration is real, but without harm. One might drink a gallon of Bludwine with not as much harm resulting as from the same quantity of pure water. Take Bludwine with your meals instead of Tea or Coffee. PLEASESTHE PALATE, BRIGHTENS THE INTELLECT, AIDS DIGESTION. Bludwine is a non-alcoholic drink which quenches thirst, refreshes tired bodies and soothes the nerves. TRY IT AND SEE! SVRUP CARRONATGD ON DRAUGHT at at at your Grocers Beverage Stores Soda Fount Per Quart Per Bottle Per Glass 50 Cents. 5 Cents. 5 Cents. | you cannot get Bludwine near you, please I J send Us your Grocer’s or your Druggist’s name. I' Four quarts of Bludwine Syrup may be had JL JU. from us for a two dollar bill: mixing this syrup with four parts pure, cold water gives five gallons of the best non-alcoholic drink in the world! BLUDWINE COMPANY, Athens, Ca. persistence under all kinds of discouragement; but it was not only through these qualities that it was possible for Lee to retain control, through years of heavy fighting of the territory of Virginia, which came to be the chief bulwark of the Confederacy. Lee’s high character, sweetness of nature, and unselfish integrity of purpose had impressed themselves not only upon the Confederate administra tion which had given him the command, but upon every soldier in that com . mand. For the Army of Northern Virginia, Lee was the man behind the guns, just as Lincoln came to be for all the men in blue. There never was a more de voted army, and there probably never was a better handled army, than that with wills'll f throo x-oov-c rl zl orl wmcn i,ee tor three years detended the lines across Northern Virginia, and the remnants of which were finally sur rendered at Appomattox.” * • • “General Lee turns, mounts his old horse, Traveller, a valued comrade, and rides slowly through the ranks, first of the blue and then of the grey. From the men in blue, every hat came off as an expression of respect for the great soldier and the true gentleman, while from the ranks in grey arose one great sob of passionate grief, and final ly, almost for the first time in Lee’s army, a breaking of discipline as the men crowded forward to get a closer look at, or possibly a grasp of the hand of, the great leader who had fought and failed, but whose fighting and whose failure had alike been so magnificent.” DON'T MISS IT—SAVES YOU $65. Special Limited Offer to Woman's Work Readers OF 100 LATEST Model 8 American Tyoowriters. This special offer gives you a high grade Typewriter at 835, the lowest price at which a stand ard machine has ever been sold, and on easy terms, or at a cash discount of 10 per cent. The American will do the work of the SIOO machines at high speed and is covered with the same guar antee. It is their equal because it has every essential feature: 1200 cumbersome, troublesome and easily broken parts of other machines have been eliminated. Its simplicity of construction the absence of the thousand and one little levers, bars, screws and springs which make the cost of SIOO machines accounts for this unequalled offer. The absence of all these complicated parts make* ) the American tip the scales at 12 pounds. It’s the only high grade machine that is really portable The fundamental point of American superiority is the single type-bar one piece of steel-non-bend able and unbreakable by any stroke that can be delivered on the key, and this is the cause of its simplicity, durability, efficiency and compactness. The SIOO Machine. The SSO American .... So Has the American Universal Keyb.-aid WBtfi B So Does the American Print from Ribbon so Is the American Type Bar Machine • f W T Speed Unlimited on Adaptability lor Rapid American Work 1200 Less Parts on the Various Devrees of Com- American Some. Light, Others /ES, Extremely Light H a ll_ Cumbersome 1 W ® bearing’ Carriage on to im- possible- When Con- jC Fewer Parts, Less venience is Considered Weight Durability Varied One-piece Bar, Fewer Two-Color Ribbon Shift, I, Parts, Less Complex Only on Some Ma- Longer Lite chines -Tjy_ Two-Color Ribbon Shift A few have Tabulating on Everv American Indicator ©l© & 9 Tabulating Indicator on B Every I rice $ 100. Special Price $35. 1 he American Typewriter- FIVE DIYS FREE TRIAL ?°" , ' r b “^: a A ”" le S] out the attached coupon, pin it to your business letterhead, then mail it to us. We' will ship you an American F. O. 8., N. Y. Use it in your of fice, give it the severest test you can, note its sim plicity, the durability assured by the use of only the very finest materials throughout, its efficien cy, its compactness, its superior finish and its high speed. If the machine is all we say, and you are entirely satisfied, keep it, send us 85 as a first payment, not $35 all in one lump, the bal ance you can pay at $5 a month for six months. Don’t clelay, simply fill out and mail the coupon. The machine will answer all questions. American Typkwhitkk Co., 265 Broadway,N.Y. J" ’ ’ - ■ ■ ifc J ’ K C ■ ' K' k Bk -i Ik American Typewriter Co.. 265 Broadway, N.Y. Please have shipped to me for 5 days’ free trial, one latest model American Typewriter, the reg ular price of which is SSO. I authorize you to do this with the understanding that if I am not sat isfied—if the machine is not satisfactory to me, I am to notify you within 5 days to that effect, and hold same subject to your order or deliver it to the express agent carefully packed as you may direct, or if I decide to keep’it I am to pay 85 after 5 days and $5 per month until the full special price of $35 is paid, machine to remain vour prop erty until paid for. Name Address Occupation Business References required